NEW SCIENCE LAB IN PRIMARY Primary students take their first steps in our science lab -a place where they observe, analyze, investigate and learn about nature and things that surround us.
This new area will make them feel like real scientists!
Bringing the WOW factor into the classroom.
OFF TO TAIWAN. A total of 256 teams from 26 countries are taking part in this year’s International Matematics Competition. Five students will be representing Mexico, the only two from Nuevo Leon are proudly students from San Patricio.
Raúl Hernández .
Kevin Beuchot.
OLIMPIADA NACIONAL DE MATEMĂ TICAS. 22,000 students from 6th grade and JH in NL participated in this contest. Two students from Primary will be representing NL in the national competition. Congratulations Ivan Villasana Salazar from 6B who will be competing in La Paz, Baja California in May 3-6.
Ivan Villasana Salazar