Universidad Veritas Escuela de Diseño y Comunicación Visual 10 NEW WORDS
Technical English Facilitator: María Isabel Mata Monge Portofolio
Luciana Miranda Hidalgo 201810276
The Four P’s of marketing The 4P’s of marketing or marketing mix is a tool used to put the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time in order to sell it. And that can be achieved by focusing on four areas: product, place, price and promotion. In this class we sort vocabulary related to marketing, in order to understand how to use it in a conversation and also how to apply the concepts when analyzing products and brands.
7 WORDS STUDIED IN CLASS 1. Customer needs: necesidades del consumidor 10 NEW WORDS
TThe purpose of this meeting is to figure out the customer needs. 2. Feasible: realizable The ads for the campaign are feasible according to the budget. 3. Revenue: ingresos This chart indicates that the revenue from the trade of the product is around 20%. 4. Supplier: proveedor We’re going to buy from this supplier because is the cheapest. 5. Logistics: logística Wait a second; we’re still detailing the logistics. 6. Competitors: competidores We’re making a study to understand the strategies of the competitors. 7. Delivery: distribución This packaging will make the delivery of the product easier.
3 NEW WORDS 1. Product life cycle: ciclo de vida del producto The product life cycle of an iPhone it’s approximately 4 years. 2. Market niche: nicho de Mercado The market niche of the brand Doterra is primarily made up of women. 3. E-marketing: marketing electrónico The campaign is going to be based on e-marketing.
Target market and customer profile Target market and customer profile refer to terms related to the consumers that are more likely to buy a certain product, and have similar characteristics within four categories of segmentation: geographic, demographic, behavioral, and psychographic. It is important to know the specifics of this topic because it is the base to create advertising and marketing strategies that’ll communicate a message that speaks and persuades the consumers.
7 WORDS STUDIED IN CLASS 1. Cutting edge: innovador 10 NEW WORDS
Big Data is a cutting edge method to learn about customer behavior. 2. Sales records: registros de venta The sales records show that the customers prefer the pink version of the product. 3. Panel surveys: encuestas de panel We are going to organize a panel survey to find out if the target likes the new flavor. 4. Endorsements: patrocinio Serena Williams just signed an endorsement deal with Nike. 5. Desk research: investigación de escritorio Desk research is a cost effective way to learn more about your target. 6. Purchasing information: comprar información Purchasing information is a method to collect new data about customers. 7. Feedback forms: formulario de comentarios o sugerencias Please fill the feedback form so we can improve our service.
3 NEW WORDS 1. Target audience: público meta Middle woman with children are our target audience. 2. Backbone: pilar Your target audience is the backbone of your business. 3. Wholesalers: mayoristas We don’t sell retail here, we only offer our products to wholesalers.
Work Readiness Work readiness is a way to be prepared for future situations when facing the labor force for the first time. In the last lesson, we reviewed the vocabulary that we can use to communicate clearly with advanced terms in the workplace. Additionally, we learned about linking words and performed a role-play about hiring a head chef for a Korean restaurant. Moreover, we speculated possible questions that can be asked in an interview and learn some tricks to spice up our resume in order to achieve our dream job.
7 WORDS STUDIED IN CLASS 1. Excel:WORDS sobresalir 10 NEW
I excel at time management; my organizational skills are top-notch. 2. Wage: salario I would like a 20% rise in my wage by the end of the year. 3. Proficiency: capacidad The job recruiter said he wanted proficiency in at least two languages. 4. Problem-solver: solucionador de problemas One of my strengths is that I am a problem-solver. 5. Co-worker: Compañero de trabajo This is Laura, she is my co-worker. 6.Field: campo I do not think he is an expert in that field. 7.Hobbies: pasatiempos My hobbies include painting and photography.
3 NEW WORDS 1. Workforce: personal/trabajadores The workforce of Google is one of the most impressive of Silicon Valley. 2. Empowerment: empoderar The empowerment of women at the workplace is one of the topics of her “TedTalk”. 3. Benchmarks: puntos de referencia The campaign was a benchmark for success in the industry.
Storytelling In this week’s lesson, we reviewed the topic of storytelling. Storytelling, as the word suggests, consists of telling stories. In advisement it is used as a method to engage with an audience, thus, create empathy. To practice our storytelling skills, we did a group activity of creating a story with random words. Additionally, we analyzed the parts of a story in an ad. Moreover, we studied the types of past tenses and practiced them by playing a game of Kahoot.
10 7 NEW WORDS WORDS STUDIED IN CLASS 1. Battlefield: campo de batalla Everyone at the battlefield knew there was going to be a war. 2. Marsh: pantano The Disney movie “The Princess and The Frog” is set at a marsh. 3.Bloodshed: matanza She was in the middle of the bloodshed. 4. Hook: gancho She was hooked with the story. 5. Evocative: evocador The scene in front of his eyes was so evocative, he started crying. 6. Breathtaking: impresionante The views in Giverny are breathtaking. 7. Plot: trama I love that movie, the plot makes me emotional.
3 NEW WORDS 1. Idyllic: idílico She thought Monet’s paintings were idyllic. 2. Shriek: grito His blood turned cold when he heard someone shriek. 3. Ramble: divagar He used to ramble when we was nervous, it was cute.
Content Marketing and Ad Techniques In this week’s lesson, we reviewed content marketing and ad techniques. We analyzed some distribution channels in marketing like catalogues, websites, telephone sales, and others. Additionally, we studied the subject matter of content marketing and its marketing cycles, based on that, we completed the task of analyzing the Instagram feed of a business. Along with that, we discussed ad techniques for content marketing, which are employed to convince customers of buying or doing something.
1. Hype: emocionate For the launch, we want to make a marketing strategy that creates hype around the product.
1. Misunderstand: entender mal I am sorry there has been a misunderstanding with your order.
2. Gathering: reunir We proceeded with gathering more information to develop the investigation.
2. Bribe: soborno I usually bribe my nephew with one dollar bill to make him behave.
3. Engage: enganchar For our Instagram page is imperative that we generate meaningful content to engage our audience.
3. Compliment If you want a raise, you should compliment the boss.
4. Dose: dosis I need to go home to take a dose of cough medicine. 5. Testimonial: testimonial I bought this product because the ads include a testimonial that looks really convincing. 6. Claim: This eye cream ad claims that the darks circles under my eyes are going to disappear. 7. Word of mouth Did you hear about our products by word of mouth or did you receive an email?
Websites as Marketing Tools In this week’s lesson, we reviewed websites as marketing tools. We criticized the design of some websites and analyzed how to translate a website from Spanish to English. Along with that, we studied different key features of a website and evaluated which of them are viable to include when creating a website. We also reviewed 4 steps to promote a website which are: content marketing, search engine optimization, pay-per click advertising, and email marketing. Apart from that we studied grammar; focusing on the topic of gerund versus infinitive.
7 WORDS 10 NEW WORDS STUDIED IN CLASS 1. Layout: disposición I really like the layout of your website. 2. Drop down menu: menu desplegable The client requested a drop down menu, not a hamburger menu. 3. Scroll down: desplazarse hacia abajo In this website you need to scroll down to see the other options. 4. Proofread: correción de texto My friend Tony always proofreads my homework. 5. Headline: título The headline needs to be bigger and bolder. 6. Borrow: pedir prestado Can I borrow your computer? 7. Optimization: optimización This project consists of the optimization for a taco restaurant’s website.
3 NEW WORDS 1. Browsers: navegador Google Chrome is the world's favorite browser. 2. Keystone: clave The keystone to design a great website is focusing on the user experience. 3. Responsive: adaptable You need to make your website responsive, this way it adapts the size of any screen.
Social media In this week’s lesson, we reviewed social media related topics and vocabulary. We learned when is the best time to post on Facebook, Twitter, and Linked. Along with that, we studied commonly used words on social media and completed a letter soup with those words. We also reviewed some slang words and their abbreviations. A lot of them I did not know for example BION, which means believe it or not. And finally, we studied a grammar topic called conditionals.
1. Traffic: tráfico We created a social media strategy to increase the traffic on our facebook page.
1. Management: administración The management of this establishment is corrupt.
2. To comment: comentar I wanted to comment on that reunion but I was too shy.
2. Ahead: adelante Ahead we included a list of the requirements for the job.
3. Regret: arrepentimiento I regret nothing of what happed that night.
3. Reliability: Fiabilidad One way that the brand can generate reliability is to be dermatology tested.
4. Audit: auditoría We are going to evaluate the performance of the ads though an audit. 5. Average: promedio The average time that people spend on facebook is 3 hours per day. 6. Network: red You can expand you network though Linked. 7. Source: fuente It is important to have reliable sources so your information is accurate.
Copywriting In this week’s lesson we listened to the guest, Rodrigo Ruiz, who is a designer and professor at the university. He talked about his projects and how he develops creative strategies that result in really interesting visual campaigns. He also highlighted the importance of collaboration in a work environment where you need to learn how to work with different experts of other fields. Also we learned about copywriting, which is the design area that is in charge of creating a headline or a text that are going to be in an ad. Finally, we studied the difference between a copywriter and a content writer.
10 NEW NEWWORDS WORDS 1. Spawn: engendro He was a spawn of the devil, a cursed child. 2. Guarantee: garantía I guarantee you this is the best product in the market. 3. Helmet: casco If you’re going to ride that motorcycle you need to wear a helmet. 4. Railroad: línea de ferrocarril All of Europe is connected through railroads you can travel from Paris to London in a two hour trip. 5. Lucrative: lucrativo You need to be serious, this project is going to be really lucrative for the company. 6. Aimlessly : sin rumbo He found me wandering aimlessly through the park. 7. Overwhelmed: abrumada I am overwhelmed by all the homework this week.
8. Submerge: sumergir I going to live in Japan next year, I want to submerge myself in the culture. 9. Allure: atraer I don’t like that product, but I can see the allure. 10. Wisdom: sabiduría Listen to my words of wisdom, you need to control that anger.
Technical Writing For the topic of Technical Writing we did a workshop. In this class, we picked a product with a label in Spanish and executed various activities surround its translation to English. First we filled a technical instruction planning sheet that contained several questions about the target. Then we categorized the information contained on the label. After that, we translated all the details on the label, the product’s uses, instructions, warnings, precautions, expiration date, health register, quantity, and information about manufacturing and storage. Finally we critiqued each other information for feedback.
10 NEW WORDS 1. Assemble: ensamblar I need to assemble the nightstand I bought in IKEA.
8. Clogged: obstruido Mom the toilet is clogged again!
2. Bias: parcial You can’t be the judge, she is your girlfriend you are bias toward her.
9. Duly: adecuadamente Yes, Karen, your complaint is duly noted.
3. Ensure: asegurar We’ll do everything to ensure that they comply the policy. 4. Hazard: peligro Those damaged lights are fire hazards. 5. Warranty: Garantía My computer has a year of warranty. 6. Extinguisher: extintor Every floor of this building must have an extinguisher in case of a fire. 7. Maintenance: mantenimiento This product needs a lot of cleaning and maintenance.
10. Mockup: bosquejo We need to make a mockup so the client can understand the idea.
Creative Writing In this week’s lesson, we reviewed the topic of creative writing. First, we played a game of ‘STOP’ as a warm up activity. Then, the professor narrated the story of “Lord Ganesh” and the “Old Woman”. Based on the story we wrote 3 wishes and created a sentence that contained all of them without using “and, also”. Mine was, “I wish to show my healthy family my picture on the Forbes billionaire list while sipping champagne in my cottage”. Finally, we reviewed the topic of passive voice by playing a game of Kahoot and for the first time I won it.
10 NEW WORDS 1. Doodle: garabatos Today I found my 4th grade notebook, it was full of doodles. 2. Blue: afligido I had been crying a lot, this week I hadbeen pretty blue. 3. Marvelous: maravillosa My mom is marvelous. 4. Stated: declarado It was stated by Alicia, on her will. 5. Gloomy: sombria It was a gloomy day, the day she was killed. 6. Whimsical: fantástico Her garden is so whimsical; it looks like it was taken out of a movie. 7. Ghostly: fantasmal The door creaked making a ghostly sound that frightened her.
8. Humongous:enorme That pimple is humongous, ew. 9. Blissful: dichoso Yesterday was blissful, it was just what I needed. 10. Ethereal: eterio The dawn light gave his face an ethereal quality.