Tech Talk
Video time capsules: learning from our former self
Lucius Von Joo Kanda University of International Studies, Japan Lucius Von Joo currently teaches at Kanda University of International Studies, Japan. He holds an Ed.M. in Comparative and International Education and has teaching experience in deaf education, elementary education and EFL/ESL in California, Japan and New York. His research interests include computer assisted learning, film and documentary content-‐based learning, student educational backgrounds and learning approaches, video-‐cued multi-‐vocal ethnography, and family and communities as educators. E-‐mail: lucius-‐
ideo time capsules are a great way to freeze a version of yourself to learn from in the future. The time capsule is a powerful prompt for metacognition: it allows us to see a version of our former self to reflect upon and learn from. In fact, most of us have informally had an experience similar to the time capsule when we have looked at old notes from a past class or tracked the history of a very old email. This simple procedure of burying artifacts of our former self can easily be applied to viewing ourselves as language users. Thus, video time capsules are another way to utilize the technology we currently have at our fingertips. For example, I have a home movie of meeting a friend’s parents who only spoke Japanese. In that video the parents are speaking Japanese and I am asking my friend to translate for me, or I am making wild guesses at what they are saying. However, when I watch it now I can understand the Japanese but still see my past self not understanding a word. Witnessing my L2-‐self locked in time was a clear measurement of my language development.
I wanted my students to have a chance to experience something similar looking back at themselves and their experiences. I have experimented with video time capsules in a few courses and have streamlined the method by which videos will be sent automatically to the students in the future. This Tech Talk will be separated into 3 sections: 1) Creating a video capsule; 2) Storing the video capsule; and 3) Receiving the video capsules. As with most of my Tech Talks, my aim is for teacher and student to approach the technology together. I do not want the teacher to be stressed by giving tutorials of skills that students can learn through hands-‐on experience. Nonetheless, there are a few tips and tricks that I will share from my trial-‐and-‐ error experiences with this technology of the lesson. I will also suggest some additional uses for the applications outside of this activity.
1) Creating a video capsule Creating a video is simple. Students can use any smart phone, tablet or camera they have access to. In my classes I usually give my students a list of questions to cue them on what to say the video. Teachers could also have students brainstorm together what they feel would be interesting to see in their future selves. To help students relate to others doing video time capsules I often show them a video channel on YouTube called “In 25 years: Time capsule”. This presents many short examples of people
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