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Soluzioni per l'accesso elettronico Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

Electronic Access Solutions Riccardo Cipriani

Southco Electronic Access Solutions Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 Le soluzioni per l'accesso elettronico Southco (EAS) integrano le nostre comprovate chiusure e serrature meccaniche con l’azionamento elettronico per offrire dispositivi avanzati telecomandati e a controllo dell'accesso.  Queste soluzioni semplificano la transizione dalle chiusure meccaniche a chiave all’accesso elettronico a dispositivo di chiusura elettronici grazie a linea versatile di sistemi di controllo dell’accesso.

Standard Platforms Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

Electronic Access Control “EA”

Electro-Mechanical Latching/Locking “EML” Rotary Electro-Mechanical

PIN Key Pad

Lettore tessera

Nuovo Electronic Swing Handle RF Control

Electronic Key

Self Contained Electronic Access, Locking & Power “SC”

Electronic Keeper

Il sistema Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

Chiusura elettromeccanica (EML) La scelta della EML adatta è essenziale a garantire la qualità complessiva di qualunque EAS e può aggiungere efficienza, intelligenza integrata e sicurezza all’applicazione. Controllo dell'accesso Il punto di interfaccia umana del sistema. Dalla semplice tastiera al dispositivo wireless, il controllo dell’accesso è scalabile in base alle esigenze applicative specifiche. Monitoraggio a distanza È l’anello di collegamento dei componenti del sistema. Le opzioni di monitoraggio a distanza variano da una semplice spia luminosa a un sistema sofisticato in grado di fornirne un audit trail completo degli accessi.

Benefits of an Electronic Access Solution Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 Sicurezza • • • •

Vandal resistance Access Control Peace of mind Key management

 Integrazioni sistemi • •

Networked systems Leverage existing electronics

 Industrial Design • • • • •

Concealed latch points Convenient keyless Access Enhanced ergonomics Switch vs latch access Remote access

Basic Electronic Access Solution Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

Latch Status Monitoring Access Control Wiring, interconnects Power

Mechanical Over-ride Electromechanical Latch Platforms

Southco EML piattaforma– Vantaggi Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

Efficient Mechanisms

Optimized electro-mechanics

Electronic Control

Typical EML electrical Function Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 All existing Southco standard EML products use a “3 wire” operation: • Potenza (VDC+) • Terra (VDC-) • Segnale  Power and ground are always available to latch but only draw significant current (amps) during latch cycling  Low power signal is switched by access control device which initiates a cycle of the latch

EM-10 Electronic Keeper Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 Install with existing mechanical lock for simple upgrade to electronic access with mechanical override  Versatile design works like an electrically actuated, frame mounted push to close latch  Provides simple transition from mechanical to electronic access  Efficient gear motor design provides high strength with low power requirement  Output signal provided for latch status  24 Volt version now available (400 series)  Deadbolt version now available

EM-05 Miniature Electronic Keeper Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 “Push-to-close” convenience with either electromechanical or mechanical release.  Contains a microprocessor controlled gear motor that provides a higher working load capability and lower power requirements than comparatively sized solenoid based solutions.  Quiet operation for noise sensitive applications.  Optional integrated mechanical override release rod for a simplified override system.  Optional microswitch for monitoring latch bolt status.  Operating voltage range from 8 to 26 Volts DC.  Separate power and control wires for easy integration with most access control systems.

R4-EM Electronic Rotary Latch Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 Facile da installare e manutenere, la chiusura R4-EM coniuga la praticità del controllo elettronico dell'accesso e la sicurezza comprovata di una chiusura rotativa robusta, interamente realizzata in metallo in un un'unica soluzione.  Il semplice azionamento a spinta e l'attuazione elettronica semplifica l'accesso in una varietà di applicazioni.  Il microswitch opzionale indica lo stato della chiusura e la versione con chiusura a tempo tiene le porte sbloccate per i cicli di apertura e chiusura manuale  Time Delayed Re-lock version also available. Perfect for heavy doors, multiple doors or when the door shouldn’t be pushed open by latch.

R4-EM Light Duty (Plastic) Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 The plastic components provide a 65% weight savings over the standard steel housing R4-EM.  The latch is available in both Auto Re-lock and Delayed Relock versions.  The latch has the same electrical specifications and operation as the standard steel housing R4-EM.  The optional microswitch provides cam status feedback.  The latch is NOT a drop in replacement for the standard steel housing R4-EM. • The cam opening is smaller, requiring a smaller diameter striker bolt • The mounting holes are smaller – Metric M5 • The mechanical override trigger located at the rear of the latch • The working and ultimate loads are reduced (as compared to the standard steel housing version) Ultimate L 800N, Working L 665N

Versione per applicazioni esterne R4-EM Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005  New design of IP56 Sealed Motor Actuator  Sealed electrical connector option  Steel Housing, Cam & Trigger. Zinc Nickel Finish  Small increase in width dimension  Rear mechanical over-ride lever option

H3-EM Chiusura elettronica con maniglia girevole Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 La maniglia elettronica girevole H3-EM può accomodare facilmente rack di dimensioni e configurazioni diverse grazie alla semplice preparazione del pannello a foro singolo. • Compatibile con le preparazioni standard dei pannelli. • Facile integrazione con i sistemi standard a rack monitoraggio e sistemi di sicurezza  Sensori integrati per il rilevamento dello stato della chiusura, il monitoraggio dell’accesso e le funzioni di allarme  Efficiente design con motoriduttore per ridurre il consumo energetico  Azionamento momentaneo o continuo del blocco con esclusione manuale integrata

H3-EM Operation Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

Mechanical Override Systems Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 All Southco EML products incorporate override capability in the event of power failure or emergency

R4-EM Mechanical Override Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005 

See for literature on the mechanical override system options for the R4-EM family of electromechanical latches.

Access Control Solutions Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 Standalone Digital Keypads  iButton Electronic Key Systems  Standalone RF Proximity Readers  RF Remote Control  USB Controller

EA-KC2 Centralina di accesso con tastierino a membrana Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005  Two outputs allows for independent access control of two compartments or doors  Low power for battery applications  Supports 120 user access codes per output  4 digit key codes  Programmable door release time (1 second to 90 minutes)  LED indicators  Non-volatile memory will retain data when power is removed (memoria permanente)  Horizontal and vertical membrane keypads available.  Operating Voltage: 12 to 24 VDC

EA-KC2 Membrane Keypad Access Controller Sistema completo Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005  The new EA-KC2 Membrane Keypad Access Controller provides part of a “plug and play” complete access control system consisting of: • Membrane Keypad: EA-KC2-10X • Controller: EA-KC-201 • Power Supply: EA-A02-002 • Electromechanical Latch: EM-05 shown (could be any EML) • Wire Harness: EA-W20-201-01

EA-K1 Centralina di controllo dell'accesso tastierino Board Of Directors Meeting con – Worcester, July 2005  Simple user code programming  Integral tamper switch  LED’s & audible tone provide user feedback for operation & programming  990 million possible PIN  Programmable door release time and keypad lockout time  Non-volatile Memory will retain data after power loss  Custom colours and logos

EA-P1 Lettore di prossimità Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 Card only, Card plus PIN, Card or PIN access modes  Simple EA proximity card programming  Integral tamper switch  LED’s & audible tone provide user feedback for operation & programming  Accommodates up to 9999 users  Programmable door release time and keypad lockout time  Non-volatile memory will retain data after power loss  Custom colours and logos

NUOVO H3-EM With Integrated 125kHz Proximity Reader Overview Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005  Sblocco e blocco remoto  Azionamento momentaneo o continuo del dispositivo di chiusura  Monitoraggio locale con indicatore LED multicolore  Fornito di uscite per il monitoraggio remoto dello  stato della chiusura  Preparazione del pannello 25x150mm secondo lo standard industriale  Chiusura a chiave integrale per l’esclusione manuale  Opzioni con chiusura elettronica e lettore di schede RFID  Il lettore riconosce anche le schede RFID

Integrated 125kHz Proximity Card Reader Module

H3-EM With Integrated 125kHz Proximity Reader Overview Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005 How it Works    

The reader generates a 125 kHz field of energy. The card receives this energy and sends the card number to the reader to identify the card. The reader generates either a Wiegand output or a R2-232 output containing the card information. The access controller compares the card data and either grants or denies access. If access is granted, the access controller then sends a signal to unlock the Electronic Swinghandle. Note: The reader inside the latch must be connected to an access controller to authenticate credentials and operate the H3-EM. The access controller could be the Southco EA-P1 Proximity Key Pad or customers own access control system.

Wiegand / RS-232 output Access Controller

Lock control

H3-EM With Integrated 125kHz Proximity Reader Overview Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005  What is a Wiegand Interface? • A Wiegand interface refers to how two devices (card reader and access controller) communicate with one another. • It refers to the physical and electrical connections between these devices. • It is the most common interface in the access control industry for communicating with a card reader.

 What is a R2-232 Interface? • A RS-232 interface also refers to how two devices (card reader and access controller) communicate with one another. • It is the exchange of serial binary data between two devices. • It is not as common as the Wiegand interface, but our customers have requested this.

EA-R02 Radio telecomando RF wireless ( versione Not for sale in EU) Board Of Directors EA-R01 Meeting – Worcester, July 2005  Il telecomando EA-R02 garantisce l'azionamento a distanza delle chiusure elettromeccaniche Southco mediante un dispositivo compatto, leggero e conveniente.  Il trasmettitore palmare a infrarossi comunica con un ricevitore facilmente installabile in grado di bloccare e sbloccare le chiusure senza impegnare le mani dell'operatore.  Facile da installare e configurare, questo dispositivo semplifica la transizione dall'accesso meccanico a quello elettronico.

EA-B90 Sistema a chiavi elettroniche Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 Il sistema a chiavi elettroniche Southco offre una soluzione efficiente ai problemi di gestione delle chiavi.  Intuitivo e facilmente programmabile, questo sistema autonomo consente di impostare diversi privilegi di accesso su una vasta tipologia di armadi e risulta ideale per gli impianti azionati a batterie e le applicazioni con molti utenti.  Portachiavi, lettore dati e controller di validazione funzionano perfettamente con i blocchi elettromeccanici Southco.  Gli utenti possono programmare, aggiungere e cancellare i codici chiave semplicemente premendo un tasto.  Inoltre, i 280 trilioni di combinazioni possibili garantiscono il massimo livello di sicurezza dell'accesso.

EA-A01 Junction Box (Centralina) Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005  Accommodates 2 access control devices and 2 electromechanical latches  Convenient centralized connection for system power  DIP Switches allow for any combination of access control to latch  Use with any Southco access controller to electromechanical latch combination  Order Junction Box, wire harness and power supply separately

EA-A06 USB Controller (Centralina) Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 La centralina USB Southco EA-A06 a controllo computerizzato consente di azionare fino a 14 serrature elettroniche e altri dispositivi mediante il semplice collegamento a una normale porta USB del computer.  Usata con un qualunque computer del cliente, la centralina EA-A06 consente di monitorare e registrare l'accesso alle serrature elettroniche in modo semplice, fornendo pertanto una funzione di audit trail a supporto della conformità ai requisiti regolatori. Software deve essere fornito dal cliente.

NUOVO - SC-Self Contained Latch Solution Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 Battery Operated (3 AA cells )  Keypad or RFID Card  Vertical or Horizontal orientation  Fits 25 x 150mm panel prep  Multiple cam offsets to accommodate different door to frame distances  Rod systems for multi-point latching  Up to 100,000 cycles on 3 AA batteries  Programming key with 9 volt battery and for external electrical override  One-touch programming

EAS Technical Selling Process Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005


 Typical Sale of an EAS product Mechanical Engineer

Regulatory Engineer

Supply Chain

Software / Systems Engineer

Marketing / Industrial Design

Electrical Engineer

Company Director

 Design window is much bigger than with a typical mechanical product.  Time from customer’s “initial inquiry” to full production is much longer.  Requires more monitoring and involvement from the salesperson.  Support from EAS team may also be required.

EAS Technical Selling Process Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

 Familiarize yourself with some basic electronics terms. Look for future learning units from the EAS team.  Print out and review the trade drawings & TD sheets.  Understand the concept of a basic system and it’s components.  Realize that the design process can be long and requires contact with new areas of the customer’s organization.  Reach out to the EAS team for help.



EAS Selling Process Systems


R4-EM Rotary ElectroMechanical Latch Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

Application: Medical Storage Cart




Weight & Cost saving on mobile application

Motor driven

Reliable & low noise operation

Low electrical power

Enables use of battery in mobile application

Economical (light duty)

Better value for lower cost carts

R4-EM Rotary ElectroMechanical Latch Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005



Sealed option

Water and low temperature resistance

High working load and/or ultimate load

Higher security, reliable operation

Intelligent electronic control

Integration with vehicles existing key fob

Micro switch option

For vehicle lighting or alarm control

Application: Special Vehicle secure storage doors (secondary electronic inter-lock)

R4-EM Rotary ElectroMechanical Latch Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

Application: Tanning Booth payment terminal



Small package, high strength

Integrates well with telescopic slide

Motor driven

Reliable & low noise operation

Intelligent control & monitor ability

Easy integration with existing PC

Micro switch option

Slide closed status

R4-EM Rotary ElectroMechanical Latch Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005



Intelligent Motor control & monitoring

Integrates easily with payment system

Motor driven

Reliable & low electrical power operation

Low electrical power

Enables use of battery emergency over-ride

Concealed, push to close

Higher security; vandal resistance

Application: Electric Vehicle Charging Station power outlet access

EM-05 Mini Electronic Keeper Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005

Application: Medical Dispensing Cart Drawers/Doors



Efficient Gear Motor Actuation

Quiet Operation

Push To Close

End user ergonomics/ease of use

Integrated Mechanical Manual Override

Enables Remote Mounting

Smaller Size

Minimal Impact on Useable Space

Internal Micro switch

Provides Latch Status For Remote Monitoring

SC- Self Contained Latch w. Keypad/ Card Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005



Integrated Proximity Reader or PIN Keypad

One Panel Prep For Latch & Access Controller

150mm X 25mm Panel (Swing Handle) Cutout

Quick upgrade to EAS as drop in replacement

Battery Powered

No external wiring or power – easy upgrade

Efficient gear motor actuation

Battery only power option, long cycle life

External battery key

Provides Access During Power Failure

Application: Enclosure with local electronic access control

SC- Self Contained Latch w. Keypad/ Card Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005



Integrated Proximity Reader or PIN Keypad

One Panel Prep For Latch & Access Controller

150mm X 25mm Panel (Swing Handle) Cutout

Quick upgrade to EAS as drop in replacement

Battery Powered

No external wiring or power for mobile app.

Efficient gear motor actuation

Battery only power option, long cycle life

External battery key

Provides Access During Power Failure

Application: Tablet or Notebook Computer Storage Cart for Schools

H3-EM Swing Handle w/ Integrated Prox Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005



Integrated Proximity Reader

One Panel Prep For Latch & Access Controller

Reader with Wiegand Output

Connects to Most Access Control Systems

Intelligent Electronic Control

Simple Integration with Access Control Systems

Integrated Sensors & LED

Provide Status of Latch Locally & For Remote Monitoring

DIN Lock

Provides Access During Power Failure

Application: Enclosure in Data Centre – Remote Access Control Integrates with existing building security system

EAS Sales Tools Board Of Directors Meeting – Worcester, July 2005



28-EA-A01-15-01 Junction Box Demo Kit 28-EA-A04-15-01 9V Switch Box 28-EA-A06-15-01 USB Controller Demo Kit 28-EA-KC2-15-01 Membrane Key Pad Demo Kit (Includes Mini E-Keeper) 28-EA-P1-15-01

Pin/Prox Demo Panel


12 panel sales kit will cost € 1000 excluding PFG discount(s)

28-EA-R02-15-01 RF Controller Demo Kit 28-EM-15-01

E-Keeper Demo Panel

28-H3-EM-15-01 H3-EM Demo Panel 28-H3-EM-15-02 H3-EM with Wiegand Prox Reader Demo Panel 28-R4-EM-15-01 R4-EM Auto Relock Demo Panel 28-R4-EM-15-02 R4-EM Mechanical Override Demo Panel 28-R4-EM-15-03 R4-EM Delayed Relock Demo Panel

Note: EA wire harness and power supplies to be ordered separately depending on your kit configuration – contact EAS team for assistance!

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