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First Word: DitchLife
Stories from the Trenches Ditch Gallery Ditch Wheels Last Word
Cover: Adam Burchfield Banister Ditch Contents: Tommy Fox Porno Pool
Both photos by Jason Renn
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Ditch Life
Hard Work
The two can be synonymous. Concrete ditches, built to keep the flood and waste water from overflowing into the “nice” places we humans build are notoriously dirty, rocky places poured with often gritty concrete. There is very little aesthetically pleasing to the nonskater about a ditch. It is kind of like the curbs we celebrated last issue. Who cares about a bunch of concrete poured underneath a tree in a field two miles out of town?
We do, of course. Those of us that grew up skating after the last skate park boom and before the latest had to search for our spots. We had to find something to emulate the places we saw in pictures because those pictures were of some kind of fantasy utopia that we, in the back of our minds, didn’t really believe could exist. This, of course, got us into street skating. We’d find curbs and banks and ledges/stairwells became a thing because of our creative desire to find new spots and do what we love doing in a variety of places.
Besides street skating, it also got us into ditches. I can remember my first ditch session all these years ago. I had just gotten a set of hand me down Kryptonics wheels and I was so stoked to roll up and down the slanted embankments on either side of me. Ditches are real. They often take some lifting of rocks and brush. They often force us to bring brooms and work.
An interesting thing about skaters from this late 80’s generation of skating that has been passed along to many of the newer generation: The Work Ethic! They get that love takes work. The DIY skateparks are because of the work ethic that has been passed down. When I see what the guys in Memphis have done at Al Town I get so stoked because it is proof positive of what the rest of the world can’t see. We skaters are hard workers. We will clean it. We will build it. We are the blue collar. The broom in my trunk proves it. Blue Collar. Skate Life. Ditch Life.
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