Luc Carpinelli Portfolio

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portfolio Luc Carpinelli






My first year of bachelor at ENSA of Paris Belleville (ENSA PB), I gained many experience such as how to manage the workload and to find creative solution in a short time.

I continue my bachelor at EPFL, for the second year I chose Jeannette kuo studio based on the systems of organization and the logics of the architectural concept then I chose Franz Graf studio specialised in intervention within existing structures.

I decided to start an internship at Kengo Kuma And Associates in Tokyo. My objective was to understand the working strategies of a big firm. It was also an opportunity to participate on the development of a large scale project.




François Brugel Gaël Breton Estelle Thilbault Raphaël Drizzard

Jeannette Kuo Franz Graf

TOYO university









I currently pursue an internship at Karamuk*kuo architects in Zur誰ch. The aim is to improve my knowledge of construction and project development.

Project: Weiden school


EXp erie nce

HoUSe oF BooKS proJecT Studio Studio jeannette KUo, 2nd year Bachelor

Description Every year thousands of square meters of industrial space are abandoned in Switzerland. Many of them are virtually indestructible. The question of what to do with them looms large. Individual and academic project Grade 4.75 / 6 Fall 2012

Axonometric view

Program and site The program is named “House of books�. It’s a public and cultural institution whose mandate is the storage, conservation and celebration of printed material. The archive storage is publicly inaccessible with sensitive material. Reading carrels should be provided for researchers. The library is publicly accessible, formal and informal areas for study and reading will be part of it. The objective is to manage the relationship between public and private and what each user may experiment. The reuse of these infrastructures demands the staking of a position and a dialogue between old and new.

The site is a reservoir, an highly systematic and hyper-rational infrastructures based on a grid of columns. In one hand, production facilities are outsourced to foreign countries and the Swiss economy becomes ever more focused on the service rather than manufacturing sector, the vacating of these industrial sites will continue. In an other hand storage is a basic concern of our everyday lives. We are simply producing more and faster, the problem of storage is pervasive and undeniable. The reuse of the industrial structure is an opportunistic adaptation of one problem for another.

PRO GRAM &SITE Structural grid

Building volume



Reading space Circulation / voids





Inspiration and concept The idea of the project was to distinguish the functions of the program, the public (library) and the professional (archives). The concept translates the idea by creating two volumes which are united to form one building : the union generates a third volume, a void, an interface between the programs which I named plaza. The objective was to develop a system which at some points creates an experience for the visitor and an efficient solution for storage and conservation.

The project works mainly on a vertical circulation of people and books, the first one find the plaza as a starting point before going up to its function. The books have an opposite movement, arriving at the top in working spaces before going down to the storage where the natural light is impossible but with stable thermal condition for preservation.

START Activity




The structure is based on the existing and the opposing movement. The present structure generates a constructive grid. As the archive is fully supported and designed by the present columns, the library is an hanging volume based on a Vierendeel structure linked to its four sides, columns complete the system.

The organization follows the same logic based on a processing idea. The archive works from top to bottom, from work places to storage and the library from group area to individual places. The visitor is continually switching from large to small scale and from exterior to interior accordingly to his activity. The project is trying to go beyond the simple connection library / archive.

Spatial Relation vertical connection axonometric view

Project organization the project is composed of four parts : the roof, the library, the plaza, the archive. All the parts are linked together by vertical connections. the roof, which is the entrance of the project, is connected by four points to the plaza. this space is an horizontal interface for professional and visitor. It allows users to reach their programs. the library is joined to the archive by two privileged connections which ensure the transition of the knowledge from active (library) and passive (archive) parts of the project.

Library organization the library is composed of a principal core where books are stocked, and four arms which correspond to four types of working atmospheres : hall, group, individual, informal. the circulation is ensured by a spiral movement in the center.


DRA WIN GS Plans&Cuts Plans

left plan level -1 / right plan level -4


left longitudinal / right transversal

Description The first plan on the right shows mainly the library and archive’s blocks organization however the left plan is more about the plaza and the porosity of those blocks. The longitudinal cut highlights the continuity of the library, whereas the transversal explains the vertical concept of the archive.

VIEWS Entrance Project View point

Roof from south entrance

Description This view represent the roof , which is also the façade of the project. It’s the only connection with the ground level and therefore the entrance of the project. This space was designed as a public space and should highlight the geometry . Finally the presence of fountains is a connection with the original function of the reservoir.

Working Hall View point

View from the working hall looking to the library’s core

Description The working hall is one of the four working atmospheres in the library. Each space corresponds to precise characteristics in terms of volume and density. The objective is to use the depth of the reservoir for creating different volumes and so different kind of feeling. The library should be a tool, a learning center.

Principal Spaces

Views of the working hall and the Plaza.

Underground City View point

View from one entrance point of the plaza

Description The Plaza is not only a circulation issue, it represents also an idea of bringing down a piece of the city and use the presence of the library as a protection. As its name suggests, this space integrates shops, cafĂŠs and restaurants. he objective is to create an outside public environment inside the building.

THe FAT BUilDinG Studio Studio jeannette KUo, 2nd year Bachelor

Description The changing definition of work today demands a new conception of the oďŹƒce space. Introduction of pleasure into the oďŹƒce has profound implication on the architectural evolution of the work place. How can architecture inspire new exchanges in the work place ? Academic project in partnership with Stanislas Chaillou. Grade 5/6 Spring 2013

Site plan

Place Chauderon

Rue de s Terr eau


Depot Building Hard Building planned Perimeter Perimeter extension

unicipal ibrary

La Tour Bel-Air

Rue de Genève



Program and site The program is named “FAT building” for Foundation of Arts in Telecommunication. It’s an organization that supports different media arts and in particular film and television productions. Most of its activity is administrative and promoting, the headquarters will also offer production facilities. Fat is not only looking for a representative building which will give it an identity in Lausanne but also for a workspace environment that fosters creativity and collaboration.

Project Site 25


The site is located in Switzerland, at Lausanne and more precisely in the Flon area which is currently occupied by the Metropol Commercial Center. It is a prominent site between the Municipal Library and the Bel-Air Tower, with access to two street levels separated by a 15m vertical drop. With a footprint of ca. 60 x 55m, the FAT building will indeed live up to its name. This depth demands a rethinking of conventional organizations of the office building as well as ideas of comfort and atmosphere.


20 View from rue de Genève

View from 21 rue des Terreaux

Rules define the office typology In terms of efficiency and flexibility of the work place.

Inspiration and concept The idea of the project comes from the observation, office buildings become dehumanized and impersonal, the loss of references creates a nonbelonging feeling. The efficiency of the repetitive floor plans soon became equated with the monotony and depersonalization of the workplace. On the other hand, as an environment where many of us spend more than 50 % of our waking hours, the office deserves to be considered beyond pure efficiency.

The Project’s issue was to recreate a warm atmosphere, reintroduce a human scale and welfare. Dynamism guided us to the idea of creating communities which will be connected each other’s by shared spaces and meeting spaces. The office is subject to the influences of cultural shifts and social contexts. The collaboration and the team-working have challenged the organizational and spatial definition of the office plan.


Building scale

Floor scale

The organization of the building corresponds to the idea of exchange and interaction. By creating this system of communities, a working grid is formed and allows connection between different teams. therefore the system is totally flexible and can be changed accordingly to the workload, for example by adding, or removing teams. As the periphery is reserved for the system, the center is used for the common facilities such as studios or auditorium.

Community scale

A community represents a quarter of the building; it works on two floors, one with an open space and the other one with personal offices. By creating a smaller upper floor, a visual connection is provoked. the connection between communities works on the same idea, a relationship between two floors, the upper one’s with a meeting space and the lowest with a shared space more informal, which tend to create social link between communities.

Spatial Relation vertical connection axonometric view


Project structure The project’s structure as the concept is based on the system, each community has its vertical circulation. Therefore this system creates four huge pillars that allow an open-space for the central program, which is plugged inside the grid.

Community organization The community is based on two floors, one with an open-space and the other one with personal offices for supervisors. By creating an offset, a visual connection is provoked. The connection between communities is based on the same logic. A system of two floors, the upper one’s with meeting space and the lowest more informal is a shared space.

Spatial Relation building entrances site plans

Office entrance The main entrance is located at the 4th floor, linked to rue des Terreaux, one of the most important axis of Lausanne. It is also strategically placed as the main public transport lines arrived there. We wanted to create an extension to the street with a cafĂŠ and a small public space for developing the firm identity.


Public entrance The public entrance is located at the 1st floor because it’s directly connected with the auditorium. It was preferable to facilitate the public access to the auditorium for avoiding to much interaction with the private part. Finally three car parks are situated on rue de Genève.


A - Personal Office

Diagrams&Plans A Plan

Plan of the 7th floor (personal office)

B Plan

Plan of the 6th floor (open space)

Description Those plans illustrate the community system and its horizontal connections. The central space is the office atrium where the workers can have an outside inside the building.

B - Open-space






Diagrams&Cuts AA Cut

Transversal cut through the system

BB Cut

Transversal cu through the central space

Description The AA cut shows the repetition of the system and its vertical functioning. The BB cut is less systematic and illustrates the strategy used for answering the deep plan constraints.

VIEWS Site Model View point

Entrance rue de Genève

Description This model shot shows the façade and translate the concept of a repetitive system. The lamellas are used as sun protection but also create privacy and a strong identity. The rhythm decrease in front of the shared spaces and translates the internal organization.

Shared Space View point

view from a personal office

Description Informal meeting areas such as lounges, cafes, ping-pong tables, are opportunities for casual encounters that may spark new ideas and collaborations. It may seem counterproductive, but increasing performance sometimes requires embracing a certain inefficiency perhaps that extends into the spatial realm as well.

Principal Spaces

views of the shared space and a community open-space

Working Space View point

view from a desk inside a community

Description The open-space is the most flexible part of the community, each one is free to organize and furnish accordingly to their needs. It’s also the entrance of the community. The core symbolize the limits.

WorKinG AroUnD le corBUSier Studio Studio Franz gRAF, 3rd year Bachelor

Description Work to be done on existing structures is a major stake in the development of the city during the 21st century.

Academic project in partnership with Arnaud Scheurer. Grade 5.5/6 Fall and Spring 2013 - 2014

Axonometric view

Program and site The program is named “Saint-Dié, working around Le Corbusier”. The protection project and the project pursued in existing structures are part of a composite cultural discipline that extends the borders of contemporary architecture. The objective of this year was first to understand the composition of an existing site and then think a strategical intervention into an industrial site. The aim was to transform a Factory into a cultural center and a design university. It is crucial during a post-industrial period to find strategies for working with the existent as experts estimate that in 2025, 80 % of what we need will already be built.

The site is Duval’s factory at St-Dié by Le Corbusier. From all the effort at St-Dié, there remains but one small pure flame. Claude Duval the owner of the millinery factory which had been destroyed by the Germans, asked Le Corbusier to undertake the design of a new one. The construction was slow, constantly held up by circumstances. But the little Duval factory at St-Dié contains certain elements pertaining to modern architecture : proportioned entirely by the Modulor, section strongly expressed and the ceilings are intensely colored in accordance with the robust character of concrete.


Work to be done on existing structures is a major stake in the development of the city during the 21st century.

Process and concept The process is crucial when the project has to deal with an existing structure. The first step was to make a constructive analysis of the building by going directly to the site. It is important to understand every details and origins of this architecture, especially materials used and why. The aim of this analysis is also to evaluate the current state of damage as it will define a first frame to the intervention strategy.

The second step was to find a way to rehabilitate the site with a new program in case of the factory closing. The site can be divided in two parts the old factory, which was built at the beginning of the 20th century and Le Corbusier’s extension more recent. Through our research about the area and the potential of the site we defined the program as a school of design and a cultural center composed of archives, exhibition spaces and an auditorium.

START Shops Auditorium

Archive Center



Design School Library

The concept was to recreate an identity to the site by clarifying its limits. As the Factory was subject to destruction and extension, the center of this complex was lost and the essence of the initial part totally eclipsed by Le Corbusier’s factory. Therefore we decided to place two new volumes on the edge of the site; consequently the old factory becomes the center of the program. The new building will be used for the archive center and the auditorium, which need high condition of safety and climate stability. Finally for defining the limits we decide to use Stonewall made of local material, same strategy as Le Corbusier’s factory.

The new organization of the site defines a new pole this complex. The old factory becomes an exhibition space and also the main entrance of the project. From this point we decided to create a continuity of public spaces which would start from exhibition space going to the library, the auditorium and finally to the archive’s consultation space. The consequence of this new organization is the creation of a new public space which become a gravitation point for the project.

Spatial Relation vertical connection axomomtric view


Spatial Relation vertical connection axomomtric view

Inside organization this plan illustrates the continuity of the program. the main entrance is now the center of the site and the starting point of the “ballade architecturale�.


Outside organization this plan illustrates the outside circulation, which is totally free, every program can be accessed form both sides of the site. the plan also defines the archive and the school of design organization.

DrA Win GS Elevation&Cut Elevation

elevation of the new archive center


Transversal cut through the archive to the auditorium.

Description the elevation shows mainly the facade concept which re-use the local material and language of le Corbusier’s factory. the cut illustrates the spatial continuity between the programs.

DRA WIN GS Plan&Cut Cut

Cut of the school library intervention


plan and organization of the library

Description For the inside intervention we decided to use light structures such as furniture however the library is more than simple shelves, it’s a complex, based on the existing structure, which combined storage and different kind of working places.

















Pré-dalle plancher porteur de type Aveon bois massif Douglas


Trou de 22 mm Réservation formée par assemblage des prédalles

Revêtement 1 mm


Assemblage des montants verticaux 20 mm vissés aux planches de 40 mm, et éléments horizontaux collés à l’ensemble pour rendre l’ensemble rigide




Espace intérieur utilisé comme gaine technique

DRA WIN GS Detail&Photo Detail

Constructive detail of the library.


Picture of the library and the existing structure

Description The main idea of this system was to use the maximum of space by creating every type of storage and every type of working place going from the classic to the active and short time working space. The complex has different way of circulation, around, through and on it. As this space was a storage previously, the ceiling height is about 5 m which allows to create a kind of interior street on top of it.

VIEWS Site Model View point

From the South-West and main street

Description The new building tends to find a common language with the existing architecture by using same materials but also same architectural strategies such as, floor height, “toit-terrasse�, sun protection.

VIEWS Site Model View point

From South-East and North -East

Description The East Facade of the new archive center is fragmented because of the site, the aim was to follow the limits and therefore using a maximum of space. It’s also a response to the Factory.



luc carpinelli EPFL - Student Swiss Institute of Technology Lausanne m/ +33 6 12 12 56 85

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