1 minute read
“We push on ensuring that our efforts will lead to more homes, more of our children in schools, more persons included in NHI, more land in the hands of first-time landowners, a more efficient and effective public service, more jobs, a stronger social safety net, safer cities and, yes, cleaner and greener rivers, streams and sea.” – PM John
“Belize’s position and profile sparkle and shimmer like never before.” The Budget for 2023-24, presented on March 10 to an expectant nation of Belize, flourished with the promised HOPE many had felt in November 11, 2020 as they cast both a castigation to a degenerate UDP and a glorification of who this paper now calls the planBelize team. The Prime Minister John Briceño presentation was devoid of any austerity which Belizeans had come to expect from the 08-20 incompetent and corrupt Barrow maladministration(s). There was no grieving in this ‘Delivering in PlanBelize’ budget where the Prime Minister of the land was not shy in in-

Historic Agreement Pension Reform Agreement GoB - Unions

Unions Get Increment on April 1st

forming Belizeans that “I table a new budget today that contains a primary surplus and a budget that does not include any tax increases WHATSOEVER!” Public officers et al are feeling closure as their Barrow-held increment is being reinstated before the 3-year agreement just as their 10percent was reinstated last year. Public officers, teachers, police, coast guard and all affected cannot be thanked enough for their sacrifice that is paying dividends now from an economy that is precise on its tracks.
The Prime Minister presentation ac- Pg. 2