CV and Portfolio 2020

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Before we begin our journey, I want to inform you that this portfolio consist of graphic design, product design, and interior design projects that might take a while to read.

Let’s begin, shall we?

Graphic Design


MAJu (eMpowering Access of Justice)

Brochure & Pocket Book

MAJu Scoop of Works Branding Editorial Digital Illustration

Tools Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop


(eMpowering Access to Justice)

MAJu (eMpowering Access to Justice) is a collaboration project of Ogilvy, USAID, and The Asia Foundation alongside the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, to increase community access, especially marginalized and repressed community, for their rights on the eye of law.



Digital Illustration

MAJu focused on two issues that happened on marginalized and repressed community, which is human rights and health(HIV) issue. In order to accomplish the goals, MAJu produced few publication and media to the targeted community.

I got the opportunity to work on the project together with one of my colleague. The product of the campaign itself are brochures, fact check cards, and a pocket book.


Graphic Design


MAJu (eMpowering Access of Justice)

Brochure & Pocket Book

Pocket Book

MAJu’s pocket book are designed as a speaking guidance for Key Opinion Leaders. It is contains the fact check cards and brochures summarization.


MAJu’s pocket book are designed as a speaking guidance for Key Opinion Leaders. It is summarize the fact check cards and brochures content that later described to the targeted communities.



Digital Illustration

The illustration on each pocket book are designed to portray the content, implicitly. In order to not offend any communities and validates any public generalization, the illustrations were illustrated as general as possible.

For instance, general public opinion towards HIV is sticks to LGBT+ communities, so we’re avoiding to illustrate any parts of LGBT+ communities as a patient on Access to Health Services pocket book.


Graphic Design


MAJu (eMpowering Access of Justice)


Brochure of Access for Health Services

Brochure for Health Officer

MAJu also provides brochures for related officer and targeted communities. The objectives of each brochures are different based on the targeted user but the main outline is to bring a certain information to its user.


Brochure for Targeted Communities

For targeted communities, the brochure provides information of health risks, consequences, and step by step on how to check for HIV. The illustrations portrays the highlighted information on the brochure.



Digital Illustration

Brochure of Access for Law and Justice

Brochure for Law Officer

The brochure for law officer contains information on how to act and handle victims. The illustration on the brochure portrays the officer as a guardian for the victim, tough yet friendly.

Brochure for Targeted Communities

The brochure for targeted communities of acces for law and justice contains informations about any kinds of discrimination and sexual abuse and how to handle the situation. The illustration on the brochure are designed to evoke the target curiousity on the issue.


Graphic Design


MAJu (eMpowering Access of Justice)

Playing Cards

Fact Check Cards of Access for Health Services

Cards for Health Officer

Cards for Targeted Communities

The fact check cards are divided into two grouping based on the targeted user, officers and targeted communities. It is to differentiate the cards because the cards will be putted into one box. It also applied for law and human rights cards.




Digital Illustration

Fact Check Cards of Access for Law and Justice

Cards for Law Officer

The objectives of the card itself is to justify certain myths or missinformation with fact check and also to inform about the victim needs and how to take an action to that.

Cards for Targeted Communities

The illustration also designed to evoke the targeted community, so the illustrations are implicitly portrays the myths or facts, which later will be described by the facilitator.


Graphic Design

Brand Identity

Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan (KOMPAK)

Key Visuals


(Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan) Scoop of Works Brand Identity Editorial Design

Tools Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop


KOMPAK (Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan) is a project of Ogilvy and DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia) alongside the Indonesian Government. The purposes of KOMPAK itself is to reduct poverty and adressing inequality in Indonesia. KOMPAK’s actual project has already finished before and to deliver it to a bigger audience, it is needed to be designed well.

Social Media Content


Social Media Pages

The work scoops I work on for KOMPAK are creating key visuals for the project products. I got the opportunity to work on the project together also with one of my colleague. The product of the project itself is social media pages, infographic, and press release.


Graphic Design

Brand Identity

Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan (KOMPAK)

Key Visuals

KOMPAK Key Visuals

KOMPAK wants to be pictured as clean, sleek with a touch of traditional. To get the clean and sleek design, KOMPAK designed with a monochromatic color scheme around KOMPAK’s red color, and grayscale colors. For the photo treatment, KOMPAK has two different treatment into a cut-out design and cropped design. 15

Social Media Content


Social Media Pages

#a81e24 #938c8d #141414 #ffffff Batik Kawung Kembang

KOMPAK Infographic

To bring a touch of traditional into the overall design, KOMPAK designed using a pattern from Batik Kawung Kembang. Batik Kawung Kembang was choosen to fit KOMPAK’s project purposes which addressing inequality. Kawung Kembang is a symbol of equality and justice, and also have a quite simple form for a Batik.

There are five minimalized patterns from the Batik which will be used as the design assets for the whole project.


Graphic Design

Brand Identity

Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan (KOMPAK)

Key Visuals

Press Release

KOMPAK Press Release was designed as clean as possible so that the message will not be distracted by the design assets. For the press release, I also designed the envelopes and notes which might be needed later.


Social Media Content


Social Media Pages

Instagram Account

KOMPAK Instagram will be designed in monochromatic color scheme in red and grayscale to bring a clean and sleek mood. For any colored pictures in carousell will be keep as it is but for the cover itself should use monochromatic colors.


Graphic Design

Brand Identity

Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan (KOMPAK)

Key Visuals

Social Media Pages

Youtube Page


Facebook Page

Social Media Content


Social Media Pages

Linkedin Page

Twitter Page

There are several social media pages for KOMPAK such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin page. The designed product consist social media banner for each social media and pictures or thumbnaiils that will be needed for the page.


Graphic Design


Kalibrr Internal Publication’

Company Rebranding

Kalibrr Publication Scoop of Works Social Media Content Branding Editorial Advertising

Tools Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop


Kalibrr Internal Publication is a recap of my works at Kalibrr, which mainly focused on internal publication. The works under Kalibrr internal publication are mostly social media , advertising, editorial and editorial works.


Kalibrr Rebranding As 2020. Kalibrr decided to rebranding the design. The rebranding keywords are ‘Global’, ‘Premium’, ‘Fresh’, and emit ‘Multinational’.


Proposed Design

Understanding that the brand should look fresh, global, multinational, and premium at the same time, I’ve decided to take basic form such as rectangular and circular form combined with asymmetrical layout.

The color palette itself not only focusing on blue color hue, but also added a contrary color such as orange or white.


Graphic Design

Social Media Content

Kalibrr Internal Publication

Instagram Daily Content

Instagram Content These are several post on Kalibrr’s Instagram before Kalibrr Rebranding. The content itself mainly focused about career tips, office-life, etc.

The design style before rebranding itself focused on flat design with blue and white dominant. The color scheme that applied was more broad than rebranding design which consist blue, yellow, orange, and light blue. 23

The design layout also more dynamic and fresh by using memphis elements and assets.


After Rebranding After Kalibrr’s rebranding, these are several Instagram post that I’ve been working on. The contents are also speaks about career-life, career-wise personality, and fun content such as astrology, etc.

Kalibrr’s rebranding design takes a different approach to suit the new brand identity by using blue monochromatic color scheme and a spacious layouting.


Graphic Design


Kalibrr Internal Publication

E-Book & Brochure

Kalibrr E-Book

Kalibrr E-Book was a project by my division in Kalibrr to provide insights for both job-seeker and recruiter about job talents forecast. Both me and my supervisor worked on the E-Book to bring a clean and clear understanding through infographic. 25

It is designed after Kalibrr’s rebranding, so the design took approach on cleanliness and simplicity. The color scheme also monochromatic color scheme around blue.



Kalibrr Brochure was intended to be published for communities that visible to participated with Kalibrr. The communities are student association and technology communities.


Graphic Design

Brand Awareness

Kalibrr Internal Publication

Flyers & Stickers

Flyer for Brand Awareness

The flyers were used to raise awareness about Kalibrr and its purpose. It was distributed to offline event participants in order for them to use Kalibrr as their job portal. The information on the flyer was around work-life and pre-work-life tips and trick.


The flyer was designed before Kalibrr’s rebranding, so the design around flat design. The color scheme itself also around white, blue, and yellow or orange as the emphasis color.


Kalibrr Items for Internal

Kalibrr also provides items for internal employee so that they could be proud of Kalibrr everywhere they go. The items are notebooks, stickers, and electronic money card.

The flyer was designed before Kalibrr’s rebranding, so the design around flat design. The color scheme itself also around white, blue, and yellow or orange as the emphasis color.


Graphic Design

UI Design

Unilever Future Leaders League

Website Design

Website Interface

Unilever Future Leaders League Scoop of Works UI Design Social Media Content

Tools Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop


Unilever Future Leaders League is an annual business case competition held by Unilever. This project was my first job project at Kalibrr. I got the opportunity to create its social media publication and designed the website interface.

Social Media Content


Ads and Publication

Social Media Ads

Instagram Story Publication

The design itself had already proposed before I joined Kalibrr, but I got the chance to create some of it’s component and design assets. I also designed few social media contents for the event advertisement.


Graphic Design

Social Media Content

CIMB Niaga Advertisement

Ads and Publication

Newsletter Design

CIMB Niaga Advertisement Scoop of Works Social Media Content Media Advertising

Tools Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop


CIMB is one of Kalibrr’s client and I got the opportunity to handle the project. The main goal from this project is to reach a certain amounts of candidates to apply on CIMB Niaga by media advertising, newsletter, and offline event. This project started from January to April 2020.


Instagram Advertisement

The overall design was centered on human-interest visual which following CIMB’s brand guideline. To achieve the targeted candidate, the design should be eye-catchy to its viewer.

I also assigned to design some of its publication event items such as X-Banner and posters. The design also following the brand guideline.


Graphic Design

Social Media Content

Coca Cola Amatil

Ads and Publication

Ads Banner

Coca Cola Amatil Advertisement Scoop of Works Social Media Content Media Advertising

Tools Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop


Coca Cola Amatil is one of Kalibrr’s client I’ve got to designed. The project goals is to gain applicants for joining Coca Cola Amatil team. To reach the goal, I designed the banner on Coca Cola Amatil’s Kalibrr Site and ads on Instagram.


Instagram Advertisement

The project’s design itself is using the Coca Cola Amatil brand guideline. The ads were aimed for Instagram story format, so the design


Graphic Design


Human Physiology Center

Brand Identity

Human Physiology Center Scoop of Works Branding Editorial Interior Design UI/UX Design

Tools Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Sketchup Adobe Xd


Human Physiology Center is my interior design final project. There’s several reasons why I choose a health education facility as my final project. The reasons are the lack of physiology education in the community, lack of awareness for a healthy lifestyle and the rise of catastrophic diseases. Therefore, Human Physiology Center was created to raise awareness and educate people about their body.


The facility’s design are focusing on the usage of interactive technology and interactive for all five senses (hearing, touch, smell, sight, and taste) to bring innovation into content education, especially about human physiology. To built a cohesive design as a whole, I also created the facility’s brand identity and other design such as UI/UX design and editorial design.

Designing this project was truly an exciting process because I got the opportunity to learn new things along the way such as branding, editorial, and UI/UX designing.


Graphic Design

UI Design

Human Physiology Center

Website Design

Brand Identity The logo takes on the first acronym letter “H� and resembling the form of a walking human. Body movement is the basic form of physiology which could be illustrated with a walking human. In order to

Color Scheme The color scheme take approach on flesh and neutral colors to bring the experience of how does it feel to be inside a body.


In order to fit the main user and a ergonomically friendly facility, the actual color needs to be undersaturated to maintain the color concept and the ergonomic.



The brand identity itself took an approach on the primary target of Human Physiology Center, which are kids around 7-13 years old. Human Physiology Center focused on human physiology education to kids on their early stage.

The brand identity itself were formed based on the primary target of Human Physiology Center, which are kids around 7-13 years old.


Graphic Design

UI Design

Human Physiology Center

Website Design



Ticket Wristband

I created a few design elements, assetts, which later applied to the facility. From printed media such as banner, guide book, ticket wristband to user interfaces were created to bring an immense brand image to the facility. These are several designs of Human Physiology Center’s branding and souvenir.



Hanging Banner

ID Card Guide Book

I created a few design elements, assetts, which later applied to the facility. These are several of Human Physiology Center’s branding and souvenir.


Graphic Design

UI Design

Human Physiology Center

Website Design

Mobile Application

To bring an one-stop experience to the visitor, Human Physiology Center also provides mobile application, which is called HUP. Concerning on how electronic devices at hand, HUP targeted the secondary user which are students, young adult to adult especially parent.


Social Media Content


Ads and Publication

UI Design

The main purpose of HUP is to guide visitor on everything they want to know about Human Physiology Center. With HUP, visitors can access a detailed information of each zone and attraction on Human Physiology Center, and also purchasing tickets.

Adult user could access any detailed information regarding to human physiology with HUP, especially parents, they can also describe the human physiology through HUP.


Graphic Design

UI Design

Human Physiology Center

Website Design


Endocrine System


The concept of Human Physiology Center is called “Discovering Your Body”. The whole concept itself created to accomplish the goal of the facility, which is to educate user about their body. By looking on some similar facilities, Human Physiology Center is trying to bring a breathe of fresh air on ways of delivering information. 43

As stated before, the facility’s way of delivering information is by igniting the visitor/user’s curiousity with interactive installation and interior material. The material and form concept itself differs on each zone and what senses the zone’s trying to ignite. But overall, the material and form concept are voluptuous, organic, and branched.

Social Media Content


Ads and Publication


Endocrine System

Human Physiology Center are attempting interactive media as the design component to its interior. Interactive media itself are divided into two subgroups, which are digital technology and practical. It is applied to raise user’s intuition to explore the facility on their own.

With the interactive interior and parents guidance with HUP, hopefully the visitor can learn about their body and also raise their awareness to practice a healthy lifestyle, especially for kids.


UI/UX Design

UI Design


Website Design

GOFIT App Scoop of Works UI/UX Design

Tools Adobe XD Adobe Illustrator


Working out is basically a new dependence to a certain community nowadays. But, who doesn’t like to be motivated while taking some exercises? With GoFit, you could exercise and have your personal trainer monitored your progress anywhere.


UI Design

GoFit is an one-stop personal workout trainer apps which provides programs from trainer all around the world. GoFit allows the user to select your own personal trainer for any tips and suggestion to your gains.

GoFit also provides suggestion on user’s daily intake and meal recipes. It is important to be motivated along the way to reach the goals, so GoFit also provides spaces for communicate with each other, especially with the user with the same personal trainer.


UI/UX Design

UI Design

Tokopedia Train Ticketing

Mobile Application Design

Tokopedia Train Ticketing Scoop of Works UI/UX Design

Tools Adobe XD Adobe Illustrator


Tokopedia train is a product of Tokopedia, which focused on train ticket booking. This product serves train purchasing and provides information and recommendation about destinations.


UI Design

By conducted a qualitative interview with user, I redesigned the page to know certain things that can be developed from the existing app and Tokopedia train ticketing could stands as equal as similar traveling app.

The application shows available seats so that user can decide to take on which coach, especially in group. The application also provides popular destination and where-to-go-list.


UI/UX Design

UI Design

Tokopedia Train Ticketing

Website Design

Tokopedia Train Ticketing Scoop of Works UI/UX Design

Tools Adobe XD Adobe Illustrator


Tokopedia train also provides desktop version for user who want to access from their computer. The landing page of Tokopedia Train Ticketing is emphasizing promotional ads to inform user about the promotion.


Website Design

The landing page of Tokopedia consists of a large commands to train route. It is applied to emphasize the main reason of the product itself, which is booking train ticket.

The whole process of train ticketing are mainly the same with the mobile version. The difference between the mobile app version is the simpler process on the desktop version.


UI/UX Design

UI Design

ADDPet App

Website Design

ADDPet Scoop of Works UI/UX Design

Tools Adobe XD Adobe Illustrator


There are millions of homeless, neglected, mistreated and abused animals, especially house-pet in Indonesia. In order to prevent more mistreated house-pet so as looking for their new home, ADDPET are created.

Social Media Content


Ads and Publication

UI Design

ADDPET is not only an adoption service but also provides a house-pet hospitality service in general instead. ADDPET user could contact the nearest pet shelter if they found a homeless pet.

ADDPET also provides space for user to upload their current pet(or passed pet) as a way the other user want to see how the user treated their pet before.


Interior Design Daarul Jannah Resort

Daarul Jannah Resort Scoop of Works Interior Design

Tools SketchUp AutoCAD VRay


Daarul Jannah Resort is a five star resort located in Puncak Lawang area, Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. The resort has a Minangkabau and Islamic theme, directed to domestic or international family tourist.



Daarul Jannah Resort based on the fact that halal tourism are prospering in Indonesia. Halal tourism is a subcategory of tourism which applies Islamic law on its component. An acculturation between Minangkabau and Islam was applied to describe that Islam can go with any culture.

Daarul Jannah Resort is an islamic contemporary resort. The design itself was in between retaining the cultural aspects of Minangkabau and maintaining halal tourism through the resort regulations.


Interior Design Daarul Jannah Resort

Resort Lobby

Dining Hall



Suite room

Deluxe room

The use of Minangkabau traditional aspects, such as pillars, and Marawa, the traditional flag of Minangkabau, as the color and material selection are to create a traditional, Minangkabau atmosphere. To bring a high-end five star class of resort, the material and furniture are using gold finishing.

The resort room are classified to four types, which are deluxe room, suite room, and pavilion.


Interior Design Telkom Indonesia Office

Telkom Indonesia Office Scoop of Works Interior Design

Tools SketchUp AutoCAD VRay


Telkom Indonesia’s Office is a proposed college project which located in Bandung. Telkom Indonesia Office designed to be a modern and futuristic office. It was designed to be in line with Telkom Indonesia corporate identity.

Collaboration area


Telkom Indonesia Office ambience were designed to increase productivity of its employee and having a sense of belonging to the office. It is applied to the color scheme which mostly within the range of cool gray to shade of red as the accent color.


Interior Design Telkom Indonesia Office


Breakout area



Private Booth


The office had several area that designed for employee to relieve themself in the middle of the work hour such as breakout area and pantry. The office also had a personal booth for any employee who wants to focus on their work or having a phone call.


Interior Design Modern Tropical Residence

Modern Tropical Residence Scoop of Works Interior Design

Tools SketchUp AutoCAD VRay


From this project, I was delighted to design a residence which applied a modern and sustainable concept. The family member needs is the main reason of the residence concept.

Parlor room


A modern lifestyle and highly routines which family holds are some of the reason why the house were designed to close with nature. It is designed to bring relaxation as the family get back from their mundane activities.

The residence is located on a tropical climates which one of the reason about taking the concept. By using bricks as the main construction of the house, helps to maintain the temperature and air circulation but also energy efficient.


Interior Design Modern Tropical Residence

Living room

Living room

Dining room 63


Main bedroom

Main bedroom

Kitchen 64

Graphic Design Personal Works

Personal Works Scoop of Works Graphic Design Editorial Design

Tools Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop


In my spare time, I like to keep myself busy by exploring design, mostly on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I love to keep in touch with the current design trend, so I work on this project for overtime.


The work time period, for the most of the time, aren’t planned and spontaneous. The idea itself popped out in an indefinite time, usually as the time I created it.



Great! You’ve made it this far! So, how is it? Are you interested?

If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to contact me on: +6292234177634

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