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Minister of Religious Affairs Speaks at the 8th Jalsa Salana
Belmopan. January 20, 2023.
Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform and Religious Affairs, was a speaker at the opening of the 8th Jalsa Salana, an annual gathering of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. The two-day event of prayer, reflection and community building is being hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at in Belize City.
In his remarks, Minister Usher extended heartfelt congratulations to the organizers of the event for their great accomplishment in bringing the community together. He stated that such an event is important at a time when there is so much division and conflict in the world, and emphasised the importance of unity, understanding and peace.
Minister Usher also bid farewell and shared his best wishes to Mr. Naveed Mangla, the outgoing president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Belize, who has been a tireless leader, dedicated to the growth and development of the community.
As members of the Muslim community gather, the Ministry of Religious Affairs reminds everyone that events like this are not limited to just Muslims but welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds to participate.
The ministry extends its warmest wishes to all participants in the gathering and looks forward to the positive impact it will have on the Belizean community for years to come.
*Fourth Publication*
BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE HOLY REDEEMER CREDIT UNION LIMITED, a Licensed Public Auctioneer will sell on site the following property at the time as listed.
At No. 55 Sunset Park, Mile 8 ½ George Price Highway, Belize District on Friday 3rd February 2023 at 10:00am.
ALL THAT lot, piece or parcel of land being Lot. No. 55, comprising 749.947 square metres situate in the Sunset Park Area, near Mile 8.5 on the George Price Highway, Belize District, more particularly delineated and described as shown on Sub-Division Plan of Survey by C. B. Samuels, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 18th November 1996 TOGETHER with a 35ft x 63ft concrete/plycem open-concept bungalow house containing two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living/family room and kitchen, in a clean and fenced yard with room for expansion, the freehold property of BEVERLY MCKENZIE.
DATED this 17th day of January 2023
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