Columns Tech Talk Using music to facilitate learning for multiple language skills Lucius Von Joo Kanda University of International Studies, Japan
Lucius Von Joo currently teaches for Kanda University of International Studies, Japan. He holds an Ed.M. in Comparative and International Education and has teaching experience in deaf education, elementary education and EFL/ESL in California, Japan and New York. His research interests include computer assisted learning, film and documentary content-based learning, student educational backgrounds and learning approaches, video-cued multi-vocal ethnography, and family and communities as educators. E-mail:
or many people, music is one of the early modes of exposure to a new foreign language. Foreign music like foreign food can create a deep connection for people and inspire them to want to learn more. The tune and the melody of a song can easily be understood and enjoyed which often leads to wanting to understand the lyrics. This is one of those moments when autonomous learning can be at its best if properly facilitated. Music can help with multiple language skills such as pronunciation, comprehension, vocabulary and overall motivation. Many classes use music to teach language and in this Tech Talk I will cover different applications that can be used to practice language. This Tech Talk will be divided into four types of applications related to music and songs: 1) Access to music, where and how to find new songs; 2) Language training through lyrics; 3) Comprehension of the overall meaning of songs and; 4) Shadowing or singing songs. Just as in other Tech Talks the sections can be read independently or as a set.
1) Access to music Access to music has grown exponentially with the evolution of technology. In this section of this Tech Talk I will talk about a few ways to access, identify and find new music.
Spotify (Apple, Android, PC), Apple Music (Apple, Android, PC) and Google Music (Apple, Android, PC) are three of the big names in music providers. For these as well as other music search libraries you can type in the music you are looking for and find albums songs artists and playlists that match your search. All three services have a monthly subscription cost of around $10, however both Google and Apple offer a free trial period and Spotify has a free version with advertisements.
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