Saaristo . Architecture portfolio . Luca Caiaffa

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[ saaristo 2017 ]


THE ARCHIPELAGO This publication shows a selection of my work up until now. I’m a architect from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Graduated in 2015 with the thesis O Tempo das Mãos - Hands Rhythm. In the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University Mackenzie, in Sao Paulo. The idea of an archipelago makes reference to an image of a scatthering of pieces that, togheter, form another whole. This idea have been on my mind for a long time, to connect diferent and separated elements, trying to find new ways and new ideas. The saaristo works as a portfolio, it is separated in three groups based on time or subject. First a selection of educational work, from my home university and from the Tampere University of Technology, where I was an exchange student for one semester in the masters program. I’ve been working since the second year of university, passing thru four diferent offices - the first focused on housing design and reforms, the second on design and manegement of sports arenas, the third on high rise residencial and commercial buildings. After my exchange in Finland, I started in the office SIAA, where I stayed for a longer period and collaborate in a big range of private and public projects as well as in many competition entries. Besides the projects, I was responsable for a models workshop of the office, and made many models, for diferent projects and stages of design. I selected some of the models to show in the archipelago. With my first employer - Bebeto Ribeiro de Lima - I kept doing freelance works during the entire university. After I graduate we start developing some projects as partners. I’m always thinking from the scale of the smallest elements up to the scale of a whole city. So, all the projects seeks new relations with people and with the surrounding world, forming an archipelago where the islands aim for new connections and relations. Luca Caiaffa /


[ saaristo 2017 ]




PATIO DO PARI In a old part of Sao Paulo, an old rail yeard building hosts a fruits and vegetables market. The design creates a library, an apartment building, and a view tower, to add new programs to the market and to engage people with the area and the city.


KESKUSTORI PAVILLION In the center of Tampere, the pavilion is a living room for the citizens, it proposes new relations with the city blocks, the main square and a green park.


HANDS RHYTHYM My degree thesis and project. It creates a relation between architecture and the hands. Explores the idea of the hands as a tool of comunication, articulation, a way of thinking. And explores its translation into the architectural atmosphere.


INI 45 The 45m² cottage explores the construction techniques, such as walls of rammed earth and a dry assemble of prefab materials. It proposes a peaceful shelter.


MUSEUM OF SEXUAL DIVERSITY Competition within office SIAA. The project stablishes relations between an heritage building and a new extension in one of the most exciting Avenues of Sao Paulo, the Paulista Ave.


SESC BERTIOGA COMPOSTING PAVILION Public bidding entry within office SIAA. The project is a complete composting pavilion, but it aim to host visitors and students, so they can be introduced to this process.










[ saaristo 2017 ]

PATIO DO PARI - Fruits & Vegetables Market adaptation / reconnection / recognition / densification


The Patio do Pari is an old rail yard in a central neighborhood of Sao Paulo, besides hosting a passenger station, the rail yard was used to stock some of the goods that arrived in the city and to manuver trains. At its time the region was not part of the center, so it was a way to manage the volume of goods that arrive to the growing city.

The project is part of a big range of actions in the whole neighborhood, with the main goals of reconnection, adaptation, recognition and desification.

After being desativated the area became part of a cereals zone of the city, a place of trade and stock, and the old heritage building of the yard, now a days, shelters a huge fruits and vegetables market.

An habitacional building fits in between the old sheds of the adjacent street, manteining the walls shared as the whole neighborhood, introduces an open ground floor plan, creating new entrances to the old yard.

It starts from the original caracteristcs aiming to potencialize them and to bring new uses to the area.

[ process ]

[ patio do pari ]


[ saaristo 2017 ]

rail yard

fruits and vegetables market

existing buildings

ground floor plan

showing the new entrances to the yard and how the programs occupy just the minimun area in the floor, letting the market continue as the main program, in a restored heritage building. The projecion of the higher level provides new shaded outside areas for the market visitors, potentializing the area and its programs.



[ patio do pari ]

[ projects ]


The higher level introduces and organizes the new programs. It connects the library with the habitacional building, with the look out tower and a restaurant. first floor plan


look out tower

habitacional [9]

[ saaristo 2017 ]

To amplify the recognition of the neighborhood, the look out tower sets next to the other end of the heritage build (shown without its roof in the model). And, as the main intervention, a stretched library rests along the fence wall of the yard. With around 500m, the library creates a new place, where before were just cars, trash or stocks. Besides that, the library works together with the market. It creats new entrances to the plot and new shaded areas, bringing people for longer periods and in different hours. The transversal sections show this encounter between the market and the library. It explores the new flows and dynimics that can flourish from that. The longitudinal sections show the new entrances from the adjacent street and how the library work between two levels.

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[ patio do pari ]


[ projects ]

SECTIONS show how the new higher level evolves in the longitudinal axis of the plot.

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

KESKUSTORI PAVILION from the box to the park The task for this design was to create a public living room for Tampere, Finland. The plot is quite special, in the center of the city, a long area without any constructions. The South faces the center square and the East a green park with an old church. The North and West faces a more “formal� city, with aligned buildings of different ages.

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The main idea came from a dialog with the sorroundings, the flux proposal, views and sunlight desire. So the facades facing the formal city are more solid and dense with a box-like structure sustained by solid shapes. The park facade open as a big window, drowing the sunlight and creating a nice atmosphere inside. The last one is the main view and entrance of the project, from the square, so it creates a strong line going down from the city to the park.

[ process ]

[ keskustori pavilion ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

ground floor plan first floor plan

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[ keskustori pavilion ]

The solid shapes that support the box host the programs that needed more closure - aditorium, multiporpouse hall and meeting rooms.

[ projects ]

The main hall looks to the park from a huge glass facade. Getting sunlight and creating a living room atmosphere.

The strong line looking from the square goes from the scale of the city to the human scale in the park.

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[ keskustori pavilion ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

HANDS RYTHYM dregree thesis and project > pallasmaa, Juhani. The Thinking Hands. P. 149

“Instead of participating in the process of further speeding up the experience of the world, architecture has to slow down experience, halt time, and defend the natural slowness and diversity of experience.” Hands Rhythm is my project and thesis of graduation. It was developed for one year, in 2015 with my professor advisor Paulo Emílio Burque. The design starts with the idea of aproximations - between people, places, programs, actions and the city. As it developed thru a series of architectural experiences, the project kept exploring ways to aproximate the theory and the practice.

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Using references from The Craftsman, Richard Sennett to Verb List, Richard Serra or Muuratsalo Experimental House, Alvar Aalto to Mon Oncle, Jacques Tati, the project develops as a tool, that creates new dynamics and instigates new uses in a seemngly abandoned place by the city and its citizens. It reaches for a new space where the hands can get closer to the thoughts.

[ projects ]

[ hands rhythm ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

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[ hands rhythm ]

[ process ]

The process, shown thru drawings and models, indicate how the project developed always looking to the city, to the programatic and technical solutions and to the teorical reasearch. The croquis and models keep asking and finding answers, trying and experimenting. This pratical process indicated possibilities and guided the way. In the end the Design Process was used as an introduction to the thesis, that was focus on the aproximmation between the practice and the theory.

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

viaduto do cafĂŠ

section under the viaduct

section beside the viaduct [ 22 ]

[ hands rhythm ]

[ projects ]


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[ saaristo 2017 ]

The program is devided in two main ideas, one more formal, other more organic and public. The formal part is a center of handworks or crafts, where everybody can became associate to develop, trade, exchange, produce or study handworks. The second part of the program has to do with its location. The project stretches along an old viaduct of Sao Paulo - Viaduto do CafĂŠ - in a central area of the city, where the level quotas vary between 15-20m. Hence, the project proposes a series of new paths connecting the levels. With open places, cafĂŠs, a cinema, and markets it intend to support and generate movement of people.

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[ projects ]

[ hands rhythm ]

The plan and the section shows the cinema, market, coffee and foyer under the viaduct. In this stretch, the wooden structure along the viaduct creates new ways to walk in the area, between the levels and the new programs. Put together, the old and havy concrete structure and the new light wooden structure creates new perceptions of the place, its constructions and its flows.

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

The modular wooden structure is conceived from ordinary market pieces, like timber beams, battens or strips. The simplicity of the materials and ensemble gain complexity with the new relations that it establishes with the city and how it stages new possibilities of use for the citizens.

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[ hands rhythm ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

Tree big ateliers under one part of the viaduct hosts the handworks. The ateliers offers a place to create, produce or share the work with wood, metals and jewels and farbics. The ateliers sets under the inclination of the viaduct and divide themselfs in two - one closed and protect from the noise and dirt, other open, as a square to work or expose the work taking advantage of the existing coverage. The sequence of squares in

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[ hands rhythm ]

[ projects ]

different levels are connect to the big wooden structure that stretch along the viaduct. The model shows the viaduct with acrylic, the squares and the new wooden structures - ateliers and the wall of circulation.

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

INI 45 a cottage to be in the nature partnership with Bebeto Ribeiro de Lima ini (tupi-guaraní) - the hammock, the stretcher, the thread, the line A cottage thought as ini, adaptable in a simple and inventive way, to all kinds of environments, offering a place to rest. With 45m², the project explores alternative construction solutions. The external walls are made of rammed earth, with an old tecnique called Taipa de Pilão. They close the perimeter with four equal “L” shapes, what makes the construction faster and cheaper because of the reuse of the forms. The earth walls leave space for two doors and three windows. [ 30 ]

[ projects ]

[ ini 45 ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

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[ ini 45 ]

The cottage is devided in two cores; living room with kitchen and bedroom with bathroom. The internal partitions are made of dry-walls with wooden frames. The roof with a single inclination and a single gutter is structured by wooden beams supported by the external walls.

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

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[ ini 45 ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]


Authors: Cesar Shundi Iwamizu, Eduardo Pereira Gurian, Helena Ayoub Silva and Leonardo Nakaoka Design Team: Fernanda Britto, Henrique Costa, Rafael Carvalho intern: Luca Caiaffa

This project was a competiotion entry for the New Museum of Sexual Diversity in Sao Paulo, Brasil. The project received a honarable mention. I was part of the team as an intern in the SIAA office. This was one of the first projects I participated and was an amazing experience. My main role was the 3D modeling and rendering

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of the project and suroundings. Being part of the team, I could learn a lot, especially with the 3D following the design process and the restoration of and old heritage building. The project proposes new relations between the old mansion rostored and the new extention buiding, working together as the new museum in the Paulista Ave.

[ projects ]

[ museum of sexual diversity ]

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[ projects ]

[ museum of sexual diversity ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]


Authors: Cesar Shundi Iwamizu, Eduardo Pereira Gurian, Helena Ayoub Silva and Tomaz Lotufo. Design team: Bruno Salvador, Leonardo Nakaoka, Luca Caiaffa, Andrei Barbosa, Fernanda Britto, Rafael Carvalho.

This project was a public bidding entry for a new composting pavilion and facilities in the SESC unity of Bertioga, Sao Paulo. I was part of the team as an architect in the office SIAA, in Sao Paulo. The project is a complete composting pavilion, but it aim to host visitors and students, so they can be introduced to this process. The idea is to create a full circle - from waste to a forest - so the project, as a line, goes from one end to the other. It starts in the composting pavilion, where the waste of the whole complex goes. [ 40 ]

The liquid created from the waste goes to a sequence of laggons that turn it into a clean and full of nutrients water. which irrigates a sequence of gardens that turn into small farmings and into a agroforestry. The process of this design was great, as a research and the application of all this concepts into a architectural design which had to deal with visitors, mantinence and function. The result is a full complex dedicated to the practice, research and learning of the reuse of waste thru composting process.

[ projects ]

[ sesc bertioga composting pavilion ]

Besides participating in the design with the team, I was responsable for the 3D modeling, renderings and the 2D drawings such as this axonometric and the sections on the next page.

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[ sesc bertioga composting pavilion ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

MODEL - Mamede scale - 1:100 part of my work with the office siaa ( The design is a single family house in SĂŁo Paulo, Brasil. The model is made with four materials: two kinds of wood, red cedar and caixeta, acrylic and cork sheets. The idea is to show the relation of the design with the metalic structure, hence the two kinds of wood. The cedar, darker, represents the metal structure while the caixeta represents the walls.

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Another important thing was to show the relation between volumes. The frosted acrylic covers the superiror floors, creating an expressive volume on top of the social areas - a delicate glass enclosure in the ground floor.

[ models ]

[ model - mamede ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

MODEL - SESC Ribeirao scale - 1:300 part of my work with the office siaa ( The design for the new SESC in RibeirĂŁo Preto was a competition won by SIAA. This model is part of the presentation for the reviews and further development of the Preliminary Studies, after the competition. SESC stands for Social Services of the Commerce. Spread thru Brazil, the SESC building offers activities for the merchants and for the public, with sports, cultural events, workshops and others. So the design has a really public side while hosting a big and complex [ 46 ]

range of programs, such as pools, theater, library, sports court and others. In the model the main idea was to show the programmatic arrangements that the project proposes. For that it was used two materials but different kinds of finishing. The MDF is used for the surroundings and the base of the project, going up to shape the thater and multiporpose hall and the circulation core, the programs more dense which are going to be build with concrete.

The frosted acrylic binds with the MDF showing the public areas and flows. To represent the sports court on top of the building and the dacing facilities in the middle it was used a printed sticker glued to acrylic sheets to differenciate the programs. With a laser engraver the acrylic sheets were texturised, representing the structural scheme and the sun light protections.

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[ models ]

[ model - sesc ribeirao ]

[ saaristo 2017 ]

MODEL - Roncador scale - 1:75 part of my work with the office siaa ( The model is made with two kinds of wood to distinguish the structure of the roof from the masonry that delimits the internal rooms. The project is a set of acommodations for workers of a farm in central Brasil. The climate in this area is very warm and with heavy rains. A light wooden structure supports the roof at the same time that creates shaded spaces and captures the water from the rains. The model gives enfases to these structural elements to show how it solves the main desires of the design. It was used a laser engraving machine to cut and engrave the wooden pieces.

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[ models ]

[ model - roncador ii ]

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[ saaristo 2017 ]

MODEL - Butantan Institute scale - 1:75 part of my work with the office siaa ( The model was made for a competition and had to show the project and it’s fases of construction. The main building the first fase - is made in wood and covered with a structure of acrylic. It shows how the design works; The wood represents the internal and programatic areas while the acrylic external skin represents a light spacial structure of metal that

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protect the building and organizes all technical installations. The other shapes made of translucent acrylic represent the second and third fases of the project. The plot is made with paper engraved and the trees with a palm fiber usually used the make brooms in Brasil. It was used a laser engraving machine to cut and engrave the pieces.

[ models ]

[ model - butantan institute ]

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LUCA PENTEADO CAIAFFA +64 22 472 8790 2017

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