LTO March 2015 Newsletter

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March 2015

Our 81st Central Regional Conference 2015 is just around the corner. This year’s conference will be held 4/16 through 4/19 in Louisville, KY. In addition to Sorors Reed, McCreary, Hill, Lewis Weaver, and Harvey, chosen delegates are Sorors Veneeta Phelps, Joyce Duke, Vanessa Byrd, Marva Campbell Pruitt, and Jeanette Rogers. Alternates chosen at our last meeting are Meesha Townsen, Tiffany Wicks, Judy Rush, Darcelle Dieudonne, Marilyn Hamb, Muriel Lee, Toni A.J., Audrey McFarlin, Kristin Hamb, and Joyce Nelson. If you are interested in working as a workshop facilitator/recorder or would like to participate on other regional committees, please complete the form located in the CRC registration booklet. Chapters are asked to donate book bags at CRC as part of the ‘AKA One Million Book bag Program”. These will be collected on Thursday through Saturday of the conference. Since only a few Sorors indicated that they would support a chapter bus to CRC, the Conference committee won’t pursue bus rental. However, I have received flyers from Theta Rho Omega and Xi Nu Omega. Both chapters are chartering busses. On 2/25, Soror Toya Harvey, participated in a panel discussion at Governors’ State University. We as a chapter want to make our presence known on this campus. Kudos to Soror Toya for her contribution to this discussion. Our chapter scrapbooks were forwarded on 3/2. I thank Soror Tiffany Wicks for all of her hard work in this endeavor all Sorors who helped to prepare pages.

3/28 – ASCEND wksp 3/28 – Strands of Pearls wksp

The LTO Technology Committee, and I attended a webinar presented by the International Technology Committee, which will help us prepare for our website evaluation on 4/1. Our committee is reviewing our site to make sure we are in compliance. A photo release form must be completed for all who appear on our website – Sorors, mentees, and others.

3/29 – Jazz Event mtg

Thanks to those Sorors who represented LTO at the Society of Mannequins Luncheon on 3/1. Congratulations to Soror Marva Campbell Pruitt who was named as one of the “Best Dressed African-American Women of Chicago for 2015. I’m still looking for presenters for Huth Jr. High’s Career Fair on 4/16. If you are not attending CRC, please volunteer. Kudos to Sorors Sharlean Gettings and Angela Bailey who have already agreed to participate.

3/30 – Health comm Teleconference

Congratulations to our new EAF Chapter Representative, Soror Sharon Cruse Armstead and our new Joint Founders’ Representative, Mary Reaves.

3/28 – Emerging Pearls Event 3/29 – Program Comm Meeting

3/31 – TPF bylaws teleconference 3/31 – June Luncheon mtg

Sisterly, Jan Reed, Basileus (Our diversity is our beauty and our strength.)

2015 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom: teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3-16-3 As we move towards the Easter season Let us move into the hands of God, trusting it shall be a month of elevation, glory, promotion, perfection, completeness, and the fullness of the Spirit of God.

Soror Tina Hughes Burke 2014-2015 Chaplain

Tips To Shorten The Reimbursement Process  Ensure the correct reimbursement voucher has been selected.  Ensure the voucher has been accurately completed.  Ensure that the accurate documentation has been attached.  Submit the completed package at the beginning of the meeting. ALL business must be concluded by meeting adjournment.

*** Make sure that you have received your 2015 Financial Card, Constitution and By-Laws and Manual of Standard Procedures from me. You will need these, especially if you plan to attend the regional conference. ***

Visit the financial section of the LTO website to review the following budgets and Budget-to-Actual report(s):  The Lambda Tau Omega Operating  Lambda Tau Omega Program Initiatives  Twenty Pearls Foundation

Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - Mid-Year Budget Committee Meeting Time & Location: TBD

$oror $arah L. Lewis-Weaver 2015 Tamiouchos

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