LTO March 2014 Newsletter

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Volumes 3 &4 March & April, 2014 4

Greetings Sorors, Lambda Tau Omega had a great presence at our recent Central Regional Conference and was instrumental in helping it to run smoothly. Not only did we have members working on various planning committees but we also had members who chaired/co chaired committees: Gala, (Sorors Joyce Nelson & Salwa Rahim Dillard) Kits, (Sorors Carol Sharp & Joyce Duke) Transportation, (Sorors Marilyn Hamb & Sheree Haywood) Logistics, (Soror Toya Harvey) Flowers & Decorations (Sorors Jan Reed & Jeanette W. Rogers). The activities of these committees went very well. The Steering Committee thanks all of us for our hard work and dedication to making this conference a success. Lambda Tau Omega was the recipient of several awards during the conference:

4/8 – TPF Board & Exec. Committee Mtg. 4/9 – Health Fair @ Prairie State College 4/9 – Leadership Devel. Mtg. 4/9 - Initiative V Accessory Donations Delivered 4/12 – 10:30 Board Training 4/12 - TPF Membership & LTO Chapter Meeting 4/14 – AKA Klassic Meeting 4/15 – Scholarship Comm. Mg 4/16 – Initiative V Teleconf. 4/21 – Dec. Luncheon Mtg. 4/22 – Connection Comm Mg 4/23 – Place Matters Forum 4/24 – Protocol Meeting 4/26 - HIV Workshop

EYL – Runner up award Membership Reactivation – 1st Place Health – Runner up award Standards – Best of the Best Global Poverty – 1st Place award EAF Recognition st Economic Security – 1 Place award Social Justice & Human Rights – 1st Place award Overall Chapter Achievement – 1st Place award Thanks to our chapter as a whole for making all of this possible. We are a very busy chapter with a variety of committees and activities. If you haven’t already, please join committees of your choice. Check our online calendar for committee meetings and activities. Read online reports to see what each committee is doing. We can really use your help and desire your input. Sorors, our cotillion is just around the corner. The debs and escorts have been working tirelessly in preparation. They have attended workshops and volunteer activities. Photos have been taken and dance rehearsals have long been underway. We need your help to make this fundraiser a success. The committee asks that each Soror sell at least two tickets to the cotillion. Raffle tickets are also available. Although ad book pages can no longer be purchased, electronic ads that will be shown at the event are available. See the chairman for details. (Our diversity is our beauty and our strength.)

We look on in awe as debs and escorts perfect their routine. This is a performance you don’t want to miss.

With incredible support from chapter members Audrey McFarlin and June Mitchell, former Miss Prominent Pearl Debutant, Kristen Tounsel is now a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. via Alpha Chapter. Congratulations Soror Kristen!

Pretty Pearls & Protocol

Submitted by Protocol Committee

Information Submission Procedures When sending information to the Protocol Committee to review, kindly send as follows:    

Please send the document in Microsoft Word electronically to Soror Jan Reed and Soror Sheree Haywood. Allow three days for review and a response. The Protocol Committee will review and make a recommendation to Soror Jan. The final approval will come from Soror Jan. You can anticipate a response sooner than three days to your request, however, we want to allow time for an accurate review. Please don’t send documents in a pdf format, put in Word. If you don’t receive a response within three days, kindly follow up to determine the reason for the delay. We thank you in advance!

Parliamentarian Points Submitted by Joyce L. Nelson Key Characteristics of a Bylaw and Standing Rule • Bylaws usually are drafted at a chapter’s inception. Bylaws are a negotiated agreement. There is no single format that must be followed; however, bylaws often address the authorized number of board members and terms, voting rights and privileges, approved business activities, appointment of officers and establishment of committees, quorum percentages, annual meeting frequency, procedure for amending the bylaws and for dissolving the organization, and other issues that are part of the management of the organization as a whole. Bylaws can be amended only by providing notice and gaining a majority vote. • Standing rules are administrative and establish specifics for conduct, such as the time, date and frequency of committee meetings. Standing rules tend to be established as needed by committees or other subsets in our organization. Standing rules can be adopted at any meeting without notice and can pass upon a simple majority vote of sorors in attendance. Differences• The key differences between a bylaw and standing rule relate to one can be suspended and one cannot. The parliamentary procedure guide "Robert's Rules of Order" explains that bylaws "should include all the rules that are of such importance that they cannot be changed in any way without previous notice," while standing rules "should contain only such rules as may be adopted without previous notice by a majority vote at any business meeting." At the core, bylaws are designed to be overarching and procedural, while standing rules are specific and administrative. Note* **Please submit all suggested Bylaw changes and or Standing Rules to Updated form is on website under Bylaws and should be submitted before April 7, 2014 to be addressed and or voted on by June membership meeting.

Tips To Shorten the Reimbursement Process

 Ensure that the correct reimbursement voucher has been selected.  Ensure that the voucher has been accurately completed.  Ensure that the accurate documentation has been attached.  Submit the completed package in a timely manner.

*** Prior to being distributed, all financial communication is to be reviewed by the Tamiouchos ***

The Lambda Tau Omega Operating, Lambda Tau Omega Program Initiatives and Twenty Pearls Foundation budgets are on the website. Please visit the financial section of the website to review. $oror $arah Lewis-Weaver 2014 Tamiouchos

Kudos to Soror Marydale Donald who shared her Health Initiative successes at our recent Central Regional conference.


For more than a century, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. has been committed to providing service to the community… locally and globally. It is committed service that enables us to accomplish the task before us as outlined in our International Program which in turn leads to the realization of the Mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. To each of you, who have been diligently implementing the various programs in such a commendable way, I say “thank you.” The lessons which I am learning are numerous and these lessons are helping develop me into a stronger and more effective leader. With a heart of gratitude, I say again, thank you for affording me this opportunity to serve as Program Chairman. Through the activities of Initiative I (EYL), chaired by Soror Toya Harvey, middle school girls are being offered tools to help them develop lifelong skills. On March 12, 2014, the members of EYL participated in “Behind the Bench.” They began with a tour of the 6th District Courthouse, followed by a Law Symposium and lunch with the Judges. Initiative II (Health), chaired by Soror Marydale Donald continues to address Health Issues which plague our community. The Lupus Walk will be held on May 17 and they will finalize their plans at their May 12th meeting. The month of March has been busy for Initiative III (Global Poverty), chaired by Soror Marva Campbell-Pruitt as they prepared for World Water Day on March 22, 2014. The cooperation by LTO was tremendous as case and cases of water were brought to the March chapter meeting to contribute to “Our Daily Word Food Pantry.” Initiative III is partnering with EYL and our Mentoring Group, Strands of Pearls (chaired by Melody Ferguson). Initiative V (Social Justice and Human Rights), chaired by Soror Erica Jackson, is hard at work as they address issues related to Social Justice and Human Rights. On March 8, 2014, Initiative V kicked off a fund raiser, “Spare Change Saves Babies.” This marks the 4th year LTO has participated in this project which has resulted in $2579.24 being donated to the Women’s Center of Chicago. This is a non-profit, pro-life crisis pregnancy center, which helps women by providing them with counseling and material assistance. Baby bottles were available at chapter meeting and each Soror was asked to take a bottle and solicit donations from family, friends, churches, schools, etc. The project will extend through March and April. Initiative V met via teleconference on Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. to finalize plans for the HIV Seminar scheduled for Saturday, April 26, 2014 to be held at Thornwood High School. A Partnership with Initiative II is being planned. Another of our Mentoring Groups, Precious Pearls, under the committed leadership of Soror June Mitchell, hosted a workshop on Saturday, March 22, 2014 entitled “UNCF Empower Me Tour (EMT).” This platform was created to empower Young People by motivating them toward academic excellence, personal responsibility and fiscal health. Soror June, will lead a breakout activity, which will focus on teambuilding. Soror Leah Hill will make a presentation on partnering with Global Poverty to make blankets for Matanya’s Hope Charity. Soror Audrey McFarlin will discuss mentoring and career choices. Remember, our Programs are the “heartbeat” of our wonderful Sisterhood. I appreciate each of you as a supporter of the Programs of LTO. We have a wealth of talent in our chapter and by Initiatives and programs partnering with each other we will find strength by: utilizing talent which is “among us” and getting to know each other better. There is STRENGTH in UNITY.

Sisterly, Soror Barbara J. Pearson-McCreary, M.D., M.A Program Committee Chairman

The Connection Committee participated in The Affordable Care Act Enrollment Event, on March 10, 2014. Their participation included:  Passing out the flyers to family and friends to promote the event  Serving as volunteers on the day of the event llinois State Representative Will Davis and Soror Tawny Smith also participated in this event.

The committee hosted a Meet and Greet Event on Saturday, March 8, 2014, after LTO’s chapter meeting. During this event, judicial candidates who were running Countywide introduced themselves, passed out literature, and said hello to LTO’s chapter members. The Connection Committee thanks Soror Ellen Douglas for securing the attendance of

each judicial candidate for the Meet and Greet Event.

Lambda Tau Omega and Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc. have been enjoying a very beneficial partnership with Southland Charter High School. We have a beautiful facility to host or TPF, Executive and General Membership meetings. Our debutants and escorts also practice at Southland. Some of us have supported this partnership by attending fundraisers given by Dr. Blondean Davis, CEO of Southland Charter High School.

We are joined by Art Norman and Dr. Blondean Davis at an UNCF Fundraiser.

Proceeds from the Society of Mannequins presentation luncheon provide financial assistance to students attending college. Some of us supported our partners at Southland Charter by attending this event.

1st day: Pray for salvation for the lost. 2nd day: Pray for health and strength for yourself and a Soror. 3rd day: Pray for the Holy Spirit to soften hearts and give understanding. 4th day: Pray for Sorors who have experienced the loss of a loved one. 5th day: Pray for LTO leadership and executive board members who lead our chapter. 6th day: Pray for the health of every Soror. 7th day: Pray against warfare. 8th day: Pray for the safety of Sorors. 9th day: Pray for each Soror’s family. 10th day: Pray for prosperity. 11th day: Pray for guidance. 12th day: Pray for each Soror’s desire to be fulfilled. 13th day: Pray for the safety of our world. 14th day: Pray for salvation. 15th day: Pray. 16th day: Pray for our programs and events. 17th day: Pray for safety at our meeting venues. 18th day: Pray to extend more love. 19th day: Pray for an abundant life. 20th day: Pray for more quiet time with God. 21st day: Pray for each Soror’s extended family. 22nd day: Pray for those less fortunate. 23rd day: Pray for peace. 24th day: Pray for more faith. 25th day: Pray for less stress in your life. 26th day: Pray to remove bitterness. 27th day: Pray to have more love for everyone. 28th day: Pray for the power of agreement. 29th day: Pray to be more thankful. 30th day: Pray for a closer relationship with God. God is Faithful. The journey is strengthened by love and prayer.

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