LTO September 2013 Newsletter

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Each B A“What S I L EHave U SWeMDone E S SFor AG E Other and The Community Lately”?

Volume 2 Issue 7 Greetings Sorors, September It feels good to be getting back on my feet and I can’t thank the members of Lambda Tau 2013

Omega Chapter enough for your cards, visits, meals and over pouring sisterly love given to me and my family. You truly overwhelmed me with your support and I am thankful and humbled by the experience.

Summer Action! The summer picnic was definitely a “HIT” this year. Thank you Sorors Toni, Rosalind and Sub-committee for putting on a fun filled afternoon with the Kappa’s, family and friends. I enjoyed myself during my short stay and hope you did too. Kudos also

Upcoming Events SEPTEMBER 9th - December Luncheon Committee Meeting

to Global Poverty, Soror Caletha and committee for collecting school supplies. You have made it possible for many students to be ready and prepared for the school year as well as the service you provided at community churches this summer. Standards Chairman Soror Mary Reeves headed an awesome tasks that was long over do. Our storage area has been addressed and re-organized. Thank you Soror Mary and committee. Moving right along, we had fourteen Sorors who attended our Leadership Seminar held in Montreal,

10th - Executive Committee and Canada, July 18th-21st . Sorors enjoyed the workshops, the panel discussions, the sight-seeing, the TPF Board Meetings. St. Andrews dining, and the shopping. Sorors also enjoyed “Organization and Planning: Getting The Job Done” workshop presented by myself and panel guests to over 400 sorors in two days. Sorors we represented Church 7:00PM Lambda Tau Omega in grand style. It was a wonderful experience and the feedback was overwhelm-

14th - TPF Membership and LTO Membership Meetings. United Christian Church—2:00 PM 21st - Economic Security and EYL Financial Workshop 25th - Budget Committee Meeting 28th - Health and Wellness Extravaganza 29th - SOP Cupcake Entrepreneur Demonstration

ingly positive. Thank you Sorors, Jan, Toya, Carol, Judy, Meesha, Leah, Barbara, Sonya, Sandra, Linda V. and Toni for your support and assistance with the presentation. On the morning of Oct. 31, 2013, LTO hosted the 80th CRC Steering Committee at United Christian Church. We welcomed CRD Soror Gisele and over 40 sorors from cluster 8 for a morning and afternoon of planning. Party with a purpose closed out our summer events that evening on the 31st and “HATS OFF” to Sorors Robin and Donica for a successful AKAKlassic event. I was not there in presence but in spirit and reports came in that it was FANTASTIC. Congratulations Sorors on a well planned event. While we hate to say good-bye, the summer season has come to a halt and we must gear up for the last four months of the year and for this administration. Please decide which Cluster Retreat you plan to attend and register as soon as possible. The Cluster Retreats are enjoyable, sisterly, and informative events that you will not want to miss. To access online registration, go to .

As we prepare for fall, remember the words of Pope John XXIII, “ Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do”. We still have work to do sorors, lets finish the race.

Tips from the Tamiouchos Sorors, our summer is coming to an end, (sigh!), and now we must turn our attention to Fall Planning and the preparation of the 2014 Budgets for Lambda Tau Omega and Twenty Pearls Foundation. September: The Budget Committee will meet Wednesday, September 25, 2013 to prepare the Proposed Budgets for Lambda Tau Omega Chapter and Twenty Pearls Foundation, Incorporated. October: The Proposed Budget for LTO will be submitted to the Executive Committee and general membership for review. The Proposed Budget for TPF will be submitted to the TPF Board and general membership for review. November: The LTO membership will vote on the proposed budget and upon approval, it will become final. December: The proposed TPF Budget will be presented at the TPF Board Meeting for approval. Upon the approval of the TPF Board, the TPF budget will be final. Effective January1, 2014 the approved LTO and TPF budgets will be in affect. Call to Action! If you are a Committee Chairmen, Officer, or member in need, please submit your budget requests for 2014 to Soror Marilyn Hamb, by Friday, September 20, 2012. Your requests should be detailed with your planned spending for the year. Please don’t hesitate to contact Soror Marilyn Hamb with questions.

LTO 80th Central Region Conference Chairmen Appointments Joyce L. Nelson , Chairman and Salwa Rahim-Dillard, Co-Chairman - Gala Jan Reed, Chairman - Flowers and Decoration Marilyn Hamb, Chairman and Sharee Haywood, Co-chairman - Transportation Carol Sharp, Chairman and Joyce L. Duke, Co-chairman - Kits Toya T. Harvey, Cluster Chairman - Logistics Sonya l. Bowen, Regional Protocol Chairman Toni Austin-Johnson, 80th CRC Grammateus

Chaplin’s Corner I’m Back, I was just telling a Soror that I have been like a mole all of this summer; where I spent much time rejuvenating my body and soul dealing with loss, life circumstances, happiness, and sadness. But I can say, through it all I’m still here Praise God, I’m still here. There are times in everyone’s life when it just is the time to go apart to listen. To quiet all of your doings and still all activity so you can listen and take instruction from God. If it is hard for you, it is because you have not done it, it takes practice. For many of us with power driven careers, it is essential that we take the time or you may find yourself not having a choice about the matter. I say take the time, if we try to make the time it may not fit into your scheduled and we put it off. Take the time away from those “Oh so pressing” things that just have to be done by you and maybe someone else will do them. (Smile) submitted by Jennifer LyleLyle Moore Jennifer Moore

June Luncheon EYL Graduates and Scholarship Recipients

AKA’s and Kappa Picnic


PINK Glove Planting

Pan Hellenic Picnic

AKAKLassic August 31, 2013 Sorors Robin Akins and Donica Jackson Co-Chairmen Congratulations on a successful event.

Happy Birthday, and Anniversary July, August and September Celebrants Members please continue to keep sorors and their families in prayer as we enter into the fall season. We had our share of bereavements and tragedies' this summer. Refer to September courtesy report for details

Chapter will vote on Bylaws Saturday, September 14, 2013. Show up and VOTE! Toni Austin-Johnson

Welcome Back Sorors, The lazy days of summer are cherished memory; the work of the last season of 2013 is ahead of us. Affirm that you will talk to your problems about how big and determined you are to be successful. Affirm that you are an Alpha Kappa Alpha woman; molded and designed for greatness. Join us in September as we rededicate hearts and our minds. Audrey McFarlin

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Final profit as of 8-31-2013 is $29,329.59. This far outpaces any previous Cotillion profit. Great Job Sorors!! Previous Miss Prominent Pearl Cotillions Year




% Profit to Revenue











2012 2013

$66,055 $85,579

$48,264 $56,249

$17,791 $29,330

27% 34%

What is significant to note, is the increased % of Profit to Revenue. This is a measurement of how well expenses are managed by the committee. The higher this # the better. One way to look at this number is .... In 2010, for every dollar of revenue, we kept 20 cents. In 2013 for every dollar of revenue, we kept 34 cents. We are trending in the right direction!

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