2 minute read
He looks very _ _ _ _ _ (YNUNF)!
Crazy news from around the world
Did you know that owlsH!* are very (OODG) _ _ _ _ runners?
© Bayard Presse-I Love English 304-Text: Lesley Ormal-Grenon, 2022.
running owl*
This baby owl* was an internet sensation. Internet users gave it accessories, such* as a sword* and shield* , to create an owl* running into battle, for example. But can owls* really run? The answer is yes, most* owls* are capable of running. They have powerful*, long legs for carrying* off prey*. Some owls* even* chase* and capture prey* on the ground*… and they don’t need any accessories!
Did you know that there are over 200 species of “owl”? They are solitary nocturnal birds that mainly hunt for small mammals and insects. They have some incredible features. For example, while humans have seven vertebrae in their necks, owls have fourteen and, consequently, they can turn their necks 270º! They can’t move their eyes but it doesn’t matter – they have no problem turning their heads! “Iceland” is a Nordic island country in the North Atlantic with a very small population: around 364,000. Two-thirds of the population live in and around the capital, Reykjavik. The Highlands of Iceland or the interior of the island is cold and inhabitable, as it consists of sand, mountains and lava fields.

Mini beach
copacabana is a famous beach in Rio de Janeiro. But this one is not in Brazil, it’s in Germany! You can see this model of Rio at Miniature Wonderland, in Hamburg. It has all of Rio’s attractions, plus 20,000 figurines. 11,000 of them are enjoying* the carnival, and the others are relaxing on Copacabana beach!
I love relaxing on the _ _ _ _ _ (EACBH)!

I want to get I want to get a selfie with lots of red hot _ _ _ _ (VALA). a selfie with lots of red hot _ _ _ _ (VALA). It’s very _ _ _ (THO)!

Jeremie Richard/AFP
Tourist volcano
Would you get this close to an erupting* volcano? These hikers* in IcelandH! weren’t worried – they came to see the Fagradalsfjall volcano, when it started erupting last year. The volcano is only 40km from Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik. It’s the island’s new tourist attraction!
Come closer! I’m _ _ _ _ _ _ (NUGHRY)!
John Angelillo/UPI/Abaca
Answers in the next issue (page 27).
Prehistoric shark*
You’ll never meet a Megalodon in the ocean – the biggest predatory* fish of all time has been extinct* for at least* 3.6 million years. But visitors to the Shark* exhibition*, in New York, can see this life-sized* (eight metre-long) model. They can touch its teeth and put their head in its jaws*!