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Houses are more than just a place to shelter from storms, they become homes where families find sanctuary and peace and raise children. This week fifty families were given access to housing at the Blackberry Ridge Estate in Burrell Boom through the efforts of the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing. This achievement is part of the Government of Belize’s greater plan and fulfilment of the commitments it made in Plan Belize. Housing is the key to building wealth and raising out of poverty and abject poverty into the middle class. An increase in the middle class means less disparity in the income gap and is the desired end result of the social justice agenda of the People’s United Party. The idea is not that the rich get richer while the already poor fall into abject poverty, but that our country’s resources and wealth are more evenly distributed amongst its people and that most Belizeans fall into this category and not at the extremes.
Improved housing conditions that are safe, stable, and affordable also have a direct positive impact on physical and mental health, education, and mortality rates, especially among the very young and elderly. Proper housing can reduce communicable diseases, increase the quality of life, and even help mitigate climate change. Dignified and planned housing communities such as Blackberry Ridge Estates contribute toward the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals, those addressing Health (SDG 3) and Sustainable Cities (SDG 11). Housing is therefore a major entry point for intersectoral public health programmes and primary health care and prevention. The World Health Organization has recognized that housing is a fundamental social determinant of Health and is recognized by the United Nations as a fundamental human right, and not a luxury, as many Belizeans still believe. Therefore, the second phase of this housing development will include public facilities such as a police station, preschool, park and health facilities in line with both the Briceño administration’s social justice agenda and also the objectives of the World Health Organization and the United Nations.
It is important to also note that the last UDP administration, distinct from this current PUP administration, had no plan to empower the Belizean people. Over thirteen years, the Ministry of Housing had no plan or direction and tried and failed miserably to build homes with proper facilities. The few houses they presented were overpriced, built poorly, and boasted no proper bathroom facilities. Most of those remained unoccupied for long periods of time. However, Prime Minister Briceño and Cabinet recognize the importance of housing and homes. They realize that the construction industry is also a powerful catalyst for boosting national economic activity beyond the positive social justice benefits subsidized public housing projects such as this one brings. The welfare of Belizeans is the responsibility of the Belizean Government. The People’s United Party made a commitment that it would return to its social justice foundations to ensure that policies and social safety nets are established and that they serve those in our communities who are most vulnerable. While Belize still has a long way to go before it realizes the social justice dream of Rt. Hon. George Price, we can be sure that Hon. John Briceño has not only put us on the right path but is making great strides.