Concept Development This module has given me a new perspective to the idea of concept development. It’s expanded my mind to new possibilities and ways of generating ideas. Each task was different but the source that linked them all together was how well one is able to develop from a – z. 99 Luftballoons was a good task for me to experience, because I sometimes find it hard to generate ideas that are fresh, original and dynamic. This task gave me the chance to burst with a number of ideas, in a short amount of time. This will probable be one of my main sources of the development stage to get any project going. Infographics is a subject that I now would like to look closer into, because I like the idea of simplifying data. It was one of my most enjoyable tasks on this module and I enjoyed learning about the different pieces of data that I used. Although I enjoy the subject I still have a lot more to discover and learn about visually communicating in a simple form. The task Psychogeography opened me up to explore and consider everything in my surroundings. I approached the task not knowing where I would end up, or what my out comes would be. This task is also another learning curve that I hope to develop and take with me on my journey of being a graphic designer. I was happy with the results of this developed project and will continue to develop more, exhausting all possibilities. The game development task was the task I found the most difficult because was concentrating too much on what the look of my games will be like. This put me in a position where no ideas were emerging and development was slow. After realizing this I made some sticky notes like the Luftballoon task and my ideas (how I was able to develop them) became a lot easier tom manage. My concept development Book also went through a series of development. When I
first started I was not using my grid properly and there was not enough to it for each project. After receiving a few sessions of feedback from other students and teachers, I was able to apply the changes to my publication improving it step by step. Buy I wanted a element of the countless times I found hard developing each task to be added to it. So I used one of my scrunched papers from an idea that I had discarded and placed it on each page of my publication.