Just NAFA Spring 2014

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Spring Edition | April 2014 春季版 | 2014年4月

International Spring Fur Fairs 国际春季毛皮交易会 Buying trends set the stage for the upcoming retail season 购买趋势酝酿零售季节

Largest Top Quality Mink Offering of 2014 2014年最大数量优质水貂 NAFA’S May Auction provides last chance for fine quality fur in volume NAFA五月拍卖会将是购买优质毛皮最后机会

EDITOR Diane Benedetti ASSOCIATE EDITOR Shan Cooper CONTRIBUTORS Lumin Yao Oksana Moroz Suemi Kim Cody Bokshowan COVER Argiriou Furs NAFA Northern Lynx Cat LAYOUT & DESIGN Dane Labelle

JUST NAFA IS PUBLISHED BY NAFA 65 Skyway Ave Toronto, Ontario M9W 6C7 Canada T 1.416.675.9320 F 1.416.675 6865 www.nafa.ca



Auction News Expectations for the May 2014 sale

拍卖会新闻 2014年5月拍卖会展望


Design Competitions

10 Spring Fairs

Tracking trends as the year unfolds

春季展会 时光飞逝 把握行业动态

Providing a platform for young talent

设计比赛 为青年人才提供展示才华的平台


“Pimp My Coat” NAFA supports IFF design initiative

“Pimp My Coat” NAFA支持IFF推动设计创新


Studio NAFA Outreach Project Investing in the future of the industry

Studio NAFA拓展项目 为行业未来投资

22 Photo Shoots

Magical surroundings add to 2014 campaign

精品摄影 神奇的环境为2014年推广活动增加亮点


28 Auction Details

Updated quantities and rancher list


NAFA Labels Adding value to retail fur products

NAFA商标 为裘皮零售产品提升价值


6 Facing The Future 面向未来

Radical market changes create many challenges but also offer new opportunities. A key to success in the fur industry is buying the right product at the right time. 市场巨大的变化提出了挑战,也提供了机遇。对毛皮界来说,成功的诀窍就是在 合适的时间购买合适的产品。

The fur industry as a whole enjoyed four incredible years of growth and prosperity from 2010 until 2013. The China market outperformed everyone’s expectations during this period. Korea and Russia experienced sustained development and even the traditional western markets of Europe and North America showed growth in several sectors. The trade recognizes that several factors occurred simultaneously at the close of 2013 that affected market activity. The unusually mild winter across Asia and Europe was the major contributor to the sluggish wholesale and retail sales that developed. The price drop that resulted has now opened up new opportunities for all. Over the last few months, the fluctuation in mink prices indicated that the industry was looking to establish a “real” price level. Many with decades of fur buying experience believe that this goal may have been reached. NAFA’s policy is also one that seeks to identify true market level. According to Michael Mengar, President and CEO, “We believe in giving added value to our furs through buyer support that will create long term benefits for the industry as a whole as well as our loyal customers. Not everyone’s needs and requirements are the same, so we prefer to work closely with individual buyers on terms and marketing programs.”

总 的 来 说 ,毛 皮 界 享 受 着 从 2010年 到 2013年 间 带 来 的 令 人 难 以 置 信 的发展与繁荣。在此期间,中国市场的表现最为突出。韩国和俄罗斯 持续稳定发展,甚至是欧洲以及北美等传统西方市场也在不同方面展 露出了发展的势头。 在20 年即将结束的时候,业界也承认一些因素影响了行业的发展。亚 洲和欧洲经历的不同寻常的暖冬是导致目前批发和零售业停滞的主要原 因。价格的下跌也带来了新的机遇。 在过去的几个月间,水貂价格的浮动表明业界正在寻找一个“真正的”价 格水平。一些具有几十年毛皮购买经验的买家相信这个目标可能已经实现。 NAFA的政策也是为了寻找真正的市场水平。根据NAFA总裁兼首席执行 官Michael Mengar介绍: “我们相信,通过买家的支持,我们的毛皮会体 现更大的附加价值,这将会为我们的行业以及忠实的客户带来长期的利 益。每个人的需求都不一样。所以我们希望能够根据每个买家的真正需 求而确定购买条款以及加强在市场推广活动方面紧密合作。”

The May 2014 sale at NAFA will feature the largest collection of fine quality mink ever offered at NAFA….over 5.3 million mink. It is also the last chance of the year to bid on mink of top quality in any quantity. As history has shown, the investment in fine quality fur is far less risky than commercial goods. The integrity of the Black NAFA and NAFA Mink collections is beyond reproach. The sorting and grading process has received consistent accolades from the trade. The amount of top quality mink that has been assembled for a May sale is unprecedented. The black, mutation and mahogany mink offer tremendous value at current market levels. Many buyers have commented that this is “shaping up to be the right time and right place to buy in 2014.”

2014年5月拍卖会,NAFA将提供有史以来数量最大的优质毛皮…超过530 万张水貂。从数量上来说,这将是今年能够通过拍卖得到最优质水貂的 最后一次机会。 历史已经多次证明, 对优质毛皮进行投资将比购买质量 低劣的产品面临更小风险。 Black NAFA本黑水貂以及NAFA Mink水貂系列的整体质量无可非议。 分 皮以及评级的过程一直受到业界的褒奖。5月拍卖会提供的顶级水貂数 量史无前例。本黑水貂,彩貂以及马赫根尼水貂按照目前的市场价格来 说,都将为客户带来巨大的利益。很多买家都认为2014年“正在被塑造 成为一个合适的年份和合适的地点来购买毛皮。”

Black NAFA


The buying trends from the international spring fur fairs indicated major purchases were in top quality, luxury furs. Investing in the Black NAFA offering at the May auction should prove to be a good speculation as retailers seek to secure their stocks as well.

Once again following trends, the top end of mutation mink will be one group of fur that retailers will seek out. The NAFA May sale offers the final opportunity to purchase fine quality mutation mink in any quantity.

Black NAFA本黑水貂

NAFA Mink水貂皮

国际春节毛皮交易会上出现的购买趋势表明大部分客户购买的目标 是质量顶级、奢华的皮草。因此,当零售商在考虑保证自己货品价 值的同时,在5月拍卖会上购买Black NAFA本黑水貂将成为一项很 好的投资。

购买趋势再次表明,顶级彩貂将成为零售商的进货目标。NAFA五 月拍卖会将向买家提供购买优质彩貂的最后机会。

International fashion media has recognized the value of the NAFA label and hundreds of pages of editorial coverage have featured articles on NAFA and images from photo shoots, gala shows and special events. 国际时尚媒体已经认可NAFA商标的价值,媒体已经刊登了几百页有关 NAFA 的文章以及来自精品摄影,大型发布会以及特别活动的精美照片。

The NAFA Northern Collection of wild fur is the largest and most outstanding to be found anywhere in the world. The sheer volume gives NAFA the opportunity to create superior quality assortments for each and every fur type. Private dealer collections and even small auction offerings cannot compete with NAFA Northern. The quantities that will be offered for sale in May 2014 are some of the largest on record and the diversity has appeal for all sectors of the trade.

NAFA Northern野生皮系列是目前世界上数量最大,也是世界上可以找到 的最出色系列。 巨大的数量使NAFA能够根据每种皮为客户提供最优质的 分皮效果。个体收皮商以及规模较小的拍卖行所提供的毛皮系列无法与 NAFA Northern系列相抗衡。 2014年5月拍卖会提供的毛皮总量可以成为行业供皮量最大的几次拍卖纪 录之一,而毛皮种类的多样化更是对业界有着无穷的吸引力。

Silver Fox


Whilst NAFA is not the largest supplier of ranch raised fox, the May collection of NAFA Fox exceeds 30,000 and is one of the largest and finest in quality offered for sale in Toronto. Savvy buyers should find exceptional value here.

NAFA虽然不是最大的农场银狐供应商,但是5月的银狐总数将超过 30,000张,质量也相当出众。精明的买家将会发现物超所值。

Lynx Cat/Lynx


NAFA’s May auction has long been recognized as the premiere venue for securing the best selection of lynx cat and lynx. With 27,000 to be sold, the upcoming sale again fulfills this role.

Uncertain price levels at the NAFA February auction resulted in a quantity sable being withdrawn. These will now be offered at the May sale, bringing the total number of sable to go under the hammer to over 80,000. Market price will be determined by the trade and accepted by NAFA.



NAFA5月拍卖会已经被公认为是能够找到最优质的猞猁猫和猞猁的 拍卖行。27000张猞猁猫和猞猁即将被拍卖,这将再次印证业界给 予的这个美誉。

NAFA2月拍卖上出现的价格波动导致一定数量的紫貂给予了收回。 这些收回的毛皮将于5月再次进行拍卖,从而使紫貂的总数超过 80,000张皮。NAFA将接受由业界决定的市场价格。

10 Fur Fairs Reflect State Of The Industry 毛皮交易会成为行业现状的写照 At all of the major international fur fairs, it was clear that manufacturers offering fine quality products along with superior craftsmanship and updated designs fared the best. 在各大国际毛皮交易会上,很明显, 能够提供优质毛皮原料的,工艺精细的, 设计时尚的厂家,都是微笑到最后的。

Hong Kong Fur Fair – February 25-28 香港交易会 – 2月25日-28日

Establishing a market price level for both pelts and garments was a challenge at every fair 为毛皮原料和成衣建立一个市场价 格体系成为每个展会的挑战。 The mood of the trade definitely took an upswing following the NAFA auction. Mink prices appeared to be stable and confidence was returning to the industry. The Hong Kong Fair was considered successful in spite of the minor downturn in attendance and lower than anticipated confirmed orders reported by many manufacturers. Some buyers were said to be waiting to see skin price levels attained at the March auction in Helsinki.

Beijing Fur Fair – January 14-17 北京交易会 – 1月 14日-17日

It should be noted that the Hong Kong Fair targets export business and this is traditionally not the time when the China mainland wholesalers and retailers order from Hong Kong based manufacturers. Thus, the downturn in buyers from Russia and Eastern Europe was felt. These markets still suffer from leftover inventories of expensive merchandise that have created cash flow problems that are compounded by their currency situation. However, 30% of the orders placed at the fair were attributed to Russia buyers. The severe cold winter in the US was reflected with an increase in the number of American visitors along with an increase of orders reported to be 20-30% more than last year. Japan, Korea and Dubai also showed positive results. It was apparent that manufacturers who offered garments in better quality fur and new, trendy lifestyle fashion fared the best. In several cases, orders were in excess of last year.

The Beijing Fair was held after the December sale at Kopenhagen and before the February auctions at KF and NAFA. The low clearances and inability to establish a price level for mink in December put this fair in a very precarious position. Attendance of overseas visitors, who are the main target of this exhibition, was down while there was a slight increase in local visitors. The biggest issue was price. With no firm skin price structure upon which to base the cost of a garment, negotiation between buyer and seller was near impossible. Skin dealers found themselves in an even more difficult situation. The fair concluded with a “wait and see” philosophy and some optimism. 北京交易会是在12月哥本哈根拍卖会之后, 2月的哥本哈根以及NAFA拍卖 会之前举行的。12月拍卖会较低的成交量以及无法建立水貂的价格体系使 这个交易会处于了一个前景未卜的境地。展会主要的参观人群, 即来自境 外的参观商, 人数下降。但是国内的参观商人数有所上升。 而最大的问题是价格。没有坚实的价格体系作为一件衣服报价的基础,买 卖双方进行讨价还价基本是不可能的。而原料批发商发现他们的处境更为 艰难。本次展会在以观望为主, 谨慎乐观的气氛中结束。

在NAFA拍卖会结束以后, 香港交易会的士气明显有所提升。水貂价格开 始回稳, 业界重拾信心。尽管参观人数略微有所下降, 很多厂家也表示确认 的订单数量略低于预期, 但是香港交易会还是被认为是一届成功的交易 会。很多买家被告知需要再观察三月赫尔辛基拍卖会的价格水平。 需要指出的是, 香港交易会主要针对的是出口业务。中国大陆的批发商 和零售商已经不像以前从香港公司这里直接下订单。因此, 来自俄罗斯和 东欧的买家数量下降所造成的影响还是可以感受到的。因为这些市场依然 承受着高价存货所造成的资金紧张, 而汇率的现状使资金面更加捉襟 见肘。然而, 展会上30%的订单来自俄罗斯客户。 在美国经历了一个极度寒冷的冬天以后,来自美国的参观商人数有所上升, 而定单的数量也比去年上升20-30%。日本, 韩国和迪拜的客户也带来了令 人鼓舞的交易结果。 很明显, 能够提供质量更优、款式更新、更符合时尚潮流的服装生产 厂家微笑到了最后。在一些厂家,订单量甚至超过了去年。

Milan Fur Fair – March 4-7 米兰交易会 – 3月4日-7日 With a history of being the fair for new fashion trends, the Milan Fair attracts many of the same buyers as Hong Kong but many more high end brands and boutiques shop the mainly European exhibitors here. Some of the uncertainty from the Hong Kong Fair carried over to Milan. It was again attendance from the Russian and Eastern European buyers that was less than the previous year. The political turmoil that was unfolding in Ukraine during the fair caused further hesitation on the part of buyers. Once again it was the top end garment manufacturers, of which there are many at this fair, who saw the most activity and collected the bulk of the orders. Skin dealers continued to be hampered by the uncertainties in the ranch mink sector. Sables, lynx cats, chinchilla and other luxury furs appeared to have more interest due to buyer confidence in these articles. The many special events hosted by fair organizers, the IFF and individual exhibitors added to the excitement of the fair. The overall atmosphere was positive and buyers indicated the new collections were quite desirable and they planned to place orders. 一直以推出最新时尚而闻名业界的米兰交易会吸引了部分同样前往香港 交易会的参观商, 但是米兰交易会吸引了更多来自欧洲的高端品牌和精品 店。 而香港交易会出现的一些不确定因素也影响了米兰。俄罗斯和东欧买家 数量再次低于去年。而在米兰交易会期间出现的乌克兰政局动荡也再次 使部分买家产生犹豫的情绪。 本次展会中的顶级服装生产商成为最活跃的部分, 也是最主要收获定单的 群体。 原料批发商继续因为水貂价格的不稳定而受挫。紫貂, 猞猁猫, 青紫兰以及 其它奢华毛皮似乎更加受到买家的青睐, 因为买家对这些皮种更有信 心。 由组委会,IFF以及参展商组织的很多活动为交易会增加了兴奋点。整个 展会的氛围还是令人鼓舞的,买家也表示新的服装系列还是比较令人满 意的,所以他们准备订货。

Athens Fur Fair – March 27-30 雅典交易会 – 3月27日-30日 The Athens Fair offered further insight into market developments. This exhibition took place after the fur auction in Helsinki so the confirmation of skin prices led to an increase in buyer confidence. The Athens Fair targets mainly Russian and Eastern European visitors thus the expanding political unrest in Ukraine continued to affect sales. Unlike earlier international fur fairs where attendance was slightly down, the Athens Fair witnessed a 27% increase and confirmed orders also registered an increase of approximately 14%. The trend of better manufacturers who provided top quality fur products and fresh fashion design taking the bulk of the business persisted mirroring the buying patterns in Hong Kong and, particularly, Milan. The fair closed on a very positive note but with both buyers and manufacturers looking ahead to the next round of auctions. 雅典交易会使行业对市场的发展有了更加清晰的认识。 3月赫尔辛基拍 卖会强劲的购买势头为买家带来了更大的信心。而雅典交易会正是在赫尔 辛基拍卖会以后举行的。 雅典交易会的主要目标人群是俄罗斯和东欧的参观商,不断升级的乌克兰 动荡局势影响了成交结果。但是与前几个交易会参观人数略微下降有所不 同, 雅典交易会的主办方宣布参展人数增加了27%, 定单数量上升了14%。 能够提供优质毛皮产品和时尚设计的厂家还是主要的交易方, 这与香 港交易会, 尤其是米兰交易会的购买方式如出一辙。本次交易会以非常积极 的势头收官。但是买家以及生产厂家都开始预测下一轮的拍卖会形势。

14 Student Design Competitions Expanding With NAFA NAFA扩大学生设计比赛范围 For over seven years NAFA has sponsored student design competitions that culminate with finalists traveling to Toronto for a Studio NAFA workshop. 在过去7年多的时间,NAFA已经多次赞助学生设计比赛, 并且在学生来到Studio NAFA完成培训时掀起高潮。

For many years, NAFA has held strong to a creed that calls for a commitment to providing a platform for talented and dedicated young people to learn more about the fur industry and have the opportunity to display their creative abilities through fur design. This is not rhetoric but a pledge that is backed with the support of the entire NAFA organization. The recent Fur Excellence in Athens Fur Fair provided the perfect opportunity for the final judging of the Young Greek Design Contest sponsored by NAFA and the Hellenic Association of Furriers. Prior to this, the “NAFA Cup” Design Competition in China, which is co-hosted by China Tuhsu, took to the stage during the Beijing International Fur Fair held in January. From each of these high profile industry events, three students are awarded the prize of a trip to Toronto for a weeklong session at Studio NAFA’s Creative Workshop. In Korea, the Joongang Design Competition is the premiere contest for young designers. NAFA is the sponsor of the fur sector of this prestigious contest that has been held annually for over 40 years. Here two winners are chosen and awarded the Studio NAFA prize. Co-sponsorships with Fur Associations in Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Canada and the USA have been on going for many years. NAFA has provided both financial support and fur products to participants. In each of these countries one winner is selected to receive the NAFA Studio award. As NAFA works closer with new markets, a foundation is being put in place to open the door to young talent in these areas. This coming year will see the debut of NAFA Student Design Competitions in Ukraine, Turkey and Russia. As a true leader in the fur industry, NAFA takes very seriously its responsibility to ensure the future of this industry through education of and investment in the next generation.

多年以来, NAFA一直拥有一个坚定的信念, 那就是一定要努力为具有才 华、 具有敬业精神的年轻人提供平台, 使他们能够更好地了解毛皮行业, 通过毛皮设计来为这些年轻人提供展示他们设计才华的机会。这不是浮华词 藻, 而是由整个NAFA的支持作为后盾的誓言。 刚刚结束的 “卓越毛皮” 雅典毛皮交易会上, 由NAFA和希腊毛皮商协会 共同赞助的希腊青年设计大赛为年轻设计师提供了最佳的机会。而在今年 早些时候举行的, 由中国土产畜产进出口总公司共同赞助的NAFA杯中国 国际青年裘皮服装设计大赛也在一月北京国际交易会期间亮相。这两次 高水平大赛的前三名获奖学生都将获得前往多伦多参加为期一周的Studio NAFA创意设计讲座的奖励。 在韩国, Joongang设计大赛是为年轻设计师设立的顶级大赛。该项大赛已 经举行了40多年。而NAFA 是该项大赛裘皮部分的赞助商。届时, 两名获奖 选手将同样获得Studio NAFA之行的奖励。 NAFA与香港, 意大利, 日本, 加拿大和美国毛皮协会之间的合作已经持续多 年。 NAFA一直向参赛选手提供资金上以及毛皮原料的支持。 而这些国家 或者地区也将分别有一位选手获得Studio NAFA之行的奖励。 当NAFA不断与新兴市场之间加强合作的同时, 向这些地区的年轻设计师打 开机遇大门的时机也逐渐成熟。 在未来的一年间, 与乌克兰, 土耳其以及 俄罗斯之间分别举行的首届设计大赛将有机会陆续推出。 作为毛皮行业真正的领袖, NAFA非常严肃地履行着为行业的未来不断奉献 的职责, 坚信对下一代的教育以及投资是义不容辞的义务。

The beauty of collaboration between older and younger generations is that we combine strength with wisdom 促进老一代与年轻一代共同合作的魅力 就是我们把力量与智慧结合在了一起

18 Supporting Young Talent 支持青年人才

The annual design competitions sponsored by the IFF are in perfect harmony with NAFA’s philosophy. IFF举行的年度设计比赛与NAFA的哲学完美吻合

“Pimp My Coat” is a competition that ties into the Remix International Design Contest sponsored by the International Fur Federation (IFF). This year, the fur auction houses were invited to participate by sponsoring a fashion designer to redesign an outdated fur garment from an old collection and rejuvenate it back to life to compliment today’s fashion. The participating designers had the incredible opportunity of exhibiting their retake on classic fashion during MIFUR in Milan. The acclaimed international recognition and media exposure that these fashion designers gained was astounding. This year’s event was bigger and better, giving the young designers much more recognition since the IFF had co-partnered with Franca Sozzani, Editor-in-Chief of Vogue, Italy. With a short lead-time and only a forty-eight hour work time allowance to complete the garment for the upcoming fair, NAFA quickly went to work searching for an innovative apprentice designer for the challenging task at hand. After interviewing several young designers, NAFA chose Canadian based Korean designer Jayun Pi. Jayun currently apprentices under the direction of renowned Canadian designer Lucian Matis. Although Jayun had worked with fur in the past, she had never had the chance to work on a fur design project taking it from design concept to finished product. Since NAFA proudly helps young designers to develop and grow their creativity by often sponsoring design competitions worldwide, it was evident that Jayun was the right candidate and this would provide her with the opportunity of a lifetime. The garment selected for the remake was a long, black and white NAFA Mink coat with NAFA Silver Fox tuxedo. After assessing the coat’s design, color, and fur textures, Jayun began the revamping process by blueprinting her creative drawings on paper. The new design maintained the original black and white zebra pattern but Jayun added leather accents and minimized the usage of fox for a slenderized silhouette. In two short days, the coat was transformed from long, oversized and dated, to short, fitted and flirty.

“Pimp My Coat” 是由国际毛皮协会 (IFF) 赞助举行的与Remix国际设计 比赛紧密结合的一项赛事。今年, 毛皮拍卖行应邀参与本项赛事,要求通过 支持一位设计师对一件款式过时的毛皮服装进行改造,使其更加符合当今的 时尚潮流。 参与本项赛事的设计师们获得了一个令人难以置信的绝好机会, 因为他 们的设计作品在米兰的毛皮交易会期间进行了展示, 获得的国际认可和 赞誉令人惊叹, 媒体报道铺天盖地。而今年的赛事规模更大, 水平更高, 由 于IFF与意大利Vogue杂志主编Franca Sozzani 的携手合作, 今年的年轻设计 师获得了更多的认可。 由于只有短暂的准备过程以及仅仅48小时的制作时间, NAFA迅速开始寻 找一位充满创意的实习设计师来接受这个巨大的挑战。在面试了几位年 轻设计师以后, NAFA选择了一位定居加拿大的韩裔设计师 Jayun Pi。 Jayun目前正在加拿大知名设计师Lucian Matis的工作室做实习生。 虽然 Jayun曾经采用裘皮做过设计, 但是她从来没有机会接受一个完整 的裘皮设计项目, 即从确认理念到完成整个作品的过程。由于NAFA一直 以来对年轻设计师的鼎力支持, 通过在全球举行设计比赛的方式来帮助 和实现设计师的创意, 毫无疑问, Jayun正是我们希望找到的设计师, 而这 将成为她一生的一个重要机遇。 为这个项目而选择的旧款衣服为一件NAFA Mink水貂服装配上NAFA Fox银狐皮的晚礼服。在考虑了衣服的设计, 颜色以及毛皮的纹理, Jayun 开始了这个改造的过程, 首先将她的创意绘制在图纸上。新的设计继续 沿用服装本身的黑白相间的斑马纹效果, 然后 Jayun加上了皮革作为点 缀, 将狐狸部分的用量减少, 以突显服装收腰的视觉效果。 在短短的两 天时间里, 一件长长的, 宽松的但是过时的服装变成了一件短小的, 贴身 的上装, 充满了娇媚的韵味。

20 2014 Outreach Program Debuts In Istanbul 2014 国际拓展讲座于伊斯坦布尔启动 The expanding Studio NAFA Outreach Project allows NAFA to share knowledge of the fur industry and specialized NAFA fur products with hundreds of participants around the world. 规模不断扩大的Studio NAFA拓展项目使NAFA能够有机会与世界上成百上千的设 计师共同分享毛皮界的知识以及NAFA与众不同的毛皮产品

Studio NAFA将继续致力于增加更多丰富的内容并且扩大举行讲座的国 际市场范围。正是在这个坚定信念的基础上,NAFA在土耳其伊斯坦布尔举 行了本年度首次讲座。 50多位土耳其当地的皮革和毛皮业设计师和技师于1月21日参加本次讲 座。讲座主要介绍了 NAFA 的毛皮产品以及如何将这些毛皮产品结合到 他们的服装系列中。

Maria Antonietta D’Errico, 这位来自意大利恩波利的知名设计师应邀 介绍她在设计这个NAFA Northern野生皮服装系列时的设计理念。 这 个系列主要采用了六种NAFA Northern品牌下的野生皮: 海狸, 郊狼, 红 狐, 渔貂, 麝鼠和浣熊。 其它包括针织, 皮革以及弹性线衫等原料的使用 使这个系列服装更加充满青春清新的气息, 而且使产品本身的价格能够控 制在一个非常合理的水平, 可以满足年轻一代对时尚生活方式的追求, 同 时又符合他们的经济现状。 参加这个 Studio NAFA 拓展项目讲座的嘉宾都有机会仔细研究衣服的 版样和面料, 并且向专家提出他们关心的问题。

Studio NAFA 事务总监姚路敏还介绍了正在顺利开展的国际拓展项目的 准备情况: “我们将不断拓展我们讲座的目标人群, 不仅仅局限于毛皮设 计师, 还将吸引更多设计成衣、配饰甚至是家居饰品的设计师以及技师。” NAFA计划在传统的毛皮市场, 例如中国, 韩国, 欧洲以及北美举行更多的 讲座, 同时也将在俄罗斯, 东欧以及中亚地区一些新兴市场举行讲座。 不断拓展的讲座将吸引更多的专家就创意设计, 设计与制作, 如何成功对毛 皮产品进行营销推广的长期战略等主题与业界进行沟通。

With a strong commitment to the further expansion of the Studio NAFA Outreach Project both in depth of the program and global locations, NAFA hosted the premiere workshop of the year in Istanbul, Turkey. Over 50 local designers and craftsmen from Turkey’s highly regarded leather and fur industries joined together on January 21st to participate in the workshop that was created to give them more insight into NAFA products and how to incorporate them into their collections. Maria Antonietta D’Errico, a well known and respected designer from Empoli, Italy, was invited to explain the design concepts used in the NAFA Northern collection she created. This collection highlighted six major NAFA Northern species: Beaver, Coyote, Red Fox, Fisher, Muskrat and Raccoon. Other materials such as knitting, leather and jersey were used to give younger and fresher looks and also allow for production at a reasonable cost to meet the younger generations’ lifestyle and financial needs. Participants at all of the Studio NAFA Outreach workshops have the opportunity to examine patterns and materials first hand and pose questions to fur experts joining the program. Lumin Yao, Director of Studio NAFA, has noted that the preparation of a series of Outreach Programs is now well underway. “We will expand our target audience to not only fur designers, but also designers and technicians who create ready-to-wear garments, accessories and even home furnishings.”

For those interested in technical training in the sorting and processing of fur skins at the auction house level, as well as general protocol at an auction, NAFA offers a special course each winter. For further information contact Oscar Carbonell, oscarbon@nafa.ca or your local NAFA agent.

NAFA plans to host workshops in some of the newer, emerging markets in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, while continuing to work with the traditional fur markets of China, Korea, Europe and North America.

如果您对拍卖会分皮业务技术培训以及了解拍卖会的总体 流程有兴趣, NAFA在冬天都会提供一次特殊的课程培训。 可 以联系Oscar Carbonell , oscarbon@nafa.ca 或者您当地的 NAFA 市场代表进行查询。

The expanded seminars will bring more expert speakers on creative design, technical design and production, and long-term strategy for the successful marketing of fur.

22 Photo shoots 精品摄影

At the heart of the NAFA print campaign lies the images that are created each year showcasing the beauty and luxury of fur. NAFA平面宣传的核心就是通过每年的摄影活动 所产生的精美画片来突显裘皮的魅力与奢华。

Each summer for the past decade, NAFA has undertaken the monumental task of organizing a photo shoot to capture images for the international marketing campaigns of Black NAFA, NAFA Mink, NAFA Fox and NAFA Northern. At the same time, the needs of major clients are considered as many rely on the high quality images NAFA provides for their own advertising. Months of preparations and weeks of studio and location shootings each year have resulted in images that have graced hundreds of pages of leading fashion magazines including Vogue, Elle, Glamour, Harper’s Bazaar and many, many more. In addition, the industry’s leading fur

在过去的十年间, 每年夏天, NAFA都会承担一次里程碑式的精品摄影, 为 Black NAFA, NAFA Mink, NAFA Fox和NAFA Northern全球推广活动需要的 精美图片而捕捉精彩瞬间。同时, 精品摄影也是为了满足主要客户的需求, 因 为很多客户都希望获得NAFA提供的广告图片素材。 每年连续几个月的准备, 几周的场地考察为最终能够出现在Vogue, Elle, Glamour, Harper’s Bazaar等顶级时装杂志中的几百页内容而奠定基础。 而业界知名杂志也已经要求有权使用这些图片为各自的文章配图。而多年 来, 中国, 俄罗斯, 欧洲以及北美大陆出现的巨型广告牌更以美丽的模特, 身 披令人神往的皮草, 令众多行人惊艳不已。

fashion publications have requested these photos for editorial stories. Over the years, giant billboards across China, Russia, Europe and North America have captured the attention of passers-by with stunning, larger than life images of beautiful models clad in the most desirable of furs.

随着NAFA品牌推广活动的不断发展, 同时不断提升的还有精品摄影的 质量水平。享誉国际的著名摄影师纷纷为NAFA的摄影掌镜。来自顶级模 特经纪公司的超模以其与生俱来的美丽以及被奢华皮草包裹后散发出来 的光芒而纷纷入选。专业的造型师和发型师是每次拍摄的重要组成部分。

As NAFA’s brand campaign has evolved, so, too, has the quality level of the photo shoot. Internationally renowned photographers are engaged to capture the many moods of NAFA furs. Models from the “A list” of top agencies are selected for their inherent beauty and the aura that they give when wrapped in luxury. Teams of professional stylists and hair and makeup artists join each shoot.

今年的推广活动对于拍摄地点以及背景的选择将呈现不同的层面。2014年, NAFA已经选择风景秀丽的加拿大阿尔伯塔省班芙国家公园作为大背景, 充 满神话色彩的古堡, 在美得令人忘了呼吸的大自然壮丽景观包围中的度 假小屋都将成为此次拍摄的亮点。

There will be many facets to this year’s campaign with location shots as well as studio settings. For 2014, NAFA has chosen the scenic backdrop of Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada and the fairy tale castle and lodges that make this a breath taking and natural wonder. The first of the NAFA photo shoots begin in April and will culminate in mid June. Several international fashion magazines will be sending editors to Toronto for their own editorial shoots in June and July. Following this, special sessions will also be scheduled for VIP manufacturers and retailers who are supporters of the NAFA global marketing campaign.

NAFA的第一次摄影将于4月举行, 随后将在6月中旬达到高潮。一些国际时 装杂志将于6月和7月安排编辑来到多伦多组织各自的拍摄。最后将是为一 直以来对NAFA全球推广活动给予大力支持的VIP厂家以及零售商安排的 特殊摄影活动。

24 The NAFA Family Of Labels NAFA商标 When purchasing luxury goods, it is important to have a guarantee of quality. Each NAFA label is designed to provide this assurance. 在购买奢侈品的时候,非常重要的一条就是质量的保证。 每个NAFA商标就是为了向消费者提供这种保证。

每个NAFA商标都拥有一个单独的序列号。商标的真实性可以在NAFA官 网进行查验。首先打开www.nafa.ca网页,点击“有关NAFA”,然后点 击“商标真伪验证”,消费者应该可以通过完成简单的几个步骤就立刻 确认所获得的商标是否是真实的。商标上还有一根肉眼无法看见的安全 丝与商标的其它丝线穿插在一起。消费者可以把商标放紫外光灯下面进 行验证。


Each NAFA label has been allocated a unique serial number and authenticity can be verified on the NAFA website. By going to www.nafa.ca, and clicking on “About NAFA” and then “Label Authenticity”, a consumer can follow a few simple steps and immediately know if the NAFA label is authentic. There is also an invisible security thread that is woven through the label so that retailers and consumers can verify the legitimacy of the label itself under black light.

Black NAFA Black NAFA 天然黑色水貂 The Black NAFA label is awarded to superior quality natural black mink. This rare type of mink with its naturally short, velvet-like nap, dense underwool and deep rich color, has come to define the ultimate in luxury and sensuality. Black NAFA天然黑色水貂商标是授予质量最顶级的天然黑色水貂。这种稀有的水貂品种以其与生俱来 的短小,如天鹅绒般手感的针毛,浓密的底绒以及深沉的色泽而成为极至奢华与美感的定义。

Black NAFA Limited Edition

Black NAFA Limited Edition天然黑色水貂限量版 The Black NAFA Limited Edition label defines the world’s finest top black mink by individual producer. This exclusive group of internationally acclaimed mink ranchers has consistently produced the absolute finest quality of mink through years of dedication. Black NAFA Limited Edition天然黑色水貂限量版商标代表的是由专门农场提供的世界上最优质的 天然黑色水貂。这些精选的农场通过多年的勤奋工作和敬业精神,所饲养的优质水貂已经连续多 次获得国际大奖。

NAFA Northern Wild Fur


NAFA Northern Wild Fur野生皮

NAFA Mink天然水貂

North America provides the world with an abundance of wild fur. These furs have been a part of the history of the fur trade and continue to be an important aspect in the use of renewable natural resources. The NAFA Northern label is awarded to the top quality of fur in each category.

The NAFA Mink label is awarded to a variety of colors of mink that exhibit a short, silky nap, dense underwool and natural clear, even colorations. Notable shades include Blue Iris, Sapphire, White, Pearl, Violet, Pastel, Demi Buff and Mahogany.

北美大陆为世界提供了数量充足的野生毛皮。这些毛皮是毛皮交易史的 一个重要组成部分,并且继续成为可再生天然资源被利用的一个重要方 面。NAFA Northern商标是授予各个野生毛皮系列中最顶级的毛皮。

NAFA Mink天然水貂商标是授予各种天然色泽的水貂,这些水貂依旧展 示其短小、丝滑手感的针毛,清晰的、均匀的色泽等优异品质。享誉业界 的色泽包括铁灰,蓝宝石,白色,珍珠,紫罗兰,浅咖啡,中咖啡以及 马赫根尼。

Fox NAFA Fox

NAFA Fox狐狸皮 The NAFA Fox label is awarded to ranch raised fox that has a soft, wispy guard hair and a silky underwool. NAFA Silver Fox is the most popular in color and offers hybrid shades that range from a dark charcoal grey to a pale slate grey. NAFA Fox是授予那些针毛细小、柔软,底绒丝滑的农场饲养狐狸。NAFA Fox 银狐是最受欢迎的色泽,具有深沉的木炭灰到浅色的板岩灰等斑驳色系。

In addition to NAFA labels for garments, NAFA created specialized labels that will give consumers the confidence that the furs they select have met quality and environmental standards. NAFA除了提供为服装而设计的商标,还专门设计了一批能够为消费者对所选毛 皮的质量以及环保标准增加信心的商标。


NAFA Fur Trim

NAFA Trim毛皮镶边 The use of fur as trim on outerwear garments of textiles and leather has become a fashion statement in its own right. NAFA responded to market requests to create a label for this need. The label was designed to attach easily into the lining of a garment and provides a guarantee of the quality and origin of the fur. 为针织面料以及皮革外套镶上毛皮的细条已经成为时尚宣 言。NAFA及时回应市场的需求,推出了这种商标。这个商标可以 非常方便地缝制在服装的衬里上,是质量以及毛皮原产地的保证。

NAFA Fur Accessories

NAFA Fur Accessories毛皮配饰 Fur accessories are at the height of fashion and consumers want to be sure of the scarves, hats, handbags and myriad of fashion accents they purchase. The NAFA Fur Accessories label gives them a guarantee of quality and origin. 毛皮配饰正达到时尚的顶峰。消费者希望确切明白他们购买的围巾,帽 子,手包以及各式各样的时尚饰品。NAFA Fur Accessories毛皮配饰商标 为消费者做出了质量以及原产地的保证。。

NAFA Home Accessories NAFA Home Accessories家居配饰 With the rise in popularity of fur in the use of home furnishings, the NAFA Home Accessories label has become a very important tool for retailers of home products. Consumers who are purchasing durable goods have the assurance that the fur material meets the same high standards for quality and origin as found in traditional fur retail.

随着毛皮越来越多地被用于家居饰品,NAFA Home Accessories商标已经 成为家居产品零售商的一个重要的促销手段。这个商标向购买这种经久 耐用的产品的消费者保证其购买的毛皮原料是符合最高质量标准并且拥 有与传统毛皮零售商一样的原产地的证明。

28 Rancher List 农场名单

Unquestionably, the most respected mink ranchers in the world consign their mink to NAFA. 毫无疑问,世界上最受推崇的水貂农场通过NAFA拍卖其产品

Black Male

Black Female

White Male

White Female





Patrick Collection Zimbal Mink Trimberger Collection David Dittrich Collection Lodder Collection Parkinson-Kalmon Collection Sandy Bay Collection Kubitz/Dawson Collection Ambercreek Collection Black Tulip Black Shadow Unicorn-Dittrich Langer F.F. Zwickey Collection Woodmont F.F. Venus F.F. Black Crystal

Zimbal Mink Patrick Collection Lodder Collection Parkinson-Kalmon Collection David Dittrich Collection Sandy Bay Collection Trimberger Collection Kubitz/Dawson Collection Ambercreek Collection Black Tulip Black Shadow Unicorn-Dittrich Langer F.F. Zwickey Collection Woodmont F.F. Venus F.F. Black Crystal

Zimbal Dittrich-Unicorn Unicorn-Dittrich Larsen Snow Crest White Crest Sn Farms Smn Farms

Dittrich-Unicorn Unicorn-Dittrich Larsen Snow Crest White Crest Sn Farms Smn Farms

Pearl Male

Pearl Female



Dittrich-Unicorn Unicorn-Dittrich Larsen Pearl Creek

Dittrich-Unicorn Unicorn-Dittrich Larsen Pearl Creek

Mahogany Male

Mahogany Female

Silverblue Male

Silverblue Female





Walt Brown Jonsson&Son Dittrich-Unicorn Dixon F.F. Dittrich-Dixon-Jonsson Willliams F.F. Northwest F.F. Unicorn-Dittrich SMW Smith & Kearns

Walt Brown Dittrich-Unicorn Dixon F.F. Jonsson&Son Dittrich-Dixon-Jonsson Willliams F.F. Northwest F.F. Unicorn-Dittrich SMW Smith & Kearns

Dittrich-Unicorn Larsen Unicorn-Dittrich Silvercreek

Dittrich-Unicorn Larsen Unicorn-Dittrich Silvercreek

Demi Male

Demi Female

Blue Iris Male

Blue Iris Female





Dittrich Unicorn Dean Moyle Sno-Valley Larsen-Devon Cooper Select SMW

Dittrich Unicorn Dean Moyle Sno-Valley Larsen-Devon Cooper Select SMW

Zimbal Mink

Zimbal Mink



Pastel Male

Pastel Female

Sapphire Male

Sapphire Female





Dittrich-Unicorn Zimbal Dean Moyle Cooper Mclachlan Brookview

Dittrich-Unicorn Dean Moyle Zimbal Cooper Mclachlan Brookview

Zimbal Mink Black Crystal

Zimbal Mink Black Crystal

30 May 2014 Auction 2014年5月拍卖

Breeders Section||| Black Male Black Female Mahogany Male Mahogany Female Demi/Wild Male Demi/Wild Female Pastel Pearl White Blue Iris Silverblue Sapphire Palomino Black Cross Unique Mutations

Ranch Fox

750,000 645,000 480,000 480,000 286,000 286,000 635,000 635,000 154,000 262,000 236,000 88,000 220,000 53,000 33,000 24,000 33,000


Sable Fisher Lynx Lynx Cat Wild Mink Musquash Otter Raccoon Beaver Coyote Wild Red Fox Wild Grey Fox Squirrel Ermine Badger Opossum Skunk & Ringtail Wolverine Timber Wolf Bears Cougar Wild Cross, Silver &Sundry Fox

80,000 5,000 4,000 23,000 32,000 260,000 19,000 750,000 140,000 115,000 44,000 20,000 28,000 27,000 7,000 85,000 8,000 130 550 200 25 3,500

5.3 Million Mink 530万水貂 TOTAL MINK OFFERING | 总水貂发售

Plus The World’s Finest & Largest Wild Fur Collection Selling From May 14 To May 21, 2014 及世界上最优质、数量最大的野生皮系列 拍卖于2014年5月14日- 21日举行

种貂 三级皮 本黑 公貂 本黑 母貂 马赫根尼 公貂 马赫根尼 母貂 中咖啡 公貂 中咖啡 母貂 浅咖啡 珍珠 白色 铁灰 银蓝 蓝宝石 米黄 黑十字 独特变种貂

750,000 645,000 480,000 480,000 286,000 286,000 635,000 635,000 154,000 262,000 236,000 88,000 220,000 53,000 33,000 24,000 33,000

紫貂 渔貂 猞猁 猞猁猫 野生水貂 麝鼠 水獭 貉子 海狸 郊狼 野生红狐 野生灰狐 松鼠 貂鼠 獾 负鼠 臭鼬和环尾猫 狼獾 木狼 熊 美洲狮




80,000 5,000 4,000 23,000 32,000 260,000 19,000 750,000 140,000 115,000 44,000 20,000 28,000 27,000 7,000 85,000 8,000 130 550 200 25 3,500

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