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BDF Celebrates 45th Anniversary Resilient Professionals, Service above self, the BDF at 45
A parade was held at the Sir Colville Young Parade Square at Price Barracks to celebrate the Belize Defence Force forty-fifth anniversary. The BDF was formed on the 1st of January 1978 via the amalgamation of the Belize Volunteer Guards and the Police Special Force.
The troops on parade were inspected by the Deputy Prime Minister of Belize Hon. Cordel Hyde. In attendance was Her Excellency Dame Froyla Tzalam, Governor General of Belize, Hon. Cordel Hyde, Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Florencio Marin Jr., Minister of National Defence and Border Security, Hon. Oscar Mira, Minister of state, other distinguished guest and members of the Belize Defence Force.
Invited guest included members of the Louisiana National Guard, United States Southern Command, Honduran Army, The Mexican Arm Forces and other partner nations. Key note address was done by the Deputy Prime Minister.
5 FEB 2023