72 tech talk language exchange

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Columns Tech Talk The world of language exchange apps and their many connections Lucius Von Joo Kanda University of International Studies, Japan


Lucius Von Joo currently teaches for Kanda University of International Studies, Japan. He holds an Ed.M. in Comparative and International Education and has teaching experience in deaf education, elementary education and EFL/ESL in California, Japan and New York. His research interests include computer assisted learning, film and documentary content-based learning, student educational backgrounds and learning approaches, video-cued multi-vocal ethnography, and family and communities as educators. E-mail: lucius-v@kanda.kuis.ac.jp

recently spoke with a student who really impressed me with their self-study. This student had great confidence and familiarity with small talk that was reminiscent of someone who had spent time in an English speaking country. After talking for some time, my curiosity got the better of me and I had to break our natural conversation rhythm to ask how they studied English. The student told me that they had never studied abroad, however they use the app HelloTalk on a daily basis. Looking into HelloTalk I found an intensely developed social network forum dedicated to language exchange. Using apps to perform language exchange is nothing new to the digital world; however the intuitiveness, features and accessibility have developed significantly in the last couple of years. This Tech Talk is dedicated to my findings and ideas of how to utilize a language exchange social network forum. Language exchange apps are very dynamic in their approach, though how and what they are mainly used for can differ. In this Tech Talk I will 1) give a basic overview of language exchange apps; 2) give examples of language exchange apps that focus on communication; 3) give examples of language exchange apps that focus on information and; 4) give examples of language exchange apps that focus on social networking. As with other Tech Talks you can skip around or read the Talk as a whole.

1) Overview of Language Exchange apps The idea of language exchange is nothing new and is quite simple: find two or more learners whose target language is well known by their counterpart, then arrange it so that time is spent using both languages. When done in person these exchanges are often self-facilitated. However, once you create a digital platform, the facilitation is now arranged by the app’s designers. How the app arranges this interaction will have an impact on the exchange. It is important to note that Social Networking Service (SNS) platforms influence communication. You need only look at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other popular form of SNS to see this influence. The way people share information and meet new people has changed greatly due to these platforms. It is helpful to have this perspective in mind when approaching language exchange apps. Language exchange apps are social networking systems and by nature are adaptable to each user’s individual needs. My suggestion is to give a basic understanding of the features of the app and share any potential risks with your learners.

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