A sustainable living

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A Sustainable Living S I L V E R D A L E


“Living Smaller, Living Closer, and Driving Less are the Keys to Sustainability�(Owen 2009)

Studio 6225 -

Project two

Lucia Cha 1345872

Project Intention Stagnation




Trivial Dispirited

Current •









Connection Friendly

Due to the disturbance of the motorway and highways surrounding the site, this landscape has low connectivity within the patch matrix. The surviving patches are the indigenous plants near the northern river which is considered to be a healthy patch However there is another minor river system which is adjacent to the northern river and possibly the two river can develop together to able to support each other as part of cennectivity isssues. Examinations of the district habitat of high water table and the knowledge of the significant water values that is contributes to the ecosystem, these rivers are the key elements to enhance the health of the environment processes.


Site Analysis

The Circulated areas are the possible developing area. This is measure based on the current value of the land by analysing the significant features of the land.


Site Analysis


Land cover and use data The green area are the significant vegetation spread. The study demonstrates that indigenous vegetation tends to develop within the river flows.

Legend LUC clip LUC 3e 3


3s 4 at_area_river buffer LCDB2NAME Broadleaved Indigenous Hardwoods Manuka and or Kanuka Indigenous Forest Deciduous Hardwoods Other Exotic Forest Pine Forest - Closed Canopy Pine Forest - Open Canopy

zoning clip






Meters 1,720



Site Analysis




Mapping the limitation zone(restrained area).


Indigenous forest and plants High quality soil for crops River + Boundary Major infrastructure Slope measure at 15 degree+

Contour Between the two rivers apears to have slope less then 6 degree or less.



Section AA

North river

South river

There are patchs of indigenous forest habitat and creates a boundarit to the landscape.

Poor quality, open space, disconnected river. This pond the only area of the river that is showing the water table

Pine Valley Road. North East facing view from the centre To revive the storm water gained, and intending to widen the river width using the natural progresses, such as the Poremoremo reserve in Albany. Possibly planting indigenous plants and Wastewater treatment plants. However majority of the plants will be low canopy and nectar producing plants in intention to provide healthy habitat to the insects which are the major element in the food chain of ecosystem

Project Aim To associate the sustainable cycle, This project is aimed to improve the Environment by reviving fragmented river and planting selection of plants to attract the insect which are the major organism to operate the forest. The lifestyle blocks will be organised on a purpose of reducing the use of vehicles. This will affect the road design, urban planning, transports. Enhance the ecosystem by developing the primary elements that contributes to the ecosystem Elements such as plants and insect - core food chain Improvement on the environment - soil, water, land values High Dense community Mixed deistic such as retail and work block at the core and high density resident developing securing the core as part of ‘hard boiled egg’ Theory.

Case Study Water treatments - Highbrook [AUK] •

Storm water waste water, drain water

treatment •

Large Box example

Private within Public area

Case Study Ecological District - Ile Saint-Denis [Paris] •

Parallel Canal boundaries - similarity

Artificial natural looking planting for

water treatments - Heterogeneity

Planting compare to the Highbrook water

treatment planting

High Density residential with Plants

People based communal

Possible Elements Housing

Urban space grass road

Santa Denis by West 8

global green housing by F.Schwartz

Highbrook road water collection

China/ Road for pedestrian


Planting Aim to plan Native plants and perhaps a bush connection from across the motorway where there are significant habitats is found. Aim is to bring insects, the population and species richness, as part of major food chain element of an ecosystem therefore being able to attract higher class food chain elements such as animals. The planting will be requiring low canopy, White flowering, Nectar collectable

Forest development • • •

Indigenous forest Broadleaf indigenous hardwoods-‘Vitex lucens’‘Podocarpus totara’’Dacrycarpus dacrydioidis’ Water treatment-‘Apodamia similies’‘Baumea articulata’’Elechris sphacelta’‘ Cyperus papyrifera’

Nearby residential + Recreation parks

Low canopy that planting to attract insects ‘Makomako’‘Koromiko’’Tarata’’Akepiro’’Korokia’ Providing space for niching - Clay wall for bees, dead logs

Development Plan Green Improvement Increase the green lands such as park and recreation space with richer ecosystem to improve the environment. - Waste water treatment - Expansion of river system The vegetation could develop wider when the possible developable zone is arranged, ideally the dwelling will live surrounded by the vegetation. Zoning Drawing the boundaries of significant culture, this plan have drawn. These are the ideal map of horizontal layering to observe the spread and observe what the land can hold

Zoning and Restrained area including the slop measure Redirecting the possible developing zone based on the limited capability of the land can carry such as the slopes and the new vegetation area.

The Development Based on the zoning the section are divided.

Green Land Green Living Legend Stormwater Planting Sports Stadium New Planting Stormwater Collection Education Retail Block Food Town Sports Feilds Stormwater Treat Plants Name High Density Housing Pedestrian Only RD Semi Road Main Road

0 87.5175



Meters 700


Slope Buffer [15m] River Buffer Impervious Surface The Site

The intension of this mixed zone planning is to concentrate and compress the fragmented lifestyle blocks that we have smeared all over our precious land. With this sustainable planning we are able to provide the best opportunities to live at sustainable lifestyle. However there are probability of dysfunctions, which is the amount of effort contributed by the people.

High Density Residential


Low canopy of indigenous and water management plants Possible Business office and Education buildings

Scene High Density housing of 150square meter 10x15. The garden in the centre are measured 900square meter to be used by the community Possible vegetable gardens Worm farm - less unnecessary waste into the land fill



Flowering patch = insect (Bee)

Water treatment ponds Possible planing - ‘Apodamia similies’ ‘Baumea articulata’ ’Elechris sphacelta’ ‘ Cyperus papyrifera’ The structure will be similar to the Santa Denis planting plan because it has higher ecosystem values that is profiting not only the water but has opportunities to provide niches for the wider species of all organisms

Current Land cover database

Stormwater restoration plants New Planting - possible low canopy indigenous and mixed exotics Grass lots

Current significant plant feature

Plant improvements

Stormewater pond

Summery ‘Triple bottom line’ is the driving force behind Green Community district planning, serving to reduce the unnecessary amount of carbon footprint we are leaving  everyday. This new town plan was designed to increase the density of our lifestyle blocks such as housing, commercial, work and connect fragmented places in urban areas into one smaller, healthier community.

Reference McDonough.W & Braungart . M(2002)Cradle to cradle. North Point Press Owen. D (2009) Green Metropolis.Riverhead books Scott. D (2007) Low Farm, Waipapa, Northland. Thayer. R (1994) Contemporary Landscape textbook. New Symbol of Possibility Wikipedia (April 2010) Paremoremo Scenic reserve. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paremoremo

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