Vol. 20 No. 3
March 2012
2012 Total Resource Campaign Kickoff The 2nd Annual Total Resource Campaign (TRC) kickoff is set for March 1, 2012, and concludes with a victory celebration on April 30. The TRC is an eight week campaign led by more than 100 Chamber volunteers. During this time, members are offered opportunities to promote their business via Chamber events and programs throughout the year. Volunteers are able to assist companies with choosing from a variety of sponsorship options to meet individual marketing needs. “The TRC offers excellent exposure for companies both at the Chamber’s events and within our signature publications,” said Chamber Chairman Tim Collins.
Members are invited to participate in a number of ways. Be a part of the 2012 TRC and promote your company by volunteering, securing sponsorships, providing assistance with reward sessions and providing giveaways.
Alona Beesinger of Suddenlink Communications is chairwoman of the Chamber’s 2012 TRC. Also leading the campaign this year are five vice-chairs: Renee Davis, Alderson/ Mercedes-Benz; Jennifer Frager, Suddenlink West Texas; Marinda P. Heinrich, Atmos Energy; Greg Jones, American State Bank; Keith Patrick, TRC co-chair, American Cancer Society. For more information about opportunities to volunteer, sponsor Chamber events, earn cash prizes or promote your company, please contact the Chamber at (806) 761-7000. Thanks to Benchmark, Advanced Graphix and Outback Steakhouse for making the TRC Training and Kickoff a success!
Reserve Your Expo Booth Space Today Thursday, May 10th is the date for the 2012 Business Expo, hosted by the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participating in the Business Expo leverages branding and marketing opportunities while benefitting from Business to Business Networking with more than 200 exhibitors and approximately 7,000 attendees. Marketing for this event includes television, radio, newspaper and area billboards as well as printed brochures and tickets which are mailed
to all 2,100-plus members of the Chamber. Electronic blasts sent via Monday Memo and Thursday Updates reach more than 4,000 individuals and the Chamber website averages 5,000 visits per month. Exhibit space is limited, so please reserve your booth space today! “Pedestrian Mall space is still available, and reservations will be accepted until we run out of space,” said Business Expo Chairwoman, Kathy Timms. “Restaurant Row” will return (See Business Expo, Page 6)
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March 2012 • Page 2 • Lubbock Business Network
Lubbock Map Thechoose Award-Winning Lubbock!
The Lubbock Map is more than 20 years old. Ambassador of the Month- Gabe Vitela Congratulations to Gabe Vitela of National Teachers Associates Life Insurance Company for being named the Lubbock Chamber’s Ambassador of the Month this March. Along with being an Ambassador, Vitela serves on the Chamber’s Board of Directors. Vitela was presented this award at the monthly Board of Directors meeting on February 23rd.
Why? It’s about distribution. Year after year, we have many repeat customers. Why? It’s about distribution. A minimum of 50,000 maps
Sponsored by
will again be distributed this year. If you know any of our current customers, we encourage you to call them. They advertise for many different reasons -but it’s mainly because of ...
distribution. The Lubbock Map is a joint project of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, Visit Lubbock, and Word Publications.
www.LubbockTexasMap.com www.LubbockMap.com
Be included on The Lubbock Map Lubbock Chamber of Commerce 5/4/2012 8:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m. Bacon Heights Baptist Church; 53rd and Slide http://bit.ly/chamberleadercast2012 806-761-7000 *Space is limited.
Call NOW! 744-2220 or e-mail Cary Swinney - cswinney@wordpub.com
Publicize your business to thousands of potential customers, and receive maps for your business to distribute.
March 2012 • Page 3 • Lubbock Business Network
1 Agriculture Committee Meeting 7:30 a.m. – LCOC Total Resource Campaign Press Conference and Kick-Off 11:30 a.m. – Outback Steakhouse
2 Imagine Lubbock Together Committee Meeting 8 a.m. – LCOC Transportation Committee Meeting 10:30 a.m. – LCOC Hub City BBQ Committee Meeting 11:30 a.m. – Raider Ranch Ribbon Cutting for the West Texas Home Builders Association Home & Garden Show 4 p.m. – Civic Center 6 Chamber University Series – Customer Service 8 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. – 3201 Ave. Q TRC Lunch & Learn Noon – Wells Fargo 2nd Floor 7 New Century Leadership Committee Meeting 11 a.m. – LCOC Business Expo Committee Meeting 11:30 a.m. – LCOC 8 Water Conservation Council 9 a.m. – LCOC TRC Reward Session #1 Noon – The Main Event Focus Lubbock Committee Meeting 3 p.m. – LCOC Business After Hours hosted by First United Bank 5:30 p.m. – 98th & Indiana 9 Imagine Lubbock Together Committee Meeting 8 a.m. – LCOC Legislative Affairs Committee Meeting 10:30 a.m. – LCOC 4 Ambassador Monthly Luncheon 1 Noon – TBD 15 TRC Reward Session #2 Noon – The Legacy Event Center
(See March, Page 6)
Common Sense Customer Service presented by
Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Two identical sessions: 8-10:30 a.m. or 1:30-4 p.m.
Byron Martin Technology Center 3201 Ave. Q. Your customers have more choices today than any other time in history. Your best option for successfully competing is with “knock your socks off ” customer service. Every business owner surely understands that they live and die by their customer focus. However, most of us get so caught up in the daily grind of running the business that we simply don’t take the time to train employees the way we should in the nuances of “common sense” customer service. “This seminar is a great way for us to reinforce our commitment to our team that we want to make the customer a priority,” said Jay Jacobus, CEO of Scarborough Specialties. Providing exceptional customer service requires changes in habits and behavior on the part of owners, executives, managers, and frontline employees alike. In this dynamic workshop, Chuck Ewart walks participants through an understanding and appreciation of total customer focus. The group also participates in exercises that will hone exceptional customer service awareness and skills. Areas covered include:
● Understanding Why Total Customer Delight is Crucial ● Customer Service Heroes ● Customer Service Self-Assessment ● Utilizing Technology ● Group Exercises ● Dealing with Challenging Customers ● The Personal Touch About Chuck Ewart Chuck Ewart is highly sought-after as a speaker, strategic planner, meeting facilitator, workshop & seminar presenter, and CEO search consultant. Ewart has addressed more than 2000 groups in 39 states and several foreign countries over the past 30 years. Ewart,
who has been involved in economic development and organization management since 1979, has served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Spartanburg, Conway, and Darlington Chambers of Commerce in South Carolina, and Chambers of Commerce in Hickory and Goldsboro, North Carolina. He recently led the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce thru a strategic planning process. Chamber members may register for $65 per person. Prospective members may register for $75 per person. Businesses registering five or more employees are eligible for group pricing. This seminar is part of Chamber University©, an innovative business seminar series designed to address critical business topics and offer tools to navigate and thrive in the ever-changing demands of the 21st century workplace, expanding current “essential knowledge”. Platinum Sponsors of Chamber University include AimBank, Lubbock Regional MHMR and Robert Madden Industries. For questions regarding Chamber University or “Common Sense Customer Service”, please contact Robin Raney at (806) 761-7009 or robin.raney@lubbockbiz.org.
Share Your News! Do you have something interesting to share with us about your business or one of your employees? Send it to us and we will do our best to include it in our monthly newsletter! E-mail constance.barbian@lubbockbiz.org or call (806) 761-7000.
WesTex Document, Inc.
815 S. Gilbert Drive Reese Science & Technology Center Lubbock, TX 79416 CALL (806) 885-2906 or visit our web http://www.westexdocument.com
Secure Vault - Imaging - Destruction & Storage Services Lubbock Chamber Member Since 1997
West Texas’s most trusted source for meeting your record management needs. We offer professional storage, digital imaging, data center services, and secure destruction of any type of records; we can image and copy (printing) documents up to 24 x 48”; we offfer professional record archive services, Class 350 4-hour Vault storage and consulting for all of your professional RIM needs, including disaster recovery and business continuity services. Call or come visit us to learn more and tell us how we might help you.
Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA-1) Certified
Our Business, Is Keeping Your Business - Your Business!
March 2012 • Page 4 • Lubbock Business Network
USPS workshop on Every Door Direct Mail and the Direct Mail Hub Join the United States Postal Service at their free workshop for businesses, organizations and others interested in learning more
Community Prayer Breakfast
The Lubbock Chamber is set to host their annual Community Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, May 3, 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at the Overton Hotel. Community Prayer Breakfast started years ago and has been tied to the National Day of Prayer during the month of May. Each year, the breakfast features a Christian speaker to present a message to the business community related to the National Day of Prayer. This year’s speaker is Grammy nominee, Natalie Grant. Tickets are $25 per person and tables can be purchased for $375. Sponsorships are still available. For more information, contact Phyllis Jones at phyllis.jones@lubbockbiz.org or call (806) 761-7003.
about the new Every Door Direct Mail program at 2 p.m. on March 28 at the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, 3601 Fourth St., specific room to be announced. Many small and midsize businesses currently do not use the mail — or use it infrequently — because they may perceive it as burdensome, expensive and not worth the trouble. By inviting business owners of these under-tapped markets into our Post Offices to show them how we can help them grow their businesses with Postal Service products and services, GYBD events provide the Postal Service with a large revenue opportunity. Every Door Direct Mail allows mailers to use mail-delivery route information, instead of names and exact addresses, to reach targeted groups in specific geographic areas. Mailpieces can be addressed to “Postal Customer,” “Residential Customer,” or “PO Box Holder.” By eliminating the need to purchase address lists and reducing mail preparation time, EDDM can lower mailers’ costs, and, consequently, allow mailers to reach a greater number of existing and prospective customers for the same postage budget.
CHAMBER 101 – Pizza with the Chamber President The Chamber will host “Pizza with the Chamber President” – a Chamber 101 event. Bring plenty of business cards and prepare to grow your business network on Wednesday, March 28, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, 1500 Broadway in the Wells Fargo Center. If you are a new Lubbock Chamber member or a new employee of a long-standing member, having “Pizza with the Chamber President” is a great way to learn more about
Save the date: June 11-15th 2012 Texas 4-H Roundup! 4,000 youth and adult participants, for the first time in Lubbock!
EDDM has the potential to dramatically increase mail volume and revenue. Postmasters play a critical role in launching this service to small businesses by conducting presentations, leveraging their knowledge of direct mail’s power and versatility, and creating demand for EDDM. These efforts also will show American businesses that the Postal Service is evolving and improving. And more importantly, the events will demonstrate that direct mail is a highly effective — and cost-effective — business tool, and, with EDDM, one that is easy to use. Attendees should leave the event convinced that direct mail will help their businesses grow and committed to making EDDM a key strategy in reaching target markets and prospective new customers. By helping businesses learn new strategies and adapt best practices, GYBD events will strengthen the business-to-consumer channel and improve the customer experience. For more information, visit the Postal Service website, www.uspseverydoor.com. Source: http://about.usps.com/postalbulletin/2011/pb22312/html/kit_002.htm
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the Chamber, what we do and how you can get involved. This is also your opportunity to network with other new members, as well as volunteers and staff. The lunch will be held on the 2nd floor in the San Jacinto conference room and it is free to attend. To RSVP or request additional information, please contact Colleen Evans, vice president of membership, at colleen. evans@lubbockbiz.org or by phone at (806) 761-7000.
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March 2012 • Page 5 • Lubbock Business Network
A Workshop on How to Create and Maintain an Internship Program Within Your Organization Provided by: Dennice De Lucio, The Volunteer Center of Lubbock The Volunteer Center of Lubbock presents the workshop Invested Intern, Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 at the Volunteer Center conference room, 1706 23rd St., from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Internships are a cost effective way for organizations and businesses to engage individuals with specific skills as short or longterm volunteers. Workshop topics include management techniques, position descriptions, recruitment, and legal standards for properly creating and defining internships. Rachel Flores, Volunteerism Coordinator for the Volunteer Center of Lubbock, will present this workshop. “Participants will receive the tools to create a strong internship program and even have the opportunity to ask internship questions of Texas
Tech Career Center staff,” Flores said. Attendance is a prerequisite for organizations to participate in the Intern Connection event, Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at the TTU Career Center, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., where agencies can come to make connections and potentially recruit interns.
“Thanks to last year’s Intern Connection we were able to meet two of our greatest interns,” Family Guidance and Outreach Center staff said. To register for the workshop, fill out a registration form, available at www.volunteerlubbock.org (click EVENTS), and fax, mail, or email it to the Volunteer Center of Lubbock. Cost is $35 per person for Agency Partners; $50 for non-Agency Partners. For more information contact Rachel Flores at (806) 747-0551 or rflores@volunteer.ubbock.org.
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March 2012 • Page 6 • Lubbock Business Network
(From Page 4) 15 Ribbon Cutting for the Lubbock Area Youth Job Fair 12:45 p.m. – 801 Ave. Q Community Prayer Breakfast Committee Meeting 4 p.m. – LCOC 16 Imagine Lubbock Together Committee Meeting 8 a.m. – LCOC 20 Business Mercado Committee Meeting 4 p.m. – American State Bank 21 New Century Leadership Higher Education Day All Day Golf Committee Meeting 9 a.m. – TBD 22 Leadership Lubbock Committee Meeting 11 a.m. – LEDA Board Room Business Development Committee Meeting 11:45 a.m. – L P & L 2nd Floor Executive Committee Meeting Noon - LCOC Business After Hours hosted by Vintage Township & TRC Reward Session #3 5:30 p.m. - 12002 Trafalgar Ave. 23 Imagine Lubbock Together Committee Meeting 8 a.m. – LCOC 27 Leadership Lubbock City Services Day All Day 28 Chamber 101 – Pizza with the President 11:30 a.m. – Wells Fargo 2nd Floor 29 Ribbon Cutting for Texas Cotton Ginners Association 9 a.m. – Civic Center Board of Directors Meeting 10 a.m. – TTU International Cultural Center TRC Reward Session #4 Noon – Hawthorn Suites Ribbon Cutting for Delijah Salon & Boutique 4:30 p.m. – 3335 70th St. 30 Focus Lubbock Community and Business Development Day All Day Imagine Lubbock Together Committee Meeting 8 a.m. – LCOC
TxDOT Seeks Your Input on Texas Rural Transportation Plan Over the past nine months, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has been developing the Texas Rural Transportation Plan (TRTP). The plan has been discussed by TxDOT representative with both the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Transportation and Agriculture Committees. This plan will identify transportation needs for all travel modes throughout rural Texas over the next 25 years. To ensure the TRTP is the best plan possible and reflects the future transportation needs of rural Texas, the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce encourages your participation and input in its development. On March 5, TxDOT will be conducting a come-and-go, open-house style public
meeting from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. across the state to present and receive public input the preliminary research conducted for the plan. The public meeting will take place at TxDOT Lubbock District Training Center, Mesquite Room 135 Slaton Rd. Following these meetings, the feedback TxDOT receives will be analyzed and the plan completed. TxDOT anticipates submitting the TRTP for final public hearing and adoption by the Texas Transportation Commission this spring. Additional information on the Texas Rural Transportation Plan, can be found at: http://www.txdot.gov/public_involvement/ rural_2035/. You may also call the project’s toll-free information line at 1-855-TXRURAL (1-855-897-8725).
First Lubbock Area Youth Job Fair Workforce Solutions South Plains and the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce are partnering to host the first Lubbock Area Youth Job Fair on Thursday, March 15, 1 to 5 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Towers on Avenue Q. “This unique opportunity is targeted at reaching a young pool of workers ages 16 to 21,” said Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Chairman Tim Collins. “I think it will be a great way to allow the youth in the community to interact with local businesses and expose them to great job opportunities.” Youth ages 16 to 21 interested in attending should bring copies of their resume to leave
with potential employers and come dressed for success. Potential exhibitors are businesses in the community searching for additional employees during the summer months, or for those with an on-going need for full or part-time workers. There is no registration fee to host a booth at this event; however, space is limited. To reserve your booth at the job fair, return your completed registration and job order form to Workforce Solutions South Plains by Friday, March 9. Booth registration forms are available at www.lubbockchamber.com or by emailing emma.duty@spworkforce.org.
Business Expo
(From Page 1)
this year with a dedicated section available for food service vendors. Current sponsors include Workforce Solutions South Plains, RD Thomas, Suddenlink West Texas, Benchmark Business Solutions, Caprock Home Health Services, Covenant Health System, Switch I.T. Support, WesTex
Document, Inc., American State Bank, Humana, Ranch at Dove Tree, and University Health System. For additional information regarding Business Expo, call the Chamber at (806) 761-7009 or email robin.raney@lubbockchamber.org.
March 2012 • Page 7 • Lubbock Business Network
Farm Show Breakfast Wrap-up More than 255 attendees had the opportunity to listen to state photographer Wyman Meinzer at the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce’s annual Farm Show Breakfast. The breakfast was held on February 7 at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center. The Lubbock Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the following sponsors: Presenting Sponsor:
City Bank Diamond Sponsor:
Lubbock County Farm Bureau Platinum Sponsors:
AgTexas Farm Credit Capital Farm Credit Texas Agricultural Coop Trust Gold Sponsors:
Plains Cotton Growers, Inc. Southwest Council of Agribusiness American State Bank Texas Tech College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources First United Bank Silver Sponsors:
Fuddruckers Lubbock Electric Co. PYCO Industries PlainsCapital Bank
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March 2012 • Page 8 • Lubbock Business Network
2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN Tim Collins Collins Tile, LLP CHAIRMAN ELECT Carlos Morales Caprock Home Health Services, Inc. IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRWOMAN Irasema Velasquez Velasquez Insurance & Worksite Benefits TREASURER Alona Beesinger Suddenlink West Texas SECRETARY Eddie McBride Lubbock Chamber of Commerce VICE CHAIRMAN, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Beth Bridges South Plains Mall VICE CHAIRMAN, COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION Dan Jackson KCBD TV-NewsChannel 11 VICE CHAIRMAN, GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS DIVISION Jay Jacobus Scarborough Specialties, Inc. VICE CHAIRMAN, HISPANIC BUSINESS DIVISION Rudy Rosales Montelongo’s Mexican Restaurant VICE CHAIRMAN, LEADERSHIP DIVISION Peter Hur RFS Financial Services VICE CHAIRWOMAN, MEMBERSHIP DIVISION Polly Vann V-tech Environmental Services HISPANIC BUSINESS DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE Yolanda Gonzaga TTUHSC BOARD ADMINISTRATION Martin Aguirre Workforce Solutions South Plains Cathy Allen The Gibraltar Group Larry Allen People’s Bank Stephen Beasley Lubbock Avalanche-Journal Ron Betenbough Betenbough Homes John D. Brock NorthStar Surgical Center Jeff Dane UMC Health System Renee Davis Alderson/Mercedes-Benz Linda Gaither WestMark REALTORS Karen Garza Lubbock Independent School District Gary Gregory Atmos Energy Grace Hernandez Texas Tech University Sidney Hopper United Supermarkets Clayton Isom TAO Development Group Robert Lacy PYCO Industries Gabe Martinez Telemundo KXTQ-TV 46, Ramar Comm. Stephanie Massengale Advanced Graphix Brandon Mulkey Chick-fil-A at South Plains Crossing Richard Parks Covenant Health System Keith Patrick American Cancer Society Bill Patton Robison, Johnston & Patton, CPAs Joe Phea African American Chamber of Commerce - Lubbock Norval Pollard City Bank Shirley Schleuse Lamar Outdoor Advertising David Seim Frank Silvas AFLAC-Laquita Carthel Regional Sales Gabe Vitela National Teachers Life Insurance Company Mitch Watson First Bank & Trust Co. Gary Zheng Lubbock Power & Light
CHAMBER STAFF Eddie McBride, IOM, President/CEO Sheri Nugent, IOM, Vice President-Administration Robin Raney, Vice President-Business Development Jorge Quirino, Vice President-Hispanic Business Division Phyllis Jones, Vice President-Leadership Norma Ritz Johnson, CCE, IOM, Vice President-Legislative Affairs Constance Barbian, Vice President-Communications Colleen Evans, IOM, Vice President-Membership Services Amy Marquez, Retention Specialist Audrey DeLeon, Research Specialist Kathy Bass, Administrative Assistant Dana Joiner, Customer Service Representative Faith Jurek, Kacy Steele, Intern
1500 Broadway, Suite 101 Wells Fargo Center Lubbock, TX 79401 P 806.761.7000 F 806.761.7013
www.lubbockchamber.com info@lubbockbiz.org
Downtown Lubbock Update The Central Business District TIF Board of Directors, in partnership with the City of Lubbock, is set to host a press conference and reception showcasing the plans for Downtown Lubbock. All Lubbock Chamber members are invited to attend. The event will take place on Tuesday, March
20 at 10:00am, at the Pioneer Condos (formerly the Pioneer Hotel) at 1202 Broadway. Parking is limited, so carpooling is encouraged. The Central Business District TIF Board of Directors and the City of Lubbock encourage you to be a part of this exciting new time for the great city of Lubbock.
Business of the Month
RD Thomas Advertising is a fullservice communications firm, providing everything from brand identity and customer analytics to engaging broadcast production and social media marketing. With a keen understanding of proven marketing strategies and powerful creative products, RD Thomas helps clients forge ahead and succeed in today’s competitive environments. Established in 1988, the abilities and talents of RD Thomas have continued to grow for the past 24 years. With a client range that encompasses a wide array of industries, RD Thomas is committed cultivating relationships that flourish into successful partnerships. The list of RD Thomas Advertis-
ing’s achievements is not a short one. In 2012, RD Thomas was recognized by the Lubbock Advertising Federation during the annual ADDY Awards, taking home 18 awards, including 8 Gold ADDYs and the “Best of Show-Broadcast” ADDY. RD Thomas is proud to have been selected three years in a row as the Design Sponsor for the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce’s annual Business Expo, a partnership which resulted in an award for “Best Texas Chamber Expo Marketing Materials” from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for the 2010 Lubbock Business Expo Event Materials. For more information about RD Thomas Advertising, visit rdtadv.com.
Save these dates for BIG events in 2012! Chamber University Customer Service – March 6, 2012 Marketing & PR – April 12, 2012 Leadership & Management – May 4, 2012 Accounting & Taxes – September Human Resources – October Focus Lubbock Graduation – April 26, 2012 New Century Leadership Graduation – May 1, 2012 Community Prayer Breakfast – May 3, 2012 Cinco de Mayo Luncheon – May 3, 2012 LeaderCast – May 4, 2012 Business Expo – May 10, 2012 Leadership Lubbock Graduation – May 24, 2012 Golf Classic – July 23, 2012 Fiestas Patrias Luncheon – September 14, 2012 Hub City BBQ – September 2012 Business Mercado – October 11, 2012 Tuscany Trip – November 8 - 16, 2012 Annual Meeting – December 2012
March 2012 • Page 9 • Lubbock Business Network
A Tribute to Chamber Member Todd Reno Todd Reno, an active Chamber member pact. Please extend our most sincere thanks and Ambassador since 2005, could always to the Chamber Ambassadors and let them be counted on to attend the many Ribbon know that their memorial gifts honoring Todd Cutting and Ground Breaking events, and was always working the front table at Business After Hours when his team was hosting. For the last couple of years, Todd worked on a small committee planning the Ambassador monthly luncheons. When Todd talked to other businesses, he was quick to refer them into membership with the Chamber and to help schedule Ribbon Cuttings for other organizations he was involved in, including the nonprofit Court Appointed Special Advocates, or CASA of the South Plains. In a tribute to Todd, the Lubbock Chamber Ambassadors raised $550 to donate in his name. A letter from CASA reads, “Through his more than six years of service as CASA’s development director, member of the Board of Directors and Board President, Todd truly lived CASA’s mission and made a lasting imTodd Reno
Red Tape Luncheon Wrap-up
will make a difference in the lives of abused and neglected children on the South Plains.” Along with donating his time and efforts to the Ambassador programs, Todd facilitated various Chamber leadership groups when touring Reese Technology Center and was also involved in numerous Chamber divisions including the Technology Committee, Business Development Committee, Transportation Committee, Total Resource Campaigns 2011 and 2012, Young Professionals of Greater Lubbock, and “20 Under 40.” “We will remember Todd for his outstanding leadership and volunteer dedication over the past seven years, but most of all we remember our friendship and Todd’s make it happen attitude. On behalf of the Chamber staff, Todd, we cherish your memory.” – Lubbock Chamber of Commerce.
Survey Report to be Presented
Register now to attend a summary of The Lubbock Area Wage and Benefit Survey Over 120 people attended the Lubbock Report hosted by the Business Development Chamber of Commerce’s public policy Committee of the Lubbock Chamber of Comluncheon, “Covered In RED TAPE? The merce. This informative meeting will be held Regulatory Burden on Business & Industry.” Wednesday, March 21st from 11:45 a.m. to The luncheon was held on February 24th at 1 p.m. A summary of the survey results will the Lubbock Scottish Rite Learning Center. be presented by Terri Duncan, Director of The event featured guest speaker Congress- Workforce Development for LEDA. Space is man Randy Neugebauer and a local business limited, to RSVP visit the Lubbock Champanel including Zach Brady of Z S Brady & ber event page. The $10 registration fee for Co., Steve Verett of Plains Cotton Growers, Chamber members includes a light lunch. and Gary Gregory of Atmos Energy. Prospective members are invited to attend for Topics covered included the regulatory $12 per person. The meeting will be held in burden on business and industry, including the Wells Fargo Center, 1500 Broadway, in the how proposed or pending regulations are at 5th Floor LEDA conference room. an all-time high. The local business panel adThe Lubbock Area Wage and Benefit dressed how regulations affect areas that are Survey Report is part of a continuing effort very important to our economy, including to provide human resource-related consulting agriculture, small business and energy produc- services and support to the Texas business tion and distribution. community. Survey sponsors include the The Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Lubbock Economic Development Alliance would like to thank the following sponsors: (LEDA), Workforce Solutions of the South Plains, the Lubbock Chapter of the Society Presenting Sponsor: for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Lubbock Regional MHMR and the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. The 2011-2012 survey provides comprehensive inTable Sponsors: formation on 59 positions within the Lubbock UMC Physician Network Services Area. Terri Duncan, Director of Workforce Lubbock Apartment Association Development for LEDA, will present the surCitibus vey findings produced by Werling Associates. United Supermarkets, LLC For additional information, please contact Calvert Home Health Care, Ltd. Robin Raney at robin.raney@lubbockbiz.org Atmos Energy or (806) 761-7009.
March 2012 • Page 10 • Lubbock Business Network
Ground Breakings & Ribbon Cuttings Sponsored By
Lubbock Fire Department - Fire Station #16 4030 114th Street
Amerigroup Corporation
Diverge Hair Salon
Caprock Gold Exchange 6012 82nd Street, Suite C
1619 University Ave, Unit A
Health & Safety Solutions
Mighty Wash
3402 73rd Street, Suite I
6506 82nd Street
Rock Solid Athletics
3223 South Loop 289, Suite 110 (Pyramid Plaza)
34th Street Association Orange Cone Kickoff 34th & Flint
6029 45th Street
Zach’s Club 4229 78th Street
March 2012 • Page 11 • Lubbock Business Network
Preparing Your Business for the Unthinkable Provided by: Bill Curnow Many disasters, like wind storms and tornadoes, can strike quickly with little or no warning. No business should risk operating without a disaster plan. While reports vary, as many as 40 percent of small businesses do not reopen after a major disaster. These shuttered businesses were unprepared for a disaster as they had no plan or backup systems. When you start to develop your disaster plan, consider three subjects: human resources, physical resources, and business continuity. Think about how a disaster could affect your employees, customers, and workplace. Think about how you could continue doing business if the area around your facility is closed or streets are impassable. Think about what you would need to serve your customers even if your facility is closed.
Here are some suggestions you may want to consider to get started: ● Keep phone lists of your key employees and customers with you, and provide copies to key staff members. ● If you have a voice mail system at your office, designate one extension or remote number on which you can record messages for employees. Provide that number to all employees. ● Arrange for programmable call forwarding for your main business s line(s). Then, if you can’t get to the office, you can call in and reprogram the phones to ring elsewhere. ● If you may not be able to get to your business quickly after an emergency, leave keys and alarm code(s) with a trusted employee or friend who is closer. ● Install emergency lights that turn on
when the power goes out. ● Backup computer data frequently throughout the business day. Keep a backup off site. Be certain to test your backups to make certain they’ll be ready if you need them. ● Purchase a NOAA Weather Radio with a tone alert feature. Keep it on and when the warning signal sounds, listen for information about possible severe weather and protective actions to take. ● Consult with your insurance agent about special precautions to take for disasters that may directly impact your business. For more information on how to prepare your business for the unthinkable contact the American Red Cross at (806) 765-8534 or http://www.RedCross.org. FEMA also has a wealth of information on business continuity planning available at http://www.Ready.gov.
Covenant Medical Center Receives 'Get With The Guidelines- Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award' Award demonstrates Covenant Medical Center’s commitment to quality care for stroke patients
Provided by: Holly Kennedy Givens Covenant Medical Center received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award. The award recognizes Covenant’s commitment and success in implementing excellent care for stroke patients. The award was received by achieving 85 percent or higher adherence to all Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Quality Achievement indicators for at least two consecutive 12-month intervals. Covenant also achieved 75 percent or higher compliance with six of 10 Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Quality Measures. “With a stroke, time lost is brain lost, and the Get with The Guidelines–Stroke Gold plus Quality Achievement Award dem-
onstrates Covenant’s commitment to being one of the top hospitals in the country for providing aggressive, proven stroke care,” said Tim Smith, R.N., EMT-P, stroke coordinator for Covenant Medical Center. “We will continue to focus on providing care that has been shown in the scientific literature to quickly and efficiently treat stroke patients with evidencebased protocols.” Get With The Guidelines– Stroke advises using the time after a patient has had a stroke to teach them how to manage their risk factors while still in the hospital, which has proven to reduce a second stroke or heart attack. At the time of discharge, Get With The Guidelines–Stroke, provides patients with customized education materials based on their individual risk profiles. “The time is right for Covenant to be focused on improving the quality of stroke care
by implementing Get With The Guidelines–Stroke,” Smith said. “The number of acute ischemic stroke patients eligible for
treatment is expected to grow over the next decade due to increasing stroke incidence and a large aging population.”
March 2012 • Page 12 • Lubbock Business Network
Welcome to the New Chamber Members
Please place this addition in your Chamber Business Directory and Resource Guide! 34th Street Association of Lubbock PO Box 94565 Lubbock, TX 79493 (806) 441-7303 Non-Profit Organization Aflac - South Plains Mall 6002 Slide Road Lubbock, TX 79414 (806) 535-0034 Insurance, Life & Health Amerigroup Corporation 3223 South Loop 289, Suite 110 Lubbock, TX (806) 748-4880 Insurance Becky Miller Attorney at Law 3305 66th, Suite 3 Lubbock, TX 79413 (806) 799-1200 (866) 799-1202 Attorneys Burger House 2405 19th Street Lubbock, TX 79401 (806) 747-4555 Restaurants, Fast Food Civil Air Patrol 2201 E. Jamestown Lubbock, TX 79464 (806) 763-7477 Non Profit Organization, Avionics, Emergency Services Day Break Coffee Roasters 1403 Avenue F Lubbock, TX 79401 (806) 687-6887 Coffee Services, Gourmet Foods, Beverage Distributors, Food Brokers - Distributors, Food Processing-Wholesale
Delijah Salon & Boutique 3335 70th Street, Suite B Lubbock, TX 79413 (806) 687-4344 Beauty Shops and/or Salons, Guns, Clothing - Apparel - Women’s Diverge Hair Salon 1619 University Ave, Unit A Lubbock, TX 79401 (806) 771-0418 Beauty Shops and/or Salons Javernick Roofing & Construction 3501 Globe Avenue Lubbock, TX 79404 (806) 747-1922 Roofing Contractors, Construction Companies, Contractors - Siding, Contractors - General, Construction Remodeling Murphy Business & KW Commercial Real Estate 4747 S. Loop 289, Suite 110 Lubbock, TX 79424 (806) 239-0804 Real Estate, Real Estate - Commercial Octapharma Plasma, Inc. 7006 University Avenue, Units 13-16 Lubbock, TX 79413 (806) 748-4080 Pharmaceutical State Farm - Tate, James 8001 Quaker Avenue, Suite G Lubbock, TX 79424 (806) 745-2555 Insurance, Insurance - Property & Casualty, Financial Services, Insurance - Life & Health
Synergy HomeCare 7202 Joliet Ave Lubbock, TX 79423 (806) 589-0400 Home Health Care Services and/or Staffing, Health Care - Home Health Services and/ or Staffing T & A’s Bar & Chill LLC 2512 Texas Avenue Lubbock, TX 79411 (806) 747-4600 Restaurants & Bars The Bistro 9816 Slide Road, Suite 102 Lubbock, TX 79424 (806) 368-7740 Restaurant, Coffee House TxStar Directory Company, LLC 1290 S. Willis, Suite 112 Lubbock, TX 79605 (325) 690-6390 Publishers - Directory & Guide Whisenant Financial Group 22 Crockett Circle Lubbock, TX (806) 928-7862 Insurance, Insurance - Life & Health, Financial Services Zach’s Club 4229 78th Street Lubbock, TX 79423 (806) 780-5454 Health Clubs
Please note – current membership information can be found on the Chamber’s online Business Directory. Members can be searched by category or keyword. Membership information can be verified online through the Members Only section. 1/16/2011 – 2/15/2012