starter activity
What’s happening in this picture? Who is breaking the law? Are there any occasions when it is not wrong to break the law?
Key words:
game keeper
Was poaching really a crime? Learning objectives TBAT explain the origins of the ‘Bloody Code’ To debate whether poaching was a crime
Your task Watch the clip from ‘Crime & Punishment’
by Tony Robinson and answer the questions on the sheet provided
One reason why the Bloody Code evolved as you saw from the film was the threat felt by the ruling classes from poaching. But with so much poverty in Britain at the time, and people forced to turn to stealing to feed their families, was poaching really such a terrible crime? Study the information on p. 38-9 (Cummins) or p.86-7 (Dawson) and gather evidence for and against
This House believes that it is sometimes justifiable (right) to break the law
 Extension task
Is poaching ever justifiable? Conduct some research into modern day poaching. Which countries is it most common? What is poached and why?
Your are an MP in the House of Commoons. Write a speech either in support or opposition to poaching. Include the following: Explanation of what poaching is The punishments for poaching Examples of poaching in the C17th or C18th Your explanation of why it is wrong
Success criteria Room for improvement
Wow factor!
Includes 2 or fewer bullet points
Includes 3 or more bullet points
Includes all bullet points
Limited use of evidence from notes or technical vocab
Uses many examples from own notes and some technical vocab e.g. ‘Bloody Code’, game keeper
Uses examples from class notes and own research Confident and appropriate use of technical vocab Written as a persuasive speech
Key words:
game keeper
Was poaching really a crime? Learning objectives TBAT explain the origins of the ‘Bloody Code’ To debate whether poaching was a crime