1 minute read
Benny has lots of hobb
I like baking* . I make lots of biscuits* and cakes*! They’re yummy*!
I like playing football with my friends. I’m good at dribbling* the ball and scoring* goals.
1 baking: (hacer) repostería biscuits: galletas cakes: pasteles yummy: deliciosos
I like acting* and wearing* different costumes*. My school is putting* on a play* this Christmas.
I like singing my favourite songs.
2 dribbling the ball: regateando scoring: marcando acting: actuar costumes: vestuario, disfraces play: obra de teatro putting on: escenificando wearing: llevar
Do* I look like a pop* star?
I like music. I can play guitar and I am learning* to play the piano.
Do I look like…?: ¿Parezco…? pop star: estrella del pop learning: aprendiendo
Benny introduces you to his favourite hobbies… in English! What are your favourite hobbies?
I like painting with colourful* paints* I paint funny portraits* of my family.
I like dancing* , especially hip hop and tap* dancing. Dancing gives me energy!
I like reading comic books and adventure stories. Harry Potter is my favourite.
colourful: de colores vivos paints: pinturas portraits: retratos dancing: bailar tap dancing: claqué
I like playing board* games with my family. What’s your favourite board* game?!
I like cycling* with my brother and sister. We cycle through* the park on Sunday.
Circle the words in the wordsearch. Write the remaining letters in the speech bubble at the bottom of the page to find out what Benny is saying.
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