6 minute read
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
media today instead of receiving at least two dozen applications as was the case in the past, if they receive a dozen applications now they are lucky.
statistics show that crime in Belize especially murders have been on the decline in both 2021 and 2022.
By Hon. Gilroy Usher
“There is no substitute for hard work” –Thomas
One of the best ways to measure economic growth in a country is by its rate of unemployment. Rising unemployment rate is evidence of less economic growth which means fewer employment opportunities in the economy. On the flipside, decreasing unemployment rate is proof of more economic development which increases the availability of jobs.
Recent figures released by the Statistical Institute of Belize (S.I.B.) show that since 2020 the rate of employment has decreased significantly under the Briceño administration. The finding is supported by Dyon A. Elliott respected economist and financial adviser, and Chief Policy Analyst for the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI).
In a Facebook post on Monday January 23rd, with the hash tag #twoWRONGScantMAKEright
Mr. Elliott noted that the rate of unemployment can be measured with two methodologies. He stated that using the old methodology unemployment declined from 30% in September 2020 to 11.7% today.
Mr. Elliott also noted that with the new methodology unemployment declined from 13.2% or 23,175 persons unemployed in September 2020 to 5 % or 9,644 unemployed presently.
It’s therefore a fact that whichever method is used to measure the level of unemployment from September 2020 to 2023 shows that there has been a major decrease in the rate of unemployment during that period. Such information is very good news for the Briceño administration and Belizeans who need jobs to improve their lives. As a result of the need for additional employees created as a result of the rapid economic growth, a number of businesses have been forced to advertise vacancies for the first time.
Earlier this week, a sign in Twin Supermarket on St Thomas St. in Belize City stated that the business needed a cashier as well as a person to stock shelves. A sign at a tortilla factory in San Pedro Town stated that it had vacancies for clerks. And when business advertise vacancies in the main stream
Restaurants are a good indicator of proof of healthy economic growth and more persons gainfully employed. In the past many restaurants experienced heavy losses consistently with unsold food. Today when a number of persons visit their favorite restaurant they are informed that “everything sold out.” The factors that have led to excellent economic growth, creation of thousands of jobs, and steep decline in the rate of unemployment are many.
In November 2021 the administration held a successful Business Investment Summit in San Pedro Town in which it outlined many incentives for local and foreign entrepreneurs to invest in the country. Immediately after COVID the Ministry of Tourism launched a massive marketing campaign to persuade more airlines and tourists to include Belize on their itinerary, and all outdate fees and regulations for visitors were abandoned. The Ministry of Tourism also conducted intensive training with tour guides, hoteliers, and other stakeholders in the tourism industry to help ensure visitors are satisfied with their experience in the country and encourage their relatives and friends abroad to also visit the Jewel. With the full support of the government the new Minister of Agriculture and Food Security immediately took the necessary steps to enable farmers to export cattle, grains, chicken, and numerous other products to Mexico and Guatemala as well as to some Caribbean countries.
The government also took steps to ensure the farmers have greater access to low cost financing from the Development Finance Corporation and the National Bank to expand their investments. The commercial banks have also been asked to make every effort to support the economic development of the country by making loans available with the best possible terms. By being truly business friendly, this administration has increased the number of employees at Call Centers (BPO’s) from approximately 2,000 in early 2021 to over 12,000 at the start of 2023. Call Centers or BPO’s are therefore playing a major role in the creation of thousands of additional jobs in the country.
The horrendous murder of a tourist in gang violence in San Pedro Town on December 30, 2022 and the triple murder in Belmopan City on New Year’s Eve allegedly by a rogue police officer were not normal occurrences. Those incidents however caused very bad publicity for the country at home and abroad. Nevertheless, while every crime, especially murder, is one too much,
The steady reduction in crime especially murders have played a major role in convincing the public that the country is safe to engage in whichever activities they choose. Catering to such desires lead to more economic activity and the creation of more employment opportunities.
Part of the reduction in crime can be attributed to the increase in the number of policemen to maintain law and order, and the programs implemented by 1) the Department of Youth Services, 2) the Leadership Intervention Unit (LIU) that was headed by the late William Dawson, 3) the Job Placement Program, and 4) the Evening Division of Gwen Liz. High School. The various programs offer counseling, skills training, and evening classes among other things to at risk and marginalized youths to afford them opportunities to turn their lives around to become law-abiding and productive citizens. The can-do spirit of Belizeans has also contributed to the country’s economic development and the creation of job opportunities. Those small business operators including carpenters, contractors, lawn keepers, food vendors, mechanics, plumbers, and tour guides among others, hire numerous persons to offer their services.
Government’s beginning of the year decision to increase the minimum wage from $3.30 per hour to $5.00 per hour which is a living wage will result in further economic development and the creation of more employment opportunities. A minimum of 30,000 persons will now each take home a minimum of $75.00 more weekly or in excess of $2 million altogether. That’s a lot of new purchasing power. The recipients of the increase in salaries will use the additional funds for a wide range of services that were not affordable when the minimum wage was $3.30 per hour which was really starvation wage. To provide the additional services business will have to increase their orders of various items; suppliers will need more employees to fill the orders, and the recipients of the orders will need to hire more hands to offer the additional services requested of them. The domino effect.
By replacing the unbearable and unsustainable Super Bond with the Blue Bond on very favorable terms, the administration saved the country over $500 million dollars, and made more funds available for community projects which also promoted economic growth and resulted in more job opportunities for Belizeans. It is all of those programs and many other initiatives of this administration that have resulted in healthy economic development, the creation of
January 25, 2023 - Following Cabinet's decision in July 2021, the Department of Local Government resumed activities to complete the Municipal Boundaries Re-Delineation Exercise that began in 2012.
Under Section 2 of the Town Council Act, the Minister of Local Government is responsible for the declaration of municipal boundaries. Seven of the nine municipalities are currently engaged in a process for the re-delineation of their respective municipal jurisdiction. The clear delineation of municipal boundaries is an important element of local governance as it provides the legal basis for the provision of municipal services, collection of revenue, municipal elections, enforcement of local regulations and by-laws, and the general good governance and administration of the local space.
In the implementation of the re-delineation exercise, the Department of Local Government with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Elections and Boundaries Department is engaging with key stakeholders, including town councils, respective village councils and communities where there are no readily distinguishable boundaries or where traditional boundary lines are not definitive.
In the case of the Benque Viejo Town boundaries, two meetings between the Benque Viejo Town Council and the Succotz Village Council have been convened to review the proposed re-delineation of the Benque Viejo Town boundary. The most recent meeting was held on December 19, 2022. Succotz Village Council was represented by the chairperson and three councillors. The Benque Viejo Town Council was represented by the mayor and three councillors. At this meeting, it was determined, based on the dialogue between the two parties, that the proposed delineation be revisited and re-proposed in consideration that all lands, dwellings, properties and other public and private assets that are traditionally known to be a part of the respective communities remain as is and/or clearly delineated for the elimination of any doubt as to which jurisdiction they belong to.
A subsequent meeting of the parties is yet to be convened to validate the revised proposition before the matter is to be taken for public review in both communities before its final confirmation.
In this regard, the ministry clarifies that no final declaration of new municipal boundaries for any of the seven participating municipalities has been completed at this stage.