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Considering all the
THE BELIZE TIMES 10 22 MAR 2020 BELLY of the BEAST COVID Piñata The scum suckers in the UDP aren’t holding back at all in their greed for political power. We saw the PM tell the nation this week that he’s got about $75M to play with when it comes to dealing with COVID-19. We saw the way he rubbed his girly little hands together with glee. We think the whole nation saw it. Imagine, in an election year, the Prime Minister has another $75M to play with. Now that’s scary. Already we are seeing the Prime Minister’s son telling people on Facebook to get in touch with him if they need money because he will have access to COVID-19 money through the Prime Minister’s economic czar Carla Barnett. We’re already getting an idea of how this one will play out. Dean Oliver, behave. The people of Belize will need all the assistance they can get when this thing really gets serious. Ain’t nobody got time for more hustling as usual under this corrupt bunch! We’ve got our eyes on them, and trust us when we say the people won’t take it lightly. You can take that to the bank. Same old S*#t The UDP is supposed to be having their national convention in a few weeks, after both porky pig from Belmopan and the drama queen turned out to be real duncey duds. So guess who’s in the race now for leader of the UDP. LOL – that’s right, John Saldivar and Patrick Faber again. John, who does his moaning on Facebook now that Mason is locked up, says he was prepared to step out (as if he really had a choice in the matter) but now that Patsy has jumped back in the race, he decided to jump back in too. Porky posts some interesting stuff sometimes. This week he was upfront in posting that there’s a whole lot he could say, but he’s no punk. We wonder who he’s throwing stones at, and who he’s threatening. We hear that senior members of the UDP are not ready to deal with his application, and plan to use the vetting process to get the fat fellow out. But at the same time, we hear the fat fellow is prepared to turn himself into a big fat canary and sing if he’s not allowed. Keep a close eye on this one folks. As if the UDP needed another nail in its coffin. Khalid’s Crew We’re still royally pissed at what a creep Belmopan Mayor Khalid Belisle turned out to be. Here we were, thinking he was one of the good guys whose only flaw was that he was a little too cozy with John Saldivar and then BAM, the sucker starts building a $2M mansion in Belmopan on a Mayor’s salary. Coincidentally, too, he starts building that mansion around the same time the Hilltop property is sold to some mysterious Asian guy who nobody has ever seen. Also around the same time we find out that Khalid is selling out land all over Belmopan. Imagine that he wanted to have a gas station built right across from Our Lady of Guadalupe School. Guess he was thinking with his wallet and not with his head. And if all that isn’t bad enough, pictures surface showing him and the rest of John Saldivar’s worthless bunch hanging out with Lev Dermen, a convicted fraudster and money launderer. When the first picture came out he told the nation that it was the only time he’d met Dermen, at the PGIA. And then another picture came out showing him with Dermen in Las Vegas. And just this week, tickets surfaced showing that he travelled to the US along with Dougie and Jason Neal, John Saldivar’s left and right hands. We really had high hopes for this guy, but all that’s gone now. The way this is shaping up, he may share a jail cell with John Saldivar and Mason when the PUP gets into power. Big Mike VOICE OF THE COMMON MAN When Angels Die By Hilly Bennett "You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience."
Undoubtedly, the streets of the Old Capital have become a “killing field." Within a span of forty - eight hours seven lives were snuffed out by a hail of bullets. Unfortunately, during night's twilight, ricocheting bullets pierced the dreams of innocence. In separate incidents, four year old Dominic Rhamdas and five year old Kia Herbert were killed, the result of gun-fire which have engulfed the Jewel. Surely, this is not the first time that an innocent baby life has been take in such cruel fashion. Baby Etana had recently been memorialized and laid to peace. She was viciously shot through the bedroom wall where she slept peacefully.
The wanton disregard for human lives, the horrific killings continue unabated with the murder count becoming a statistical monster. The United Democratic Party Government, has so far, remained in a state of inertia, clueless on solutions to the bloodletting and the haemorrhaging on the streets of Belize. The leader of Government remains far removed from the deadly reality, the wailing sirens, the weeping mothers and the dying souls. The sickening reality is that some of the most powerful UDP Ministers of government hold constituency responsibilities for the most down-trodden areas being affected by the crime and violence.
Usually, i am focused on the criminogenic end of the spectrum fighting the abuse by elements of law enforcement, the unconstitutional violence inflicted upon the youths in the disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Today there is no excuse for these horrendous acts committed in the name of gangbanging.
I completely understand the root causes for these acts on the societal, economical, and biological aspects. I can also speak to what Dr. Asa Hilliard, in his book ‘The Maroon within Us’, characterized it as 'cultural surrender', namely the surrender of cultural values. ‘It takes a village to raise a child’, ‘I am my brother’s keeper’ and ‘love thy neighbour as you love oneself’. However, this is not projected in said literacy’s direction.
The Honourable Louis Farrakhan once said that the gangbanger must take responsibility for his action. He also proffered that these individuals understand the principles of retaliation, but often times they retaliate on the cheapest of these principles. They are not retaliating because of the oppressive state they continue to live in or because of the injustices they face on a daily basis from the powers that be.
These gangsters retaliate because a brother is from another 'set' or is more economically empowered selling the purple haze or wears a different colour. What is not realized is that they make it easy for abusive government agents to take advantage because they are busy killing themselves but in the process babies have recently become collateral damage with their lives being cut short.
A state of emergency is being implemented. This is the result of gangbanger’s actions leading to crackdowns, police checkpoints and police raids on their community.
Hopefully, in the same manner in which the 'olive branch ' was accepted regarding the Coronavirus/COVID-19, in similar manner, a bipartisan approach will be fashioned to crush this pernicious national issue.
The killings must begin to end. The social fabric of Belizean society must be repaired to re-create communities that respect life. Our women and children, who have consistently become collateral damage to the senseless gun violence, must be protected.
I now call on the Prime Minister, Mr Big Man, do the right thing. Mr Government, you must realize that if you don't do justice to the citizenry and heed to good sense, you could find yourself being swallowed up in this generational catastrophe! BAYSIDE DISTRIBUTORS LTD. POSITION AVAILABLE: Responsibilities include Customer Relations, Marketing, Sales & Inventory. Experience in Project Management preferred. Requirements: Must be knowledgeable in Microsoft Office & Quickbooks and in possession of an Associate’s Degree or atleast 5 (five) years experience.
We at the Belize Times condemn the spitefulness of former Minister of Police John Saldivar. He really is a petty man. We were told that for the press conference on Wednesday, current Minister of National Security begged JS to ask Dougie to lend him some camouflage fatigues so he could fit in at the head table. We are told that JS refused. That was just mean. We are told that Peyrefitte then turned to Assistant Commissioner Robert Mariano, who by the way is doing a fine job teaching women in disadvantaged communities to sew. Anyway we digress. ACP Mariano, alas, could not help because he explained that they would need industrial sewing machines to put together camouflage fatigues in that size in the timeframe given. Big Mike we know people take you lightly as Minister of National Security because…well…you’re BIG, Mike. But we love you. And it’s with love that we say - leave the fatigues and paramilitary gear alone. Email resume to: mitch@baysidedistributors.com Shop Supervisor needed at Family Mart Grocery Shop located at # 15 Queen Street, Belize City. Call 632- 3437 for more information. Cashier needed at Dollor Grocery Shop 1 located at # 2 Water Lane, Belize City. Call 666-3076 for more information. NEEDED: LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that Marlon Rosado is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated at “M & M Sports Bar & Lounge” located at # 9 A Baymen Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.