ILEJ 146

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Giants of La Mancha

Hello, I’m Pancho!

1 Alfonso is 11 years old and lives in the small town* of La Mancha. He is the heir* of Don Quixote and loves* adventure. Alfonso has two friends, Pancho and Victoria. They love adventure, too! heir: heredero loves (he…): le encanta town*: ciudad; comarca

* In the film, ‘La Mancha’ is the name of a small, fictional town. But in reality, La Mancha is a historic region that covers parts of the provinces of Albacete,

Come here, you! Help! I’m falling!

3 One day, Alfonso sees a giant* storm*. He realizes* that it is a magical storm* that could destroy* his house and the town of La Mancha. But where does this magical storm* come from? destroy: destruir giant: gigante realizes: se

da cuenta de storm: tormenta
Hi, I’m Alfonso!
Hi, I’m Victoria!
Ciudad Real, Cuenca and Toledo.

Edita Bayard Ediciones, S.A.U. Tel.: 91 405 70 10


C. electrónico:

Redactora: Gema Marcos. Colaboradora: Amanda Vincent. Directora de arte y coordinadora editorial: Lucía Molina.

TEL. DE ATENCIÓN AL SUSCRIPTOR: 900 921 859 / 91 405 70 49. C. electrónico: suscripciones@

ISSN: 1131-5288. Depósito legal: M-27287-1991.

© I LOVE ENGLISH FOR KIDS. Bayard Presse. Directora de la Prensa Juvenil: Nathalie Becht. Redactora Jefa: Lemisse Al-Hafidh. Director de Arte: Martin Fonquernie. Secretario General de la Redacción: Julien Vonthron. Primera Secretaria de Re dacción: Mary Cummings. Primer Redactor Gráfico: Pierre Hovnanian. Directora de fotografía: Isabelle Rouvillois. Asistente de Redacción: Mariama Camara. Todas las ilustraciones “Benny” son de Yomgui D.

Imprime: Reyper y Jider. Printed in Spain.

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Next month

Hawaii is beautiful!

Let’s discover

We’re going to Hawaii! These islands in the Pacific Ocean are part of the USA. They’re famous for beaches, volcanoes and surfing!



Meet the black rhino of the African savannas!


have fun

Learn how to plant flowers Kevin and Kate style!

Solutions to the games

Page 9. SOCCER. Pages 14-15. Game 1. I am hungry! Game 2. Pears, bananas, courgettes, oranges, leeks, carrots. Game 3. Do you like apples and bananas? Game 4. a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1. Game 5. peach, apricots, cherries, grapes, pineapple, melon. Page 18. Game 1. I do not eat fish. Game 2. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d.

Sandrine Lemoult
Damien VERRIER/AlamyStockPhoto

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