10 minute read
Speaking file
The 2030 Agenda
Dan and Miranda are talking outside school.
Dan: What are* you up to, Miranda? Miranda: I am putting* up information posters for tomorrow’s town meeting. D: What’s going on tomorrow? M: Local leaders are meeting to discuss important measures* to meet* UNH! goalsH!* for sustainable* development. Some NGOs* and citizens’* groups will be outside informing everyone about these goals* and the different solutions being discussed. D: Wow. How do you know so much about this? M: I follow some young activists on social networks. D: You’re definitely more committed than I am. M: Well, when I started reading about all the challenges* that we are facing* , I knew I had to do something. Maybe I’m a bit naïve* but I think a better world is possible for everyone. D: You’re right*, we should be able to improve* our society. After all, that’s what progress is about, right*?
• Do you use social networks?
How often? • What kind of people or sites do you follow on social networks? Why? • Have you ever participated in a street protest? If so, when?
What was it about? • What changes would you like to see in the world? Why?
M: Right* . D: So, what are these goals* and how will they help us change the world? M: They are seventeen objectives in total that all UN member states have committed* to meet* before 2030. They are basic things like reducing poverty, hunger*, and inequality, together* with
Student A: Your city* council has organized a contest* for ideas to reduce plastic waste*. You want to take* part because you have some ideas. Talk to student B and prepare a joint entry for the contest* . a more sustainable* lifestyle and better education, health*, and well-being* . D: Sounds good, but how are we going to improve* all of this in less than ten years? M: It won’t be easy but there are plenty* of ideas out there. Some people have been working on this for* years, now. That is what tomorrow’s meeting is about. Why don’t you come? D: Yes, I will.
Suggesting solutions to a problem: One thing that can be done is…; A possible solution may be…; (I think) we could/should…; Another alternative would be to… Agreeing: I agree* with…; I am* for…; That might/could be a good idea. Disagreeing*: That seems like a good idea but…; The problem with that is…; I disagree* with… because…
Dancing Careers
Rick, Allison and Nichole are talking at the mall* .
Rick: Did you see the documentary last night? Allison: I did. It was awesome*! Nichole: What was it about*? R: Famous dancers talked about how difficult it is to become professional and get into a ballet company or dancing troupe* . N: Oh, that one. I didn’t know you were watching it last night! I want to see it, too.
• How often do you watch TV?
What type of programmes do you enjoy*? Why? • Do you like dancing? And singing?
Why? Why not? • Have you ever missed* class?
When? Why did you miss* it? • If you could be a professional dancer or musician, what kind of dancing or singing would you like to do?
A: You definitely should. One thing they all said was how important it is to have your parents’ support*. They need to pay for expensive clothes and lessons and sometimes you need to skipH! class to go to auditions* . R: I know. I don’t think my parents would ever allow* me to do that. They always say the most important thing right now is for me to do well at school, without too many distractions. N: Well, if you work hard, you can do both* . A: Well, it’s not that easy to spend several* hours doing physical activity and then study in the afternoon all by yourself, plus keepingH! up with the homework. N: I didn’t say it was easy. I said it can be done. R: The problem isn’t really about studying. The real problem is that many parents don’t think dancing is a professional option for their kids*, or they think there are so few dancers that actually* make it that their children should focus* on studying. N: Well, yes, but I think everyone should be allowed* to do what they want to do in life.
Student A: You want to go to a dance audition* at school for a TV contest*. Try to convince your parents to give you their permission. Talk to student B. Student B: Your son/daughter wants to go to a dance audition* at school for a TV contest*. Can they convince you to give your permission? Talk to student A.
Asking* for permission: May/Can I…; I promise I’ll…; What would you say if…; There’s something I’d like to ask* you/talk to you about. Giving responses: No, you aren’t allowed*; I’m afraid* you can’t; I’d prefer it if you don’t, but…; You can on one condition/as* long as…; Promise me that… Persuading: Imagine for a moment that…; I promise you that I…; If you let me… I’ll …; Will you let me… if I…?
“Skip class” is another way of saying to be absent from school. For example, She was punished because she skipped too many classes without permission. “Keeping up with” is a phrasal verb that means “to continue to make progress according to a schedule dictated by someone else” or “to do what is necessary in order to stay equal to other people”. For example, I can’t keep up with all the work my boss gives me to do; If you don’t keep up with me, you’ll get lost because you don’t know where you’re going.
Banana pancakes*
The 19th of March is MapleH!* Syrup Saturday. Why not try this Canadian recipe – banana pancakes* with crispy* bacon and maple* syrup?
(for 8 to 10 pancakes*) • 8 to 10 rashers* of bacon • 140 g self-raising* flour • 1 teaspoon* baking* powder • 2 tablespoons* sugar • A pinch* of salt • 2 ripe* bananas • 2 eggs • 25 g melted* butter • 125 ml milk • Butter and maple* syrup
1Mash* one of the bananas. Cut the other one into thin slices* .
2Mix the flour, baking* powder, salt and sugar in a large bowl. Add the mashed* banana, eggs, melted* butter and milk. Mix well.
3Heat a little butter in a frying* pan. Put a large spoonful* of pancake* mixture into the pan. Put 3 slices* of banana on top. 4 Cook for about 2 minutes, until the pancake* mixture bubbles* . Turn* over the pancake* and cook for one more minute. Put the pancake* on a plate.
5Make the other pancakes* .
6Grill* or fry the bacon.
7Serve your pancakes* with bacon and some maple* syrup on top.
Did you know that “maple syrup” is made from the sap of different types of maple tree? These trees store starch in their trunks and roots before the winter and this is converted into sugar that moves into the sap at the end of the winter and beginning of the spring. Then, holes are made in their trunks and the sap is collected, heated and evaporated. The result? Concentrated maple syrup! Canada is the biggest producer of maple syrup. Is that why its flag has a maple leaf on it? I wonder…
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MARCH 2022
The Statue of Liberty
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There is a markH! after some words. These words or expressions are explained in English in a box in every section. Pronunciation: phonetic symbols are used to indicate the pronunciation of some words in the magazine.
There is an asterisk* after every difficult word. Translations of these words, according to the context, are in our Vocabulary in the centre of the magazine.
Christopher Polk/Shutterstock
A quiz to learn more about the star of the month.
IN APRIL: BlackPink. Find out about four girls fuelled up to boost K-Pop.
Jiri Foltyn/iStock
The English-speaking world in all its diversity.
IN APRIL: Australia. Its nature, its strange animals and its modern cities make this island-continent a dream.
True Story
An exciting true story told in comic form.
IN APRIL: The origins of steam locomotion. A railway system started to function in England in the 19th century!
And, of course, films, quizzes, games and a delicious recipe to try out…
PAGE 3: LOOK: heart, Valentine; day; love. PAGES 4-5: ADELE QUIZ: 1. a. 2. b. 3. a. 4. b. 5. c. 6. c. PAGE 7: “EASY ON ME”: 1. baby. 2. child. 3. chance. 4. world. 5. choose. 6. do. 7. easy. PAGE 12: SUPER BOWL FOOTBALL GEAR: 1. c. 2. e. 3. a. 4. b. 5. g. 6. d. 7. f. PAGE 18: WELCOME TO THE CIRCUS: Let the show begin! PAGE 19: CANADA FACTS: 1. country. 2. leaf. 3. half. 4. longest. 5. bears. 6. hockey. 7. Pursuit. 8. lakes. 9. French. PAGE 22: CRAZY: water; jellyfish. PAGE 23: CRAZY: house; today; travel.