2 minute read
Delivered by Johan Leonard Nah Valedictory Address 2023

Protocol having been established, a pleasant good morning to all.
Firstly, I would like to thank God for giving us the ability to be here today, for without his gracious mercy, nothing would be possible. To the graduating class of 2023, I would like to extend my sincerest congratulations as you were able to achieve one of life’s greatest accomplishments—graduating from high school. To the wonderful teachers who always go the extra mile and work tirelessly to ensure that we all succeed in our work, it does not go unnoticed.
I must say that I am elated to be here amongst you all today, for I know that this moment will forever be embedded in our memories, as we continue along this journey we call life. Many people become a part of our lives, whether it is for a short time or a long one; so I must remind you that not a single graduate seated here today did it alone. I was once told that it takes a village to raise a child, and as cliché as it may seem, I now understand the true meaning behind this saying. I for one, didn’t do it alone. I am a product of people who have guided me, assisted me, taught me to believe in my future and, most importantly, taught me, not only to dream but to pursue that dream. So, if you are a product of the people who have influenced you in any way possible, I urge you to stand up and look at those people who are present here today and give them a round of applause. For without them, today’s journey would be meaningless.
At this moment, I know that we all have mixed emotions, from feeling anxious to being happy; feeling fulfilled and being proud of all that we have accomplished. Throughout our years at Bishop Martin, I am sure we all had ups and downs - many laughs, many crying sessions, and sleepless nights. We all share this one common experience that made us a unique graduating class; an experience that led us to this common destination today, graduation day. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would be in a classroom right in the comfort of my home. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the dynamics and experience of learning and made us a unique set of individuals who had to prove and work harder for what we wanted to accomplish. It made me put into perspective what Roy T. Bennett said, “Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey.” So, no matter what obstacles you may encounter, stay true to yourself and keep pushing forward, or as my granddad would say “Paciencia y fe porque la vida sigue adelante”. You must always remember that it is about the journey, the experiences, and the friendships you make along the way and not so much about the destination. Let us not dwell in the past nor focus on the future, let us live in the present because if we get too far ahead of ourselves, we’ll miss out on what’s happening now. Regardless of all the experiences that have occurred, we