Silicon Valley Chapter Mission Statement: To strengthen and grow the Silicon Valley Facilities community, by providing cutting-edge educational events, professional certification, training, and a network of industry professionals to promote and enhance the careers of our members. Silicon Valley Chapter 39 $6 plus S&H
2025 Stierlin Ct., Bldg 3 – 2nd Floor Unite Conf. Rm., Mountain View Park: Behind Building 7
Cost: Host and Sponsor one student: $100 Sponsor additional students: $50 each Evening Program Only: $35 Members/ $40 Non-Members Students: $5
May 3, 2013
Register Online www.afe39.org/ events/dwfp2013/
April 2013
Day with a Facilities Professional at Linkedin on May 3
AFE Silicon Valley Chapter Presents Day with a Facilities Professional
w ww.afe39.org
The DWFP planning team had a walk through at Linkedin in April and things are coming together. It is interesting that the responsibilities of a “facility professional” are different at different companies. At Linkedin, the Facilities department includes: • • • • • •
Project Management Design Engineering Health & Safety Food & Health Upper Management
Park Behind Bldg 7
Day with a Facilities Professional begins and ends at Linkedin, 2025 Stierlin Ct., Mountain View. Parking will be tight so carpooling is recommended. Look for space behind building 7 (2019 Stierlin Ct.)
One returning host, Facilities Manager Paul Sossaman of Los Altos Golf and Country Club said he is interested in hosting a student in construction management because he has a $14 million renovation going on. That should be a very interesting afternoon of job shadowing! Bob Dills of Western Allied Mechanical and his associate Daniel Wong are on board again. Daniel said he had participated as a student for five years and after graduating, has participated as a professional host since 2004. It is a real tradition for him and for Bob, who is a Past President of AFE SV.
Thank You Debbie
For the sixth year in a row, the important role of matching of students with hosts is in the capable hands of Debbie Gary, Marketing Manager of Applied Power Technologies. Debbie and her associate Rachel Ladd are also acting as liaisons between students and hosts, assembling all of the bios and resumes, and formatting them for the flash drives that will be distributed to all participants on the day of the event. As DWFP Co-chairs, Stan Nakaso and I are extremely grateful to Debbie and Rachel and everyone at Applied Power Technologies for their support of this event for yet another year. It is a lot of work and it is truly appreciated!
If you have not yet registered, please visit www. AFE39.org and click on events. From there you will find information for students and for hosts for Day with a Facilities Professional. If you are ready to sign up, visit our online registration site at www.acteva.com/go/afe_silicon_valley. Thanks to all who are supporting this event now in its 51st year.
11 –11:30 am
Registration for students and hosts
11:30 –1 pm
Welcome Presentations and Lunch
1–5 pm
Students & hosts go to respective sites
4:30 pm
Networking Warm Up/Resumé Review for Early Returnees
5– 5:30 pm
5:45 pm
6:30 – 7:30 pm Panel Discussion on Careers in Facility Management 7:30 – 7:45 pm Q&A and Closing Announcements Students are required to submit a student resumé and short “statement of interest,” examples are posted at: http://www.afe39.org/events/dwfp2013/ student-dwfp2013/ Continued on page 2
Page 2
April 2013
From the President’s Desk
Focus on the Young By Raffy Espiritu FMP, President, AFE Silicon Valley Spring is here which brings into focus the young professional’s role in re-stocking the dwindling roles of facility professionals in the built environment space. Raffy Espiritu, AFE Silicon Valley Chapter President, is also President and CEO of the Impec Group in Santa Clara, 408-3309350, respiritu@ impecgroup.com
In the recently concluded Facility Fusion conference held in Los Angeles, it became clear that the facility profession is heavily dominated by an aging group of facility professionals who are over the age of 45. With the expanding universe of facilities and the growing complexity of managing the built environment, the specter of a huge disconnect between supply and demand for qualified manpower was raised and rightly so.
Some of the students who have attended this event in years past have assumed prominent roles in the facility field as Facility Managers, Building Engineers, Architects, General Contractors, Commissioning Agents and related occupations. Some of the more recent new attendees landed as interns with major corporations getting an initial taste of the exciting world of facilities often leading to a job offer after the student graduates.
For this year, the chapter will hold the Day With a Facilities Professional event at the LinkedIn campus with the Senior Facility Manager Adony Beniares acting as its gracious host. AdIn this regard, AFE Silicon Val- ony will also be a member of the ley is unique in the sense that panel of discussants to include it had this foresight over a de- Barbara Donaldson of Synopcade ago on how to correct this sis, Patrick Crowley of the San imbalance when it launched a Jose International Airport, Andy program called “Day with a Fa- Taylor of APT, George Denise of cilities Professional” where stu- Cushman & Wakefield at Adobe, dents from prominent universi- an ardent supporter of the proties like Santa Clara University, gram, will be the panel moderaSan Jose University, Cal Poly San tor. See page 3 for information Luis Obispo and Cal Maritime on all members of the panel. Academy attend a half day event of “shadowing” a facility profes- The Silicon Valley chapters of sional followed by a panel dis- IFMA and BOMA are solicitcussion with facility profession- ing their respective members als who have made a difference to act as hosts to the students. in managing facilities in Silicon The program will start with networking and lunch from 11 am Valley.
to 1 pm, an off-site shadowing from 1–5 pm and final networking and panel discussion from 5–6:30 pm followed by dinner and a panel discussion. If you love the profession and recognize the value of encouraging the young people to be interested in the facility profession, here is your chance to show your passion by acting as a host or come and enjoy the panel discussion. Check the details on the AFE website about this event at www.afe39.org/ events/. I look forward to seeing you at Linkedin on May 3rd. Sincerely, Raffy Espiritu, President AFE Silicon Valley Chapter
In this Issue Day with a Facilities Professional. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 3 President’s Message. . . . . . . . . 2 Code Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Save Function. . . . . . . . . . . 5 New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Sponsor Spotlight Impec Lifecycle Solutions. . . . . 7 Members Helping Members. . 13 AFE SV Event Calendar. . . . . . 15
Day with a Facilities Professional 2013 Continued from page 1
Hosts are asked to provide a one-page bio and an overview of their company. Examples are also available online at http://www.afe39.org/events/ dwfp2013/host-dwfp2013/. This information will be distributed to all participants on a flash drive on the day of the event.
All of the details are available on the Chapter’s website, www.AFE39.org. View a video of last year’s event at http://www.bukaymedia.com/videos/AFE/DWFP-2012/DWFP2012.htm Register today!
April 2013
Page 3
Day with a Facilities Professional
Panel Announced As co-chairs of Day with a Facilities Professional 2013, Stan Nakaso and Carole Lucido are pleased to introduce an impressive panel for the evening portion of this year’s DWFP event on May 3. We are honored to include leaders in our field who have interesting career paths as well as stories and advice to share with students and professionals alike.
conservation, sustainability, and operating efficiency in buildings, Mr. Denise has been instrumental in achieving 23 LEED certifications, 17 at the platinum level through the U.S. Green Building Council. Mr. Denise graduated from San Francisco State University. Accreditaions: CFM, CPM, FMA, RPA, LEED Accredited Professional
Side Note: If you cannot spare time during the day to participate in DWFP, you are welcome to attend just the dinner and panel discussion portion. Register online, you will find the option for this is at the bottom.
Patrick Crowley, Acting Deputy Director for Facilities and Engineering in charge of all trades and SLA contracts in support of the day-to-day functions for the Facilities Division for the San Jose International Airport Department. A BSME graduate of San Jose State in 1992, Mr. Crowley has a long tenure with the City of San Jose. He manages a budget of $25 million, which supports the 1050-acre airfield, terminals and support buildings (3.2 million sq. ft.) and 61 FTE in-house staff with support from 47
Moderator: George Denise, Sr. Managing Director CIS/ Account Management for Cushman & Wakefield at Adobe Systems. Mr. Denise is responsible for providing facility management services for Adobe’s portfolio of 42 sites in 31 countries totaling 3 million sq ft and a staff of 130. As an advocate for energy
Continued on page 8
Page 4
April 2013
Reinhard’s Code Corner #95 Good Questions
Reinhard Hanselka, PE, REA of MW Group rhanselka@aol.com
As some of us fly off to Dallas for the 2015 Code Hearings, there are some groups conducting active code classes in California. The Fire and Building Codes are of particular interest since they have changed format and Chapter numbers.
All cities are now getting ready to write local amendments. These loSee the video of Reinhard’s Code Presentation cal amendments can only be more stringent than the base code, so to the AFE GET INVOLVED! Contact your lowww.BukayMedia.com/ cal AHJ and find out what the plans videos/AFE/hanselka/ are for local changes and get on the hanselka.htm committee before the issues go to City Council. Some interesting questions were posed by members since our last printing...
Question #1: What exactly is a Control Area and how do I know if I have one? We have just relocated from Southern California and were told we need our own Control Area. Control Areas have been a Fire and Building Code provision for many years. The Control Area concept was developed to allow building owners, designers and occupants to store and use chemicals in quantities not exceeding the allowable quantities per control area as defined in Chapter 3 of the Building Code. The Control Area is simply an area bounded by a full one hour occupancy separation that allows each owner to use and store hazardous chemicals. The Building Code allows up to four control areas per building on the first floor, and a descending amount up to the 10th floor. If by chance there are no designated onehour fire walls with full required separations, the Building is one single control area by default and the owner or occupant is limited to the Chapter 3 allowable amount of chemicals Continued on page 11
April 2013
Page 5
The Overlooked Save Function Part 1 – The unsaved labor input
Many maintenance facilities, too, have not fully embraced their Edited by Profescomputers as labor saving tools. sor Ken Williams They do not use their comand Michael puters to organize, store, and Bukay quickly retrieve great amounts It was in 1998 of data that their crafts people when I first spend hours or days identifying saw what I believe is a common, and locating. This is what I call wasteful practice that is so ac- “The Overlooked Save Funccepted, it is often considered tion, OSF.” to be a necessary cost-of-doThere is a “fill in your situation” ing-business. Here is what hapquestion that I believe is an “acid pened. test” to determine if your mainEarly one morning a facil- tenance facility is overlooking ity maintenance manager ap- the save-function. Here is the proached a temporary laborer question with a sample situation. and assigned him the task of us- “How much time does it take ing a computer word-processor your crafts people to find __ to transpose a handwritten doc- the valves that should be closed ument and then provide a print- or opened to isolate steam, and out that would be presented to release stored energy from vesa high level management team sel T15846_____? the following morning. After Before looking at the answer, several revisions, corrections, consider the question and then and printouts throughout the provide what you believe is a day, the manager took the latest reasonable amount of time to printout home to review. Other identify the valves. than a single, misspelled word, he found the document to be The answer very simply is perfect. “zero”, because the valves had been identified in the past by The following morning the mancrafts people who required the ager approached the laborer same information to perform and asked to be shown where the same work. The safety secthe document had been saved, tion of a “smart-tag”, the placeso that he could make the corholder unique to the vessel, rection, print the “perfect” would have been previously updocument, and proceed to his dated to document the valves meeting. The individual, with a and their required positions, sheepish look, asked the maneliminating the need to waste ager, “You mean, there’s a savetime researching the valves a function? I didn’t need to retype second, third, fourth,... time. that document all those times?” If an adequate place-holder isn’t This story may be difficult to beavailable so that each crafts lieve, but it did happen. In 1998 person’s labor input is saved, computers were far scarcer your maintenance facility is exthan today, and many people periencing a cost increase per had not yet embraced the new task in the exact same manner technology. By Robbie Curry
as the temporary laborer who saved none of his previous work and was required to completely retype the document multiple times. In the case of our temporary laborer, each additional document cost 100% of the original. Maintenance facilities may no longer overlook the save function when they discover that the OSF is really an Overlooked Save “Money” Function. Join me next for: The Overlooked Save Function, Part 2, “The Simplicity of a Smart-Tag.”
Welcome New Members! Robbie Currie San Lorenzo, CA robbiec@gene.com Patricia L. Call Director, West Valley College Saratoga, CA wplc@wvm.edu David Esmaili Director, West Valley College Saratoga, CA david.esmaili@wvm.edu
Share the benefits of the AFE Silicon Valley! Invite a colleague to join. For information see page 9.
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April 2013
Page 7
Sponsor Spotlight: Impec Group
IMPEC Lifecycle Built Environment Solutions By Raffy Espritu, CEO To be effective, one needs to look at the built environment as a lifecycle to be managed from the time the facility was designed to the time of its decommissioning to move on to the next life cycle. We at Impec take this to heart as we aim to provide whatever is needed by the stakeholders to ensure that the facility is managed in a smart and cost-effective manner. Our teams work closely with owners and their designated representatives, general contractors, architects, commissioning agents, facility managers and building engineers in developing customized solutions for the built environment.
What is the built environment?
It is more than buildings. It is an eco-system of place, process, people and technology. The built environment is a dynamic process that encompasses the various phases of the life cycle from design to construction onto operations and maintenance to decommissioning. It is a functioning system comprised of many subsystems, processes, rules and policies. The built environment is not a stand-alone entity. It is made up of people, living and breathing creatures that have something at stake relative to how it is managed. These stakeholders include the: Owners – principals who own the facility and make decisions about the investment to build or improve on existing buildings. Owners include those who lease out the building (shell) to tenants in a NNN lease where the tenant is responsible for the remaining build out, operations and maintenance of the building. The owner may be responsible for the maintenance of the building shell dollar core as well as the assets from the building blueprint to the property line. Owner’s representatives – those who are designated by the owners to manage the various phases of the lifecycle of the facility • Architects – in charge of the concept and design elements of the facility • Commissioning agents – in charge of validating the systems that went into the building • Construction management firms – in charge of the design and facility assessment • General contractors and sub-contractors – in charge of the construction of the facility and installation of systems to run the facility • Facility managers/building managers/building engineers – in charge of the management and operations of the facility
• Facility consultants – in charge of facility assessment and formulations of policies and procedures to manage the facility Building occupants/employees – the workforce consisting of full-time employees and contractors who use the facility as their workplace. Please take note that the safety and productivity of the employees play a vital role in the success of the corporations that own the facility and the business that is being housed therein. Safety, comfort and productivity must also be considered for visitors and clients of the business occupying the building. The built environment as understood today cannot be dissociated from technology due to its complex nature. Managing the built environContinued on page 10
When it comes to Commercial HVAC, We Take Excellence
Personally • • • • • • •
HVAC Ductwork and Piping Architectural Sheet Metal Plumbing Building Automation Systems Shop Fabrication Engineering Service
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Page 8
April 2013
May 3 DWFP Panel (continued from page 3) FTE Building Services and 18 FTE Baggage Handling contract employees. At the San Jose International Airport, the Facilities & Engineering Department encompasses the following: Airport Terminal Equipment Mechanics, Carpenters, Electricians, HVAC, Locksmith, and Painters, Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds, Shipping/Receiving, Building Services or Custodial. Adony Benaires, Senior Manager, Global Real Estate and Facilities at Linkedin. Mr. Benaires is responsible for Global Real Estate, Facilities and Safety at Linkedin’s 1.5 million square feet of office space in 25+ cities. He is proud of his top-rated global facilities team that performs maintenance, food service, space planning, security systems, emergency response and environmental heath and safety. Mr. Benaires is focused on managing hyper growth while enabling groups to adjust their workspace to serve their needs. He is also responsible for the design of MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) systems and sustainability standards and manages construction, remodeling, warm shell and ground-up construction projects. Accreditations: CFM – Certified Facilities Manager; CFMJ – Certified Facilities Manager, Japan; LEED Accredited Professional; Studying for MCR – Master of Commercial Real Estate
Barbara Donaldson is Vice President of Real Estate and Facilities at Synopsys, a global leader in electronic design automation (EDA). In her current role, she manages a worldwide team with responsibility for more than 70 sites in 25 countries. Ms. Donaldson also leads the company’s Business Continuity Plan, managing a team responsible for ensuring worldwide employee well being and business continuity.
Masters of Corporate Real Estate (MCR); Certified Facility Management (CFM)
In addition to managing an operating budget of nearly $100M, Ms. Donaldson’s primary focus at Synopsys is to enhance the company’s competitive advantage by providing an exceptional work environment. Under her leadership, Synopsys’ Real Estate and Facilities team has achieved EB (Existing Building) LEED Gold for several corporate buildings, Energy Star for the headquarter campus, and LEED status for key sites across the globe. In 2010, Ms. Donaldson proudly represented Synopsys as a Silicon Valley YWCA TWIN (Tribute to Women) award recipient. This prestigious award recognizes women who exemplify excellence in executive level positions.
Mr. Taylor has over 25 years of experience in facilities, manufacturing, and utility engineering. He has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Idaho, and a master’s degree in manufacturing systems engineering from Stanford University.
She is an active member of Northern California Chapter of CoreNet, having served as President, Executive Vice President, Programs Co-Chair, and most recently as Co-Chair of the Community Reinvestment Committee.
Andy Taylor, P. E., Partner at Applied Power Te c h n o l o g i e s , is a registered professional electrical engineer in the State of California. He is a member of IFMA Silicon Valley, past president of the AFE Silicon Valley, and president of the Northern California Plant Engineers (NCPE).
Mr. Taylor has been a registered professional electrical engineer since 1994. His professional background includes nearly a decade at Intel Corporation in various positions in facilities and manufacturing. He chaired Intel’s virtual factory electrical joint engineering team (JET), and was the strategic planning manager for Intel Mask Operations. Prior to Intel, Mr. Taylor was a consulting electrical engineer for Quasar Engineering in Emeryville and for ABB Impell in San Ramon. Back in Boise, Idaho Mr. Taylor worked for the electric utility Idaho Power Co.
Mr. Taylor is a seasoned professional skilled in both facilities management and manufacturing She holds a B.A. in Organiza- systems improvement. His flextional Development from USF, ibility and creative approach to and an MBA from U.C. Berkeley problem solving have been forand Columbia University. mally recognized and awarded Accreditations: by clients and employers alike.
April 2013
Page 9
It’s Easy to Join the AFE! Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Contact Membership Chair Steve Woods at steve.woods@ amer-tech.com.
Choose Your Category of Membership:
Membership is wide open for Facility engineers, facility managers, building engineers, maintenance, or operations personnel.
Full Member: $235 first year, $205 renewal
Print the Application and Mail it with your payment. Get the form at www.AFE.org/join
New Associate/Vendor members must be approved in order to put more emphasis on strengthening the base of resources for facility managers and engineers.
Student Member: $15/yr Corporate Member: Discounted price based on number of employees included. 5-9 memberships: $174 each 10 -14 members: $164 each 15-24 members: $153 each
Still have questions? Call AFE Silicon Valley Membership Chair Steve Woods at steve.woods@ amer-tech.com or 510-7500159
Young Professional Member (under 30 years old): $100/yr
What Company Will You Trust for Your Next Build Out? Trust Technical Builders to simplify complex technical projects. Our background in facilities engineering and design-build expertise gives us a keen understanding of the specialized processes and systems that are vital to your operations.
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Page 10
April 2013
Sponsor Spotlight: Continued from page 7
IMPEC Lifecycle Built Environment Solutions ment is intrinsically related to the use of technology tools without which it would be too costly and chaotic to manage the space, people and process that make up the built environment.
What is Impec’s role in the built environment?
Impec delivers a wide range of solutions throughout the built environment lifecycle. Impec aims to be the leading resource for the owner and its representatives to protect its assets, create best value on all aspects of the process by avoiding risk and containing cost while achieving the safety, comfort and productivity of employees and other building occupants throughout the life of the facility. Recognizing the impact of a well managed facility to the well being and productivity of the employees which constitutes the biggest investment in the built environment, Impec focuses its attention to creating the most cost effective built environment solutions for each client. Impec self performs most of the core services and work with strategic partners on other specialized competencies. Specific examples of the role Impec can play in the various phases of the lifecycle are outlined in the chart, to the right:
Lifecycle Phase Design for new construction or renovation project
Impec’s Services Consulting Programming of conceptual design and lifecycle costs Facility condition assessment Real estate assessment Design development Consulting/search for a design team Construction Collect, store and maintain documentation documentation for optimal operations and maintenance of the buildings and grounds Facility data gathering Develop and document Operations and Maintenance Policies and Procedures Selection of appropriate technology tools for Operations and Maintenance. Construction Provide qualified manpower for the interim maintenance of the mechanical systems, provide labor for-going construction and pre-occupancy cleaning Commissioning Working with or as the owners commissioning agent, identify potential installation, testing and performance issues Operations and Full range of turnkey solutions: Maintenance Facility staffing Grounds operations Building operations and maintenance services Strategic planning Energy Management Custodial and green cleaning Grounds management Project Management Space management Backup energy systems Emergency preparedness Business continuiting planning Decommissioning Consulting for decommissioning Actual decomissioning
Impec listens to the client’s requirements and expec- Impec is a serious stakeholder of tations and develops customized solutions to its built the built environment environment needs. In all its undertakings, Impec underscores the importance of being involved in all the phases Integral in Impec’s solutions packaging is proper faof the process of the built environment from cility data documentation and development of a rothe very beginning to the end of its life. Impec bust operations and maintenance system, provision will provide proper guidance to our clients as of qualified staffing, installation of appropriate techto what tools would be appropriate relative to nology tools to ensure reliable tracking of informatheir needs and the investment they are pretion and performance, on-going facility assessment pared to make. Impec will do its due diligence and analytics, implementation of a “customer service to be as actively engaged in every phase to the driven” service delivery system. Continued on page 15
April 2013
Page 11
Code Corner
Continued from page 4
Question #2: Is the Toxic Gas Ordinance (TGO) still law? Absolutely yes, in Santa Clara County and many Northern California cities the TGO is law. The Toxic Gas Ordinance (TGO) is a comprehensive standard regulating the storage and use of toxic and highly toxic gases. The California Fire Code and the ICC Model Code have been upgraded in recent editions, incorporating many provisions of the TGO. The additional provisions of the TGO, such as flow limiting orifices, secondary containment and inert – compatible installations and piping, were intended to be extra requirements unique to our urban areas. The TGO in conjunction with the Fire Code is the highest standard of care in the United States. Therefore, in our Bay Area the Fire Code and the TGO must be followed.
Save the Date Monday August 5
Second Annual AFE 39 Silicon Valley Golf Classic San Jose Country Club
Registration Information to follow
If you have a question on the code, send it to: Reinhard Hanselka, PE, REA MW Group rhanselka@aol.com PO Box 361656, Milpitas, CA 95036
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Page 12
April 2013
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April 2013
Page 13
Members Helping Members One of the goals of the AFE Silicon Valley in 2013 was to recognize the efforts of the volunteers who serve on the board of directors for the chapter. Without their efforts the events and programs for the AFE in the Silicon Valley would not exist. For this reason we urge all members to do business with these dedicated men and women. If you would like to join the board or serve on a committee and gain recognition like this, please contact Chapter VP James Elder. Program Chair Jennifer Farmer, 408-353-1236, jen@ greenworks.com Since 1979, Greenworks Workplace Finishes Inc. has Programs Committee established a reputation as the Kim Tamayo 510-277-2646 premier living plant and floKtamayo@pyrocomm.com Pyro-Comm Systems is a fully li- ral display purveyor for Silicon censed Fire Alarm Contractor; Valley corporate campuses and specializing in commercial appli- has developed an integral set cations, office buildings, hospitals, of core-competencies providindustrial complexes, campuses, ing “value-added” benefits in art hotels, airports and retail prop- consulting services, way-finding AFE VP James Elder, CAPS, erties. Services include Fire/Life signage and Holiday displays. 408-855-1105, jamese@caps- Safety system design, engineering, 4ups.com, www.caps4ups.com installation, programming, tenant AFE Marketing Chair CAPS Sells/Rents: Auxl improvements, monitoring, test- Michael McCormick, Del Generators,Transformers, SPD, ing and UL Certification. Conte’s Landscaping, 510-760UPS Systems, UPS Service, UPS 1313, Chair Battery Replacements, PDUs, Communications michaelM@dclandscaping.com, Server Racks, Rack PDUs, Carole Lucido, carole@ www.dclandscaping.com CRAC’s, Central Monitoring & lucidomarketing.com (925) 947Landscape and Irrigation manControl Syst. Project support to 6080 Engineers/Contractors/Users at Lucido Marketing & Graphics pro- agement, design/construction design, install, & operations typi- duces marketing that builds your for the Silicon Valley and San image in print or on the web. For Francisco Bay Area. Industry cally at no cost. a sample of our award- winning leader in Water Management, AFE Membership Chair writing and graphic design work, Diamond certified, Bay Friendly. Steve Woods (510) 750-0159 see lucidomarketing.com, AFE39. steve.woods@amer-tech.com, org, or this newsletter. We make Chapter Secretary Linda www.ATIrestoration.com complex information easy to un- Fung, Contract Administrator, IMPECGroup, 408-330-9350, reAmerican Technologies, Inc. (ATI) derstand. spiritu@impecgroup.com, www. is a restoration, environmental impecgroup.com Impec Group and reconstruction specialty con- New Media Chair Mike is a one-stop shop for solutions tractor. Services include 24-hour Bukay, 510-232-9830, needed by a facility from staffemergency services for water, fire mbukay@comcast.net and smoke damage, asbestos/lead Bukaymedia.com produces indus- ing to full operations and mainremoval, mold remediation, bio- trial and commercial marketing tenance services that include hazard clean-up, contents clean- and training videos for the web. building maintenance and repair, ing/storage and reconstruction Does your company have a web HVAC, custodial, office services, video strategy? Does your com- energy management and related services. pany have a story to tell? Contact facility solutions. AFE SV Past President us to explore how you can use Bob Adamo, 408-370-6080, high quality videos to train your Your Name Here! Contact badamo@technicalbuilders.com. staff and customers; and to mar- AFE-SV Vice President Jim Elder and volunteer for the Board of a Technical Builders is a commer- ket your products and services. Committee today! cial general contractor specializing in fast paced technically challenging design-build projects such as clean rooms, biotech & medical
AFE SV President Raffy Espiritu, Founder, Pres.& CEO, IMPECGroup, 408-3309350, respiritu@impecgroup. com, www.impecgroup.com Impec Group is a one-stop shop for solutions needed by a facility from staffing to full operations and maintenance services that include building maintenance and repair, HVAC, custodial, office services, energy management and related facility solutions.
labs, R & D, and corporate offices. Our facilities based expertise delivers a turnkey, cost effective solution for our clients.
Page 14
April 2013
April 2013
Page 15
AFE Silicon Valley 2013 Event Calendar VENUE
AFE Kick-off Meeting at Linkedin
January 9
Linkedin and Impec Group
Tour San Jose Airport with BOMA
February 13
SJ International Airport
Data Center Tour: NetApp
Fenwick & West
Meeting / Facility Tours:
TBD NetApp
NetApp TBD
Lunch & Learns: Electric Rate Structures: Where they’re going and what to do about them
Jan. 24
Innovations in High Performance Commercial HVAC Systems
February 28
Fenwick & West
Western Allied Mechanical
Hazardous Materials Regulatory Compliance
March 28
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments
Transformer Efficiency
April 25
BD Biosciences
ASHRAE Presentation
One Workplace, Santa Clara
Reducing Earthquake Hazards
One Workplace, Santa Clara
Building Control Systems
One Workplace, Santa Clara
UL Presentation
One Workplace, Santa Clara
Day with a Facility Professional
May 3
Golf Tournament
August 5
SJ Country Club
Evening with Industry
Student Chapters
Holiday Party
Mixers and Special Events:
Sponsor Spotlight: Impec Group (Continued from page 10)
extent that it is feasible. The earlier that Impec is part of the process the better as the key elements that go into documentation of facility data and the development of the operations and maintenance systems are formed during the concept and de-
sign, construction and commissioning phases. By doing so, the transition from construction to operations and maintenance would be seamless, eliminating down time that can be costly and time intensive.
Association for FACILITIES ENGINEERING Silicon Valley Chapter 39
Carole Lucido, Editor Lucido Marketing & Graphics 2763 Tumwater Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (925) 947-6080 www.lucidomarketing.com This newsletter was printed with non-toxic toner on an Energy-Star certified printer, on paper made with 15% post-consumer fiber.
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