Architecture Portfolio | Lucretia Debora | 2019

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selected architecture projects


lucretia debora

RESUME LUCRETIA DEBORA ARCHITECTURE graduate Jalan Bangunan Barat No.15A, Jakarta Timur, 13210 +62 81317772326

EDUCATION 2015-2019

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia Bachelor of Architecture - BArch, Architecture, 3.51 Predicate: Cumlaude

LANGUANGE Indonesian Native English Upper-Intermediate Scored 580 in TOEFL ITP by ETS

skills Technical Skill

Personal Skill

Sketchup Autocad Corel Draw Adobe Photoshop Microsoft OfďŹ ce Revit Rhinoceros - Grasshopper

Teamwork Communication Management

experience Work Experience 06/2018 - 08/2018 PTI Architects Architectural Intern 11/2019 - Present PT. Tempo Scan Pacific Counter Service Supervisor - Ultima II Training & Certification 2018: Ÿ International Symposium on Architecture Research and Design Ÿ Architecture Pasca Campus (ARCAMPUS) Opentalk: Regulation Featuring Creativity 2017: Ÿ Forum Arsitektur Archinesia (FAA) #28: Current Projects Ÿ Leadership Training Architecture ITS 2015: Ÿ Scientific Papers Writing Training Architecture ITS


CONTENTS 01 Office Rent with Kinetic Facade as Visualization of Time


02 Co-Housing for The Deaf


03 Unplugged Music Center


04 XY Center


05 Magnified Dorm


06 Coworking Food Station


01 office rent with kinetic facade as VISUALIZATION OF TIME

Often Sometimes Never


Can’t feel outside’s activities Limited view

Work interest

The main issue in this design is the experience of time of office workers. It’s about time awareness or sense of time, so about how time passes in a day experienced by office workers who work in a room. Work as an office worker generally has a repetitive activities. Because of that pattern, there are times when office workers don't realize how the time pass when they are working in the room, so experience of time is the main issue of the design. Based on personal data, which is based on a survey on 112 office workers in Jakarta, at least 98.2% of them had experienced the phenomena of not awaring the changing of the time at work. Other than work related causes, environment factors such as how the outside activities, weather, sounds, lights, and other events outside the room can't be seen or felt by the user inside, is also the biggest reason. The ocularcentric theory that uses visual sense of the user as the main focus in an architecture, is the right approach to design a workspace that aim to increase sense and experience of time for the user. Time elements in the form of daylight and outside activities can be presented through visualization in the architecture so that users will be aware to the change of daily time. The visualization of the time elements is presented with the performance produced by facades using the kinetic facade, also orientation and massing and shaping that oriented to the outside activities points.


Site is located on Jalan Prof. Dr. Satrio, Kuningan, Jakarta, which is also located in the "Golden Triangle" area of Jakarta, which is a business district area in Jakarta, so the typology of the surrounding buildings mostly includes ofďŹ ces and other commercial buildings.

The activity around the site is generally quite high considering it is located at business district, especially during work hours. Because of the pedestrian way there are decent and well-maintained, ofďŹ ce workers there tend to walk for mobility, so activities in the form of mobility can be clearly seen around the site. This provides support for the design so that human activity can be presented in the room or the users in the object design can access the view to those activities spots which also educates or shows users about the time.

PelIcan Crossing

Pedestrian Way

Fly Over

01 office rent with kinetic facade as VISUALIZATION OF TIME

FORM & MASSING CONCEPT One concept in response to the issue of experience of time is to present an element of time itself. One element of time denotation in this context can be from nature, like sunlight. Daylight is presented in the work space with openings, in addition to fulfilling the lighting requirements of the office lighting, it also creates users’ awareness of the sun's movement that shows the time itself. Using a lighting strategy with "Narrow floor plates". Taking advantage of the understanding that the concentration of height is 'h', has the ability to light the floor area of twice its height (in terms of depth) (








By implementing this strategy, an alternative size of ofďŹ ce room is created, with a width of 7m with one opening or 14m with two openings, and an alternative form of mass with consideration of those openings.





01 office rent with kinetic facade as VISUALIZATION OF TIME

FORM & MASSING CONCEPT The concept of shape and massing is based on the existing site condition. Site is located in business district that is dominant with tall buildings. This has an influence on the site, one of them is in terms of light intensity and shading on the site.




Shadowed parts of other buildings on the site are avoided for office or work space because they don't get efficient lighting, but can be used as landscape or as cores. With these considerations, the next shape alternatives, with the modules from the previous alternatives, are created



Looking at the site itself, activity around the site is already dominant with business, office, or commercial activities, so that the activities of the population around the can indicate the time at that time, for example when office employees walk around during the daytime showing a break which is usually at 12: 00-13: 00, or when an office workers walks in the evening indicating the end time the work.

The activities of the surrounding population are clearly pictured on the surrounding roads, both lanes of vehicles, sidewalks or pedestrians, pelican crossing, and others. In the following illustration, activities spots from around the site are shown that can represent time.

Orientation with kinetic facade position as the force. Kinetic facade can be placed on the north or south sides to be responsive to the movement of the sun. Orientation with view access to the outside activities spots that shows time as the force.

Considering the activities spots beside, it is concluded that the object is oriented about 45º to the north (northeast) then the chosen shape and composition of the masses from the previous alternatives is the 1st alternative:


01 office rent with kinetic facade as VISUALIZATION OF TIME


+ alternative form and chosen module as massing selected by the module of considering the most each tower mass perimeter of view to the outside activities spots for both towers

Tower mass divided into three modules with maintaining length 14m

Modules arranged like this to create new space for view access to activities spots outside, also the fold create object’s orientation to 45º north

More view access to the activities spot outside Less view access to the activities spot outside



Towers form shrinked to the top to reduce shadowing the surroundings possibility, also to create various area type of ofďŹ ce rent room.

Podium mass arranged stacked to adjust the tower

The fold’s corners changed into blunt to divert the wind on those corners, so reducing the lateral wind force

Tower Mass Core Mass

01 office rent with kinetic facade as VISUALIZATION OF TIME


Interior of rent ofďŹ ce 1st type that shows kinetic facade and its movement which visualize the movement of the sun from the east to the west. 12

01 office rent with kinetic facade as VISUALIZATION OF TIME



01 office rent with kinetic facade as VISUALIZATION OF TIME



02 co-housing for the deaf

Co-Housing Tunarungu is a communal housing for the deaf people, which is an eperimental architecture that goes from a “what if” question:

So that from the question formed a condition where deaf people are the majority of the city, or the normal-hearing people are the minority, regarding to the quantity.

“what if deaf people are being gathered in a city?”

Criteria choosing the site: Ÿ Enough intensity of light Light is important because one of the architectural concepts of Deaf Space is the eyes as the ears so light as one of the information that can be captured by the user. Ÿ Low frequency of noise One aspect of Deaf Space is also acoustics, where the acoustics of the room are very important for deaf people with a deafness level not one hundred percent, or not totally deaf.


Using a method: “Deaf Space” from Byrd, Todd and Consoli,John T. (2007): Sensory Reach Vision & Touch as the ears

Light & Color Enough light to see fellow & skin-contrast color.

Space & Proximity “Sign-language: space: more space to move and to be face-to-face

Mobility & Proximity Mobility with “sign-languange” acitivity: have to be face-to-face, so using stairs might be disturbing.

Acoustic There are patients who isn’t totally deaf (not100% level of deaf), using hearing aid kit, so the acoustic has to be concerned.

Form experiments using design tools: adjusted to the site & circle orientation (for users to communicate with eyes with fellows)

02 co-housing for the deaf

SENSORY REACH: VISION LIGHT AND COLOR Using kinetic facade for each co-housing unit. There are two kinetic facades here, the ďŹ rst one is kinetic facade controlled by mechanical, with parameters of daylight, with photoelectric cells, when the side receives less daylight, the facade will be opened and vice versa. This kinetic facade aims to let the deaf dwellers know the movement of the sun, and when it rains because it is dark it will open and the residents know that it is raining even though they cannot hear it


The second one is kinetic facade controlled by the wind, which is a curtain aluminium, kinetic facade that moves with the inuence of the wind. aluminum curtain areodynamic shaped that is hung in a row will create light movement in the room when blown by the wind.

a pipe room to catch the wind glass material so the movement of the curtain can be seen

02 co-housing for the deaf

SPACE & PROXIMITY The rooms and circulations designed at least 3,6 meters, based on regualtion: Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor 30/PRT/M/2006 Tentang Pedoman Teknis Fasilitas Dan Aksesibilitas Pada Bangunan Gedung Dan Lingkungan

1st oor

2nd oor


MOBILITY & PROXIMITY The main transportation on the object is ramp, so that the occupants will not be disturbed to put their focus on the stair when communicating with each other while walking by using signlanguange



02 co-housing for the deaf







02 co-housing for the deaf

In the laundry room, the visual access to mobility in the circulation cannot be accessed properly due to the position of the room, therefore there are mirrors on both sides (as shown) so that the occupants at the laundry room can see the mobility and the condition in circulation from reection on the mirror.


02 co-housing for the deaf

SENSORY REACH: TOUCH Using wood material for the oor, in order to know the movement of people through vibrations or pounding that is produced, approaching or going away.


02 co-housing for the deaf













ISSUE STATEMENT Based on sense of human: aural (sound) and thermal issues, Unplugged Music Center designed as a 5-storeys music center located on Jalan Tambak Wedi which is located next to the Suramadu Bridge and in front of the Madura Sea. This object presents music from various sources including nature and let the visitors to deliver their musical desire. The response to the aural and thermal issues in the design is related with one another, such as one of the music sound created from the wind. The music center is expected to be a place of "escape" from the metropolitan atmosphere of the city of Surabaya or "healing space�.



The background of this object is the main activity around the site, that is commercial activiy (street food sellers) that causes sensor y problems because every tenants plays different music with high volume using speakers side by side. For this reason, Unplugged Music Center is designed to be the core of t h e m u s i c a ro u n d t h a t a l s o accommodated the tenants so the music is centered and the street tenants still get the music-played atmosphere they wanted.

There Is a food center that houses street food sellers located next to the Suramadu Bridge and Suramadu Sea Front. Also equipped with private music studios, band music studios, and dance studio on the 1st floor. On the 3rd and 4th floors there is a food center that has an atrium so created a centralized void where there is a music performance space that is the "center" or the “highlight” of this music center. The rooftop and the connecting ramp of two masses are an open space for music performance with the concept of busking performance or street performance for visitors.


Music Performance

Music Studio Private Music Studio for visitors

Dance Studio

Emergency Stairs

Busking Performance For visitors to perform or to enjoy the music performance with the concept of busking performance

Nature Music Space

Spot View For visitors to take photos and enjoy the beach and bridge view

Food Tenants & Indoor Dining Room

Outdoor Dining Room Void Visitors on the third oor may enjoy the music performance performed on the second oor

Ramp Connects mass A and mass B, also for buskingthemed music performace

Visitors can enjoy their food with beach ambience and buskingthemed music performance





Because it is located next to the Suramadu Bridge and in front of the Madura Sea, the existence of the environment around the site is very important, so this object formed from a grid (in the picture) which oriented to both bridge and sea view. The form of the object is also inspired by the shape of G key symbol in music. Hexagon geometry is used because the concept of void space required a centered shape and also because of the adjustment to the grid.


There are circular and line holes on the south side facade. Circles represents the shape of musical notes, and 5 lines represents the lines on musical notes








fabricated concrete roof

steel beam

steel column steel & glass steel beam

steel & glass steel column

steel beam

steel column steel & glass

steel beam

bricks wall


concrete column

This object mostly uses steel structure and cantilever & wide span structure system.

fabricated concrete roof

steel beam

steel column

open plan steel beam

steel column

open plan


04 xy CENTER

This object is a mixed-use building which has three func ons such as Park, Co-Working Space, and Retail. The main issue of the design is "How Millennials (XY Genera on) Being Seen". Millennials themselves are considered special because this genera on is very dierent from previous genera ons, especially in ma ers of technology. What is stand out about this genera on compared to previous genera ons is using technologies. The life of the millennials can’t be separated from technology, especially the internet, entertainment / entertainment has become a basic necessity for this genera on.


The percep ons of millennials or Y genera ons tend to be nega ve. This mixed use object aims to change the views and percep ons by telling the top genera on (genera on X) how millennial genera on (genera on x) works, their ac vi es, high mobility, and other things that are the posi ve side of the millennial genera on, and vice versa, trying to tell the millennials, the ac vi es and the social interac ons expected by genera on Y.


04 xy CENTER



Ÿ Co-Working Space: What is needed at the

me. Telling the Y Genera on how X Genera on use the technologies for good purpose as working. Ÿ Park: Telling the X Genera on what is Y Genera on wants that is socializing.

Those purposes are applied trough exposing the ac vi es and circula on from the coworking space.

One of the criteria for mixed-use building is same access to all func on . In this object, all func ons have main access that is the park, so that both masses, which are co-working space and retail, oriented to the park. That is also an applica on of conveying meaning concept between the func ons with the park as the main focus, so that all visitors can momentary forget the nega ve ac vi es in daily such as playing gadgets while walking, less a en on to the surroundings, less socializing, etc.



04 xy CENTER

What is tried to be ďŹ xed by this object is the habit of millenials that often use gadgets everywhere including while walking. Therefore, to create their focus while walking, there are leveling from the park to the coworking space, that is a circulation that must be passed, so visitors has to focus on looking forward when walking.



04 xy CENTER


Another strategy to make millennials or visitors forget the negative habits for a moment is the existence of an indoor park in the co-working space, which is also a circulation that must be passed to reach the main room, the communal workspace. Visitors are expected to see the activities at the park and get the meaning of socializing itself. Not only that, it is also expected that visitors could pay attention to the surroundings because they get a "presentation" of the natural surroundings. At this indoor garden, the circulation of visitors is also being presented to the visitors at the outside park. This indoor garden is made indoor and separated from the outside garden in order to maintain co-working privacy.




Facade is consists of gabion wall facade filled with rocks at the outside of the object. Not only for aesthetic purpose, this aims to create identity because of the large park function in this object so it will give a impression that is formed from the relation between buildings or masses and the park. At the top side of the facade there are vertical plants to presents the impression of "garden".

One of the advantages of Gabion Wall is it’s environmental friendly. Gabion wall is also the second layer or secondary skin for the object's wall, so it can block the heat that’s exposed directly to the object's wall. Also, the front side of the design object facing the west side.



05 magnified dorm

MagniďŹ ed Dorm is a small house (microhouse) with four college students as the main user, located in Rawamangun, DKI Jakarta, which is designed based on issues around the site such as population density and local population activities. The function and user target is based on one of the issues that is the activities of local residents, where the site is located in front of one of the university, so that many students both local or overseas live around the site.


At the communal space (family room), one side of the walls is a transparant wall (glass wall) oriented to the garden for good lighting and atmosphere.


05 magnified dorm



05 magnified dorm

There is an indoor artiďŹ cial vertical garden made of bamboos to separate the family room and the back side of the house (bath room, kitchen, and garden)



05 magnified dorm

MAGNIFY EFFECT This small expansion dorm has the concept of "magnify effect" that is an enlarged effect. This magnify effect not only affects the perspective of the occupants so they don’t feel that the space is small, but also from the outside observer's perspective. Big opening Bright color Rotation of mass Foldable furniture Sliding door

One of the magnify effect strategy in this design: The masses contains formed from a mass shaped rectangular cube that is divided as two (top mass and bottom mass) and the 0 top mass is rotated 10 . This mass composition has the purpose for the object looks larger from the observer's perspective.


A touch of bamboo for the facade, not only for aesthetic purpose, but also to play a role as the curtain from direct sunlight and sunheat


05 magnified dorm

The object designed thin for a better air circulation


Bamboo Brick Exposed (white polished)

Acid Exposed

Brick Wall cement finished


Brick Exposed (white polished) Brick Wall cement finished


05 magnified dorm





06 coworking food station

Co-Working Food Station is a food court which designed with considering urban issue, such as activities and density, as the main issue. This object located in Panglima Sudirman street which is one of Surabaya’s center that have office and other commercial buildings around. This food court named Co-Working Food Station is because the main concept that is “for working”, because of the main subject of this object is office workers from around the site, who sometimes still have to do their works anytime.


1st floor is used as a parking lot as the respond to the density issue or vehicle density. Color and texture are created from the material itself because they are exposed material consisting a combination of cement exposed, tile press, and vertical plants. For visitors who wants to work at the same time (which usually use electronic devices), a particular room is available and suitable for working, such as working room and meeting room, so they are not disturbed by other visitors and are not hunted by the possibility of other visitors who wants their seat.

visitors’ meeting room

visitors’ working room

The connector between the 1st floor and the 2nd floor is a ramp, considering the disabled visitors, also make it easier for visitors to bring food from the 1st floor


06 coworking food station



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