Architecture design process analysis

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Luca Fiammetta 1280953

P + R car park


To w n H a l l ,

A’ House

Brede School



Ve n h l o ,

Wiel Arets

het Dok



Hans Goverde

Noud Paes

Reading guide T h e b o o k le t i s c o m p o s e d o f 5 c h a p t e r, c h a r a c terised by 5 different c o lo u r s . E a c h c h a p t e r / c o lo u r r e p r e s e n t s a n architect. At the beginning of each section, the life and the attitude of every designe r i s b r i e f l y e x p la i n e d . Each section owns its p a r t i c u la r t h e m e , w h i c h i s l i n ke d w i t h t h e r e s p e c t i v e p r oj e c t . T h e b o o k le t h a s t o b e read from the bottom to the top, as it is shown i n t h e p i c t u r e b e l o w.

Resources All the graphical illustrations are entirely self-made. The illustrations with notes at the bottom are traced by websites, magazine, etc. All the others illustrtions (without notes) are drawn by me or taken from the “study materials pdf“. Erik Moederscheim Moederscheim Moonen Architects Rotterdam. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2018, from Mills, J. (2013, October 04). Les Yeux Verts by Jacques Ferrier Architecture. Retrieved April 17, 2018, from P R Car Park Zutphen / MoederscheimMoonen Architects. (2017, March 14). Retrieved April 17, 2018, from Dearchitect Nieuws, kennis en carrière. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2018, from David Gianottem David Gianotten. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2018, from OMA’s Taipei Performing Arts Center (TPAC) Tops Out. (2014, August 27). Retrieved April 17, 2018, from Hans Goverde T. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2018, from Valutazione ambientale nel ciclo di vita di prodotti, di elementi costruttivi ed edifici. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2018, from http://www.edilizia-costruzioni. Eldredge, B. (2016, April 11). Tour Le Corbusier’s Newly Restored Cité de Refuge in Paris This Summer. Retrieved April 16, 2018, from https://www.curbed. com/2016/4/11/11394678/corbusier-renovation-cite-de-refuge-paris-tour Wiel Arets Bezold, J. (2014). Wiel Arets Bibliography. Retrieved April 05, 2018, from A. (2016, March 10). Suzuki House / Bolles Wilson. Retrieved April 16, 2018, from BOLLES WILSON · Suzuki House. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2018, from Pinterest. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2018, from BOLLES WILSON. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2018, from Noud Paes (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2018, from Dearchitect Nieuws, kennis en carrière. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2018, from D. (n.d.). Brede school Het Dok - Oegstgeest. Retrieved April 17, 2018, from

Erik Moederscheim is the artistic director and the owner of “Moederscheim Moonen“, in collaboration with Ruud Moonen, the general director. Their philosophy is to work shoulder to shoulder to their clients, in order to come out with the best solution possible. A good design can rise when realism and vision go hand in hand.

Erik Moederscheim P+R car park, Z u t p h e n 2 01 7

The first step in the design process was to analyse how and how much Dutch people travel around the Netherland. The Architects have deepened the highway, the railways and the waterways. Moreover, they studied on average the travel time of inhabitants each day of the week.

The second step was to focus the design on a smaller scale. The architects studied the neighbourhood, in order to develop a transportation flow system for cars and bikes.

The architect's approach was really respectful of the surrounding tradition, in order to design a structure that fits perfectly in the context. It is clear the reference of historical warehouse and the old industries nearby, thanks to the facade line and the wooden blinds.

The shape design process, as often happens, is long and it requires lots of creativity, particular attention to the context and time. In the case of P + R Car Park, the architects started drawing from a geometric and simple shape.

The Moederscheimoonen studio has made an effort to create a building that respects the environment. During the design process was fundamental the sustainability design part. As a result, it was developed a natural ventilation system, thanks to the wooden blinds the wind can pass through the structure.

In the design of this type of architecture is important to give an appealing and cathy. The Moederscheimoonen Architetcs has included this part in their design process as well. Therefore, the sculptural shapes and the playful “pilotis�are notable.

Les Yeux Verts b y Jacques Ferrier, Soissons, 2009

(Mills, 2013,)

One of the main feature that makes “Les Yeux Verts� a ispirational reference is its designated use, both are P+R car park. Their respective dimensions are almost the same, around 2.500 m2.

In the sutainability era, desing a car park quite complicated, because it could be an origin of controversy. Ferrier and Moederscheim give to the city and the tradition their attention. Ferrier, create some openings in the wooden blinds in order to admire the landcape. Moederscheim, draw in the lace fence the city urban shape.

The two buildings have the same design concept. The car park is not anymore a structure that has to be hidden, because it could be found out of scale and context. The two designers create a structure that owns its importance in architecture, thanks to the vibrant facade and the fancy material used.


Bikes aren’t stored in both


The wooden blinds give a really fancy and pleasant aspect to the architecture from outside. But, the magic happens inside the building. The two building use the light almost in the same way, in order to create a special atmosphere during the daylight.

The materials used for the two project are almost the same as well. Timber for the facade, to give it a ripple effect, and concrete for the backbone.

closing remarks: The two architecture have many similiarities, although them have some differences as well:

David Gianotten is the Managing Partner-Architect of OMA. In this role, he is responsible for the management, business strategy, and growth of the company worldwide. As partner-in-charge, he also oversees design and construction of various projects, including the Taipei Performing Arts Centre, the master plan of Feyenoord City and the new Stadium Feyenoord, the CIFCO building in Beijing, the Prince Plaza Building in Shenzhen, the KataOMA resort in Bali, and now the New Museum for Western Australia. David is also one of the two directors of the recently opened branch office of OMA in Australia.

David Gianotten Ta p e i Pe r f r o m i n g A r t C e n r e , 2 01 8

OMA: project definition and breefing pashe


Understand the clients and their culture. Three dishes cooked in one, Taiawanese hotpot as a diagram of consolitation a and efficienty.

Fast, cheap and great!

Remove the night market

That’s an impossibile utopia!

mmm...we have a better solution!

Understand the client’s requests and requirement, try to guide them, giving some adivce.

OMA has branches all over the world, in order to design on the project’s spot.

OMA AMO AMO, is a research and design studio that works in parallel with OMA’s. Read up and make investigation is a fundamental step in the first phase of the design process.

In designing the Tapei building was really tough the relation with the einviroment and the surroundings for the presence of the night market. A big effort in that way was done in this phase.

on site coordination

drawing production

OMA: review

local architect

OMA: design and production pashe

local architects: design and local regulation

construction services

site preparation

bidder tender

contract administration

Gran Theatre 1500 seats

Proscenium Plathouse 800 seats

Multiform Theatre 800 seats

During the advance phase of the project definition, the volumes and the seats capacity has to be definitely decided. One of the main goal was to be able to occupy less space possibile.


building costruction

Sea Terminal, Zeeb rugge, 1988*

ce en er re nf nt co ce

l te o h



d r e ri v e sta i ur n an t

OMA in both the design had to face a tricky context. TPCA the night market and OMA reguarding the Sea Terminal, said: “How to inject a new 'sign' into a landscape that, through scale and atmosphere alone, renders any object both arbitrary and inevitable?”.

The Sea Terminal is defined as a “functional Babel”. It is a complex building, which brings togheter lot of functions, in order to make the wait more pleased.

*the project was on a competition status, it wasn’t built. I choose another OMA project, taking into account David Gianotten suggest.

From the danger of becoming a non-place to the rise as a new symbol. Both the designs, aspire to be an icon.

The Sea Terminal was finances ruine.

The Sea Terminal was just a competition project

Different design period

The projects use the dome\sphare as the main part of the building. That shape is very useful, in order to optimize spaces and functions. Furthermore, It gives to the architecture a poetic feeling as well.

The steal was main material used for both the project.

closing remarks: The two architecture have many similiarities, although them have some differences as well:

His architecture is characterized giving attention to the human scale within a large scale context, usually inside the cities. As a partner of Kraaijvanger Architect, Hans Goverde focuses on complex urban projects, multifunctional buildings and integrated design process. His main works are Stadskantoor Venlo and the “Early Childhood Center“. (Twisted, n.d.)

Hans Goverde To w n H a l l , Ve n h l o 2 0 1 6

technical design

Recycling\ reuse “Venlo asked for a building with a positive impact”

“Now their building purifies the air and water and above all it generates energy.”

demolition Manufacturing

“City officials in Venlo now work in an office five times healthier than average.


architect On-sitecostruction


advisors “the market”

(edilizia-costruzioni, 2018)

The Venlo municipalty requests were precise and eco-friendly oriented. They wanted a zero energy building and work in a nice and innovative space. The “Kraaijvager architects” answer was equally precise and satisfactory.

The design of the municipal building in Venlo was inspired by the ‘cradle to cradle’ principle. Kraaijvanger Architects based their architecture entirely on this philosophy. Therefore the “creadle2creadle” was the design concept in their building process.

One of the goals of the architecture studio was to innovate the design process. In two aspects: the number of people and professionists involved in a workshop meeting and an great attention to the technical design, that is present in every design steps.

technical design

closed water loop collect reainwater gray water system

materials and health

office floors are filled with daylight, thanks to the glass facade and the wood





Five main priorities have been fixed in the developing the project: process innovation (third point), air purifying building, materials and health, zero energy, closed water loop.

zero energy building Pv panels, daylight, and energy efficiency

facade as a green lung

air purifying building

saving in 40 years

cost reduction in 40 year

replacement cost in 40 year

initial investiment

Investing in zero energy building means to invest in a long-term project. Therefore the design process has to be treated as a business case and consider every aspect of the design. That was the path that Kraaijvanger studio follwed, in order to respect the “c2c” philosphy.

Look ahead approach: the costruction is “future proof” the interior is built independently of the supporting structure and thus leaves a possible change of function a future option.

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vc es library




ps ho

co sp mm ac o es n (ldredge, 2016) (ldredge, 2016)

The first caratheristic that link the two building is the client. In both cases, they were commissionated by public bodies.

Le Corbusier designed the firts hermetic building, which includes a huge stained glass, almost 1000 m2 without any opening. He invented a new way how the buildings could work. That was the first step to the sustainable architecture design, that up to now is represented by “Kraaijvager architects” work.

Le Corbusier is the first designer of multifunctional building. As we can see from the its name, “La citè de Refuge”, is more than a normal building. It had to own all the functions the inhabitants need. The Town Hall in Venlo follows the same path, in fact it can be define as a multifunctional building as well.

In the Venlo Town Hall project, the eye-catching wooden stairs increase activities during the day, contributing to the health of employees and visitors.

closing remarks: The two architecture have many similiarities, although them have some differences as well:

Le Corbusier placed in an unusual position the main entrance, in order to give a sense of welcome to the users. That reflects Salvation Army principles.

Le Corbusier could be defined as the grandfather of the sustainability in architecture. His project is just one of many that he designed. Nowadays, every building is designed according to Le Corbusier principles. “Kraaijvager architects� are following the same path.

different design period


(ldredge, 2016)

Both the designers show a real emotional approach to the architecture. Their building is made for humans and their main purpose it was to let them feel comfortable. In two different ways, they did it, as is shown in the following drawings.

costruction method


Wiel Arets was born in Heerlen, the Netherlands, in 1955. From his parents, he learned both the love of books and reading, as well as a deep respect for craft, materials and making. After completing engineering school in Heerlen, he attended architecture school at the Technical University Eindhoven, Among the writers who most inspired Arets from his youth was Paul ValĂŠry and Giorgio Grassi. Bezold, J. (2014)

Wiel Arets A’ House, To k y o , 2 01 4

The Design Concepts Work with the client and understand the developer requests, Wiel Arets has been able to combine that with a stunning architecture

Respect the plot’s identity Respect the earthquake rules Respect the neighbourhood

master suite and terrace living dinning two bedrooms


As a starting point for the community, the “rising ceremony” is a fundamental ritual for the local citizens. That foretells a bright fate for the future people, whom will live there. Do that has to be architect’s priority, in order to respect the local tradition.

storage and technical spaces

The respect of the local construction rules can modify substantially the architecture. In the A’ House, there are no parapets. It gives to the spaces another dimension.

Wiel Arets, thorough knowledge and applied in his building a typical Asian way of constructing. There is a smart construction approach. The chance to open and close the multi layer windows makes the A’ House like a flower.

Great importance has been given by the team to the details. The design team creates an innovative type of glass that is 100% recyclable. That thanks to the countless professionals involved, from the architects, through the craftsmen, to the glass companies.

Suzuki Hou se, Bolles + Wilson, Tokyo, 1993

The Suzuki house and the A’house are both design and built in Tokyo; precisely in a small neighboorhood in the middle of the crowded city. On top of that the designers had to face the tricky relation with the context and have a special attention to the local tradition, in both cases “rise celebration� it was made.

Bolles + Wilson and Wiel Arets designed both a building that owns the same architecture typology and functions. The two houses have to concentrate all his functions in a small area, they have to be absolutely smart and optimised. The internal division is managed by narrow stairs that cross all the building.

terrace and bathroom master suite and terrace

bedrooms living



small garage and bathroom


small garage

0.00 GFL

(Archeyes, 2016)

two bedrooms storage and technical spaces

The two houses were designed for a private client, Sakura is Bolles and Wilson client, that requested the house for his family, Therefor in both cases, the internal function was almost entirely fixed, in order to satisfy the client's requests.

The Suzuki house is a classic expression of the architects' humour, who imagined it as being “glanced by a passing ninja“. Small-scale protuberances, irregular windows and a gantry crane for the delivery of furniture punctuate the façade, and a big black blob surrounds the main window (a ninja sign for the authors, the eye patch of a giant panda, in the adolescent mind of the original client’s daughter). In the A’house the humour and the architect’s joke is represented by how Wiel Arets solve the windows frame problem.

Concrete is the material used for both the houses. It respects the Architects design’s aim and is the best material to face the Earthquakes. The glass for the windows is fundamental in order to mediate between the intimate interior and the matrix of Tokyo.

closing remarks: The two architecture have many similarities, although them have some differences as well:

construction method different design period sustainability in the design percentage of batch usage (ground floor) (Archeyes, 2016)

Noud got his master degree in Architecture at TU/e in Eindhoven. He is working on 4 ° Gymnasium, European Air Transport Command( EATC) in Eindhoven. He completed the design of Call Centre for UPC and Villa RÜling.

Noud Paes Brede School het Dok, Oegstgeest 2 01 5



feature 2

0 0 0

model 4

feature 3

feature 1

- + 0

model 3

Collaborate with the client is fundamental in the design process. The first step is to understand the client request and start to develop it together, as a team.

- -

Kindergarten, Vaccaro, Piacenza, 1953*

Asylum Sant’Elia, Cagliari, Terragni, 1937*



model 2

het-dok sko

model 1


challenge room phase


arup traject

The client request is combined with the opinions of every partecipant. It was essential to speak togheter around a single table.

Entering the design process, the first step is to analyse how a building typology works and it is used. That exactly what the architects did. *they are some exaples, not choosen by the architects for het dok project


+ +

During the “design room step”, the studio create a smart and efficient way to understand the optimal choice to make between different design ideas. This method is called “Multi-criteria analysis”,

control room phase

active system

design room phase


fresh air



building optimization

volume and orientation increase in sustainability

In this phase is really important to estimate the whole costs to be present to the client. The volume and orientation have the biggest impact in sustainability and consequently in costs.

Paul de Ruiter Architects has as the main design philosophy that is focused on sustainability, which is throughout the whole design process duration. Therefore, they develop a building with an innovative climate system, based on natural ventilation and they used just natural materials.

When a rough design is completed, it is fundamental to present the idea to the client. Paul de Ruiter Architects are quite innovative in this field: maquette, render, virtual reality, physical 3d model are some of the methods they used.

The contex where ther two building is made is quire similar: low density area, planty of vegetation, that “pass through� the building.

Nu rse ry

Sc h

The distincion between public and private space is well define. From outside it not possibile to see throght, but inside is a big open space.

l oo

ain Sp , sa llo a ,C

Both the design adopt a circular shape because is the form that suits better to children behaviour. This shape is , usually, taken by hospitals as well for its safety.

Teaching method (influence the spaces)


Shape In designing a kindergarten is fundamental a previous study of colour and materials, in order to create a livable space for the children. They adopted the different solution, based on the same thought.

The sustainbility in the projects in present during all the design process, in order create an healthy space for the children.

closing remarks: The two architecture have many similiarities, although them have some differences as well:

wooden column

Luca Fiammetta

f i n a l r e f le c t i o n s How do the others design? That is the core o f m y b o o k le t a n d t h e first concept that you, a s a s t u d e n t , le a r n i n every architectural u n i v e r s i t y i n t h e w o r ld , the importance of references. They are fundamental to have a solid background, w h i c h a l lo w s y o u t o design in a conscious and rational way. I used to analyse and deepen the “big architects of our tradition“, such as Le Corbusier o r A ld o R o s s i . O n t o p o f t h a t , lo o k i n t o s o m e contemporary designe r s m a d e m e p o s s i b le to understand how the architecture is now and how it will be in the next future.

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