Au revoir inglês

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AU REVOIR the shows i never did

Lu Soares

the shows I never did AU REVOIR French expression, a farewell, a goodbye form. Chosen to tithe this photographic project so that it could give some creations the correct wings, so that they fulfilled their purpose from its idealization: to be seen, each one, in its respective imaginary universe. Some theater projects and processes can reach a certain maturity and end the usual cycle with the premiere of the scenic product and season open to the public / audience. Others have their trajectory interrupted, aborted at some point between insight, will to do and the phase of construction and characterization of personas and characters. As a dreamer, artist, actor, costume designer, seamstress, enlightener and daring to write dramatic texts, I have a collection of projects with half process and processes in the middle. Many texts, characters and costumes at some point in the execution. AU REVOIR was catharsed so that some of these cases would come to light and win the world, bidding farewell to the drawers and cupboards.

AU REVOIR, mon amis The capturing of the images was made at a time of other farewells. Project closure and change of a sensitive companion, with pointed and sharp look to capture beauty with your camera. The CAFÉ PHOTOGRAPHY would move to many hundreds of miles away. It was now or it would be too late. It was time to say "AU REVOIR, mon ami." And so it happened on a Sunday night. And I'm very grateful! Wagner CafÊ thank you for being such a brother of art, really and a point of support in crazy ideas and for risking with me on so many projects. Thank you Antonio Marcondes for being so hospitable to me that it meant a little noise in your house. Thank you Alex Dario and Vitor Carpe for opening your collection and enabling me to finish some of the costumes that are in this essay. Lu Soares.

D. Maria da Graça Café (in memoriam) thank you for making the CONFECÇÃO real by making available to our delight, and I use so much delicate, beautiful and precious.

It all starts with the premise that, at some point, it will come to an end. Using this affirmation as an impulse, a couple begins to remember their relationship (from years, weeks, months, decades, hours, days). And in an ironic way, poetic, passionate as in a tango, they question the ephemerality of the relations of the present times. The "Happily Ever After" begins at the point where each of the fairy tales ends.

Composition: Lu Soares Support: Alex Dario & Vitor Carpe

Bolero jacket embroidery

Mermaid Skirt with ruffles

High heel shoe with lashing in strips

Starting from a concept inspired by "The Metamorphosis" of Franz Kafka two insects were created to duel on the scene. What would be the winner?

conception: Cícero Miranda & Lu Soares composition and execution: Lu Soares accessory: Alex Dario & Victor Carpe

Rubber tire shoe and cotton fabric

Synthetic fabric Pelerine with soldering iron finish

Dress made of recycled material and rivets

Rubber Tire Elm

Fringe cap with beads

Leather Mask and Cotton Lines

What happens when a dominant becomes dominated? And when does the dreaded begin to fear? What is the reaction of a hunter who turns what is hunted? CADAFALSO is a reflection on these issues and brings a narrative where a normative male executioner is in a situation of impotence.

Naftelet collar and rivets

Composition: Lu Soares Embroidery: D. Maria da Graça Café Support: Alex Dario & Vitor Carpe

Hand embroidered lace and tulle mask

Copper crochet waistcoat

With liquid metaphors we traverse the winding paths of Barbara. In a poetic and dreamlike form the relations of humor, acceptance, self-image, desire and even amnesia of its own biological body. Freely inspired by the novel "bárbarous, Bárbara" by Maria Inês Chaves de Andrade.

Bolero jacket with single sleeve in tulle, lace, lapel and embroidered applications

Dress in gold chains

Front blouse in gold chains

Headband-mask in lace with applications and tulle

Composition: Lu Soares Support: Alex Dario & Vitor Carpe

Is the devil guilty of all the ills and tragedies that have occurred in the history of mankind? In this monologue he expounds his point of view, his arguments and defends himself of these accusations.

Medieval velvet cloak

Full polyester suit

Front-only swimsuit lace leather

Photography: Wagner CafĂŠ Production and design: Lu Soares

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