64 tech talk websites

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Tech Talk

Personal websites for students and teachers: organizing and empowering Lucius Von Joo Kanda University of International Studies, Japan Lucius Von Joo currently teaches at Kanda University of International Studies, Japan. He holds an EdM in Comparative and International Education and has teaching experience in deaf education, elementary education and EFL/ESL in California, Japan and New York. His research interests include computer assisted learning, film and documentary content-based learning, student educational backgrounds and learning approaches, video-cued multi-vocal ethnography, and family and communities as educators. E-mail: lucius-v@kanda.kuis.ac.jp


ebsite design and management is becoming easier and easier to accomplish. This multimodal platform has many uses for educators and learners. This Tech Talk will cover a few of the basic uses. There are many different ways to achieve classroom organization, whether it is through applications or just old-fashioned paper folders, but I have found there are many benefits to using websites. Websites are a very practical way to deliver and store class content. They are also great for students to keep assignments together in one place to be reviewed by teachers and peers at any time. Having students learn basic web design is also a very functional skill.

In this Tech Talk I will walk through creating websites for both teachers and students. The teacher sites can serve as a class syllabus and hub that links students’ individual sites. The students’ sites serve as a place for each student to post all their work as it comes along throughout the course. In this column I will explain each step for website design. However, usually when I set up websites with students I

just point them to the site and have them figure it out on their own. When I first tried this I was skeptical, but students have succeeded in creating their own website regardless of their comfort level with technology. I do this to encourage students to problem solve on their own so that they will need no scaffolding to continue web design after the class. I will be explaining website design through Weebly, which is a free website builder and host. Weebly can be used either online or through a smartphone application. In this Tech Talk I will be using screen captures from the online version of the program. I have experimented with at least 6 of the top website building programs on my own and with students and have found Weebly to be the most user- friendly and (visually) attractive. In this Tech Talk I will explain how to set up, build, and publish a website before providing a few additional tips and tricks. Set up In this section I will explain how to set up a personal free account and get the first website started. Before I start to explain the steps of account set-up I would like to mention 2 approaches to using Weebly as a class. The first approach, which I will be explaining in detail in this Tech Talk, is to create personal user accounts; the second would be to set up a Weebly education account. The advantage of an education account is that student site design

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