1 minute read

Leverage your Peak Energy Period

weekend. Think about the things you will say and how you’ll dress. Before you realize it, you are through with the task! This approach can be counterproductive if what you’re doing requires you to think about it. For example, it isn’t advisable when reading your email. However, it’s a fantastic way to go through activities that requires your energy and physical strength more than your cognitive ability.

Also, it is vital that you don’t let the beautiful thoughts make you stop what you’re doing. If you are becoming distracted by the thoughts such that you find yourself resting to focus on the imaginations, you need to find a different method. You can consider listening to music while carrying out the activity. This works well when working out. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and play them while sweating it out.


Leverage your Peak Energy Period

It’s not every activity you should do in the morning or in the evening as the case may be. Don’t copy the schedule of others because it isn’t everything that works for others that will work for you. You need to understand your body to know your peak energy period. Your peak energy period is that part of the day when you’re the most energized and alert. For some people, it is in the morning, while it is in the evening for some people. Once you discover your own, you need to reschedule your activities.

Put those activities that demand more energy and a higher level of alertness in your peak energy period. Move the less demanding ones to the other period of the day. This approach ensures that you’ll have enough in the tank for both the demanding and less stressful tasks. You’ll no longer end the day feeling that there is more you could have done. You will also stop postponing things you can do today to the next day.

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