Lucrezia Biasutti 2016

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selected works - 2016

Lucrezia Biasutti

african trailer professional work

bio bird nest





C library darsena the informal market

13 x 13 house

det kreAktive vĂŚrft








curriculum vitae

Lucrezia Biasutti 03-12-1990 Øster Søgade 36 st. th. 1357 København K, DK +45 20319708

work experience



apr 2015-jan 2016

Architect Intern at COBE architects, Copenhagen


PR and social media manager at


Teaching assistant for ‘Theories of Architecture Design’, first year course at Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Facoltà di Architettura


International Tutor for exchange student at Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Facoltà di Architettura

sep 2010

Detailing and autocad drawing - part time at Archeng studio, Pordenone, Italy


UNIFE -Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) Master of Science in Architecture, final mark 110|110 with compliments


KADK -Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture ( Copenhagen, DK) Exchange student - Department 7 - Building and realization Thesis research - Department 1 - City and landscape


Scientific High School G. Marinelli, Udine (Italy) mathematics and physics program final mark 96/100

feb 2015 nov 2014 aug 2014

IFS 24 hours competition - Nowadays Nomadays - African school house trailer AWR Ideas competition - Copenhagen New Library 2.0 By&Havn Ideas competition- Fallesrum i Nordhavn - ude og inde 3rd PRIZE Nissan Skipass skipink 2012 edition - Graphic Competition 1st PRIZE AHEC Wooden Building - Architecture Student Competition 1st PRIZE

nov 2012 feb 2011 workshops

mar 2014 mar 2013 aug 2012 sep 2011

computer skills



Syria Pre-Post Change Program at Kadk - Copenhagen, Denmark Luiz Candela and traditional mexican architecture at UNAM -Mexico City, Mexico Accessible Mobility for public services and Cultural Heritage in Ahmedabad at NIT - Ahmedabad, India Wodden structures and technologies at Mak Holtz - Hainburg, Austria

2D drawing



3D modelling


Autocad **** Rhino ****

Photoshop **** Illustrator **** InDesign ****

VRay *** Cinema 4d ***

Rhino **** Allplan *** Sketchup **** Grasshopper *

Excel **** Word **** Powerpoint ***

italian english french

native language fluent intermediate

spanish danish norwegian

basic basic basic

Working experience as a event hostess and sport instructor for children. Practised sport at competitive level in gymnastics, athletics, sailing and orienteering. Climbing and skiing enthusiast.


Professional work


Esbjerg pedestrian bridge Second phase detailing Jan 2016 : LANDGANGEN ESBJERG. Second phase of the design of the promenade and pedestrian bridge in the town of Esbjerg in Denmark. Studies of several option for the urban furniture, foundation of the bridge, welding connections and integration of seatings in the structure of the bridge. I was in charge on the detailing of the elevator tower such as the green roof and window design. Task included 3d modelling, rendering of the option and design of elements and details down to a 1:5 technical scale.

Stavanger University Masterplan competition

Visualisering under trækronerne langs Boulevarden


Sept – Dec 2015: STAVANGER UNIVERSITET. Competition for the new masterplan for Stavanger University Campus in Norway. Collaboration with JAJA architects. New masterplan for the area of Stavanger University in Norway. 1 mln square meters of University buildings, public functions, offices, retail and hospital. I have been part of the competition from the concept phase to the delivery. I worked on the analysis studies, on the options for the plot structures and on the traffic structure. I also have been designing on the detail plan of the new Campus square. Tasks included conceptual sketches, 2d and 3d drawings, diagrams, final graphic editing of the masterplan and sections. Lokalcenteret er blevet et stærkt forankret bycentrum på Boulevarden, med blandede funktioner af handel, midlertidige boliger, caféer, restaurationsliv og levende byrum med forskellige aktiviteter.

Solvendt opholdsplads

Boulevarden er blevet en effektiv forbindelse mellem de forskellige kunnskapsklynger, en smart forbindelse der både håndterer kollektivtrafik, cyklister, cykelparkering, alternative mobilitetsformer, overfladevand og en lang række af situationer for uformelle møder mellem forskellige brugere og interessenter. Mediateket ligger som et ikon for lokalområdets blanding af funktioner og brugere, og er blevet en destination og mødested for hele Stavanger. I løbet af ugen er her forelæsninger, udstillinger og konferencer med liv til langt ud på aftenen. I weekenden kommer familier strømmende til for at bruge biblioteksfunktioner og legepladser samt ikke mindst den populære blå vandplads ved foodhallen og soppebassinet.


Med sin sydvendte placering, bliver pladsen mellem mediateket og eksisterende bygning en urban plads og det centrale mødested på boulevarden



Shared space




Et nye mediaket & lokalcenter bliver samlingspunktet for handel, events & udstilling

Den grønne forbindelse

3 klare pladsdannelser langs boulevarden til ophold, med hver deres identiet

Aktivitetsplads i mødet mellem boulevarden, ny bebyggelse og eksisterende NRK bygning


NRK ankomstplads Aktivitetsplads

En smart boulevard med fokus på mobilitet, integrerede afvandingsløsninger & plads til cykelparkering


Tårnet og ikonet skaber klare destinationer i hver ende af boulevarden

Kantzoner med handel, vandafledning og cykelparkering

Plan 1:750 af Boulevarden

Koge North Masterplan commission


April – Sept 2015 : KØGE NORD STATION PLANLÆGNING. Commissioned masterplan for the city Køge in Denmark. Collaboration with Dissing+Weitling Masterplan for the new residential area close to the new intermodal station in Køge north. I worked on the masterplan for 6 months from the beginning to the hand in to the Køge commune. I have been working on the concept development, distribution and traffic plans with focus on the new road system and parking solutions and water treatment. I have also been focused on the density studies as the as masterplan needed to be flexible to hosts from 800 to 1100 housing units. Tasks included 2d and 3d drawings, diagrams, visualizations and physical studies of the volumes.



Koge North station Second phase detailing June 2015 : KØGE NORD STATION. Detailed design of the new intermodal station for the city Køge in Denmark. Collaboration with Dissing+Weitling I worked on some solutions for the elevator case system and its integration with the platform. I also realized some section studies of the terrain and train tracks positions that were used in the communication with the engineers



competitions 2014 - 2015



IFS - 24 hours competition Mobile house and classroom for a teacher in Africa



By&Havn ideas competition

Fallesrum i Nordhavn - ude og inde

3rd prize




ATTRACTIONtoC The position of the library is on the dock of Copenhagen that has most traffic, due to the promenade that puts in direct connection two of the most touristic places in the city, Nyhavn and the little Mermaid. Therefore anything that is placed in this focal point of the city needs to create relations with the flows of tourists passing on the waterfront. The intention is either to attract the flow to climb and interact with the roof or to enter the court of the bulding, which becomes a public and sheltered place on the waterfront, embraced by the library. The higher facade of the building is oriented to look at both the waterfront and the two closer iconic buildings: the Opera house and the Royal playhouse. This public and transparent volume will work as the perfect and sheltered hotspot to admire the waterfront, relax and take pictures. From the outside the facade could be seen as a simple lantern that reflects its light on the water of the canal or it can be arranged with special lighting and projecting screens, that would work as a big interactive monitor for the whole city.


AWR ideas competition Copenhagen New Library 2.0

4 6

2 3




1 info|control 2 newspaper 3 lockers 4 kids 5 toilets 6 consultation 7 books 8 multimedia 9 cinema






3 2

2 4


1 info|control 2 study room 3 books 4 toilets




2 toilets 1 bar|bookshop




Architect Intern at COBE architects, Copenhagen PR and social media manager at Teaching assistant for ‘Theories of Architecture Design’, first year course at Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Facoltà di Architettura

Detailing and autocad drawing - part time at Archeng studio, Pordenone, Italy UNIFE -Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) Master of Science in Architecture, final mark 110|110 with compliments KADK -Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture ( Copenhagen, DK) Exchange student - Department 7 - Building and realization Thesis research - Department 1 - City and landscape Scientific High School G. Marinelli, Udine (Italy) mathematics and physics program final mark 96/100 IFS 24 hours competition - Nowadays Nomadays - African school house trailer AWR Ideas competition - Copenhagen New Library 2.0 By&Havn Ideas competition- Fallesrum i Nordhavn - ude og inde 3rd PRIZE Nissan Skipass skipink 2012 edition - Graphic Competition 1st PRIZE AHEC Wooden Building - Architecture Student Competition 1st PRIZE Syria Pre-Post Change Program at Kadk - Copenhagen, Denmark Luiz Candela and traditional mexican architecture at UNAM -Mexico City, Mexico Accessible Mobility for public services and Cultural Heritage in Ahmedabad at NIT - Ahmedabad, India Wodden structures and technologies at Mak Holtz - Hainburg, Austria

native language fluent intermediate 15

basic basic basic

academic projects 2012-2015


Refshaleøen, Copenhageh, Dk

Det KreAktive Værft

The shipyard in 1968

Copenhagen’s waterfront has undergone several major transformations following the transition of the commercial harbour from economic focal point to abandoned industrial wasteland. In recent years however, this area has slowly shifted from being neglected becoming the focus of a touristic and cultural re-evaluation. In the past, the general refurbishment strategy has focused on the transformation of the ex-industrial and harbour areas into new attractive points, developed by new global enterprises first, followed by cultural and leisure hotspots. This has been attempted through the construction of “ iconic” cultural and office buildings, designed by the most famous danish and international architecture firms. After this process the peninsula of Refshaleøen lays as the final remnant on the waterfront whose industrial structures remain almost entirely intact and on which real estate speculations have not yet been made. This artificial land was once created to host the B&W shipyard, a company that has been a fundamental pillar of the danish industrial growth in the 20th century. Currently, the area is well known in the city as the location of some of the largest festivals and summer events in the danish capital. Outside of these events, the area hosts a number of creative enterprises and sport facilities as well as artisanal workshops inside some of the refurbished buildings. However, the qualities of these blossoming enterprises are very difficult to appreciate, as they lay concealed inside the introverted industrial structures. Recognising the value of the industrial archeological patrimony together with the quality of the activities that take place inside it, the purpose of the thesis becomes the valorisation and enhancement of these existing qualities. These are intended both as informal and creative activities as well as the architectural structures of the old shipyard. The intent therefore is to intervene in the current moment of urban planning stasis with a project focused on reuse and reprogramming of existing structures. The project aims at starting with a temporary approach that transitions into becoming definitive, relaunching Refshaleøen and making it possible to integrate the existing program with a future urban planning of the area. The program of the project is the creation of an event “ focal point” inside one of the industrial volumes, that becomes the common reference element for the activities of the area and that could be used year around for events and expositions to become a showcase for the existing enterprises in the area and with the aim of hosting venues of a bigger scale. 17

size: L supervision: N. Marzot - UNIFE G. Saponaro- UNIFE J. Kvorning - Kadk M. Birgens - Kadk

final mark 110/110 cum Laude






view from the hall

Possible uses theater



various use of the bridge crane

teather isolation with panels

displacement of the creative community units

fashion show

art exhibition


Nørrebro, Copenhagen, DK

the informal market

watercolourviews viewsofofroof roofand andinteriors interiors watercolour


Nørrebro is the district in Copenhagen best known for its poly-cultural society, mostly of Middle Eastern or african. An enormous courtyard therefore, by facing the dynamic, multiethnic main street Nørrebrogade, became the perfect place for experimenting a new form of sociality, breaking the traditional rules of danish aggregration. The aim of the project is then to create a flexible market inside the courtyard, a public space where the multicultural multitude of Nørrebro can meet during the cold danish winters and sell their goods.

size: M supervision: J. Søndergaard, T. Ryborg Jørgensen - KADK collaboration w/ F. Moure

diagrams: access, private areas, trees, light path, views

Dep.7 - design studio

VIII semester


ForlĂŹ, IT

13 x 13 house


Sustainability is not only a matter of construction but also the ability of creating spaces that are easily reachable on foot, by bike or using public transportation. According to this target the masterplan of the area is structured in order to get easily to the nearby bus stops and to sew up with the pre existing cycling path. With the aim of avoiding the heat-island effect the area is organized by common and private green areas, taking also advantage of the presence of the small lake nearby. The trees are chosen between the typical flora of the region and by utility criteria to shield houses and paths from sun, eyesight or noise.

size: M supervision: P. Boarin - UNIFE collaboration w/ G. Lomarco, G. Versari

sustainable design studio

VI semester



When it comes to architecture design, the sustainable issue is often left behind. The aim of this project was indeed to start working out an idea for a single family house which is based completely on passive energy use, using the less necessary provision of cooling Filling the simple volume of a cube of 13 metres per side was the only basic instruction to follow. The obvious second step was to analyze deeply the climatic data of the project area. Rain, winds, sun height and temperature, examining the data to come out with the right strategy. And then it came the idea. The summer overheating was the main problem to avoid. So the cube offsets itself to create a light and sun-shading filtering case, separated from the building and slanting to the sun, protecting in a better way the windows on summer season.


Ferrara, IT



A vast neglected area in Ferrara, close to the city centre and confined by the ancient rinascimental wall and the Po di Volano river. Combining preservation and conservation with imperatives of modern planning and economic requirements of real estate the challenge was to relate with the complexity of the nearby historical urban tissue and raise the perception of this area as the link between the city and the river, togheter with the monumental presence of the wall. Facing a complex process as an urban planning, the target was to solve some issues about mobility and perception of the wall landmark. A comb-structured park, which connects the wall to the river, binds with a new bycicle bridge to create a waterfront with facilities, seconding the love that Ferrara people feels for the wall’s park and outdoor activities.

size: XL supervision: D.Pini - UNIFE collaboration w/ F. Conti, C. Sani

urban design studio

VI semester




other skills



detail / final

paper / cardboard

concept / masterplan

other materials

spaghetti / sugar


wood / paper


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