#I Woke Up Like This 2.537.715
Choose Your Destination - p 5 Worth The Wait - p 9 How Trolltunga Really Looks - p 19 Follopw Me Couple - p 29 Shape That Butt - p 35 Act Like An Influencer - p 41 Influencer Style - p 51 Fitness Selfie - p 61 Jokerstairs
- p 71
It’s All About You - p 81 Dark Tourism - p 91 Annoying Locals - p 97 Dangerous Selfie - p 101 Selfie To Die For - p 111
#Choose Your Destination
#Worth The Wait
“Paradise hidden in Nusa Penida. The best amazing view in Kelingking beach” Lidyaaa_11
- 11 -
“Nothing worth doing is ever easy.” Livibee
- 13 -
“Feeling on top of the world!” aprilyoh
- 15 -
“Cheers to life.” arimambr
- 17 -
“How Trolltunga really looks� Magdalena Gonciarz
- 19 -
heart is free, have the courage to follow it.� inesa_yasakova
- 21 -
“Watch your step!” 8xplorer
- 23 -
world really exists!” barbiemichaels
- 25 -
“Yeah, it’s a bit of a drop” brodie.at
- 27 -
#Follow Me Couple
- 29 -
moi à la braderie de Lille” takemyhand_photo
- 31 -
“He make me happy in a way no one else can!� raminta_rad
- 33 -
#Shape that butt
- 35 -
“Love this app soooo much!!! This helped my pics to be more instagrammable, I love it!!!! ” Vicky Hu
- 37 -
“Just few touches, you will be fitness model.” Body Editor
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#Act Like an Influencer
- 41 -
“What if I told you that you’re already an influencer, but didn’t know it? ” mrsjomy
- 43 -
“Get in loser we’re going shopping” dani.mgd
- 45 -
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.� charlotte_roxy
- 47 -
“The Joy Of Dressing Is An ART” araina_banerjee
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#Influencer Style
- 51 -
“Giving my dreams yet another shot. ” swagitupsite
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“This is us all of the time� austieleigh
- 55 -
“Being the fake bitch I am.” xashtonmx
- 57 -
“Living my best life” polyamykytiuk
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#Fitness Selfie
- 61 -
“When you look better shirtless� ernieomene
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“Feeling the power of the dark side� refereevinnielax
- 67 -
“The lighting was just right” msfitnessintexas
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- 71 -
“Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?� Joker
- 73 -
“Be original.� karlynes
- 75 -
“The “Joker Stairs” are a Sensation — Except for Locals” brutamerica
- 77 -
“My proverty is not your photo shoot� bethannye96
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#It’s All About You
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“The End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path. One that we all must take.” J.R.R. Tolkien (post deleted)
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“Having the best time of our lives...� _angelaleticia_
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“Jumping on dead Jews @ Holocaust Memorial“ (post deleted)
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I am the guy that inspired you to make Yolocaust(1), so I’ve read at least. I am the “jumping on de...” I cant even write it, kind of sick of looking at it. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. Now I just keep seeing my words in the headlines. I have seen what kind of impact those words have and it’s crazy and it’s not what I wanted (…) The photo was meant for my friends as a joke. I am known to make out of line jokes, stupid jokes, sarcastic jokes. And they get it. If you knew me you would too. But when it gets shared, and comes to strangers who have no idea who I am, they just see someone disrespecting something important to someone else or them. That was not my intention. And I am sorry. I truly am. With that in mind, I would like to be undouched. P.S. Oh, and if you could explain to BBC, Haaretz and aaaaallll the other blogs, news stations etc. etc. that I fucked up, that’d be great.
(1) A project called YOLOCAUST that explored our commemorative culture by combining selfies from the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin with footage from Nazi extermination camps. The selfies were found on Facebook, Instagram, Tinder and Grindr. Comments, hashtags and “Likes” that were posted with the selfies are also included.
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#Dark Tourism
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“Back to reality. Missing our time in Chernobyl.“ diamondbetweenstars
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“One of many dream locations check” nightscape02
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#Annoying Locals
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#Dangerous selfie
- 101 -
“*ANXIETY ALERT!* “ pcclinicatenerife
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“Sometimes you gotta risk it to get the biscuit.” hueylevi
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“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going....“ keirena.erin
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“This is why *stupid* people gets killed during selfies.� bornferch
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#Selfie To Die For
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“We don’t want to harvest your organs, just your personal data.“ keirena.erin
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“Family of 4 Drown while Taking Selfies” ish.news
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“Their average age? 23.“ tictoc
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“Are you serious?!” Yes. I’m dead serious.” cardobear
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#I Woke Up Like This Layout
Š copyright 2019, all rights reserved Claire Dekens
Photographs The photographs were found on the internet and will be used only as an object of research Bachelor fotografie en visual design - 3de jaar Academiejaar 2019-2020 Printer DWC-PRINT
Š Claire Dekens