1 minute read

Quiroz, Myers, now join, Destiny, BHS, Blue Bond, MCC, planBelize, and the Briceño-led administration who have Belize on a winning streak with back to back to back wins seemingly in endless fashion. Our headlines have been inspired by positivity and the unfurling of promised hope. It has been many years since a Belizean won our so cherished Holy Saturday Cycling Classic but Oscar Quiroz brought tears of joy to our eyes in 2023…Ditto for 14-year old Demetrie Myers who did his best Usain Bolt impersonation at the Carifta games U17 where he qualifies for multiple more years. John Briceño and PUP team ushered in a new era in Belize that obviously transcends politics. When we marched the streets on February 2020 saying to the UDP you GOT to Go Belizeans meant every bit. The corrupt UDP was holding us back in the paddocks of their UDP-Barrow misery.