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this was unfair in the very least and greedy definitely. Barrow is still using the word ‘settlement.’ If you ask the Boledo buyers, Belizeans, you can NEVER credit a piece of Boledo. Belizeans have settled endlessly.
When questioned by Jules Vasquez, in a recent interview, about the connection of prized son to the Brads Gaming Group Ltd. contract, Barrow almost blew a fuse. Barrow offered shameless hypotheticals of his son owning shares in Brads. In deflecting Jules’ pointed question, Barrow went on a rant regarding Countach and the possibility of the initiating of lawsuits and International arbitration against the Government if Brads’ license to operate is revoked. A sought legal opinion is that Countach is merely a shareholder and lacks locus standi to move the Court to bring action against the Government. In caselaw Foss v Harbottle (1843), it was established that “If a wrong is done to the company, the company is to be the proper plaintiff that only the company may sue and an individual shareholder or a group of shareholders may not sue."
Barrow is without shame and has fallen to the level of an ambulance chaser or simply antiBelizean-case chaser. Barrow frowned on Jules notion that the red hydra knows the duress that these litigations create for the state and, by extension, its people. Nonetheless, Barrow cares not. He is glad to be using a page directly from his Miami hotel deal where he signed off half a billion of Belize’s hard earned money to the lord. Ashcroft could be proud in seeing his foreign investor technique in action. UDP actors like Tracy who was deeply involved in the 2020 Lottery committee seem to be satisfied with cricket-like silence. There is UDP silence, but what can we expect when UDPs do not really exist.
The People’s United Party Northern Caucus supports a Commission of Inquiry into the failure to arrive at a Commercial Agreement between American Sugar Refining /Belize Sugar Industries and the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA)
Trial Farm, January 21, 2023
The Northern Caucus (NC) of the People’s United Party (PUP) held its first meeting of the year and has voted to support the call for a Commission of Inquiry (COI) to investigate the cause of failed negotiations to arrive at a fair and equitable commercial agreement between American Sugar Refining (ASR)/Belize Sugar Industries (BSI) and Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association (BSCFA). Members of the PUP NC are overwhelmingly concerned for the thousands of farmers, their families, and employees at risk if a commercial agreement is not signed. The Sugar Cane Industry has been and continues to be the livelihood of generations of Norteños and a significant contributor to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of our country and an important investment to the ASR/BSI group.
The Northern Caucus of the PUP is convinced that this matter can only be properly, fairly, and transparently resolved by appointing a Commission of Inquiry with clear and objective terms of reference that will lead to a modern and fair legal framework to benefit all stakeholders.
The Northern Caucus of the People’s United Party unanimously supports and calls for a Sugar Cane Industry Commission of Inquiry to be established by the Government of Belize which will:
1. Provide benchmark data along the cane value chain required to determine industry costs;
January 2023 - The Office of the Prime Minister informed Belize that Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño departed the country en route to New York City to attend a Blue Bond meeting and LatinFinance’s Latin America Capital Markets Summit.
The Prime Minister on behalf of the people and Government of Belize will also receive a Sovereign Restructuring Award of the Year. This award was received just after printing time late Thursday evening January 26. The invite to the award: “The Republic of Belize has won the award for Sovereign Restructuring of the Year for last November’s groundbreaking $550m debt-for-nature swap. Many congratulations to you and your colleagues on this outstanding achievement.”
During the day he was at the New York Stock Exchange present at the Bell Podium for the ceremonial ringing of the bell. At the Latin America Capital Summit he participated on a panel. On Wednesday he met with Citibank officials. Citibank was key in the negotiating of the Blue Bond. So his visit to New York just as in Belize was a tightly work scheduled as he represented
2. Form the basis for the enactment of a modern cane industry regulatory framework;
3. Provide for dispute resolution;
4. Build trust between miller and cane producers;
5. Investigate the equitable distribution of the proceeds of sugarcane and its by-products between producer and miller;
6. Investigate how to make the cane industry more efficient and profitable to all stakeholders; serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
7. Make proposals therefrom.
Prime Minister Briceño returns to the country on Saturday, January 28, 2023. During his absence, Hon. Cordel Hyde, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Natural Resources, Petroleum and Mining, will hold over as Prime Minister.
Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus
Fay Castillo EDITOR José Jiménez LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams OFFICE ASSISTANT Roberto Peyrefitte