Volume II Issue 9
November 2017
From The Basileus
A large part of being on a great team is how you interact with your teammates. Whether it’s media, social media, or politics. There is widespread lack of respect in the world Greetings Sorors, For the past 23 months, I have had the honor of serving as today. We must do all that we can to reverse this ugly trend your Basileus. My sorority is one of my passions! As Basile- with good leadership and teamwork. In addition to working us of Lambda Tau Omega Chapter (LTO), I have been afford- hard and getting results, we must treat everyone with respect. If you are passionate about being part of the Ultied the opportunity to lead women who represent a wide age range, diverse careers, diverse economic standings, di- mate Team be positive, be optimistic, and make civility a priority. Great leaders and teams inspire, recognize, appreverse interest and diverse personalities. It has been a joy, leading women, who are young and embarking on their pro- ciate, and love their people. Great teams are built on love fessional journey as well as their journey in Alpha Kappa Al- and trust – not fear. pha Sorority, Inc. Additionally, it has been very rewarding I love you, I respect you. I will not seek your physical nor encouraging the full spectrum of our Sorors, both young spiritual downfall nor inflict any bodily harm upon you. I will trust you; I will aid you in the time of distress and care for and seasoned, to understand the importance of: reading your family in the time of need. I will defend you. Let us our documents, attending chapter meetings, serving on unite as one Sisterhood….The Ultimate Team!! committees, attending conferences (Cluster Retreats, ReHearts of Sisterhood Joined by Love to Hearts of Service: gional Conferences, Leadership Seminars and Boule), gainMany Hearts Beating as one ing knowledge about our organization, appreciating the purpose and importance of Alpha Kappa Alpha Branding, engaging in service (the heartbeat of our beloved Sisterhood) and respecting each other as members of our SisterYours in Sisterhood and Service, hood. Our Sisterhood is the Ultimate Team! *Teamwork plays an important role in each of our lives, both professionally and personally. Everyone in LTO gets excited when we win awards recognizing our outstanding Programs and Service to the community. We are truly an award winning team. In order to win, we must have a great team. No one will ever be fully independent throughout their lives. Everyone is part of a team, in some form, and no one wants to be on a losing team. We have experienced some wins and losses, but we have stuck together as a team because we believe in what we are doing. We must respect, admire and like our teammates. It is so rewarding to be on a great team.
Barbara Pearson-McCreary, Basileus Lambda Tau Omega Chapter
Spiritual Oversight Committee
Do you know the joy of a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ? If you’ll turn to God, He can take away your bitterness and give you the spirit of true thankfulness.
Happy Thanksgiving Sorors!
and then pray for:
Keep Sorors in Your Prayers There by the grace of God go I…… Sorors Jaronda Lightfoot-Hall and Jorie Hall ( Dr. Jean Lightfoot– Mother/Grandmother is in Thankful for ALL that God has done! hospice care at Mercy Hospital) Soror Anne Thomas (former Chapter Member/Ivy When the prophet Daniel learned that evil men were Beyond the Wall) plotting against him to destroy him, “he got down on his Soror Tamyra Johnson (Chater Member/Golden knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had Soror in rehab) done before” (Daniel 6:10, NIV). The Bible commands, “Give Soror Kathy Martin (loss of her Brother-in-law) AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to
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thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV). Paul declared, “You will even be able to thank God in the midst of pain and distress because you are privileged to share the lot of those who are living in the light” (Colossians 1:12, Phillips).
I don’t know what trials you may be facing right now, but God does, and He loves you and is with you by His Holy Spirit. Cultivate a spirit of thankfulness even in the midst of trials and heartaches. “God has given us the greatest Gift of all—His Son, who died on the cross and rose again so that we can know Him personally and spend eternity with Him in heaven.” This Thanksgiving forgive those whom who can forgive, bless someone, anyone that God lays on your heart and bless a Soror with a cup of coffee, a donut, cup of soup etc.. You get the idea… God has been good to us, so let’s express that to one another.
Soror Tina Hughes Burke Spiritual Oversight
Committee Chairman
In This Issue:
Please refer to the Event Calendar on the website for the date, location and time of committee meetings
November 11
LTO General Meeting and Election TPF General Meeting
December 9th
LTO General meeting TPF General Meeting and Election Installation of Officers December Luncheon
Basileus Greetings Spiritual Oversight Committee Calendar of Events EAF News December Luncheon Chat & Chew Joint Founders’ Day Tamiouchos The Connection Committee Think HBCU Golden Sorors on the Move AKAversaries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-13
Newsletter submissions are due to the Basileus on the first Monday of each month. The December newsletter submissions must be in by December 4, 2017. Next month, featured articles will include: Our new LEGACY Sorors (LTO Sorors please submit a short article with photos) Please send all submissions to: president@ltoaka.org or barbara.mccreary@comcast.net Be sure to Cc Soror Ruby Roberson at: ruby.roberson@sbcglobal.net.
Many Hearts Beating as One “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about” 3
Mission: The mission of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation is to promote lifelong learning. This is accomplished by securing charitable contributions, gifts and endowed funds to award scholarships, fellowships and grants. Where the Money Goes: Funds to support the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation come from membership dues, investment income, sale of products, bequests, Combined Campaigns (State and Federal), United Way and contributions from corporations, individuals and chapters of the Sorority. These funds allow EAF to deliver an awards program throughout 10 regions internationally. In a special appeal to members of the Chicagoland Basilei Council, Soror Tresa Dunbar Garrett, EAF Central Regional Coordinator, encouraged each Basileus to encourage their chapter to make every effort to increase support of the Educational Advancement Foundation in an effort to be number one on the International Level. What a tribute this will be to our Supreme Basileus, Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson whom we are honored to have residing in Central Region. You may support EAF in multiple ways: At the Regional Level: -Attend the EAF Breakfast the 84th CRC: “WILD ABOUT EAF.� See flyer. -Reach PLATINUM STATUS as a chapter: We are currently at GOLD status. See flyer. -Support EAF Month - November: Visit CRC website for donation information.
At Boule (Plenary Session #2): -Each Basileus is asked to bring a check for $198 from the chapter. -Each Soror is asked to give a check for $19.80 (round up to $20).
The Heritage Club: Established in 1982 under 20th Supreme Basileus Barbara K. Phillips. -Membership in the Heritage Club requires $100 payment annually -Members are saluted at the Boule Heritage Club Dinner. See flyer.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in the support of EAF. For additional information, please contact Soror Sharon Cruse-Armstead, LTO Representative to EAF. Sisterly, Soror Barbara Pearson-McCreary, Basileus
Twenty Pearls Foundation, Incorporated Annual December Luncheon December 9, 2017
Olympia Fields Country Club Celebrate the outgoing administration and welcome the new.
Noon – 3pm Pop in the photo booth for sassy, silly sisterhood photos Enjoy the smooth sounds of Ray Silkman
Visit the vendors for gift items for family and friends Food, Fun and Fotos! $60 Adults - $30 Children Reserve your ticket by December 5, 2017
The Lambda Tau Omega Spiritual Oversight Committee invites you to Chat and Chew at Siam Thai in
Flossmoor, Illinois Saturday, October 21 2017 11:30 am -3p.m.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Chicagoland Metropolitan Chapters
Celebrating Founders’ Day 2018 “110 Years: Remembering our Purpose, continuing our Legacy” Special Recognition to Chapter Charter Members in Attendance Greetings Sorors We are now collecting ticket money for the 2018 Joint Founders’ Day Chicagoland Chapters Celebration, commemorating 110 Years of our beloved Alpha Kappa Alpha! The cost for graduate sorors is $70. You can pay by cash or check. Checks must be made to Lambda Tau Omega. Make sure to reference ‘2018 Joint Founders’ Day Ticket’ on your check. We will collect money at Saturday’s chapter meeting, as well as December’s, but the sooner the better! Please give all payments to our finance team members at an opportune time on Saturday. **The deadline to pay for your ticket will be Saturday, December 9th! ** As we all know, planning and coordinating the JFD Celebration is a joint venture with many Chicagoland Metropolitan chapters, both graduate and undergraduate. Your presence and support is greatly appreciated in advance as we represent LTO in what is sure to be a momentous year for our chapter!
Please view the attached flyer below for key details. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me at any time.
In Sisterhood and Service, Soror Kwalee Kemp 2018 Joint Founders Day Representative
$ Financial Fuel $ FINANCIAL TIPS!!! Sorors, Let’s assess you financial IQ… Did You Know the Tamiouchos and the Pecunious Grammateus must maintain monthly financial records, and present written reports to the chapter? These financial records include the following…
Financial Reports (Here’s Looking @ You)… Transaction Detail Report: A statement that list all income and expenses that were received and disbursed within a given point in time (i.e. the month prior to the reporting month). Cash Receipts Report: A statement that lists all revenue collected by the chapter, regardless of the source of funds (i.e. cash, check, online payments). Cash Disbursements Report: A statement that lists all funds expended by the chapter. It includes the amount, date if the disbursement, payee, check number, purpose of the expense and chart of account number. Comparison of Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures Report: A statement that lists the approved budget, the amount receipted and spent for each line item as well as the remaining amount in each line item. Bank Reconciliation Report: A statement that reconciles the ending cash balance on the bank statement to the ending cash balance on the chapter books. $Sisterly, $oror $arah L. Lewis-Weaver, Tamiouchos
Drella Savage, JD Committee Chairman
The Connection Committee of Lambda Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Incorporated had a very informative Public Forum on Saturday. November 4, 2017. It convened in the board room of the Sauk Village Municipal Center from 12-3 pm. Forum Partners along with LTO included Sauk Village, Cook County Bar Association, and the Office of Cook County Clerk, David Orr. The six panelists were outstanding: Hon. Marcus Salone, retired Justice. Cook County Bar Association President Dartesia Pitts. The Mayor of Sauk Village, Hon. Derrick Burgess. Mr. Nick Shields, Communication Director for Orr's Office. And Attorneys Stephen Stern and Jeffrey Cummings, both civil rights and election law specialists Among the participants in the Forum were Trustees of Sauk Village, Circuit Court Judges Adrienne Davis and Fredrick Bates, several candidates running for political office, Connection Committee members, and residents.
As we wind down the 2017 year I ask the sorors who have not contributed their $30 donation to ThinkHBCU to please do so at the November Chapter Meeting on Saturday, November 11, 2017. Sorors, I know we are all gearing up for the holiday’s but I humbly ask you please make your donation as we want our fabulous Lambda Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated to be in compliance with the request of our own Madam Supreme Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, L.H.D. of donating $5,000.00 per chapter by December 31, 2017. We are close to achieving our goal but we need all sorors to contribute. Please feel free to see me or my co-chair Alise at the November meeting to make your contribution and you will receive a ThinkHBCU tumbler.
Soror Jaronda Hall, Sub Committee Chairman: Think HBCU 10
“The Sam Cook Story “ October 22, 2017
SPAA Theatre & Performing Arts Center Park Forest, Illinois
Golden Sorors with the Cast of “The Sam Cook Story”
Golden Soror Audrey Carter wins the raffle!!!!! 11
HAPPY AKAVERSARY Soror Robin Akins Soror Lora Alexander-Flaherty Soror Rosalind Backstrom Soror Kimberly England Soror Ashley Gardner Soror Kristin Hamb Soror Donica Catchings Soror Cynthia Robinson Soror Meesha Townsen Soror Deshirnette Walker
November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011 November 6, 2011
Soror Shawn Jackson SOROR GAIL JAMES Soror Felicia Lane-Fincher Soror Denise Roberts-Smith Soror Leah Hill Soror Bria Purdiman Soror Camille Willis Soror Vanessa Byrd Soror Rhonda Moore
November 11, 1978 November 13, 198 November 14, 1980 November 14, 1993 November 17, 1984 November 17, 2013 November 20, 1977 November 21, 1980 November 21, 1999
Soror Cherie Allen Soror Alise Buford-Johnson Soror Money L. Bullock Soror Dekesha Calhoun Soror Zenobia Clark Soror Tirshatha Derricks-Bey Soror Alesia N. Dowell Soror Tonya Fight Soror Tammy D. Guyton Soror Kimberly Harris-Mooring Soror Jasmine Hill Soror Jalena Jones Soror Jessica Jones Soror Kwalee R. Kemp Soror Margaret D. Laporte Soror Kathy Martin Soror Erica McGhee Soror Tanai S. Nelson Soror Morgan Phelps Soror Ashley Raybon Soror Semaja Reed Soror Lasheah M. Stewart Soror Dana M. Turner Soror Dana A.B. Weems
November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015 November 22, 2015
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Soror Barbara McCreary * Golden Soror Natalie Chadwell Soror Bernice Deloney* Golden Soror Sandra Rogers Soror Victoria Smith Soror Toni Grayer Soror Sheree Haywood Soror Ceola Barnes * Golden Soror Sharon Cruse-Armstead
November 11, 1964 November 23, 1985 November 23, 1957 November 23, 1987 November 23, 2003 November 24, 1985 November 25, 1984 November, 1967 November, 1971