Borbor pain charity school of hope Sierra Leone

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Borbor Pain School of Hope in Sierra Leone is in strong need of financial support. This school for children who work in stone mines is so successful that new buildings are needed. Children in extreme poverty and often from one parent families learn to read and write at this school run by voluntary teachers.

I visited Sierra Leone in 2008 for Radio Netherlands and met mr. Foday Mansaray. He showed me that hundreds of young children in Sierra Leone are working in stone mines. They cut stones in little pebbles which are used in concrete construction of new houses. The work is hard and dangerous because they can get wounded by chips of stones that fly around when they are working. The children often don’t receive any salary but get paid for a whole day work with only one meal.

Mr Manasary started a school near the stone mines to give the children some education. There is no other possibility for them to attend a normal school in Sierra Leone. I supported this school regularly with some financial donations and to honour this they named a house of the school after me. Some colleagues at Radio Netherlands donated their Christmas benefit to the school too.

The first school was build with a frame of wooden poles and covered with plastic tarpaulin. After strong winds in the first year the roof of the school was severely damaged. With extra donations a new roof was then made with the corrugated iron sheets.

Borbor Pain School of Hope now has BORBOR PAIN CHARITY The more than a hundred children who are to go to school. Therefore new SCHOOL OF HOPE eager buildings are needed to be build. To finance this I’d like to call upon all my SIERRA LEONE Facebook and other friends to help

financing this. Any amount of money can be transferred to the bank account of Metropolitan Art Museum Amsterdam (MAMA) Acount #: 1028 09 488 IBAN: NL32 RABO 01028 09 488

I make sure every cent will be used for The Borbor Pain School of Hope. And all the spending will be shown on Facebook.

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