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Belize Social Investment Fund
Notice Belize Social Investment Fund Tender Notice
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project
ID: CDF/00011/WS2 Contract Number: W/CDF-03/2022 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: February 27th, 2023
By Hilly Bennett
The Government of Belize unveiled the details of Blackberry Ridge Estates, the housing site for 50 first-time homeowners on Wednesday, February 1 2023 in Burrell Boom Village in the Belize District. Blackberry Ridge Estates is another component of the national plan embedded in PlanBelize to address the issue of affordable housing stock that is desperately needed across Belize. PlanBelize mandated the establishment of a National Housing Corporation to drive major housing development across the country including a RENT TO OWN program to encourage first-time home ownership. This creates the enabling environment to build 10,000 low income climate resistant homes with at least 30% for women, teachers, nurses, police, BDF and BCG officers.
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Mahogany Heights Water Supply System, Mahogany Heights Village, Belize District, Belize.
purpose of this program is to enable people to have a better life." Each property, built on approximately a quarter acre, is valued at forty-five thousand dollars and includes the lot. The terms have set at one hundred dollars per month.
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project ID: CDF/00011/WS3 Contract Number: W/CDF-04/2022 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: February 27th 2023
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Georgville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the following:
The contract proposes to:
The contract proposes the installation of a chlorinator and the upgrading of the system’s electrical components in Mahogany Heights, Belize District, Belize.
3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Mahogany Heights, Belize District, Belize.
4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
The new incoming People’s United Party government found the housing stock in utter disrepair with the UDP building one house within the 13 years of their unconscionable reign. Notwithstanding, as Prime Minister Briceño alluded, the UDP’s budgeting 8 million dollars for housing each financial year but no houses were built.
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the following:
The contract proposes to:
The contract proposes the installation of a chlorinator and the upgrading of the system’s electrical components in Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procurement (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this contract.
6. Qualification requirements include
The inauguration begun with a mahogany tree planting and thereafter the official remarks on the project development by the Minister of Infrastructure Development and Housing, Honorable Julius Espat. The Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño delivered the keynote address.
At the celebratory and historic moment on Wednesday, 50 recipients eagerly awaited the set of keys making their right to the affordable housing a reality. The starter homes or transformer homes concept is the brainchild of the Honorable Julius Espat, Minister of Infrastructure Development and Housing, modeled from a housing project in Guatemala. Espat said it is difficult and more expensive to build one house at a time. Larry Flowers of RODLA Construction brought the proposal of Blackberry Ridge Estates, which was feasible and got the blessing of Cabinet.
(a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for the years 2019, 2021 and 2022 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to three (3) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$11,955.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$35,865.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$9,000.00 of which not more than BZ$4,500.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$215,190.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for contracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents.
As human beings, one of the most basic needs is shelter. Having a place to come home to everyday provides stability, safety and dignity. Dignity being the truest seeds of independence. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at Article 11 states that the covenant recognizes the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions. Importantly, the PlanBelize national housing strategy is reflecting the voices of the most vulnerable sector of Belizean society, understanding the complex needs of the disadvantaged masses.
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bidders at the address below, starting January 30th, 2022, on weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A complete set of Bidding documents (hard-copy or electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Mahogany Heights Water Supply System, Mahogany Heights Village, Belize District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procurement (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this contract.
6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for the years 2019, 2021 and 2022 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to three (3) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$11,420.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$34,260.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$8,600.00 of which not more than BZ$4,300.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$205,560.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for contracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents.
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bidders at the address below, starting January 30th 2023, on week days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A complete set of Bidding documents (hard-copy or electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Georgeville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., February 27th 2023 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:15 a.m., February 27th, 2023 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of BZ$ 360.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
9. A Virtual Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 13th, 2023. The link is https://bit.ly/31ACuQU Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
10. The address referred to above is:
Contact: Ms. Angeles Itzab
Senior Procurement Officer
Social Investment Fund
3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive
Belmopan Cayo District
Tel: 822-0239/822-0508
E-mail: angeles.itzab@sifbelize.org cc: carlos.tun@sifbelize.org kyla.cho@sifbelize.org
Prime Minister John Briceño in his keynote address explained that in simple terms the starter home concept is designed in such a way that these houses can be transformed or rather expanded from the single dwelling to include more space for the homeowners. Briceño said that "… as a government, we have a responsibility to help those that need the help."
Hon. Julius Espat said "the
Blackberry Ridge Estates is the most practical and pragmatic approach to the building of an affordable housing stock. There is a projection of 50 more houses of its kind to be built on the estate and important infrastructure such as a daycare, health care facility and a substation for police presence. Additionally, the Government will embark on the sourcing of land in Armenia, Cotton Tree and Belize Rural Central and even private landowners. The People’s United Party Government understands the dire need to build more homes so that everyone - whether they aspire to home ownership or not - can realize a climate resistant and affordable place to live. The PUP Government continues to deliver on the mandates of PlanBelize and the historic housing site on the Blackberry Ridge Estates is making the right to housing a reality for all.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., February 27th 2023 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:30 a.m., February 27th, 2023 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of BZ$ 350.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
9. A Virtual Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, February 13th, 2023. The link is https://bit.ly/31ACuQU Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
10. The address referred to above is:
Contact: Ms. Angeles Itzab
Senior Procurement Officer
Social Investment Fund
3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive
Belmopan Cayo District
Tel: 822-0239/822-0508
E-mail: angeles.itzab@sifbelize.org cc: carlos.tun@sifbelize.org kyla.cho@sifbelize.org