Issue 102—January 2016 A Publication of Lubrication Specialties, Inc.
LSI Innovation Recognized for Excellence
Powering Hot Shot’s Secret - Frantz Filter - Fluid Recovery
What’s Inside • Cold temperatures tank fuel economy
• LSI Laboratory: Why fuel gels
Frantz Filter: The best path to long engine life
Where Innovation Lives Hot Shot’s Secret ‘Stiction Free’ Diesel Plan Implement the maintenance plan that pays for itself. Hot Shot’s Secret products are not just meant to work great, but also to work great together. Stiction Eliminator, Diesel Extreme, and Everyday Diesel Treatment make the perfect repeatable maintenance plan to keep your truck or your customer’s truck on the road longer and running great! Stiction Eliminator will clean the oil side of the engine, while Diesel Extreme will clean the entire fuel system. Once your vehicle has been treated with Stiction Eliminator and Diesel Extreme you can begin treating every time you fill up with Everyday Diesel Treatment. Treating the inconsistencies of diesel fuel by using Everyday Diesel Treatment allows for your vehicle’s performance to not be effected by the poor quality of fuel that varies from fuel station to fuel station. By following this maintenance plan you can save a lot of money and time. Not to mention your truck will be running great!
A Word from the President Innovation requires research. That’s why Lubrication Specialties, Inc (LSI) invests heavily into research and development, so that we can bring our customers innovative products that solve problems. The opportunity for innovation is all around us. Consider 15w-40 engine oil. It meets the specification for both the Cummins ISX and 2L TDI diesel engines. The practical demands on the 15w-40 can range from a semi hauling 60,000 lbs for 100,000 miles annually to a Grandma driving her VW Passat to church
15w-40 Engine Oil
on Sundays. Even though the 15w-40 meets both engine specifications, do we really think it will perform equally well
Innovation looks for these kinds of performance gaps.
Cummins ISX
60,000 lbs 100,000 mi/annual
At LSI, our research team of chemists and lubrication specialists have already filled the performance gaps: • Inside the HUIE injector (1997-2007) caused by stiction
• Caused by IDIDs in low sulfur fuel
• In bio-fuels caused by bacteria and moisture
• In worn out engine oil by boosting TBN
Oil meets spec
in both cases? Not a chance.
Innovation Opportunity
Oil does not meet demand
We don’t limit innovation by adding profitability requirements like most manufacturers. LSI products solve the problem they were designed for 100% of the time. That’s why you may pay a few dollars more for our professional grade solutions compared to the cheaper, diluted fixes you see on the additive shelf.
“LSI invests heavily in
Chris Gabrelcik President and Owner EY Entrepenuer of the Year Winner®
reasearch and development”
JAN 2016
Low standards result in damaged engines. Standards are good, and of course necessary. When it comes to
engine, you’re putting an early expiration date on it. There is nothing you
standards we have to ask ourselves “Who set these standards, and
can do to reverse that damage. You can however, prevent that damage
why?” If your engine is properly protected from excess wear and
from ever happening. “We have the solution to making your engine
tear then why does it still eventually succumb to wear and tear? The
have the longest engine life.” states LSI CEO Chris Gabrelcik. LSI has
answer is simple. Standards were set in building your vehicles engine
reengineered the Frantz Filter System. This filter system filters out wear
and we accept them. Your engine is considered protected if small
metals and other
wear metal particles are filtered. The reality is most engine wear
particles down
is caused by particles smaller than 10 microns. These particles are
to two microns,
suspended in the oil inside of your engine and cause serious damage
leaving your engine
to the inside of the mechanical parts.However, the standard only
protected and most
requires filtering down to 12-15 microns. That’s the problem with
of all running like the
day you bought it.
At LSI we question standards, especially if those standards are holding your engine back from being the long lasting, high performance beast it was designed to be. When you let particles 3 -5 microns inside your
In the cold, fuel economy really suffers. It is widely accepted that your fuel economy drops in the winter, but
kerosene addition, cold weather makes your engine oil and other fluids
do you know the reasons why? It starts with the refinery; they mix
less effective which in turn allows for more engine friction. Cold air
the fuel with kerosene so it can flow through the pipeline during the
is also denser, causing more drag on the highways. Your tire pressure
cold weather. Starting in
decreases, causing more rolling resistance. These are just some of
October fuels have less
the effects cold weather has on your vehicle that lead to lower fuel
BTU’s (British Thermal
economy in the winter.
Unit). This means it takes more energy to burn the fuel. In return, your engine isn’t running as efficiently as it was designed to. A more obvious reason to why your engine does not run as efficiently in the winter is the effect cold air has on your engine. So why does cold air make the difference? On top of the
You can offset these problems that Mother Nature throws at you. Using a great fuel additive is a perfect place to start. Adding a cetane boost, lubricating the fuel, and lowering the pour point to -60° is an even better place to start. Hot Shot’s Secret has created the best Winter Anti-Gel on the market. So next time you hit the road on a freezing day, remember to add Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Winter Anti-Gel to your tank to ensure your engine isn’t left out in the cold.
From the Lab Why do fuels gel?
ll fuels have wax in them as it is a byproduct (paraffin) of petroleum. As temperature starts to drop, the wax in your diesel fuel starts to solidify. This is called the Cloud Point. Your fuel will look like it has a coating of Crisco floating on top. As temperatures continue to drop, enough wax has solidified so that it will no longer pour. This is called the Pour Point. Anti-gel products work to break up wax at the microscopic level. There are four different types of pour point suppressants that accomplish this break up. Anti-gel products use a combination of one to four of these suppressants at varying levels of concentration. This accounts for the variation in formula, effectiveness and price of anti-gel products on the retail shelf. Hot Shot’s Secret Winter Anti-Gel uses all four suppressants including a military grade de-icer. Important note: All anti-gel products must be be addded to fuel BEFORE it reaches ‘cloud point’. Anti-gel products work with fuels that have not started to gel. If fuel has already begun to gel, an emegency THAW product must be used, and then add an anti-gel.
Beat the winter blues. MAGAZINE
JAN 2016
History of Innovation
Frantz Performance Filters from LSI Long Life for Your Engine! Removing the smallest particles from an engine’s 6.0 L Powerstroke F-350 with over 215,000
oil is a key element in the vehicle’s performance.
miles illustrating these results.
Without proper lubrication, important mechanical parts begin to grind and weaken,
Dirty Oil
leading to expensive complications down the
The initial sample
road. After investing thousands of dollars
was drawn from
into a vehicle, it only makes sense to keep
the dirty motor oil
the oil as clean as possible to make the engine
that had been run for
run well for a long time. The Frantz Performance
4,711 miles, and was close to
Filter is the most efficient after-market filtration system available for engines today.
its next scheduled oil change. Diagram A
The test revealed 41,182 of the 2 micron size particle
How It Works
in a milliliter of oil.
A vehicle’s stock oil filter is designed to cycle a heavy stream of oil at once, and is only capable of removing particles down to
Dirty Oil + 200 miles with Frantz
about 15-20 microns. Particles sizing 3-5
The next sample was drawn from the same dirty oil (without
microns are what is going to cause the
being changed) after adding a Frantz Performance Filter for
most damage to an engine over time.
just 200 miles. This test revealed just 1,641 of the 2 micron
By adding a Frantz Performance Filter,
size particle in a milliliter of oil. That is a 96% decrease in
the oil is filtered down to just 2 microns
contamination after 200 miles!
(10 times finer). The clean-up is achieved by routing 10% of the oil flow through the Frantz Performance Filter after it passes through the factory filter. After passing vertically through Frantz’s dense filter media, the oil returns directly through the fill cap and is continually circulated through the system See Diagram A. Analytically Clean Through the process described above, it has been proven that the Frantz Performance Filter will clean oil to such a degree, that it will be analytically cleaner than brand new oil. Blackstone Laboratories conducted a 3rd party oil analysis on a
Save Time & Money Think about the time and money that would be saved if oil would remain clean with such little effort. The Frantz Performance Filter pays for itself by eliminating 3 oil
I wanted a
drains every year. When paired with *Blue
performance filter so
Diamond, a 100% pure synthetic motor
that I did not need to be
oil, the Frantz Perfomance Filter is able to
constantly changing my
deliver 100,000 mile drain intervals, saving users thousands of dollars and dramatically
oil, and so that I would get
increases the life and performance of the
much better protection
engine. If you can change your own oil, you can install the Frantz Performance Filter. Specific kits are available for all Powerstroke,
for my engine. The Frantz Filter is the best value, but
Cummins and Duramax engines. A universal kit is also available
most importantly it was the
for all gasoline powered vehicles. For more information, please
easiest to install and use…”
visit or call 1.800.341.6516.
-Allan N.
*Blue Diamond Ultimate Engine Oil is a 100% PAO pure synthetic motor oil – superior to partial synthetics, meeting every spec from a passenger car to a semi-truck and everything in between. Available at or call 1.800.341.6516. MAGAZINE
JAN 2016
Where Innovation Lives
Watch video on how Hot Shot’s Secret Stiction Eliminator works! Lubrication Specialties, Inc., PO Box 405, Mt. Gilead, OH 43338 800.341.6516 © Lubrication Specialties Inc. All rights reserved.
Issue 102—JAN 2016
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