carta de motivaciòn curriculum vitae
PROYECTOS P ROFESION A L ES Playa Viva Eco-Resort Design and built | Maritime Center | completed Juluchuca, Mexico | Nomadic Atelier. The Lanternen Professional Competition | 1st Prize | under construction Ejsberg, Denmark | Werk Arkitekter & Snøhetta.
PROYECTOS UNI VERSITA R IOS | COM P ET IT ION S The rebirth of Craco YAC Competition | Finalist | Ghost Town Refuge Craco, Italy | with David Villegas. Incompiuto: from shame to identity. MSc Graduation Thesis: Eindhoven University of Technology. Supervisory Committee: Prof.ir. David Gianotten, Maarten Willems, Ruurd P.J. Roorda.
OT R AS COMP ETEN C IAS natural construction hand craft interior design renovation
Deseo formar parte del equipo de Elemental desde que comprendí el valor de la arquitectural. En mi proceso de entendimiento su trabajo ha sido fundamental. La arquitectura para mi significa mejorar el estilo de vida de la gente contribuyendo al desarrollo social y humano, así como politico, economico y ambiental. Lo que más valoro del trabajo de Elemental es la capacidad de sintetizar la complejidad de las problemáticas para elaborar soluciones sencillas optimizando los recursos de la mejor forma posible. No doy a la arquitectura una connotación solamente artistica: el arte es un elemento tan unico que no puede responder a todas las necesidades de las diferentes personas en diferentes contextos. Estoy acostumbrado al trabajo, soy un estudiante de la arquitectura, me sumerjo totalmente en los proyectos olvidándome a menudo del resto. En mi crecimiento académico el trabajo de OMA y su manejo de complejidad ha influido mucho. Tuve el privilegio de idear mi graduation project al lado del Managing Partner de OMA, David Gianotten. Aprendí a gestionar la presión de grandes cargas de trabajo. Hoy trabajo en un pequeño estudio de Rotterdam. Tuve la oportunidad de participar en muchos proyectos contribuyendo en todas las fases del proceso: desde la etapa conceptual hasta el proyecto ejecutivo y la construcción final. Aprendí el biophillic design, la relación entre la arquitectura y el paisaje. Hoy estoy listo para recibir nuevos estímulos generados por la sociedad y sus necesidades en desarrollo. Quiero dejar a mi país y mudarme a otra parte del mundo para seguir a mi sueño, para aprender y crecer humanamente. Lo que estoy buscando es más de un trabajo, lo que quiero encontrar es una escuela. Sería un privilegio para mí formar parte de Elemental.
curriculum V I T A E
Msc in Architecture, Building and Planning, TU/e Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Sep 2014 Sep 2017
Bsc in Architectural Design, Politecnico of Milan, Italy. Relevant courses: Building Technology, Calculus, Physics, Design Lab, Construction lab, Restoration Lab, Science of Constructions.
Luca Fiammetta Date of birth: 29 May 1995
Mar 2021 Present
Junior Architect | Nomadic Atelier
Nov 2021 Present
Architect | Architects without borders
Nov 2020 Present
Freelance Architect | Interior design renovation
Jun 2019 Present
Founder of ARKKT
May 2019 Nov 2019
Architecture Internship at WERK Arkitekter, Copenaghen, Denmark.
Nomadic Atelier is an ambitious practised focused on bio architecture. It is specialized in bamboo construction. I have a central role in the entire design phase.
Design, administrative and managing role.
Place of birth: Milan, Italy Luca.fiammetta@gmail.com +39 3396659243
I work on small interior design renovations. I have daily contact with clients, builders, experts in the renovation field.
ARKKT is my own ecommerce fashion brand, which is based on my passion thowards architecture and art. 100% Sustainable. (currently paused)
Period of a full-time internship. I was involved in many different projects at different stages from the urban to the detail scale. I worked mainly on the competition project The Lanternen in collaboration with Snøhetta.
Jan 2019 Apr 2019
Architecture Internship at Dutch Red Cross, Den Hague, The Netherlands. Period of a full-time internship as an expert in designing and construction of shelters for people in need at the Dutch Red Cross (Cordaid). Logistic aspects were developed. I worked mainly on projects in Uganda.
Aug 2018 - Feb 2019 Apr 2020 - Jul 2020
Teaching Assistant, Eindhoven University of Technology. First year bachelor design projects.
Sep 2018 Feb 2019
Editor at CRS (NGO) Eindhoven, The Netherlands. I took care of the publication of “Assessing Knowledge in Reconstruction“, a booklet about post-disaster shelter reconstruction methodology. In collaboration with AVANS.
Nov 2016 Sep 2017
Architecture Intership at MOB Architects, Milan, Italy. Period of a part-time internship. I improved graphical efficacy, field-work and project’s communication through short term presentations and customer relationship.
ARCHIPRIX | Best Graduation Project 2021 Msc Graduation Thesis: David Gianotten (OMA Partner)
Nov 2020
My 1-year graduation thesis project, mentored by David Gianotten (OMA Partner), was nominated as one of the best architecture thesis projects and entered the international ARCHIPRIX competition for summer 2021.
Nominee Best graduation project Finalist GHOST TOWN REFUGE
May 2020 Winner Finalist Competition: Maritimt center Nominee GHOST TOWN WERK REFUGE
Best graduation project WERK
Sep 2019 Nominee Best graduation project Winner Competition: Maritimt center WERK WERK
YAC, Ghost Town Refuge: Finalists The purpose of the competition was to give Craco, viallage that was completely destroyed by a landslide in the 1960s, a second life. I, with a fellow student, have obtained the recognition of Finalists.
Professional Competition | 1st price Werk Arkitekter & Snøhetta | under construction During my Intership at WERK in collaboration with Snøhetta, I actively took part to the competition for the Maritime Center in Esbjerg, Denmark. We won the competition and it is under construction now.
Competition: Maritimt center WERK
Nov 2017 Dec 2018 WERK
International Architect Volunteer, The Mindfulness Project, Ban Muang Wan, Thailand During this period I helped in the designing and in the physical construction of tree latrines using natural materials.
Jun 2014 Sep 2014
Volunteer Event Manager, S, Cantonments Academy, Accra, Ghana. I have been in charge of organizing and planning sport and entertainment events for in-need children and students.
Aug 2014 Aug 2014
Volunteer Building Assistant, Southern Africa Sustainable Development Initiative, Cape Town, South Africa. I worked on building projects towards the renovation of the playground of a children orphanage as worker.
Jun 2014 Aug 2014
Volunteer Teacher, Philippi Children Centre, Cape Town, South Africa. During this experience I have been involved in children education projects as teacher assistant in a kindergarten.
C1 - Professional
B2 - Intermediate
Mother language
M. Office
playa viva
Eco Resort | completed Nomadic Atelier & Jorg Stamm Juluchuca, Mexico. December 2021.
The concept for the bamboo treehouse village at Playa Viva evolved from a unique collaboration between client and architect. The client envisioned a concept inspired by a squadron of Mobula Rays migrating in the ocean right off shore from the property. Surrounded by the panoramic ocean view these tree houses are suspended in mid-air by the oceanfront palm trees. The treehouse at the front includes the master bedroom with a hammock net balcony suspended out towards the sea while the annex treehouse at the rear contains the bathroom downstairs and a second bedroom upstairs. The bioclimatic design is well suited to the enviroment: the hyperbolic paraboloid acts like a big umbrella, providing shade for the sun and protection from heavy rains. The façades are clad with bamboo louver panels that allow for natural cross ventilation. The structures are mostly in bamboo. Strong Guadua bamboo was used for the main structure. Impact is integral to the playa viva experience, which is run entirely off-grid and generating 100% of its energy from solar power. My role in the project: Th creative director Olav Bruin and me, we designed the entire structure. I was actively involved from the concept design phase to the technical phase until the construction details.
For further information:
mother manta floor plan
construction detail 1:10
biophilic design concept
Nominee Best graduation project
the lanternen
Professional Competition | 1st Prize Winner Competition: Maritimt center WERK
Maritime Center | under Construction Werk Arkitekter & Snøhetta Esbjerg, Denmark. September 2019.
The lantern is a building that reflects the forces of the sea and creates a connection between the city and the port. Like a lighthouse, the maritime center must look at the sea and literally light up. The lantern will be a new landmark for the port of Esbjerg; it gathers the associations of the Port of Esbjerg into a new, unique community. Here there is room for the experienced diver, the tireless rower and the school class to catch crabs, but also for the casual passer-by who gets a glimpse into a fantastic word of sky and sea. The lantern consists of two key areas that create activity and cohesion. The hall forms the framework for the association’s common practical facilities with space for equipment and tools. Here there is direct contact to the water, space to flush boats and for workshop activities. My role in the project: As an Intern, in a team of two people, I took part in: understanding the project requirements, develop the vision and strategy, the entire design phase, speaking with the municipality of Esbjerg, weekly contacts with the structural engineer, weekly feedback with Snøhetta, drawing architectural diagrams, the elaboration in multiple phases of the entire 3D using Rhino, elaboration of 2D architecture drawings (site-plan, floor-plans, elevations).
For further information:
”En lanterne som guider sejlerne i land, lyser op i Esbjerg og viser en ny måde at være sammen om havet på.”
Wooden roof TRÆTAG
Rib construction in woodI TRÆ RIBBEKONSTRUKTION
Wooden facadeMED withVINDUESRYTME TRÆFACADE window rhythm
Light walls LETTE VÆGGE Sikring mod oversvømmelse. Concrete slab BETONDÆK Pillar grid SØJLEGRID
Ventilation Stabilizing concrete wall STABILISERENDE BETONVÆGGE Sikring mod oversvømmelse.
Der udføres balanceret mekanisk ventila centralt ventilationsaggregat i teknikrum Sikring mod oversvømmelse. Læ for vinden. dimensioneres ud Ventilationsaggregat luftskiftet og personbelastningen i de e udsugning fra emhætte, toiletrum, værk efter aftale med bygherre/brugere. Indb placeres således at rummene får en opt Luftindtag sker i facaden og luftafkast s Ventilation
Sanitet Der udføres balanceret mekanisk vent Læ for vinden. centralt ventilationsaggregat i teknikru Shelter from the wind Der anvendes armaturer med Robusthed.sanitet og Ventilationsaggregat dimensioneres ud Toiletter udføres med mulighed for istor luftskiftet og personbelastningen de Blandingsarmaturer udføres med et-hån udsugning fra emhætte, toiletrum, væ efter aftale med bygherre/brugere. Ind El-installationer placeres således at rummene får en op Luftindtag sker i facaden og luftafkast De tekniske installationer i byggeriet vil krav som er gældende for de enkelte om Sanitet El-forsyning fremføres af forsyningsvirks Læ for vinden. Robusthed. ogequipment tørring af grej. Robusthed. teknikrummet. Robustness Ventilation andVentilation drying of anvendes the Der sanitet og armaturer me Der monteres hoved-elmåler i teknikrum Toiletter udføres med mulighed for sto Fra teknikrum føres forsyning de Blandingsarmaturer udføres frem med til et-hå under loft i stueetagen og derfra op til d “Our vision is to create a building where the rational and the poetic meet in a symbiosis. A symbiosis betweenmed the strømudtag og Rummene forsynes El-installationer movements of the sea, the journey of light and the practical and daily low. A symbiosisbyggeprogram between spatial experiences og efter aftale med bygh gældende regler og vejledninger. and practicality. A symbiosis between the fine and the raw, the social and the sporting.“efter De tekniske installationer i byggeriet v Der etableres belysning for i terræn med ly krav som er gældende de enkelte o og tørring af grej. hovedindgange og på balkon på 1. sal. Thomas Kock,Ventilation creative director of WERK Ventilation og tørring af fremføres grej. El-forsyning af forsyningsvir Robusthed. teknikrummet. Der monteres hoved-elmåler i teknikru Fra teknikrum føres forsyning frem til d under loft i stueetagen og derfra op til Rummene forsynes med strømudtag o Læ for vinden. Sikring mod oversvømmelse. Flood protection
SAL 1:250
FLEKSIBILITET Begge etager i Lanternen er tænkt med fokus på maksimal fleksibilitet, så bygningen er i stand til at udvikle og tilpasse sig fremtidige behov og ændringer.
HCWC Depot Køkken
K. 1 Esbjerg Roklub
I stueetagen er det store rum, Hallen, inddelt med lette vægge, der frit kan flyttes rundt så depoter kan gøres større eller mindre. Vi forestiller os vægge i et transparent materiale som trådnet eller polykarbonat, der sikrer transparensen i bygningen og skaber mulighed for let at ”bygge om”. På 1. sal kan tværgående skillevægge let flyttes, så eksempelvis klublokaler kan sammenlægges eller opdeles efter behov. Gangarealer er lagt langs facaden, så det alene er hvor der er tekniske installationer, toiletter og lignende at indretningen er låst. Åbent ned
The ground floor column grid ensures free room division
Den udendørs terrasse kan bruges af alle, og det er enkelt at trække aktiviteter fra de opvarmede rum ud på terrassen, så eksempelvis undervisning eller træning kan rykke ud nemt og Begge etager i Lanternen er tænkt med fokus på maksimal fleksibilitet, så bygningen er i stand tilfleksibelt. at udvikle og tilpasse sig fremtidige behov og ændringer. I Hallen etableres lette skillevægge i stål, eksempelvis med net transparensen bevares. Hallen kan lukkes af I stueetagen er det store rum, Hallen, mellem inddelt depoter, med lettesåvægge, Teknik uden for større åbningstid der frit kan flyttes rundt så depoter kan gøres eller med stålporte, der parkeres som en del af facaden ud mod detsom overdækkede uderum mod syd. mindre. Vi forestiller os vægge i et transparent materiale trådnet eller polykarbonat, der sikrer transparensen i bygningen Undervisning og skaber mulighed for let at ”bygge hjertet Det socialeom”. På 1. sal kan tværgående skillevægge let flyttes, så eksempelvis Åbent ned klublokaler kan sammenlægges eller opdeles efter behov. Gangarealer er lagt langs facaden, så det alene er hvorKontor der er tekniske installationer, toiletter og lignende at indretningen er låst.
Stueetagens søjlegrid sikrer fri ruminddeling.
1.sals skillevægge kan flyttes og tilpasses nye ønsker og behov.
Terrassen fungerer som et fleksibelt rum og som en forlængelse af indendørs lokaler.
1st floor partitions can be moved and adapted to new wishes and needs.
C+6.6 Den udendørs terrasse kan bruges af alle, og det er enkelt at K. 4 trække aktiviteter fra de opvarmede rum ud på terrassen, så disponibelt eksempelvis undervisning eller træning kan rykke ud nemt og Begge etager i Lanternen er tænkt med fokus på maksimal Sauna fleksibilitet, så bygningen er i stand tilfleksibelt. at udvikle og tilpasse sig 16 Omkl. D Omkl. H fremtidige behov og ændringer. K. 2 I Hallen etableres lette skillevægge Åbent i stål, nedeksempelvis med net Esbjerg Søsport transparensen bevares. Hallen kan lukkes af I stueetagen er det store rum, Hallen, mellem inddelt depoter, med lettesåvægge, uden for større åbningstid der frit kan flyttes rundt så depoter kan gøres eller med stålporte, der parkeres som en del af facaden ud mod det overdækkede uderum mod syd. Fællesgarderobe K.3 mindre. Vi forestiller os vægge i et transparent materiale som Dykkerklubberne trådnet eller polykarbonat, der sikrer transparensen i bygningen og skaber mulighed for let at ”bygge om”.
Stueetagens søjlegrid sikrer fri ruminddeling.
1.sals skillevægge kan flyttes og tilpasses nye ønsker og behov.
Terrassen fungerer som et fleksibelt rum og som en forlængelse af indendørs lokaler.
På 1. sal kan tværgående skillevægge let flyttes, såVærksted eksempelvis klublokaler kan sammenlægges eller opdeles efter behov. Gangarealer er lagt langs facaden, så detDepot alene er hvor der er tekniske installationer, toiletter og lignende at indretningen er låst. Depot
The terrace acts as a flexible space and as an extension of indoor premises.
Den udendørs terrasse kan bruges af alle, og det er enkelt at trække aktiviteter fra de opvarmede rum ud på terrassen, så eksempelvis undervisning eller træning kan rykke ud nemt og fleksibelt. 16 I Hallen etableres lette skillevægge i stål, eksempelvis med net mellem depoter, så transparensen bevares. Hallen kan lukkes af uden for åbningstid med stålporte, der parkeres som en del af facaden ud mod det overdækkede uderum mod syd.
Stueetagens søjlegrid sikrer fri ruminddeling.
1.sals skillevægge kan flyttes og tilpasses nye ønsker og behov.
Terrassen fungerer som et fleksibelt rum og som en forlængelse af indendørs lokaler.
“The proposal is distinguished by combining in a distinguished way the desire for a fascinating and innovative architecture with high functionality and the intention to create a framework that supports the community and creates a new cohesion between the actors.“ Judges Committee
In collaboration with Luca Fiammetta
Craco is seeing as an open museum, with just few concerns for the history and lost heritage of the place. Our proposal is meant to bring back the historcial Piazza Garibaldi and Via M. Pagano in order to give the opportunity for the locals and explorers to meet and share their passion for Craco.
Ghost towns in Italy
the rebirth of Craco
Young Architecture Competition | Finalist. Finalist GHOST TOWN REFUGE
Pilgrim shelters | new piazza Parallel 33° with David Villegas Craco, Basilicata, Italy. May 2020
Ghost Town Refuge is YAC and Craco Ricerche competition, which invites designers to imagine, among the ruins of Craco Antica, a widespread system of contemporary shelters, able to allow visitors the most sublime Nominee of experiences: living among the ruins and falling asleep under the Best graduation uncovered vaults. The design approach and vision that we adopted was project
bilateral. We are aware of the beauty and the charm that a Ghost Town like Craco can have. We think that, as designers, it is needed to take into consideration the culture, heritage, traditions, and the tragic destiny of this town. Today, Craco is seeing as an open museum. Our proposal is to create a long-term social and architectural project consisting of several phases of growth and development of the city. We believe in the possibility of transforming Craco in a center of tourist attraction, but only Winner in a preliminary phase. The final aim would be to rebuild and re-flourish the Competition: Town, thanks to its beauty, heritage, and culture. Maritimt center WERK
My role in the project: Parallel 33° is an architecture collective composed WERK
by myself and David Villegas. My role, as well as David’s, was to take care of all the phases of the project: understanding the competition requirements, develop the vision, create the design, technical and architectural drawings. For further information:
Design Proposal
Future Scenario
incompiuto: from shame to identity
Nominee Best graduation project
MSc Graduation Thesis: Eindhoven University of Technology. ARCHIPRIX | Best Graduation Project Prof.ir. David Gianotten (OMA Partner) Blufi, Palermo, Sicily Italy. November 2020
The unfinished works are buildings for which the construction phase has begun but was never completed. This phenomenon is legally called urbanization Winner abuse. In Italy, this criminal behavior has devastated many of theCompetition: beautiful natural and urban landscapes of the peninsula. It is an Maritimt center
architectural WERK and social problem that arose in the early post-war years, a period in which Italy was in the full economic boom. An architectural WERK
solution to these empty buildings has not yet been found even though the number of these unfinished buildings is, still, unbelievable. My project aims to open a discussion on how the unfinished buildings can be an important resource for the Sicilians, rather than an object of shame. More specifically, my idea is to reuse one of these unfinished buildings (Blufi Dam) and to create an eco and independent community, based on the production of traditional hard grain. I strongly believe that through the power of architecture, providing services, education, and culture is possible to give a second chance to many people and to the unfinished buildings. My role in the project: The entire graduation thesis project was conceived, imagined, and implemented by me, supported by 3 academic tutors. The whole process lasted 12 months of which 6 months for the research, 3/4 for the architecture design, and the remaining 2/3 for the drawings production and model making. The research part, which is evaluated 50% of the final grade, is very broad and deep, follow the link below for the full version. Thanks to a final grade of 9/10, my project has been considered an academic excellence and therefore it was admitted to the ARCHIPRIX competition, in which the best international graduations projects compete.
For further information:
Landscape view
Landscape model
Rammed earth comstruction details
Ceiling and wall joint
Rammed earth wall
Concrete foundation
1. Cut granite stones 3-5cm
7. Plywood beans
2. Gravel drainage 17cm
8. Reinforced concrete slab
3. OSB board with bituminous
9. Clay undercoat and finish
water proofing 2.5 cm
13. XPS insulation 14. Gravel drainage ---
plaster 3 + 1 cm
15. Cut granite stone 16. Concrete platform
4. Reed insulation 20 cm
10. Rammed earth facade
17. Subsoil drain
5. Granulated cork-loan trass
11. Bitumen coating and clay mortar 1,2cm
18. Blinding concrete
12. Plint made of pigment insulating concrete
19. Limestone
lime slope 1 - 10cm 6. Plywood panels
20. Recycled glass bottles
Natural construction
Circular toilet: natural construction. International Architecture Volunteering The Mindfulness Project. Ban Muang Wan, Thailand. November 2017
The Mindful project aims to build a small community for meditation and introspection, nearby the city of Ban Muang Wan in the north part of Thailand. The founder started a ten-years construction project, which is designed to build every architecture using 100% natural materials and the self construction technique. In the pictures at the previous page is showed the construction works of the circular toilet, which has a central role for the community. I was actively involved in the design mainly in the Autocad drawings and in the construction of the circular toilet. Unfortunately, due to personal problems I couldn’t see the building complete.
nomadic playa viva
4 5
7 8
Handcraft model making techniques and materials
1. LIGH TING | Realistic lighting system 2. LAS E R C U T | High rise building in cardboard 3. RAM M ED E ARTH | 1:1 sample 4. P IGM ENTS | landscape use 5. FABRIC | scenography background 6. WO O D | playa viva marquette 7. FOA M | urban context for WERK Archietkten 6. CO NCRE TE | moulding
Interior Design Renovation
Private Client Via Amedeo D’Aosta 6, Milan, Italy. February 2020
The New York Times Travel | PlayaViva.com: Playa Viva Eco Resort | Nomadic Atelier | Jan 2022
Skift IDEA Awards 2021: Playa Viva Eco Resort | Honourable Mention |Nomadic Atelier | Jan 2022
Arquitectura Viva | Deezen | Archdaily | Jorton: Laternen Maritime Center | WERK Architekten | Dec 2019
Young Architecture Competition: Ghost Town Refuge | FINALIST | Luca Fiammetta | May 2020
Eindhoven University of Technology: Masterbrochure | Luca Fiammetta | a.y. 2021-2022
Eindhoven University of Technology: Exhibition Archiprix 2022 | Best Architecture projects | Luca Fiammetta
Archiprix The Netherlands: Projects Archiprix 2022 | Best Architecture projects | Luca Fiammetta
Dutch Design Week: Archiprix 2022 | Luca Fiammetta
Radio Canale Italia: Radio Story Time | Life as a young architect | Luca Fiammetta
Luca Fiammetta architecture portfolio