Lucifer's Third Book of Inventions and Ideas

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Lucifer's Third Book of Inventions and Ideas Lucifer Jeremy White

Lucifer's Third Book of Inventions and Ideas 2018, Lucifer Jeremy White -public domainFree use encouraged. The ideas herein may be used to produce new patents but only if they haven’t been previously. Some of the items in the list below may have already been patented by some one else, not the author, or invented by someone else, not the author, already. I can be found under my name: Lucifer Damuel Jeremy White I have 12 other books before this one, and they are all free plus in public domain.

“All knowledge is connected to all other knowledge. The fun is in making the connections." ― Arthur C. Aufderheide

Introduction Welcome and thank you for reading my book, or rather for looking through it. Any of the ideas found here may be used, freely, without crediting me, or paying me for there use—unless, that is, if they have been patented by someone. Other wise, feel free! Most of these are able to be made, currently. Others, not currently. Those are ideas for future scientific use when technology has developed enough making them possible. I think it is an entertaining book, one visual and not a bore. I have six or more of these planned, but we'll see what happens.

























As a sticker..



































































As long as none of these have been previously patented they may be freely used. I am not sure which have been and haven’t been but I can tell you I’m sure most of them haven’t been. I can’t take credit for ideas that others have thought up already, so I am not saying it’s sure I made these, when some here and there may not have been. If it is at all possible to make the world better when my ideas of this book are used, that is the reward I was looking for in sharing these.. That things get better. I think, that the more people who make books like these the better. I think it would do the world a lot of good.

My Advice for Inventers:

1- Assume science and its tech can do anything one way or another 2- Try combing two or more pre exiting things into one use: if you get the right combination you have something good. 3- Take old things that have been stopped being used a very long time ago. Use today’s broader spectrum to improve what is very old and didn’t have the chance to develop. 4- Consider different uses for things. 5- Do things a different way that leads to the same result of something else.

My other books, currently: The Satanic Book Satanic Living The First & Final Bibles of Christian Satanism A Map for A Christian Satanist Christian Satanism Christian Satanic Doctrine Becoming a Christian Satanist Christian Satanic Book One My Anti Christ Game or Movie: Part One Lucifer's First & Second Book of Inventions and Ideas

What is “Christian Satanism” It is the art of not being. It is a stance taken to separate oneself from others, those deem “sided- minded.” It is an act to remove oneself and boldly take on the best working way, which cannot be possible in taking only one. Instead, the Christian Satanist has every option before her or him. And with this all together, together we are together, together we are Christian Satanism— Christian Satanism is said to be impossible. It is a questionable and

offensive title. It is therefore the perfect title, and one that its of our own making—what is produces, that, is Christian Satanism, as Christian Satanism is us and what we do. What we Christian Satanists do, that is what we’ve done, that is what we do, and that is what it is. Anyways there is much written about it in the books above. And ALL of my books are free and in public domain.


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