Spring Festival 2023 | Program

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MENDELSSOHN FESTIVAL Lucerne Festival Orchestra Riccardo Chailly Evgeny Kissin Program 31.03. – 02.04.2023


What a threesome! Felix Mendelssohn, Frédéric Chopin, and Robert Schumann, all born in the years 1809-10, are the key musical figures from the era of early Romanticism. Mendelssohn, the univer salist among them, was successful as a composer in nearly every musical genre, and a fantastic visual artist to boot. As a conductor, he changed musical life permanently by reclaiming the historical repertoire for the concert hall and also by advocating for better working condi tions for orchestras. Schumann was the poetic head of the three — and not only in his musical works. He expressed his thoughts pointedly and with wit, penning insightful music criticism and imaginative feuilletons; what’s more, he was a major advocate for his two colleagues. The introverted Chopin, on the other hand, concentrated entirely on the art of the piano. But he was a game-changer within that realm: in his nocturnes inspired by the singing style of bel canto, in his mazurkas and polonaises charged with politically explosive power, and in his own style at the keyboard, through which he cultivated a seemingly free, quasi-improvisatory manner of playing.

That these three epochal composers were also close friends is a wonderful coinci dence of music history. In the second year of their Mendelssohn Festival, Riccardo Chailly and the Lucerne Festival Orches tra set out to explore this legendary triple alliance by presenting two Mendelssohn symphonies and one solo concerto each by Chopin and Schumann. The Polish pia nist Rafał Blechacz and the Spanish cellist Pablo Ferrández will be the eminent col laborators and guest stars.

And there is an anniversary to celebrate as well: Sergei Rachmaninoff, who spent some of his happiest years on Lake Lucerne, was born 150 years ago. On his actual birthday, 1 April, we therefore invite you to a grand birthday party. But our intention is not to present a solemn ritual — all serious and full of pious commemorations. We’ve made sure of that by bringing you the comic duo Igudesman & Joo, who are just as funny as they are virtuosic. They will pay homage to their very personal hero with a new Rachmaninoff program.

Riccardo Chailly (Lucerne Festival 2022) Igudesman & Joo (photo: Julia Wesely)


Felix Mendelssohn was only a year older than Frédéric Chopin, but when their paths first crossed in Berlin in 1828, they seemed worlds apart: Mendelssohn had long been regarded as a new star in the musical life at the time, conducting at the Singakademie, while Chopin sat in the audience, afraid to address his successful colleague. It was not until four years later that they met in person in Paris. Mendelssohn was enthusiastic about Chopin and defended him against hostility from his pianistic competitors. A warm friendship thus developed between him and “Sciopino,” as Mendelssohn affectionately nicknamed the Pole. They even com posed a canon together: Mendelssohn providing the three upper voices, Chopin the bass line. And they never broke off contact. With the sparkling First Sym phony, which Mendelssohn composed as a 15-year-old, and the poetic Second Piano Concerto, which Chopin completed at the age of 19, Riccardo Chailly and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra will explore the connections between these two musi cians. The soloist will be Rafał Blechacz, also from Poland, who won the prestigious Chopin Competition in Warsaw in 2005 and is considered one of the most promi nent interpreters of this composer.

Mendelssohn & Chopin 19.30 KKL Luzern, Concert Hall

Lucerne Festival Orchestra Riccardo Chailly conductor Rafał Blechacz piano

Frédéric Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21 33 min

Franz Schubert Overture in the Italian Style in C major, D 591 8 min

Felix Mendelssohn Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Op. 11 (with the Scherzo from 1829) 30 min

Introduction to the Concert 18.30 | KKL Luzern, Auditorium with Susanne Stähr (in German) CHF 240/200/150/100/60/30

Fri 31.03.


When it comes to big anniversaries, you really have to live it up, as they say. And since Sergei Rachmaninoff’s 150th birthday happens to fall precisely on this Saturday, we plan to give him a musical toast — an homage that will also aim for your funny bone, for the hilarious duo Igudesman & Joo will be there to do the honors. Both are genuine virtuosos: one a violinist, the other a pia nist. But instead of isolating themselves in an ivory tower, they winningly com bine classical music with humor. One of their favorites is Rachmaninoff, whose notoriously large hands inspired them to write a famous skit. We wouldn’t want to overlook that gem in our birthday tribute, but there’s also plenty of new material, like the song They Call Me Sergei or a fictional encounter with the Bee Gees. In fact, Rachmaninoff has had an espe cially powerful impact on pop culture: Frank Sinatra “stole” his melodies, and film composers and commercials have likewise availed themselves of his music. Incidentally, Rachmaninoff himself was by no means merely given to melancholy. When the violinist Fritz Kreisler once got lost in the score at a joint concert in New York and asked in despair: “Where are we, Sergei?” Rachmaninoff answered glibly: “In Carnegie Hall!”

Duo Igudesman & Joo 18.30 KKL Luzern, Concert Hall

“Happy Birthday, Sergei Rachmaninoff!”

Sat 01.04.
Aleksey Igudesman violin & comedy Hyung-ki Joo piano & comedy A birthday show designed, composed, and performed by Aleksey Igudesman and Hyung-ki Joo ca. 80 min | This concert has no intermission. CHF 120/90/60/30


Felix Mendelssohn was an exceptional figure — and not only as a gifted com poser. He also made music history when he ushered in the Bach renaissance in 1829 by leading the first revival since Bach’s death of the St. Matthew Pas sion. As conductor, meanwhile, he was the first to use a baton while standing in front of the orchestra. But Mendels sohn also differed from many others on the music scene in his humanity, for he was capable of genuine friendship and did not get caught up in rivalries. When it came to Robert Schumann, in particular, he was at times inseparable: between 1835 and 1837, before Mendelssohn’s wedding, the two had lunch together almost daily. Schumann championed Mendelssohn through his highly laudatory reviews and was in turn given praise and advice by his friend. Riccardo Chailly and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra will revive the alliance between these two figures. Mendelssohn is represented by his Second Symphony, the Bach-inspired Lobgesang, which was premiered in 1840 with more than 500 per formers: a choral symphony that offered a “response” to Beethoven’s legendary Ninth. Preceding it on the program is Schumann’s highly Romantic Cello Concerto, played by the Spanish shooting-star Pablo Ferrández.

Sun 02.04.
18.30 KKL Luzern,
MDR-Rundfunkchor Riccardo
Op. 129 24 min Felix
60 min Introduction
17.30 | KKL
CHF 240/200/150/100/60/30
Mendelssohn & Schumann
Concert Hall Lucerne Festival Orchestra
Chailly conductor
Ferrández cello
Mühlemann soprano Simona
Clayton tenor
Concerto in A minor,
Mendelssohn Symphony No. 2 in
major, Op.
to the Concert
Luzern, Auditorium
Susanne Stähr (in German)

Great musical experiences need strong partners!

We are deeply grateful to all those who support and promote the Lucerne Festival Orchestra for their indispensable commitment.

Cooperation Partners

AMAG Audi Center Luzern, Car Partner | Canton of Lucerne | KKL Luzern, Event Partner | Luzern Tourismus | MetaDesign, Partner in Communication | Radio SRF Kultur, Media Partner

Lucerne Festival Official Rail Carrier is a member of



Board of Trustees

Markus Hongler, Chairman*

Dr. Christian Casal, Treasurer*

Dr. Rolf Dörig*

Dr. Christoph Franz

Christian Gellerstad

Andrea Gmür-Schönenberger

Dr. Marianne Janik

Dr. Ursula Jones-Strebi

Walter B. Kielholz*

Dr. Hariolf Kottmann*

Michel M. Liès

Anne-Sophie Mutter

Urs Rohner

Prof. Klaus Schwab

Marcel Schwerzmann

Anne Schwöbel

Isabelle Welton*

Manuela Wirth

Beat Züsli * committee member Honorary Chairman Jürg R. Reinshagen


Board of Trustees

Markus Hongler, Chairman Dr. Christian Casal, Treasurer Dr. Franz Egle Andrea Gmür-Schönenberger

Elisabeth Oltramare

Michael Haefliger
Michael Haefliger Danièle Gross Christiane Weber


Through our personal commitment and annual donations, we make a significant contribution to the financial security and sustainability of Lucerne Festival. We of course support the Lucerne Festival Orchestra, which is also performing the Mendelssohn Festival this year. But we also promote the Festival’s continued development: for example, the Lucerne Festival Academy and projects involving the Music for Future program. In this way, we create a foundation for the musical life of tomorrow.

As a Friend or Young Friend of Lucerne Festival, you can enhance your concert experience through visits to rehearsals, encounters with the performers, and special introductory offers. You will meet music enthusiasts from many countries and become part of the “Festival family.”

The following offers are available exclu sively to Lucerne Festival Friends as part of the Mendelssohn Festival:

Fri 31.03.

Dress rehearsal visit to the Mendelssohn & Chopin concert with exclusive introduction and artist talk during intermission

Sun 02.04.

Lucerne Festival Orchestra & Friends: apéro gathering with conversations with the artists

Have we piqued your interest? Please contact us for more information at

Foundation Lucerne Festival Friends Isabelle Köhler, Relationship Manager Hirschmattstrasse 13 | CH–6002 Luzern t +41 41 226 44 52 | i.koehler@lucernefestival.ch lucernefestival.ch/en/friends

Are you a lover of classical music and excited by outstanding performances — and would you like to become better acquainted with the artists? Then Lucerne Festival Friends is the right place for you!
Publishing Credits Publisher Foundation Lucerne Festival | Executive and Artistic Director: Michael Haefliger Hirschmattstrasse 13 | P.O. Box | CH–6002 Luzern t +41 (0)41 226 44 00 | info@lucernefestival.ch | lucernefestival.ch/en Editing and Content Susanne Stähr, Malte Lohmann English Language Editor and Translator Thomas May Layout and Realization Denise Fankhauser Printing Engelberger Druck AG, Stans This program was published in November 2022 and is subject to alteration without prior notice. Printed prices are subject to correction. Printed in Switzerland | © 2022 by Lucerne Festival
Felix Mendelssohn, portrait by Theodor Hildebrandt (1835) Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Mendelssohn-Archiv


Online ticket sales begin on 22 November 2022, 12.00 noon (Lucerne time)

Mail sales begin on 23 November 2022

Telephone sales begin on 23 November 2022 Mon – Fri from 10.00 to 12.00 noon (Lucerne time), from 23 to 25 November 2022 and during the festival also from 2.00 to 4.00 pm

Tickets that have been purchased cannot be returned or exchanged. Changes of program or performers do not entitle ticket holders to return purchased tickets.

Sales & Visitor Services

Lucerne Festival | P.O. Box | CH–6002 Luzern t +41 (0)41 226 44 00 ticketbox@lucernefestival.ch | lucernefestival.ch/en

Sat 01.04.

Overview of the Summer Festival

16.00 – 17.00

KKL Luzern, Auditorium with Susanne Stähr (in German) Free admission with ticket

Off to Paradise! Festival dramaturge Susanne Stähr invites you to a relaxed and enjoyable tour of the Summer 2023 program. Learn more about the highlights and discoveries that await you, about new stars and concerts that have that special something. Free tickets can be booked at lucernefestival.ch/overview.

Time/Venue Concert No. of tickets Ticket price Total Fri 31.03. 19.30 | KS Mendelssohn & Chopin Sat 01.04. 18.30 | KS Duo Igudesman & Joo Sun 02.04. 18.30 | KS Mendelssohn & Schumann Handling fee CHF 10 Total amount CHF TICKET ORDER FORM
Festival | 31 March – 2 April 2023
ticket sales begin on 22 November 2022, 12.00 noon (Lucerne time) Mail and telephone sales begin on 23 November 2022 Seating Options Front Stalls Gallery Balcony front back left right Second choice (if the desired category is no longer available) next highest category best possible tickets in any price category next lowest category no tickets The event organizer reserves the right to hold individual sections in reserve or not to release them for sale until a later date. The availability of sections and individual seats is updated daily and can be found at lucernefestival.ch.

Please send me an invoice with a payment slip. Please contact me to register my credit card details. Please charge my credit card. Each order has a handling fee of CHF 10.

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Expiry date Security code


Person ordering tickets

Last name/First name Street address Postal code/City/Country Telephone E-mail Date Signature

Lucerne Festival

Sales & Visitor Service | P.O. Box | CH–6002 Luzern t +41 (0)41 226 44 00 | ticketbox@lucernefestival.ch | lucernefestival.ch/en

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