Effects of communication strategy training

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Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz SSLLT 3 (2). 245-259 http://www.ssllt.amu.edu.pl

Effects of communication strategy training on EFL students’ performance in small-group discussions Stuart Benson

Kanda University of International Studies, Japan stuart-b@kanda.kuis.ac.jp

Danielle Fischer

Kanda University of International Studies, Japan danielle-f @kanda.kuis.ac.jp

Joe Geluso

Iowa State University, USA jgeluso@iastate.edu

Lucius Von Joo

Kanda University of International Studies, Japan lucius-v @kanda.kuis.ac.jp

Abstract In recent years, a number of studies have been conducted with regard to communication strategy training and performance on communicative tasks (Lam, 2009; Nakatani, 2010; Naughton, 2006). This study aims to add to the literature by examining how two strategies, clarifying/confirming and extending a conversation, and two methods of teaching the strategies, affected the interactional sequences and overall group discussion performance of EFL students at a university in Japan. Pre and posttreatment small-group discussions were recorded for assessment, and a stimulated recall interview was administered to determine the participants’ perceptions of their learning and language use. Posttest results reveal that the experimental groups


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