2a crimes and punishments

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Made copies of the King’s coins and used them to buy food.

The prisoners hand was tied to a block of wood. A meat axe was placed on his wrist and struck with a hammer till the hand was cut off!

Stole a horse worth 2 shillings.

A pit was dug and filled with water which was then blessed by a priest. The prisoner was then thrown in. If he sank he was innocent. The prisoner floated, was found guilty, and executed.

Begging for money, when fit and able to work.

Three days and three nights in the stocks.

Fought George of Northway and did wound him. Assassinated King James I Grazing sheep on the Lords land.

Sentenced to fight a duel with George. Crowned with a red hot iron and his flesh ripped off with red hot pincers Fined

Announced that 10 000 men were Jailed for a year. Every 3 months he was stood gathering to murder the London in the pillory, with a stone placed round his councillors neck, and a notice with ‘false liar’ written on his chest. Found his Lordship’s hawk upon The hawk shall be fed 6 ounces of the prisoner’s the roof of his house. He failed to flesh cut from his chest. report this. She did disgrace her husband by She was fitted with a cage over her head called scolding him in public calling him a brank. A metal rod poked in her head to hold villain and rogue. down her tongue. She was ridden though the town backwards on a horse. Selling bad fish.

Taken round town with stinking fish hanging from his neck

Being a bad priest

Made to wear a paper Crown whilst being driven round the town facing the horse’s tail!

This is the only known sketch of trial by battle. Together with the gallows with an executed victim, it was made in 1249.

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