Lucuma 08

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Editor Steven Nicolaides

Design New Gaia Designs

Writers Steven Nicolaides

www.lú Irene Arango Rich Havardi Heather Gardner Vienda Maria Caroline Ospalla Elizabeth Montgomery Den Poitras Laura-Jane (The Rawtarian) Dina Gitziou Front & Back Cover ‘Dolphin Spirit ’ by Malcolm Horton

Advertising Om Noms, Goodies, Adornments

www.lú © Lúcuma No part of this magazine can be reproduced without our permission Information in Lúcuma is for information only and no part of it is a substitute for health diagnosis, care or treatment. Lúcuma and its contributors, editors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or any party on basis of reading information, stories contributions or advertisements in this publication, website or related product.


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HIGH hope you like Dolphins because there are lots of them this issue! From the Dolphins of Atlantis to the magical art of Malcolm Horton, and even dolphins on a t-shirt! The way Dolphins live life is a huge inspiration for me. They spend their days having fun, riding waves of bliss and passion.

Be a Joyrider! Dolphins have become a symbolic animal for the new wave of spirituality which has as its main teaching “follow your joy” and indeed our motto at Lúcuma is “surfing the waves of change”. By being in that vibration we are then able to untangle from the mess that we may be in, so we can turn misery and dissatisfaction into happiness and satisfaction. It might sound easy to live like a dolphin, to harvest energies of joy and excitement, yet sometimes it’s difficult to actually embody that so that it becomes our nature. We tend to worry over events and decisions instead of being grace in motion. Years of programming and suffering have created bad habits and beliefs that keep us stuck in patterns that don’t serve us - or the planet for that matter! That’s why it’s important to practice mindfulness to pay attention to ones feelings which are an invaluable guide. I also think we can benefit from simple relaxation meditations and grounding, which will help uncover any bad ‘scripts’ lurking in the sub conscious. We are capable of reprogramming ourselves, for if we can be in a state of disorder then we can be in a state of order too. I always start every issue with the word ‘High’ because if there is one thing which sums up what we all need, it’s higher states of consciousness! From a higher state of mind we can access our template levels, we can see answers to problems and we can let go of what we no longer need. A note from Steven Nicolaides Founder of Lúcuma Magazine 11.04.14

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Imagine a place where you can eat delicious raw vegan

food for breakfast, swim with wild dolphins during the

day, do yoga in the afternoon and watch the sunset on the beach! That place exists and it is the Atlantis

rejuvenation centre (ARC) which rests fifty miles off the coast of Miami on the small island of Bimini - believed by many to be near the site of ’Atlantis’. Enjoy an interview

with the inspirational and fascinating founder of ARC -


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Jenny Yemana Cook.

Tales of Atlantis, and magical dolphin encounters await you!


Questions by Steven Nicolaides Photos taken on location at the ARC, Bimini

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What makes you sure that Bimini is close to the location of Atlantis? Edgar Cayce’s books were my introduction to the theory that the last portions of Atlantis above the waves today were located in Bimini. When I read this back in 1998 I felt such a strong resonance with the information that I set out on a mission to prove it to myself. I arrived on the island after traveling around the Mayan Pyramid sites in Mexico and Guatemala, all the time with a knowing that I had to get to the origins of these ancient civilisations which always led back to Atlantis. About 3 weeks into my first stay on Bimini I had a very vivid dream, that I was back thousands of years in time performing a ceremony, standing in a sacred stone circle on the edge of a harbour peninsular. There was a stone on the east alignment with an eye carved into it and I knew that this site which was in Miami was in a direct east-west alignment with the Atlantis Bimini site 50 miles off shore. There were other artifacts around me, a dolphin skeleton, shells, it was all very vivid. When I woke from my dream I asked the people I was staying with (who were from Miami) if there was such a circle, they said no and laughed at me, thinking I was a bit off the wall! They left to head back to their farm in Miami, but returned to the island a month later. The guy said to “i don’t know how you do that funny stuff and I don’t want to know, but that dream you told me about, well, they just discovered it last week under the foundations of an old apartment building. It’s being excavated and is called The Miami Circle, located at the mouth of the Miami river on a harbour peninsular known as Brickell Point”. It was the confirmation for me of this whole area being formally a part of Atlantis and my intuitive feelings that I had been here before.


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How does the special energy around Bimini and the Bermuda triangle affect visitors to the island and the permanent residents? Bimini is a powerful vortex, with two main sites, the land vortex where the energy lines run through the island and the Atlantis vortex, about 45 miles off shore where the epicenter is of the electromagnetic grid. All navigational equipment goes crazy there, compasses spin randomly, the energy is palpable. Every group that I have led there have all had very similar rememberances and experiences, flash backs to past lives in Atlantis are common, it can be very emotional. As with any vortex, It can bring up the good and the bad, so life living here is not for everyone! For some the energies are too intense and can tip people over the edge in terms of drinking, for others it is a deeper connection to source. Island life is very laid back here, its like being in another world and a great place to escape our every day norms. When you head out of the door each day, you never know quite what to expect! As things on a small island can change in an instance. You have no real choice but to go with the flow!

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Dolph ins te playf in th ulness, tr ach us jo y e mo ment ust, how , to be so m , w e c uch f rom t an learn hem

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Do you have any memories of living in Atlantis? What was it like, and what was their relationship to Dolphins, Porpoises and Whales? Yes I have had strong recollections of my life in Atlantis while I was at the Vortex. Life was lived in accordance to sacred laws, communication was telepathic, healing was abundant with crystals, light and sound being utilized. People recognised the highly evolved star beings that the dolphins and whales are, that they too were using the grid underwater for communicating and healing, as we were on land, it was all interconnected. But as with todays parallel reality, peoples love of greed, power and personal gain got out of control and notice was given to those of us in alignment with the source that we had to take the knowledge off to other corners of the globe. As we left on board crafts that were like ships but not powered as we know them today, the realization hit us that those left behind would be destroyed in the cataclysm that ensued. This recollection was deeply moving for me. At the same time I was told I was here in this lifetime to re-create a center here in Bimini/Atlantis, focused on the laws of that time, to bring balance & light back to this point on the planetary grid, from where it emanates out. Hence my 13 year dream to create a center here with culminated in creating The Atlantis Rejuvenation Center here in Bimini in 2012.

Do you think Dolphins have a role to play in the evolution of Human consciousness? Dolphins, whales and all animals have a huge role in teaching us humans, they are the best example of unconditional love and care for others not even of the same species, this has been shown for generations with dolphins rescuing humans in distress. They teach us joy, playfulness, trust, how to be in the moment, we can learn so much from them.

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dy o b y m t n h i g l i l l e c w ects e y n r e v ff th e i e f w e i h s n t a u l t p e l s I fe been ould fe wards had y and c ks after e g e r e w n e for 3

Do guests ever get a sense of the healing power or insight of the dolphins? We have had a number of miraculous healing encounters with the dolphins, a child with autism who spoke for the first time saying “Mama” after seeing the dolphins, another child who arrived in a wheelchair with cerebral palsy who started walking again and feeding himself. Personally I have encountered their ability to heal heartbreak and depression when a dolphin came up to me, pressed its rostrum against my third eye and sonared right through me. I felt as if every cell in my body had been spun with new light energy and could feel the effects for 3 weeks afterwards. Recently we had a man who had lost his wife to cancer and also was suffering from Cancer himself, he had a very close one to one encounter with the dolphins and was visibly transformed with new life force after he came out of the water. It was like witnessing a different person emerge. When he got back to the UK, his doctor said his tumor has shrunk miraculously. You cannot help but be touched by their presence, even those who stay on the boat can feel it.

Can one feel the dolphins sonar? Yes, the sonar can be quite intense, depending on how close the dolphins are. If they feel you need healing, they will focus it on you and the vibrations can be felt through your cellular memory.


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The up t one wo he w rd th hole at s is ‘B exper ums ienc LISS e !’ # 8



Have you heard any accounts of people communicating with the dolphins telepathically even out of the water? Guests often say the dolphins have appeared in their dreams or meditations and that they know we are about to have an incredible encounter that day, which we always do. So yes, I believe the dolphins tune into us. Sometimes it can take some time to find the dolphins as they are wild and can be anywhere, just as I am about to drift off into a doze on the boat, I suddenly get a flash of dolphins in my half consciousness and then the dolphins show up, so I believe if we can find that quiet space to tune in, we can hear them.

What is the group energy like on a typical excursion to swim with the wild dolphins? The one word that sums up the whole experience is “Bliss�. Peoples expressions are child like wonder at the beauty and connection we share with these wild free beings. After meeting the dolphins for the first time there are often tears of joy and slight overwhelming feelings of acceptance and gratitude. As the week goes on, people gain more confidence in the water and total playfulness takes over, its like an underwater ballet with us and the dolphins, It is a life changing experience.


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It’s l ike with an u us a nder It is nd th wate a lif e do r bal expe e chan lphins let rien ging , ce

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The ARC The ARC is a special sacred place, a world away from the normal confines of modern day life. We have put together all of the modalities that have healed our own lives, raw vegan food that rivals the best restaurants around the world, intuitive yoga, healing therapies and massage, along with the healing power of the dolphins. We offer our own retreats year round and are also available for facilitated group hire, private hire and workshops. We sleep up to 20 people, have the best sunrises, sunsets and beaches, bliss guaranteed! We are located just 50 miles from Miami or Ft Lauderdale by ferry or plane. The ARC (Atlantis Rejuvenation Center), Bimini Island, Bahamas

website: email:



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PARTHENOGENESIS: women’s long-lost ability to self-conceive Part 1: A crash course on parthenogenesis, or virgin birth. by Den Poitras


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wing to a painful confrontation with my mortality, caused by a bungled surgical procedure which required nineteen days of hospitalization back in 2009, I felt both compelled and obliged to write down, and post on the web, the full extent of my knowledge regarding parthenogenesis. There are no experts in this field, and I certainly don’t claim to be one, nevertheless, at present, it represents over 40 years of searching, re-searching and contemplation. You should know this rare “subject of subjects” is as bottomless as the sea. Don’t worry, I’ve no ax to grind against men, no book to sell, as yet, and no religion to promote or put down. Entertaining information about Virgin or Divine Birth will not make sex, as we know it, to disappear. It also doesn’t imply that children born through “normal” conceptions are somehow inferior, or come into this world without gifts. All children are sacred, so Blessed Be The Children! (This is also the title of the art-work of mine.) Is parthenogenesis real or not? Do children born this way possess special abilities? If you make it through the first part, I’m sure you’ll want to read Part 2, ‘The Story of Laurie’. (In the next issue of Lúcuma) (Please note that, much of this knowledge in Part 1, was gleamed from the personal libraries of the founders of Hippocrates Health in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1969, when I was 18 years old. In this beginner’s phase of exploration curiosity almost killed the cat, but later on, satisfaction brought him back, as more arcane facts and inspiring people came my way during my late teens and early twenties.) Parthenogenesis: from the Greek, partheno---of virgin origin. It is said that Buddha’s mother conceived her son when in a state of blissful meditation under a banyan tree. Mary conceived Jesus in more or less the same way. It’s also been said that Leonardo Divinci, possibly Joan of Ark, Mary, one of our Saint Catherine’s, Moses, (floating down a river in a basket?)


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pp Virgin Birth, by Den Poitras Zoroaster, Plato and scores more geniuses, visionaries and healers throughout history are claimed to have came about this way. If many of the lower species can and do conceive parthenogenetically, I don’t think it’s too shocking to assume that humans can too. Based on this fact alone I can’t imagine why scientists are not more curious like they were over hundred years ago when the famous biologist, Jacques Loeb realized that: “The Male is not necessary for reproduction. A simple physio-chemical agent in the female is enough to bring it about.” Though it’s been said that no mammals have been known to have given birth parthenogenetically, Jacques Loeb got monkey, chicken and rabbit embryos to fertilize through various means like electrical fields and saline solutions. (Update: I’ve got Google set up to send along stories about parthenogenesis and virgin birth. The latest news from Google is a report about an anteater, in captivity, and with no male around, gave birth parthenogenetically.) When a single, tiny sperm penetrates a woman’s unfertilized egg there is an implosion of light or energy in its center that is visible under the microscope, via infra-red

photography. One could say this is the moment when spirit enters matter. The size of the egg itself in comparison to the humble sperm speaks volumes. There are different schools of thought regarding this moment of conception, which I’ve heard referred to as “epigenesis”. Does that single sperm carry a simple electrical charge to the egg, or is it purely chemical? Can the electrical charge, or chemical formula, be artificially reproduced? Considering how little it takes to stimulate an unfertilized egg into activity, it doesn’t seem so impossible that a woman, in a state of superior alkaline health, and engaged in a sacred women’s dance/trance ceremony couldn’t self-conceive. “The life-force itself acts as a fecundating power. This leads the way to a creative mutation, a new product of evolution, a new type of human being who is not born from ancestors and is consequently free from the inertia and karma of mankind’s past.” - Dane Rudhyur Does this mean that the male-influence, through normal sex, interferes with the conception of highly evolved beings? This makes it tempting to think of normal children as being tarnished or degenerate, but let’s not go there and, instead, let’s keep our


chins up and try to understand what Mother Nature has to tell us. Here’s a quote from Professor Francis Lester Ward: “Women are the race itself---the strong primary sex, and men the biological afterthought.” The first few months of human life in the womb are spent in female form. If/when it is to become a male, then the ovaries descend to become testicles and the clitoris elongates into a penis. Guys are nature’s second choice. We’re here to insure the survival of the species because it is difficult, or impossible, for the majority of women to procreate on their own and, of course, because sex is so damn wonderful, at least for most of us. Sex, especially when blended with love, is a deeply powerful pleasure. If we are considerate, careful and loving, then, when engaging with the fire of sex, we’re unlikely to get burned. Sexual love is like a serpent of fire. We must tread carefully, applying as much compassion to match our passion--this helps to raise our kundalini energy from the base of the spine, through the heart, and up into our crown chakra. The Immaculate Conception is simple, lovely, gentle, and natural, or shall I say super-natural. It’s super because of how close to the laws of nature that a woman must be in, in order to conceive in such a manner. Most of us are super-far-away from nature. If we live super-close to nature then super-natural things might occur such as, super health, vivid dreams, clairvoyant visions, and/or simple feelings of happiness. Just for the record, I don’t like to use the term “immaculate” because it implies that there’s something dirty about sex. I use it sparingly, and only because we are most familiar with this term. “That the immaculate conception has been made to appear miraculous and supernatural, a solitary event incapable of repetition and something which every rational and scientific mind must reject as absurd, has prevented the birth of many individuals like Jesus, and greater ones during the last several thousand years” - the ‘Mysteries Of Human Reproduction’ by Dr. Raymond Bernard.

OJIBWA CEREMONY Now we’re going to take a look at an Ojibwa conception ceremony that I stumbled on in the early 1970s, which came my way because I had been asked to read and write a review about a book regarding the Ojibwa, or Chippewa people. The review was published in a small American Indian magazine called: Many Smokes Magazine. I’ve spent hours trying to track down this book, as I’ve forgotten the title and author, but I well remember that the author had spent a decade re-searching oral stories, from the Ojibwa elders, that existed before the coming of the white-man. One such story, that peaked my interest, was about how their wise-women looked for certain young maidens that possessed a great degree of grace, intelligence and compassion. Sometimes a candidate for conceiving and giving birth the “old way” wouldn’t show up for a generation or two. Nevertheless, these wise-women kept an eagle-eye open for such candidates and, when found, providing she was willing, her instructions began. It was soon made clear to the village that men were not allowed to court her.

would be possible for her to conceive. They knew that a child born this way could become a great leader, healer, or visionary. The Great Spirit, it was thought, would know what gifts the child should have in order to match the currant needs of the tribe. I believe this is what happened among The Essenes who once lived along The Dead Sea over 2,000 years ago, and from which Jesus originated. It’s my guess that the Essenes had either planned his birth, or somehow had known in advance, and had made the necessary preparations. I’ve read channeled information that stated how Hanna, (or Ann) conceived Mary parthenogenetically, and it was prophesied that Mary would, in turn, conceive Jesus in the same way. I might also say, at this point, that this “old way” of conceiving and giving birth, was considered a no-no during a time when patriarchy was firmly established. Was this why King Herod felt so threatened, enough so that he tried to have all the new born males put to death in his kingdom?

When she reached the age of fertility, her first period, she was instructed to fast for several days. Perhaps special herbs were used while participating in rigorous sweat-lodge ceremonies. Then she was encouraged to dance for hours and hours around a fire in a sacred women’s lodge built far away from the village. I’m sure there are many more details to this ceremony that were left unsaid. I would venture to say, at least, that an awareness of the candidate’s menstrual cycle, as in when she would be most fertile, was considered. Most likely, throughout her time of dancing, she would attempt to enter a state of bliss, a physio-spiritual orgasm, if you will, during which, according to the Ojibwa wise-women’s knowledge, it

pp Blessed be the Children by Den Poitras # 8



Science has stated repeatedly that the law of parthenogenesis results in the birth of females only. This has been shown to occur in animal, insect and microscopic species, but it may operate differently among humans, for there is a visionary power us humans possess. The Sanskrit term for it is Kriyashakti or, in short, Shakti; the mysterious power of thought which enables us to produce external, perceptible, phenomenal results by its own inherent energy. Any idea will manifest itself externally if one’s attention is deeply concentrated. (2013 Google update: komodo dragons give birth to males through parthenogenesis, especially when there is a shortage of them. Also, Google reported that, in 2012, a snake in captivity gave birth to a male through parthenogenesis.) If a woman envisions a boy it’s quite possible she will give birth to one. As a rule, female births are the result of parthenogenesis. Up until these above findings were reported, science was quite firm in stating that females and females only, are produced by parthenogenesis. Need it be said that science, open-minded science, must always make adjustments to new evidence? “In the Mother Cell begins all living things. The Creative Principle is feminine. The highest divine mystery is Brahamana, the feminine of Brahma.” (According to Hindu mythology) Now let’s take a look at the presence of the hymen in women. Other than us humans, only one species of whale has a hymen, but it is to keep sea-water out. Among us humans the hymen remains a “medical mystery”. Some folks think it’s there merely as fodder for comedians. Is it there because Nature, the Great Conservative, has a higher form of conception and birth in mind for women? Among other “medical mysteries” are dermoid cysts. Looking them up in Chambers Medical Dictionary, under Medio-logical Records, one finds; “dermoid cystic growths; embryonic growths, or tumor-like formations found in women, and are of congenital origin, containing evidence of being dejecta membra, or the remains of pregnant growths, in the embryonic fetal period of gestation, somewhat akin to the primary state of being with child. “Some of these dermoid cysts, sometimes mistaken by surgeons for tumors, but really are embryos, are similar in all respects to the products of female gestation, containing bones, hair, teeth, flesh, glands, portions of the scalp, face, eyes, ribs, short, all the organs of the human body...what else could they be but virgin embryos in the process of development?” -Raymond Bernard


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The following is from a news item (as of Oct.’09) : “A dermoid cyst, also known as benign cystic teratoma, which develops “from germ cells, which are primitive cells that are capable of producing eggs and all human tissues,” - Quoted by Dr. Judith Reichman on MSNBC’s web-site. And again: “A dermoid cyst is formed if the germ cells multiply bizarrely without fertilization, forming an encapsulated tumor that contains hair, sebaceous or oil materials, cartilage, bone, neural tissue and teeth.” I would ask how this could happen without fertilization. Perhaps no egg is necessary for parthenogenesis? I’ve recently talked to a geniusinventor, an American guy with hundreds of patents to his name, who told me that, while his mother was under anesthesia during an operation to remove her cancerous ovaries, she had an ecstatic, out-ofbody experience in which she was told that she just conceived a child, a child that would have many gifts to share with the world. This new, inventor friend of mine called me, after he read an earlier version of this article, because he felt in was important to share his birth story with me. In a lecture delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine in 1933, on “Immaculate Conception--a Scientific Possibility”, Dr. Walter Timme, eminent endocrinologist, presented evidence to prove that Immaculate Conception is physiologically possible. The parovarium of the female reproductive organs, he claims, in some cases can produce living spermatozoa capable of impregnating eggs in the same body, causing them to develop without male fertilization. They’ve been known to appear in young girls, from age 8 to 16, and that have their hymens intact. Unbeknownst to them, one of their eggs had parthenogenetically been fertilized and then had stopped developing and, typically getting trapped in their fallopian tube, had to be removed, as the failed embryo had become toxic. There is reason to believe that parthenogenesis was the primordial form of re-production for all life, while sexual generation (epigenesis) arose later as a result of inferior environmental and nutritive conditions resulting in diminished fertility. I repeat, males develop in order to insure the survival of the species. Yeah guys, we’re around to kick up a little dust, to create some healthy trouble, hopefully speaking, and to make sure life goes on.


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archeo-parthenology “The Partheogenetic goddess has been the most persistent feature in the archeological record” - Marija Gimbutas Now we move along into another field of inquiry-archaeology. The above quote is from a ground-breaking (pun intended) archaeological book: ‘The Language of The Goddess’, by Marija Gimbutas. Along with many leading archaeologists before her, she unearthed hundreds of female effigies and artifacts from ancient, pacific, matriarchal cultures in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. By decoding these findings, from her personal digs, she came to that startling conclusion written above. This book was a gift to me from a dear womanfriend. I simply love it. Marija Gimbutas has become my personal dig, if you know what I mean. Among such artifacts are phallus-shaped objects. Honestly, they look like ancient versions of today’s dildos. Did these matriarchal women use them in rituals? Did such rituals produce orgasmic states of consciousness? Were these rituals lesbian in nature? Were they used in some type of masturbatory ceremony? Were these rituals performed for the purpose of selfconceiving? Whether we are comfortable, or not, discussing this further, we must face the fact that normal sex, pregnancy and birth are messy, and there’s no reason to think that a virgin conception is necessarily much different. After reading her beautiful book it wasn’t clear enough how and why Marija concluded that “The Parthenogenetic Goddess has been the most persistent feature in the archaeological record?” We’ll never know, as Marija passed along into the next world in 1994. I went to a lecture she was giving that same year in Boston but she had been too ill to appear, and she had appointed woman-speaker to take her place.


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When the Q & A portion of the lecture began, I posed, to this representative of hers, a question regarding Marija’s above quote, but she drew a blank. In fact, she seemed perturbed about my inquiry. Still, this aside, Marija’s book stirred up the archaeological world (consisting mostly of men) and it makes for a great read, whose images alone will enter and haunt one’s consciousness. (A book directly inspired by Marija’s work, titled, ‘The Chalice and The Blade’, is another must-read.) Thanks to the meticulous scholarship of Marguerite Rigoglioso, author of ‘The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece’ and ‘Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity’, she not only makes it crystal clear that the early Greek priestesses practiced the art/science of parthenogenesis but also establishes that they acquired such knowledge from Egypt---most likely from the priestesses associated with the Temple of Hathor. Goddess Hathor, a very non-Egyptian face, is carved and placed on top of numerous columns in her temple. (There are no males depicted on any of these columns.) Hidden, ironically, for all of us to see, is her resemblance to a woman’s most sacred organ of creation-the uterus! Also, as most of us know, the uterus has long been associated with the ever-fertile astrological sign of Taurus. I wonder how many of our grand, ancient cultures practiced parthenogenesis, and how much it contributed to its inherent genius? Knowledge of Divine Birth has been hidden and forbidden for untold centuries. Gone, but not lost, is what I say. For, a redwood tree, even when cut down, continues to secretly thrive, owing to its deep root system. At this point I’d like to suggest that we initiate a new field of inquiry, one that gathers information about ancient cultures that may have practiced the art/science of parthenogenesis. Perhaps it could be called archeoparthenology. What do you think?


It’s my humble opinion that Isis, Hathor, Athena and all the Goddesses are in the process of being unveiled. I’m no longer a solitary participant in this exciting process that’s unfolding, as hundreds and thousands of people everywhere are beginning to uncover HER many truths. Truths that are vital to our sanity, if not to our very survival. In the mid 80’s a woman friend told me of a letter that was circulating among the gay community in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was from a lesbian couple that had been together for around ten years, and they were wondering if anyone could help them to understand how one of them kept getting mysteriously pregnant, and then going through the harrowing experience of miscarrying. I told her to have them get in touch with me, that maybe I could tell them what little I could, but I never heard anything more about it. I’ve heard of stories wherein a man and woman, in the heat of a passionate embrace, whether clothed or naked, can induce the process of conception. Needless to say, there would be no penal penetration. or involvement with his seed in any way. All right, some of you may be thinking that it couldn’t be much fun for the guy, having his climax indefinitely postponed, at least until through other means later on, which most of us guys are familiar with, but this above mentioned method, or ritual, could indeed have been designed to invite the magic of parthenogenesis. Over all, I don’t think it’s too much of a sacrifice for a man to make in participating in such a lofty ritual whose purpose, I’m sure, would have been clear to him, and for which he would have received instructions. This could have been, and could be again, a way for a guy to be a hero, at least for a day. (Sounds like a David Bowie song.) Under the best of circumstances it’s been said that achieving a virgin-conception is relatively rare. In closing, it sure would be a blessing if someone, somewhere had any information at all regarding rituals, ceremonies or techniques that could make parthenogenesis possible once again. Perhaps this is too much to hope for.

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Mystery of menstruation Our next topic is the mystery of menstruation. I’ll start off with an anecdote that came from a study done in Japan in the 1950’s---if my memory serves me well. “Anthropoid apes, our closest biological cousins, have a monthly period while in captivity and subsiding on an artificial diet. When returned to their natural habitat and diet they will bleed in the spring and fall like most mammals.” -Anonymous The root philosophy at Hippocrates Health Institute, where I lived and worked for about a year or so in 1969, is that “Life Comes Only From Life”. After only a month or two, of subsisting on this living-food diet, some women experienced a noticeable reduction of blood-loss during menstruation, and the overall discomfort and cramps they usually experienced practically vanished. One woman in particular, who I got to know as a sister, lost her period completely and enjoyed total health. I also met several women who went through extended fasts of one month or more. They either had no periods at all or their menstruation consisted of a day’s worth of seeing a small amount of blood mixed with their urine, and no PMS. It’s also quite common that many women athletes lose their periods. Nonmenstruating women, whether they be athletes or not, and providing they are on a (super)-natural diet, faithfully practicing yoga, or getting lots of vigorous exercise, enjoy a superior, overall health with a robust vitality. They’re able to re-absorb vitamins, minerals and hormones otherwise lost during menstruation. I should say that women on a normal, civilized diet should have their period. This is nature’s way of cleaning house. In closing, a woman’s moon-cycle, her “blood-rite”, is a sacred occurrence. Women should always feel proud to be so close to Nature, whether they bleed or not! However, being a man, this is easy for me to say. I do not encourage anyone to practice this raw-food lifestyle unless one truly studies the subject in depth with experienced teachers. A commitment to this lifestyle


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is difficult to sustain in the modern world. Yet, if a woman succeeds at doing so, and eliminates the accumulative toxins and acids found in a civilized diet, she will get to “stand on the moon”-and from there, who knows? There are countless artistic depictions of Mary, and many other Virgin-Goddess-Mothers, standing on the Crescent Moon. Did our ancestors know that women had to rise above the moon (menstruation) in order to immaculately conceive? It seems obvious they did and, from what I’ve observed thus far, a clean, living food diet might be necessary for eliminating menstruation and could well be the foundation for divine birth. Also, I’ve learned that another possible requirement for parthenogenesis is the presence of alkalinity, and it’s been proven that a proper raw-food diet does indeed alkalize our bloodstream. In a way, we are like alkaline batteries---80% alkaline, 20% acid---which allows our bodies to hold our electrical field, or life-force, in full. If this balance is upset, as in a “civilized” diet, which produces excessive amounts of acid, the life-force fails to fill the body and illness results. Compare the superiority of a modern, alkaline battery to the inferior, oldfashion battery grandpa had in his Model-T Ford. This 80/20 formula, though unequal in appearance, is how alchemy’s “golden elixir” is achieved; it’s also how a balance of Yin-Yang takes place. On the macro level, if women were in charge of 80% of our body politic, it’s my opinion that the world would better off for it. “I’m waiting for the women to take over.” -Leonard Cohen Celibacy becomes a kind of natural reward for following a raw-food diet. The sex-drive is gracefully sublimated, not repressed or denied for moral or religious reasons which, as we have seen in the news, proves disastrous. Practitioners of this unnatural, forced, subduing of sexual energy, will eventually get bit by the snake they are trying to conquer. Through personal experience I can attest to the happy sublimation of the sex-drive and the increased sense of peace and vitality that accompanies it.

Celibacy, like virginity, is renewable and, apparently, is a requirement for a woman to achieve a divine conception. In other words, she doesn’t have to be a “virgin” in the sense that she never had sex with a man, and it’s important to note that parthenogenesis is not without having it’s own brand of eroticism. Without a doubt, a high-voltage spiritual energy is present during a divine conception, but it is taking place within the flesh and blood of a woman. As mentioned earlier, a voluntary or non-voluntary ecstatic-orgasm is likely and logically necessary for a parthenogenetic conception. A civilized diet amplifies our need to procreate. It’s obvious to me that the human race has been for centuries in a perpetual, autumnal state of going to seed. As we know, many plants, and numerous other species and life forms, go to seed, or lay their eggs, just before dying, in preparation for winter. Is our population of 7 billion, and counting, heading for it’s own brand of winter? But let’s not sink into a doomsday mind-set. By “being fruitful and multiplying” we’ve succeeded all too well. This would be good, and still can, but we don’t seem to be able to get along with each other---not to mention the strain our billions are having on the earth’s resources. This is old news, and you’ll not ever hear me say that sex is wrong or evil. Still, 50% of marriages end in divorce; and think of rape, disease, unplanned pregnancies; as well as overpopulation, and the endless battle between the sexes. Oh well, we must pay the fiddler for our modern lifestyles. I know I have, and still do, from time to time. In almost every culture on earth and, in almost every major religion, stories of The Virgin Birth abide. The following is an old Fijian legend: “There was a great chief in Tonga who had an exceedingly beautiful daughter. He hid her from the eyes of men, for he had never seen one worthy to be her husband. Down on the sea-beach he built a fence, thick, strong and high. Here she used to bathe, after which it was her custom to lie down for a time upon the clean white sand within the fence, that she


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with the Return of the Sacred Feminine, parthenogenesis is becoming known to us once again

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might rest a while, and that her body might dry. So it came to pass that the Sun looked down upon her, and saw her and loved her; and in the course of time a child was born to her, whose name she called Sun-child”. History claims that virgin-born children were profound peacemakers, architects, healers, visionaries, inventors, artists, philosophers and so on. Some, like Jesus, or like Yogi’s from India, had so-called “miraculous” powers. At this point we need to ask if all parthenogenetic children arrive gifted into this world. There’s no proof that a miraculously born soul is guaranteed to possess any special gifts whatsoever, never mind any super-human powers. They could be as normal as any other child. It’s been said that they will, at the very least, have simple humanistic gifts, like humility and compassion, and would probably not want anyone to know of their special conception. You’d be surprised how many strange birth stories that I keep hearing about from men and women alive today. Through emails and comments, this article is creating a steady flow of such stories. Parthenogenesis appears to be occurring in its own haphazard way, whether we believe in it or not. I’m searching for re-searchers, factfinders, fact-checkers, and anyone in earnest to uncover more about human parthenogenesis. It’s my passionate belief that virgin birth is the jewel in the crown of creation; it’s the tip of an iceberg

of an emerging knowledge, a sacred, feminine knowledge that could lead to the appearance of some very talented people who will help us solve some of our most troublesome problems. Also, it’s return could well be the straw that breaks the back of patriarchy. But is it truly possible to prepare a woman for such a feat? Would any among us be courageous enough to attempt it? Maybe it has nothing to do with courage and more to do with a gentle return to nature. I mentioned “us” because men could help out as guides, protectors, and “heroes” as mentioned earlier---we can be modern day Josephs to new age Mary’s. I’m not suggesting that we try to create a master race. This thought is both scary and silly. Yet, with the Return of the Sacred Feminine, parthenogenesis is becoming known to us once again and, when it goes viral, which I predict will occur soon, I wonder what “butterfly effect” it will have. Some men, and patriarchal women, may feel threatened, for one reason or another, even though it’s clear to me that the Rebirth of the Sacred Masculine will take place too. (Us guys are working on it, right?) Also, we should bear in mind that, with every woman that is liberated, so too is a man. “Men need to be more like women, women need to be more like themselves” - Erica Jong

vinegar! They will not disappear. Yet us men must eat some humble pie if we’re going to be open to these truths that are “too important to be new”. Speaking as a normal, red-blooded American guy, I can say that, once I opened Pandora’s Box and got freaked out by Medusa (women’s mysteries) I didn’t shrink or crumble and I actually feel better for having satisfied my curiosity and enlightened my mind. At least I don’t feel so left out of the loop of this ancient/modern knowledge. Also, as a nonviolent warrior of the rainbow, I would want to know, and do something about, all my weaknesses before heading into battle, with knowledge being my best defense. I sincerely believe that truth will set us free, the more the merrier. That being said, as I approach 63 years of age, I still feel dumb. I’m not a scientist and I never had the opportunity to attend college. I’ll end this crash course on parthenogenesis with a quote from Professor Lester Ward: “Women are the race itself....the strong primary sex, and man the biological afterthought.” I had been contemplating most of what been said so far since 1969 and, as eye-popping as it was, it all remained as purely speculative knowledge, at least until I had been blessed with the unforeseen opportunity to meet Laurie. See Part 2 ‘The Story of Laurie’ in the next issue of Lúcuma.

Men are wonderfully filled with spark and creativity or, simply said, with piss and

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Floating Works! at the

Floatworks... Flotation tanks have been around a while but we think they haven’t been given the credit they deserve. They are deeply relaxing for the physical body but also spiritually stimulating... Especially if they are ‘done right’, and at the Floatworks in London, it certainly is!

by Steven Nicolaides


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lotation tanks are large spaceage looking pods filled with water that is saturated with enough espom salt to make you float! The only other way you could experience this is if you traveled to a salt saturated body of water like the famous Dead Sea in the Middle East. There are many benefits to be gained from floating - such as alleviating muscular aches and pains, relieving joint pain, improving circulation, promoting deep states of relaxation, stimulating left/ right brain synchronisation, promoting creative thinking, inducing visions and more!

The Floatworks The entrance to the Floatworks at 1 Thrale Street could easily be missed if you happened to be walking by. It’s just a doorway with a small sign above it. I ring the buzzer and I’m ‘buzzed in’. As I descend into the basement it already feels like I’m escaping the chaos of London Bridge (which is minutes away) I love how it feels like a secret entrance to a subterranean stress free world! The lighting is also perfect - very minimal which puts you in the mood to drift away. The cavernous walls look like they have been carved out of rock with lots of comforting curves.


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For first timers there is a form to fill in and a briefing on the procedure. Guests must first shower and it is recommended to not shave 1 day before a float as the salt in the tank can irritate freshly shaved skin. After a change into the slippers provided you are then escorted to your flotation suite. There are 9 suites in total which consist of a room with the flotation tank, a shower and space to change. TIP: I recommend you hire the towels for £1 as its a lot more convenient than bringing your own and much less hassle! For the first 10 minutes of the session ambient music is played whilst you prepare for the float.

Getting in! The epsom salt solution actually feels great! It’s silky soft and heated to body temperature (360C) which aids in the relaxation process. Epsom salt has also been shown to be beneficial to the skin so their is no need to worry about all that salt on the body. After 10 minutes the lights dim and the music stops. The float session lasts 50 minutes from this point but it won’t feel like it! Time just disappears in a flotation tank. The body floats effortlessly in the water and it’s just a joy to experience. It’s best to lay


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a chance for the body to iron out all those energetic creases just as you would iron a shirt!

completely flat and ear plugs are provided which can help to keep half your head under the water. The more straight the back the more benefits one will receive due to the nature of being weightless. You have the choice on whether to close the lid and be completely in darkness or leave it open. I prefer the latter but some like the feeling of being enclosed in a pod. There is an open/close button and a light switch inside the pod.

How it works All the normal pressures on the body and joints are now relieved meaning It is a chance for the body to iron out all those energetic creases just as you would iron a shirt! The blissful


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weightlessness feeling permeates deep into the joints, bones and muscles leaving you feeling all brand new. As someone who practices yoga regularly I can say that the ‘glowing’ unblocked feeling when a float is over can rival that of a yoga session, or massage for that matter!

Visions and Astral OBEs. The feeling of freedom associated with floating and also being helped and supported makes floating a good spiritual body activator. The darkness and warm temperature is ideal to trigger the third eye. In both my sessions I felt my third eye chakra gearing up automatically and not just my third eye but the astral body too. I wouldn’t be surprised if more experienced


25% discount

for Lúcuma READERS! on A Single session (one hour) NORMALLY £45


astral projectors or those who experience out of body experiences (OBE) from sleep would easily float out of their bodies. After all the sensation of floating is similar to being ‘out of body’. So if you want to experiment with these things, gain a deeper understanding or just make a connection with the astral body and third eye - a flotation session would help! I would also say it helps clear the auric field and create an awareness of it. The tanks salty water temperature is 360C - the same as the human body (which is also mostly salt water!), so therefore it can gently allow your conscious awareness to ‘spread out’ into the subtle spiritual bodies, which stack around the physical body like a Russian doll.

Fun The tanks are large enough for you to drift around a bit and it’s great feeling like a piece of drift wood moving from side to side! It’s also fascinating to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ sound echoing around the curved pod. If one makes a deep vibration sound with the throat such as “Mmm” or “Ommm” One can almost see the sound waves through the minds eye vibrating in the salt solution and bouncing off the walls - just like the sonar of a dolphin or bat!

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‘Purple Rain Cat’ from the ‘Magical living’ article in Lúcuma 06


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Ocean Dreamers 38

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Malcolm H o rt o n From the Ocean with Love...

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Do any of your paintings start off as visions or dreams? Well I guess they all do really, some more clearer than others. I have definitely had strong images flash into my mind as in the case of the Bob Marley for example where I saw the whole painting! And once I started to sketch it out its got more defined but more often I have an initial idea and as I work on a painting it can change and evolve.

When working on a piece are their any moments when you feel ‘guided’ by a higher power? I have definitely had flashes of inspiration that have been so clear it’s a feeling of excitement and I have wondered where did that come from! I remember some years ago I was asked if I was interested in doing a painting of a little girl (sadly she had drowned I did not know her or her parents). I was sent a photo of her and her favourite blouse which her mother wanted me to put on her in the painting. She was a seven year old beautiful blue eyed Irish girl with long flowing red hair. I decided in the painting to put her standing in a field in the sunshine and I felt that I wanted her to be holding some flowers. When it came down to choosing what sort I got a very strong feeling to paint large white daisies which I did. Well when the mother came to see it she broke down in tears and asked me “if I was psychic?” I replied “not as far as I know” because she then told me that those were her favourite flowers. It could have been coincidence but it sent shivers through me when she told me. I had the same inspirational feelings when I painted Bob Marley and certainly with the John Lennon.


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You learnt your craft the traditional way but now you have managed to incorporate digital painting techniques. How do the two compare and do you enjoy the creative process as much when working digitally? I do enjoy both I often use the digital process to put together ideas for paintings because I can manipulate sketches and photos into different compositions quite quickly to see which works and once I am happy with an idea I print it out and work from that. Also I love to create pictures totally digital and there are some pictures I have done that would take a very long time to paint! But I do enjoy the creative process in both mediums.

Do you feel Atlantis was a real place and if so have you seen/felt visions of it? Do you think you had an incarnation there? I believe Atlantis was real but although I believe in reincarnation I cannot recall to having had any visions of living a past life in this place as other people claim. But I have been deeply drawn and very fascinated by the mysteries surrounding Atlantis.

tt Meditational DREAM # 8




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What is it you love about the ocean? Everything! From the raging storms and the moving light across the water to the calm tranquility sitting on a cliff top on a sunny day staring out across the glistening water and on a night of a full moon dreaming of Mystical sea creatures and of Mermaids and songs of Whales and Dolphins and stories of old seafaring folk sailing off into the sunset and into the unknown some never to return. It’s timeless there are no well worn tracks left by ancient ships only memories the ocean is always moving always powerful always refreshing itself. I remember as a boy coming down from Birmingham to Devon and Cornwall and discovering caves and massive rock pools and being mesmerised by the dancing light through the water it has been a great inspiration and to be by the ocean always gives me great Peace.


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How do you think mankind can be inspired to live in harmony with the planet? This is a big question but I think there is a huge shift in consciousness throughout the world towards environmental harmony and the internet is a strong key factor in spreading uplifting inspirational information leading towards a better and open understanding of the problems and developing solutions through shared ideas and communication.

vibration rises and the more Love we nurture in our selves the more love we are vibrating out so the more in Harmony we feel the more we find better feeling thoughts whatever the circumstances away from fear and into Love. Smile, laugh, dance, sing, whatever it takes to get Mankind’s Heart vibrating in Harmony with Mother Earth and Universal Love.

But what I believe in mostly is nurturing harmony in ourselves first there are many races of people upon this planet who live like this and are in harmony with Mother Nature and we all can and are learning from their ancient wisdom such as the Native Americans. I read somewhere once ‘The more loving we are the more intelligent we become’ and maybe that is true when we balance the Heart with the Mind and become more mindful of our inter connectedness and through that Loving intelligence many answers may flow to solve the problems of the world. By seeing the good in the world and find things to appreciate instead of dwelling on the bad, so from that stand point our

In my own small way through my paintings I have tried to convey a message of Love for the planet and hopefully encouraging a sense of responsibility and appreciation for this Beautiful world we live on. I might be an old Hippy but the songs of John Lennon ‘All you need is Love’ and Bob Marley ‘One Love’ still ring true for me.


‘The Worlds Equilibrium depends on the Mental and Spiritual Balance of the Human Being’ - a ‘Hopi’ Native American tribe saying.

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You knew many talented and famous musicians. What insights did you get from knowing them and did their musical creative process influence your art or your art influence them? To be honest I didn’t really get to know that many, the majority were fleeting encounters of which I do not really remember where and when I met them, and probably neither do they, and as the saying goes I think ’That if you can remember the 60’s and 70’s you wasn’t there’. But of the people I did get to know relatively well I had great respect for. I did meet George Harrison at an end of tour ‘Whitesnake’ party in 1981 it was very brief I would have loved to have got to know him better but never had the opportunity. I have always seen him as very Spiritual and connected to the Earth. Also around that time I had the great pleasure to meet Elvin Lee (Ten years after) where I was introduced to an American girl interested in me doing illustrations for her book and as we talked she told me she knew Cat Stevens and that she was an old friend and as she was in London she was hoping to get to see him. But the problem was that since Cat Stevens had turned to Islam now known as ‘Yusuf Islam’ she could not visit the Mosque on her own where she knew he would be that evening, so she asked me if I would go with her and as I loved his music I was excited to accept I spent over an hour chatting with him He was very warm friendly and comfortable to be with. At the time I can remember feeling apprehensive in meeting some of these people just because I suppose of who they were and what they had accomplished but I also realised that no matter how famous these people are that they are all still human beings. Looking back I feel I was very lucky and privileged to have had the opportunity to have lived the life I did back then with Black Sabbath I felt part of the family and I had some magic and wonderful times it was a whole new world for me in more ways than I can mention. I think that certainly at the time my creative process was influenced by all of the musical creativity I encountered and coupled with some of the mind altering experiences I had it was pretty crazy! But I cannot say for sure if my art had any major influences on them.


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What was it like living and touring with Black Sabbath? Well at the time I met Bill Ward (Drummer) They had just hit it big in America with the album ‘Paranoid’. Then I met the rest of the band who were at the time still living in Birmingham it was a really exciting for me getting to know them and when Bill invited me to live at the farmhouse with his girlfriend and two of the roadies I was so happy. It was such a great time living there, sure there we ups and downs but it was a big life changing experience for me! I suppose as a friend I became Bill’s right hand man driving up to London to recording sessions, meetings, interviews as well as spending time at home when not touring or visiting the others, of course some of it was everyday living but then a lot of it was pretty crazy - especially when Ozzy was around! In hindsight I wish I had been into taking photos and keeping a journal because it all moved so fast and my memories of some of my life back then are a little jaded. As for touring I only did one that was a British and European tour as I wasn’t an official roadie. I just asked Bill if I could go on the road to experience it and so I did. It was very exciting but a lot of hard work humping loads of gear setting up and taking down, loading the trucks and on the road again to the next gig and do it all again, and on our days off mostly slept! But there were a lot of laughs and it was always a great buzz to be there when the band started and Ozzy walks on stage and the crowd would go wild. So I was with them for around four years and over all I loved it and I am grateful for the experiences I had.

Do you have any funny ‘Spinal Tap’ rock and roll excess stories from your days hanging out with Black Sabbath? It was all a long time ago so things are a bit of a blur but there was an incident that happened on a British tour with Black Sabbath. It was at the free trade hall in Manchester. I was in charge of some special effects, one of them was putting up snow machines to create a snow storm for the song ‘Snow Blind’ unfortunately at this particular venue the stage manager would not allow anymore equipment to be hung on the lighting bars, so looking up I noticed high up above the stage a platform so I asked him ‘how I could get up to it?’, He pointed to a metal ladder fixed to the wall at the side of the stage so I grabbed several of the large bags of fake paper snow

and proceeded to climb the flimsy ladder straight up the wall and it was quite scary. I got to the top and walked out onto the platform. It was very high as I could see the stage far below. I opened one of the bags and dropped a handful over the edge to see how long it took to reach the stage. So the plan was to climb up there towards the end of the song before ‘Snow Bind’ and start to sprinkle the snow... all had gone well in the rehearsal. So that evening I returned to the gig after having some food a few drinks and other indulgences.. I was feeling quite spaced out and as it got close to when I needed to do my thing I became a bit panicky with the thought of climbing the ladder. Anyway up l went. It was extremely hot and stuffy and I felt quite dizzy. Then about three quarters of the way up I heard the opening strains of ‘Snow Blind’ when I got on the platform panicking I grabbed a bag and raced towards the edge but I tripped up and I watched hopelessly as the bag fell out of my hand and slipped over the edge and I lay there and watched in horror as this beach ball sized bomb dropped and exploded on Ozzy’s head and streaked out in a perfect starburst. The audience went ballistic as it cascaded down upon them and Ozzy carried on singing as if it was part of the show. After the gig I went into the dressing room expecting to get a telling off but Ozzy saw me and said with a big grin ‘’That was f**king great Malc can you do that again at the next gig’?” But that was a one off!

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Many of your successful contemporaries from Birmingham, in particular Black Sabbath felt music was their ticket to get away from the city as soon as possible and that desire spurred them on. What are your thoughts about Birmingham? I can’t really say anything about Birmingham these days because I don’t know it as I did having not been there for a long time. I have no family there now but its where I grew up and in my teens I remember most when I got into the Mod scene and used to go to some of the clubs like the ’West end’ ’The Whisky Go Go’’ and dance to the early hours to Ska and Motown and getting pretty out of it!! But then one day a friend put some big old stereo headphones on me (which were state of the art technology then) and played me ‘Whole lot of Love’ by Led zeppelin which blew me away, so I started going to a place called ‘Mothers’ which was just up the road from where I grew up in Erdington. There were lots of great bands and the early ‘Moody Blues’ were the resident band. As time went by I felt a change in myself and my first real experience of ‘Progressive Music’ and I just seemed to evolve into Hippydom quite comfortably with the long hair colourful clothes and strange weird and wonderful people - it just felt good! So growing up in Birmingham taught me a lot and I loved those experiences. Also during that time my art was developing into the early style of what you see today and I started spending more and more time with friends in the countryside and working on paintings and not so much in the city and it was where I first met Bill Ward drummer of Black Sabbath down at the local pub in the village of Whitington near Lichfield. We became good friends and in due course I was invited to live with him and his girlfriend and two of the roadies in a farmhouse near Evesham. I don’t think I was looking for a ticket out of the city I just think it was a natural progression for me to eventually move on. I just grew out of wanting to be living in a city!


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A tribute to John Lennon revealing the essence of the man and his music. In 1981 I was contacted by an old friend who was at that time the road manager with the band Whitesnake. The band were not happy with current ideas for an album cover that EMI studios were suggesting and so I was asked to come up with a few ideas of my own. The album in question was called ‘Come And Get It’ and my design of a glass apple with a snake inside was accepted. The album become a best seller for Whitesnake.

At a meeting with Whitesnakes vocalist David Coverdale and the rest of the band to discuss ideas it became evident that the house where they were recording was the very same house that John Lennon & Yoko Ono had once lived and where they recorded the song and video of ‘Imagine’. The house was Tittennhurst Park and was at that time owned by fellow Beatle Ringo Starr.

Later that night I took a look around the house and eventually wandered into that famous white room and sat in the spot where the legendary white grand piano would have been. A shiver ran down my back and at that point I imagined this image as you see it now. It was only a few weeks after John had been shot in December of 1981 and a very moving experience.

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What was it like painting for Ozzy Osbourne, John Bonham (drummer from Led Zeppelin) & George Harrison? I painted a mural for John Bonham. It was in a long attic room and was based on the ‘Houses of the Holy’ album cover merging with my own ideas. It was quite impressive, although unfortunately I don’t know why but I didn’t take any photos. I spent about ten weeks doing it. The actual painting of the mural was no different than any other painting, l would just get on with it, but there were often distractions like ending up down his local pub and parties back at the house when he was not working! I got to know John and his family quite well. He was a down to earth, well loved and respected guy and passionate not only for his music but for his cars as well. One day he took me for an exciting spin in an American hot rod that was more suited for a drag racing track than the country roads of Worcester! Other stuff I did was a portrait of Ozzy (which I gave to him). I also painted a drum kit for Ian Paice (Deep Purple) who also commissioned me to paint a picture of his mansion and grounds and he also asked me to paint an old stone statue half submerged in a lake that was in the gardens of George Harrison’s home. it was given to George as a present.


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Posters available from: All images copyright Š Malcolm Horton


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VIBRATIONS ROCKET FUEL FOR MEDITATIONS Similar to the previous release ‘Chakra Chants’, number 2 is based around beautiful chants, tones and sound effects that resonate with each chakra starting from the base (Root) chakra. I didn’t know what to expect when I first listened to this during my usual nightly meditation but I was completely blown away! As I listened to each track corresponding to each chakra it amplified my meditation allowing me to journey into other realms. I’m not sure where i went but it felt almost like a space shuttle making its way through various layers of atmosphere before ending up in space. When I got to the heart chakra I was already seeing the astral planes around me and by the third eye and crown chakra my consciousness was floating into a realm with a vertical open shaft straight to source. As I looked up into this portal I could see above large animal like entities of luminescent indigos, blues and purples that looked unlike any creature on this planet, staring back down at me! I got the sense they were like peaceful guardians. For days afterwards i was on a high feeling like I actually travelled somewhere. This album is also useful in clearing out and tonifying each chrakra. The recordings demonstrate skill and the performances are wonderful with a production showing the class and understanding of an expert.

ANCIENT SOUND JOURNEY What a joy it is to listen to an album of rare and traditional instruments, the most prominent being Michael Ormiston and Candida Valentino themselves who specialise in Mongolian undertone and overtone singing - Michael being one of the only non-Mongolians able to sing Khöömii (a particular type of overtone singing). However there is a fusion with the modern with a clever use of reverb and delay which helps take the sounds to an even deeper level. These songs can transport the consciousness to other realms - if you let them! Prepare for visions of the Himalayas, ‘silk road’ and the deserts of Asia. Each track tells a story and Ashtamangala is “Michael Ormiston and Candida Valentino’s sonic reflections upon the Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism”. The album climaxes with a mind blowing 31 minute ‘sound journey’ involving Tibetan singing bowls, gongs and even conch shells! I saw this performed live at St James’s church in Piccadilly and the vibrations form the massive gongs permeated not only the audience but the sacred geometric architecture of the building itself! It’s worth buying this album for those last three tracks alone. > Listen to an extract of ‘Lotus’ > Soundcloud


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Guaranteed RELAXATION An amazing release from one of the founding fathers of new age music - Steven Halpern. This GRAMMY® nominated ‘Best New Age’ Album is recorded in frequencies that help the consciousness move into the subconscious - the deep alpha state of 8 cycles per second (8 Hz) therefore bringing deep relaxation. The tracks themselves are mostly atmospheric and light with twinkly electronic piano here and there. When I listen to this i can actually feel the middle of my brain being stimulated and as the album progresses falling into a deep trance. > itunes


URUBU (YOU ARE YOU BE YOU!) Creations like this album from URUBU is one of the reasons why Lúcuma was created. Hidden gems like this that deserve to be out in the open where the sun light can blaze down on every facet of the jewel sending out more light rays in every direction to be enjoyed. And that is actually how this album can make you feel! I have been a fan of URUBU’s live elastic dance events in London for a while but this collection of music can go deeper…There are some gentle tunes like opening track ‘Cola Macinau’ some pounding African percussion tracks that attendees of URUBU’s ‘Drum Mantra’ events know and love, and then there are some really spiritually powerful tracks on here too like the shamanic ‘Medicine Dance’ which took me into a very deep and relaxed state of consciousness. This album exudes the spirit of Africa. It conjures images of vast plains and people dancing around tribal campfires. Buy this now! When you hear the vibrations of the didgeridoo on ‘Alive!’ and the pounding African rhythms it will have you leaping about your room making love to the music. And URUBU please make more! MUST HAVE

‘KEEP ON’ LISTENING TO THIS! This is quite possibly the first collection of catchy pop rock songs about conscious spiritual themes that doesn’t sound all weird and cheesy! I can see this album being adored by my generation as well as being played on mainstream radio - especially album opener ‘Keep on Talking’. One of the reasons why singer/songwriter Gavin Kaufman succeeds where others have failed is that when he sings about spirituality, believing in yourself and about dark challenging days as on ‘Fall In’ you get the feeling that he really lives it, that these lyrics and songs are coming from the heart and that he really is part of the new age conscious living movement. This is a ground breaking album in that respect and with epic sounding songs like ‘It’s down to you’, ‘Rescue me’, ‘The people’, & ‘Passing Through’ has given this new age movement is first anthemic songs. > Soundcloud > iTunes # 8


OM NOMS TWO’S COMPANY BUT THREE’S MAGIC! It’s rare that a new herbal tea can get us excited these days as there are so many good teas by various different brands. However Pukka have really impressed us with ‘Three Cinnamon’. Made with Vietnamese, Indonesian and Indian cinnamon bark plus a hint of Licorice for a full more rounded cinnamon flavour. There’s also a hint of sweetness in there which makes it even more palatable. The tea flavour is comforting but also stimulating due to the invigorating health properties of Cinnamon. Health stores and even the Pukka website are already out of stock proving how popular this tea is going to be.

ARTICHOKE YUMINESS Made from pureed globe artichokes this spread is highly delicious and versatile - a fantastic new product from Biona. Spread it on raw crackers, bread, vegetable sticks or eat with salads



d’mix is a selection of delicious tasting seeds that you chew after a meal. This helps to improve the digestive process due to the chewing action and the seeds themselves (many of which have been used in ayurveda for thousands of years). I also find it’s a nice palette cleanser leaving the mouth refreshed after a meal.


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Dandelion coffee is made from roasted dandelion roots. It tastes like a coffee substitute and is useful in detoxing the liver. We like this brand as there are no additives, just the roots!

RAW IMAGINATION Raw Imagination is a new raw foods company that has set a new benchmark in what can be achieved with raw food cuisine. Their aim is to recreate old favourites like burgers, pizzas and sandwiches but in a new and healthy way. Even old sandwich favourites like ‘BLT’ are here with coconut chips that taste ‘bacon’ like as a bacon substitute. Also in the sandwich range is a ‘Raw Club’ and ‘Raw Falafel’...both amazing too. The star of the range for me is the raw burger. Just as tasty,...actually even more tasty that the burgers you grew up with, as this is a wholesome plant based cruelty free, raw version. There is an amazing attention to detail, with a raw vegan version of mayonnaise, ketchup and even cheese! The burger patty itself is mostly mushroom based and has a satisfying bite to it. The ‘bun’ (or ‘bread’ in the sandwiches case) is a dehydrated seed and vegetable mixture which is nice and soft considering its raw.


Raw imagination is highly recommend and currently stocked in the chiller section of the Planet Organic chain of health food stores in the UK, but I’m sure they will spread to other stores once word gets out! Apparently there are lots more products to come from Raw Imagination too, and we cant wait!



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also tastes good enough for you to add a teaspoon of the blend into your smoothie without ruining the taste.

We are really loving these carefully put together and convenient blends by InSpiral. For Detox there is the ‘Detox Mix’ containing wheatgrass powder, milk thistle seed powder, barleygrass powder, chlorella powder and zeolyte powder. Any one of those ingredients would help detox and nourish the body but put together they are really something powerful and it also works out cheaper! A teaspoon can be added to smoothies or for maximum effect I recommend a teaspoon mixed water taken on an empty stomach.

Finally there is the ‘Vitality Mix’. This one I think builds up energy slowly over many days and weeks, almost like charging up a battery. It’s perfect in winter time or in cold climates as it can really provide energy from a deep level and strengthen the core. The ingredients are a potent mix of maca, yacon, baobab, reishi extract 10:1, siberian ginseng, freeze-dried acai powder and purple corn powder. Once again it tastes good enough to add to smoothies or even added to juices

For concentration and energy there is the ‘Energy Mix’ containing guarana seed powder, raw cacao powder, maca root powder, yacon powder, and Siberian ginseng (eleuthero) powder. This blend is very effective and pretty much works within minutes on me! The stroke of genius was the addition of guarana powder which helps focus the effects of all the other ingredients. It aids in not only physical energy but also mental clarity and thinking as it contains high amounts of caffeine. It

ROOTING FOR ROO BARS One doesn’t usually associate Bulgaria with raw food but now there is a reason to. Roo Bars! A huge range of organic raw vegan snack bars. There are so many tasty and interesting flavour combinations you will want to try them all. ‘Inca Orange’ and ‘Rosehip’ caught our eye in particular.


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e t ! a s e g r n i C h s ’ T t e L ing z a m A ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


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GOODIES MOON SIGN CALCULATOR Most of us are aware of the astrological sign that the sun was in at the time of our birth. But what is it that drives us to behave in a certain way, which at times may seem contrary to the solar aspects of our birth chart? Hay House has just released a moon sign calendar which is designed to help us dig a bit deeper beneath the surface, and discover what a key role the moon plays in our life! The secret and hidden aspects of our complex nature are revealed to us by understanding the characteristics of the sign that the moon is in - and how it creates our feeling response to the world. Astrologer David Wells offers his professional insights with depth and humour, which makes for enjoyable learning and self discovery.

SOAR ON RAW This book is as much a guide to spiritual and mythological deities as much as a raw recipe book. This is a refreshing new concept where each recipe is connected to a particular mythological character such as Zeus’ Cabbagecopia, Persephones’s Pomegranate Punch, Dumuzi’s Date Shake, and Ganaesha’s Coconut Gorge! The information on the deity an myth fused with the recipe as actually quite fascinating and will keep you coming back to this book in years to come. Most of the recipes are simple and rustic relying on good ingredients and as you would expect from a Greek Cypriot author lots of nice Greek and Mediterranean ones, but also recipes with a global influence. After all this is a ‘Delicious journey through the myths of the world”

Tongue Cleaner Tongue cleaners are essential for good oral health. It’s only when you see the difference after using one for a few days that you realise how important they are. Don’t confuse this with a tongue scraper on the back of a tooth brush. That’s not a proper tongue scraper! And its not going to clean a tongue as well as this. There are some huge arched shape metal ones on the market but i think they are a bit difficult to use. I like this one because it’s small and portable and easy to reach the back of the tongue where any nasty scum might be lurking! Plus its made out of recycled plastic! 66

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tt Sunshine Solar Charger This solar powered charger has built in 2600mAh lithium battery that is charged up via the 5 solar panels. You can then use this to charge your mobile phone! £79.99 GBP

tt Fairtrade Natural Wooden Leaping Dolphin Statue - 30cm £14.99 GBP

NO NONSENSE RAW This is an brilliant new handy sized book from John McCabe - author of previous essential titles about the raw vegan food lifestyle ‘Sun Food Diet Infusion’ and ‘Sunfood traveller’. As John says in the fore ward there are “no fancy photos” instead good solid basic raw food recipes (mostly low fat). There is also some excellent chapters on raw food basics such as enzymes, organic food, fermented foods, sprouting, fibre, wild foods and also on health advice. This book is full of Johns ability to find fascinating information and another example of his incredible talent for research. He is amazingly meticulous as people who are familiar with his work will know. For example did you know that, “skin exposed to the beneficial mycobacterium vaccae in soil triggers the brain to release serotonin, improving mood, assisting the uptake of nutrients in the gut, and boosting the immune system.” They never told you that at the doctors surgery huh?

pp Dolphin Coral Figurine Sculpture Blown Glass Crystal A trio of swimming dolphins epitomizing grace in motion. Made by glass blower artist Kevin Prochaska mounted on a resin coral mould. £73.25 GBP ProchaskaGallery on ETSY

tt Dolphin Glass Art Figurine £4.60 GBP ETSY shop # 8




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E R S OF REALITY by Steven Nicolaides

<intro> as i look deeper into myself, as i shed layer after layer, as i in-habit from the core of the apple i start to see the outer reflection as the results of a script that was coded by i... i am this and i am that too... i am, that i am. </intro>

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<explain> in the same way computer graphics are built upon polygons, or the image on this screen made from pixels, or the files on your computer millions of lines of simple codes, so too is what we experience as reality made of something more simple Imagine if the characters in a film thought they were real and had no memory of where they came from. They would not know that: Before the film is viewed it is edited, Before the film is edited it is shot, Before the film is shot, it is planned Before the film is planned, a script is written, Before a script is written, a synopsis is written, Before a synopsis is written is an idea, Before an idea is an i and a desire.


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Analysis of the historic collective consciousness code will tell you that mankind is a ‘microcosm of the macrocosm’. Therefore all that we conceive of and build is from what already is and what was. </explain>

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<question> why so many movies about changing reality in this age? </question> <examples> Matrix, eXistenZ, Source Code, Tron, inception, Total Recall, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Adjustment Bureau, Paycheck, The Truman Show </examples>


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<answer> Because it is an easy way to understand the felxibility of reality in this age. Through understanding the outside we understand the inside. Part of us knew this and inspired these stories to be modern age guidance or gospels of spirituality. To give hope that ones life can change... That habits that no longer serve one can be re-written. <question> And speaking of ‘one’ why so many mentions to ‘the one’ “he is the one” or “you are the one” in reference to heroes in stories? </question> <answer> Because when you ARE one, you are whole - you are complete. When you have stripped away all illusionary versions of yourself and stepped into your own power, you are free, you are ‘the one’. You are the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, and all that is in between. </answer>


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<re coding> So how does ‘the one’ get access to their script and make changes to code? <list> DEEP MEDITATIVE STATES can give one access to the ‘template’ level or blueprints of your consciousness persona. HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS allow one to reach the correct vibration and reach the template realms. DREAM TIME WORLDS: Using dreams as a springboard can bring great changes in your life. LUCID DREAMING: Lucid dream states are good practice for re programing physical reality (which is a slower more dense version of the dream worlds) WORKING WITH ONES OWN SPIRIT GUIDES AND HIGHER SELF in the waking world or dream world can help make the changes ones desires. Finally EMBODY IT! DANCE, RUN, DO YOGA, TAI CHI once you feel a change is made to integrate the new you! </list> </re coding>


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photo by Balarama Heller


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Compas Passi sion , on & Fa shion

An interview with

Vaute Couture Founder

Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart


Questions by Steven Nicolaides

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Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart

photo by Balarama Heller


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Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart

What was the reaction to Vaute Couture when it was first launched? Before launching Vaute, I publicly shared my journey of creating the line, with my mission to create the first all vegan winter dress coat so there wouldn’t be an excuse left to wear animals. When we launched for pre orders, I had my first order within 5 minutes onlinewhich blew me away. We ended up funding the entire first run from online orders that came in July for coats they wouldn’t receive for three months. I was thrilled, and felt so lucky.

What is your typical customer base? Are they necessarily vegan or aware that your clothing is cruelty free? My customers range from the innovators as dedicated as I am to creating change for animals, to people who love animals and also fashion, and those who live in the coldest cities and just want to feel beautiful bundled up.

Do people notice the heart shape in the ‘V’ of your branding? Who’s idea was that? The first people I ever hired for VAUTE were a pair of Dan’s in Missouri, who had designed the Askinosie website and were featured by my favorite author, Seth Godin. They are the sweetest. While I was still in Hong Kong and before I told anyone I was starting Vaute, I asked them to create a logo for me and to create the website with me. I don’t remember whose idea it was, but probably one of theirs. Vaute has a V for Vegan, and Vegan is for love. So it just makes sense that Our V surrounds a Heart.


tt The Vaute Couture logo

What is the Vaute Couture style? I design with a focus on comfort- my dresses mostly have pockets and big skirts, so you can eat whatever you want at any event, have hands free, and jump and dance with your shoes off. That’s all ideal. I took ballet when I was a kid, so there’s some influence there of dancer silhouettes and the comfort of after dance class clothes, and I also love origami, mathematics, and thrift very much. My favorite decades are the 80’s and the 50’s, and especially love 80’s pieces inspired by the 50’s.

Are there any plans to expand the range? Of course. My reason for being is to innovate new options for apparel that are better than tradition. I focused first on replacing the wool dress coat, then the down insulated coat, the leather jacket, and added a sustainable vegan ready to wear range, now focusing on vegan eco conscious gowns, vegan felt hats, sweaters, and hopefully shoes and accessories soon.

What materials/fibers do you work with? I focus on innovating the future of fashionnot just an alternative. So that means working with the mills around the world that are working on the latest technologies in sustainability and weatherproof fabrics. This ranges from satin made of recycled plastic bottles, to Primaloft ECO down alternative insulation made of recycled fibers, and velvet made of organic cotton.

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Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart

Have you still got that ‘legendary’ very first vegan winter coat that you created after quitting your modelling contract? Oh that’s a good question. Do I? I must somewhere, right? Hm, I guess I should’ve been more careful with that ;) Entrepreneurship has had me moving a lot.. I’ll have to look.

Do you have any plans for any more stores in the USA and beyond? (please open one in London!!!) Actually, I had a lovely time in Shoreditch last fall with Joshua Katcher. If we expand internationally, a few of my favorite cities on the maybe list are Tokyo (Kichijoji neighborhood), and London (Shoreditch.) Also, Canada (Toronto), and Portland, Los Angeles, and Austin are all being considered for closer to home.

What advice would you give someone who wants to find their own passion and voice and put it into action? Look at your life, figure out what tools you’ve been given (accidentally is the best) that you can combine in a way no one else can to serve the world with who you are. And then go for it! Solve a problem, don’t worry about being perfect, and know that there will be days when you hate yourself and hate the limits, and there will be days when that’s exactly the reason life is so wonderful- because despite the odds, you did this, you had something to bring into the world, and you couldn’t sleep until you did.


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Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart

You got into animal rights at a very young age how did you get educated on these topics at such a young age? When I was 6 a girl down the street got a rabbit fur coat for Christmas. I didn’t know anything about fur farms or anal electrocution but I knew the some rabbits had died so this girl could have a silly ugly coat. When I was 10 my teacher asked us to pick a topic for a research project that we wanted to know more about. I wanted to know what we were doing to animals that no one was talking about- so I picked the fur industry, factory farming, and vivisection. I stopped eating animals that year.

Do you remember the day you decided to be Vegan? I didn’t go vegan for another 7 years, when I was 17 and I went to YES! Camp, Ocean Robbins (son of John Robbins) coordinated this week long retreat mostly in California. I went to the one in Minnesota, and we ate vegan all week. I didn’t know the relationship before between milk and veal, I didn’t know many other vegetarians let alone any vegans before that so I had no idea how milk was made. Once I did, I never looked back.



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Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart


What are some of your favourite vegan dishes? Lately I’ve been making buckwheat noodles, with hijii, green onions, spinach with lots of garlic, and fresh avocado. I usually mix in some soy sauce, garlic, veganaise and nutritional yeast. I guess that’s the mix of Chicago and half-Asian in me. It’s pretty rad, and is inspired by my favorite coffee shop that just shut down, called Supercore. It was Japanese and had the best iced green tea soy lattes with a shot of espresso on top, and I don’t even like coffee. Also, the seitan reuben and milkshake meal at the Chicago Diner is to die for, a must eat for anyone who is alive ever anywhere. And the squash dinner with mashed potatoes at Peacefood in NYC is like Thanksgiving that you can eat anyday.

What are your essential store cupboard ingredients at home? Nutritional yeast, hijiki, lentils, spinach, kale, bananas, almond milk and mixed nuts. A kale banana cinnamon smoothie with almond milk can start off a very happy day, as long as you dance while you’re making it n


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Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart


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ADORNMENTS Jonathan Habens T-SHIRTS We are enjoying the detailed work of illustrator Jonathan Habens. This young illustrator uses a mixture of traditional drawing and modern digital tools to create his heart felt imagery. There is a strong nature theme as well as an Victorian botanical illustration influence. Plus he’s a vegan too! His illustrations are available as T-shirts, iphone covers and prints.

DOLPHINESE T SHIRT u available in different colours $18-$24 USD

Green Man T SHIRT u available in different colours $18-$24 USD tt FOREST GUARDIAN T SHIRT available in different colours $18-$24 USD 86

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CAMILLE Clover PRint u Rayon Dress £75.00 GBP

tt Embroidered Kaftan Shirt Cotton Crepe £25 GBP

qq FEATHERS Mens Printed Cotton Shirt 100% Cotton £55 GBP

NAVY BLUE KNIT TOP u Organic Cotton Jersey £37.50 GBP

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Help us grow If you enjoy Lúcuma and want to give us a donation DONATE

Did you know Lúcuma has been free since its launch? WITH NO MARKETING BUDGET WE Have become ONE OF the worlds leading new age magazineS in just 8 issues We WOULD LOVE TO GET Lúcuma onto the APP Store as an interactive publication with animations and videos ORGANISE CONSCIOUS EVENTS AND OTHER PROJECTS 88

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tt CARLO Mens Linen Trousers 100% Organic Linen £75 GBP qq Summer Tunic Terry Voile £40 GBP

qq Turquoise Knit DresS Organic Cotton Jersey £50 GBP

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For Prices & Details Contact: # 8

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be a

Wild Love


An interview with Ieva Wildlovebeamer Partner, Family, Postnatal, Kids, Teens Yoga Teacher & Ecstatic Dance facilitator Questions by Vienda Maria


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Tell us how your journey with yoga started? From early teenage years, I have been interested in positive human psychology, and our capacity to grow. I have been experiencing, and exploring different ways of how to facilitate this capacity for love in academic, esoteric literature, music and arts. My fascination took me to study different sorts of dance, academic psychology, trans personal counseling and of course different styles of yoga. This journey took me to extraordinary places, meeting extraordinary people and experiencing extraordinary life enhancing situations. From an early age, I was intrigued by the ‘love technology’ that resides and comes through us. I often say: ‘I am teaching the technology of love, I am just showing the way how to program ourselves to become more natural and loving human beings’. I chose yoga as a major aspect of my path, as the body seems to me as the most apparent and accessible tool for self-growth and empowerment. I think I have just been sort of genetically predisposed to do so. I am just in love with love and life from an early age. I am not saying my life was super easy, but maybe because it was not easy, I learnt to find beauty in any moment, hence deepening my knowledge, opening up for life and love and inspiring other people to do so too is the biggest blessing for me.


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What styles of yoga do you teach and practice? I am teaching community focused yoga. I am a Partner Yoga, and HuMandala (aka Community) Yoga Teacher. This is a new generation yoga which integrates the principles of yoga in a very practical way, where an individual can simultaneously learn to connect to oneself and another. I teach Yoga for Adults, Families, Kids, Teens and Women at any stage of their lives. Even when I teach pre and post natal classes, we do a chunk of the session in pairs and as a group. After my classes we often go for a cup of tea or a meal to connect as a community. This type of yoga is so beneficial for kids and teens as well, as they learn to cooperate, give and receive, and they learn that they are necessary to each other. I love teaching individuals at different stages of their lives, sort of facilitating them through different rites of passage, in doing so this enhancing the connection to ones self. Better connection to ones self facilitates better connection to the other. Myself, I mainly practise Acro Yoga, as this is a form of Acrobatic Partner Yoga, just seems as a natural transition and a learning path for me. And of course it gives me so much joy too!


I am teaching the technology of love # 8



What is your own philosophy and the unique message that you share around your practices? I think that there are too many things we have to do in life. And that as a society we are lacking things that make us content and balanced. For me, and I am sure that for most of us, life is about connection, about love, about good company, beautiful moments, laughing and crying together, building something beautiful together. For me, it is not about work, about telly, about self-abuse via misuse of various substances or overeating. It is interesting to me, that we learnt to be miserable and that we find it much harder, and we need more effort to actually do things that are actually good for us. We know that this food is healthier, that this exercise is so good for our bodies, that loving unconditionally bring us so much love in return but again and again we cheat on ourselves and go back to the same familiar and I would say quite painful state of mind, body and spirit, but which nevertheless is known, well explored and comfortable. Hence, my philosophy is quite simple: go to the roots, the essence of your being, find what you are made of, and empower your guts to stand for it and do it, over and over again until you will rewire your being to be the better and truer version of yourself.

What’s your focus these days? I guess my focus at the moment is to simplify my life. If I want to do something – I do it. If want to feel more of something I like I do more of it. For example if I wake up with a strong feeling of wanting to feel more happy, I do something that makes me happy. If I want to see more smiles in the world, I make at least one person to smile in the street or on the train. If I feel I need more time for myself, I actually make this time even if it is just 10-30 minutes. So in other words, I made a vow to stop moaning about what is, and actually doing things of what I want to sense more of at any given moment which actually sometimes is just ‘being’ and experiencing the moment as it is to the full!


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Why is partner yoga and community yoga so important to you? Doing things together with other fellow human beings and doing yoga are one of the most favourite things in my world! So the combination of the two is my paradise: tactile yoga, laughter, connection, joy of moving the body and just being, playing in the moment as if there is no tomorrow!

Why is community so essential to everyone’s lives? I think that most of the problems we are experiencing as a society and as individuals is because of the separation we created between each other. Even the concept of selfconfidence is felt via separation that is via comparison to each other, making ourselves somewhat better and more special than the other. I think that the emphasis we make on self-confidence shows our subconscious knowing that we are all special, unique and beautifully authentic. However, this ‘specialness’ cannot be compared and judged as the ‘self-confidence’ is acquired. I also sense that the longing of being ‘normal’ or ‘socially acceptable’ shows our yearning to connect. However, I believe that the concept of ‘normality’ creates separation within. We strive to be someone else, somebody more acceptable and somewhere along the way, we forget who we truly are and what our true desires, abilities and gifts are. And the thing is that we can only connect when we are authentic! So I can see how it becomes a sort of closed circle. Yearning to connect, and yearning to be someone special. Hence, practises such as Partner and Community Yoga are great, fun and chilled places to re-experience an authentic connection to oneself and the other. We safely and lightheartedly learn to touch, give and receive. Slowly, selfcompassion and compassion of the other replaces selfconfidence. And uniqueness replaces normality.

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e h t s i y z Cra rmal! o n w ne

You tend to share your passions in a really youthful and playful way. What are you hoping to teach and share through your sweet and joyous disposition? I love inspiring people to stay soft, not too hard on themselves, others and circumstances. I love inspiring people not to take themselves too seriously too! Hence, I am starting with myself. Simple.

What sets you apart from other yoga teachers?

I love to see yoga everywhere. I believe that yoga is not only for those who can afford it. Therefore, I love sharing via Job Centres as inspirational workshops for unemployed or lone parents. I love teaching yoga for disadvantaged adults and special children as I see yoga as a sort of a birth right. As you probably understood, when I teach, I am mostly concentrating on social aspects, on human connection and compassion towards oneself, the other and just what is at any given moment. I think, as teacher I might be perceived as a little bonkers too! I work on projects like Singles Partner Yoga Playshop Raves, Social Yoga for Autism, Full Moon Love Jams, and other Ecstatic Dance events, and Teaching Partner Yoga in parties, birthdays, weddings and any celebrations. During the classes, I play funky, feel-good music, and laugh quite a bit. I often encourage a free flow movement that is just conscious dancing as I see it as yoga too!


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What are your dream projects, clients and events for your specific style of work and teaching? Oh‌ dream projects! I love making videos, so I would love to make many inspirational global videos inspiring human kindness. I would love to see this light-hearted yoga in mainstream and special schools. I want to reach out for more youth projects, as I truly believe that Partner and Community Yoga is very beneficial and funky enough for young people. I would love to see more Social Yoga in corporate world too. As in the corporate world, we sit in chairs pretty much all day, lacking good stretches, exercise, and simple human conversation. Our world becomes quite a lonely place in the achy and rigid body. Hence, Social Yoga is a great and healthy way to unwind and can be used it as an icebreaker for workers too.

How do you help people the most? I think I help people the most by just being myself, being open and approachable. I am hoping to inspire people to be content with themselves as they are now. I love to share my own stories to people. I am quite active on social networks. I talk to strangers, people on the train, stretch and dance whilst waiting for trains. I am just allowing myself to be who I am at any particular moment, and I can truly sense, that by doing this, I inspire people to be the same. My new slogan is: Crazy is the new normal!

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Mind the gap... # 8




Friday 4 – Sunday 6 June 2014 Location: Grand Hall, Olympia, London 104

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available in print

• Order your own hard copy of Lúcuma from our website • Great for Raw restaurants, Yoga centres, Juice bars, Retreat Centres



Dive into

The Dandy Dandelions this spring by Heather Gardner Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale, member of the Sunflower family) are cheerful little plants, with off the chart nutrition and medicinal qualities and are rather tasty too. The leaves taste slightly bitter similar to endive. The bane of many lawn enthusiasts, they have been revered by herbalists worldwide for untold centuries, and have been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine as well as by the Native Americans. It is still cultivated as a crop in many parts of Europe such as France and Germany. Dandelions are a sensational superfood and fabulously free, fresh and unpackaged There are at least 250 varieties of dandelion in most countries worldwide. They are absolutely safe to eat and have no poisonous look a likes. A great identification tip is to run your finger along the main vein, under the leaf. If it is smooth, then it is a true dandelion. The leaves, flowers, stems and roots are edible, though all but the flowers are often considered bitter. Picking the leaves when young in the spring helps to lessen the bitterness. Preparing the dandelion leaves in a blender, broken down into a sweet smoothie, or blended with nuts, oils and garlic in a pesto helps to reduce the bitter flavour. The greens and flowers can be used in salads, smoothies and anything you might want to add it to! The roots can be washed, roasted, ground and used for a coffee substitute. Dandelions are widely used to help with the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen. Studies show dandelion greens to be high in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, folate, vitamin C & A.


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Wild Dandelion Pesto Ingredients: 1 big handful of Dandelion leaves (or a mix of foraged or garden greens) 1 handful or packet of fresh basil leaves 1 cup of walnuts or hazelnuts 1 cup of shelled hemp seeds (or pine nuts) ½ a lime or lemon, juiced 1-2 large cloves of garlic 1 small chili or half a large (optional) A pinch of Sea or Pink Himalayan Salt 1 level teaspoon kelp powder Approx 200mls organic virgin oil, I use a mix of hemp & olive. Directions: Place everything in your food processor or blender. Blend until nice and smooth but with a little texture. Be ready to add more oil as required to make a nice smooth consistency, and to help the blades turn. Use whatever ingredients you prefer or have on hand, and change the quantities if you like. Pesto is pretty easy to make out of anything! Pack the pesto into glass jars leaving a little space at the top. Pour olive oil into this space to seal, this stops it from going moldy. Store in the fridge. Pesto is best used within 5-7 days. Freeze for longer storage.


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Dandelion Flower Honey Jam This is a fun project for a summer’s day and with the kids if you have some! Find a dandelion patch in full bloom, and fill a glass jar with the flower heads, removing the green parts and stems. If the patch you’re picking from is clean then there is no need to clean the blossoms, it’s better to keep all that nutritious pollen and not get any water into your honey. When you get home fill the jar up with honey. If using solidified raw honey, just let it melt a little in the dehydrator or immersed into a pot of warm (not boiling water). If your vegan, you can try this recipe with another liquid sweetener. Mix the honey and the flowers well, and allow to soak for 3 days or more. This should soften the petals and make a lovely vibrant ‘jam’ that you can use to spread on anything you want to eat it with.

Dandelion Infused Oil Similar to the above, gather a glass jar of dandelion blooms. Make sure the glass is extremely clean and totally dry, with no residual smells. A kilner jar works well. This time fill the jar up with a plain organic cold pressed oil such as almond or sunflower. Make sure there is no flowers peeping over the top of the oil. You can poke it down with a chopstick. Place the oil on a sunny (but not too hot), windowsill for about 2-3 weeks until the oil becomes infused with the colour from the flowers. Strain out the oil, removing all the plant matter with a very fine sieve or nut milk bag. Use can then use this oil to make delicious dressings, as beauty oil with some essential oils added or turn it into a salve, by mixing each 100ml of oil to 30g’s of beeswax, shea , or cacao butter.

Special Offer For Lúcuma readers who would love to dive into the dandelions, and learn the secrets of the forest foragers, Heather is offering a 10% discount on the final run of the Wild Edibles course that she teaches with Sergei Boutenko & Tera Warner. To get the coupon code please email and mention Lúcuma. For more details on the program please check here: Please hurry if interested as the final session closed on April 13th. If you email past that date Heather will do her best to patch you up.

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TO ORDER WILD NETTLE CHIPS visit wildnettlechips 110

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dehydrated wild nettle chips Recipe by Dina Gkitziou To harvest the nettles select leaves from plants that are 30-40 cm high from the ground as those are the youngest and have the most tender leaves. Do not pick leaves from nettles that have started to flower as these are no longer suitable as the leaves develop gritty particles called “cystoliths”, which can irritate the urinary tract. Cut the leaves with a pair of scissors and always use kitchen vinyl gloves. It’s best make the chips within 1-2 days after picking. *note although the stings will be rendered harmless through the preparation and dehydrating there may be the odd faint hint of sharpness is some leaves. * Nettles are not suitable for people sensitive to foods high in Histamine

Ingredients A 400g (one shopping bag) wild nettle leaves. Ingredients B 3 organic carrots 1 red romano pepper 2 cups sunflower seeds 2 tsp raw apple cider vinegar 1 and ½ cup water ½ tsp himalayan pink salt according to tatse juice of one lime 2tsp Cajun spice from the ingredients C Ingredients C (Cajun spice mixture) 6 tsp sweet paprika, 6 tsp chilli powder, 4 tsp fennel seeds, 2 tsp ground cumin, 2 tsp garlic powder, 2 tsp onion powder, 2 tsp salt, ½ tsp cayenne pepper, 3 tsp dried basil, 2 tsp dried oregano, 1 tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp black pepper, ½ tsp white pepper, 1 tsp of yellow mustard seeds, 1 tsp of black mustard seeds. Grind it all together in a spice grinder and use it for almost everything! (Cajun spice mix is originally from the cooking of the French-Canadians that settles in the swamps and bayous of southern Louisiana). Method Wash nettles in the sink really well using kitchen vinyl gloves. Then change the water and allow to soak for 10 minutes. (This takes the ‘sting’ out of the stings on the nettles) Rinse carefully and use a kitchen towel to dry. Recipe from the book ‘KIDS HEALTHY LUNCHBOXES‘ available May 2014 on Amazon

Blend ‘ingredients B’ in a high speed blender for 30-60 sec until smooth. In a big bowl add first the nettle leaves and then the sauce and mix well using vinyl gloves. Dehydrate for 4-6 hours or more at 1040 until completely dry. Enjoy with water kefir!

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mushroom soup Recipe by Caroline Ospalla Mushrooms are a bit of a ‘Marmite’ - you either love them or hate them! I absolutely love them so I love this recipe. It’s so so easy but unbelievably delicious. Ingredients 1 ¼ cup chopped mushrooms (your choice - I like mostly button and then maybe ¼ cup exotic) 1/3 cup cashews or macadamia nuts ¼ cup to ¾ cup water ¼ tsp of celtic sea salt ¼ cup parsley ¼ cup tarragon Healthy slosh of cold pressed olive oil Method Apart from a third of the mushrooms, blend all the ingredients in a high speed blender. Add as much water to reach your desired consistency. Add saved mushrooms and mix. You could marinade the remaining mushrooms in olive oil and tamari which is pretty lush. But strain them before you add them to the soup. I made a simple tarragon oil to drizzle on the top- that’s just ¼ cup olive oil a hand full or two of tarragon and a little salt - schoosch in high speed blender. I also got some fancy mushrooms and marinated them in olive oil and tamari for a couple of hours and dehydrated them for about 6 hours as a garnish on the top.

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raw egg salad


Recipe by The Rawtarian It’s surprising that raw egg salad recipes have eluded me for almost two years. Believe it or not, I’ve never made a raw egg salad recipe before! To my pleasant surprise, this raw egg salad recipe is, um, totally ridiculously incredible. It actually reminds me of egg salad! I have made a few sort of similar recipes in the past, but nothing that screamed “This tastes like egg salad!!” quite like this raw egg salad recipe. This is quite a fatty, heavy-tasting recipe, so you’ll want to ensure that you’re serving it with lots of nice fresh veggies, especially romaine lettuce. Yum! Ingredients 1 1/2 cups cashews 3/4 cup water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 3/4 teaspoon turmeric 1 1/2 cloves garlic 3/4 teaspoon sea salt 3 celery stalks - finely chopped (reserve!) 3/4 cup red bell pepper - finely chopped (reserve!) Method Add everything (except celery and red pepper) into a high-speed blender. Blend very well until it resembles a smooth, creamy hollandaise sauce! (Note: if you don’t own a super powerful blender try soaking the cashews for a few hours first to help soften them.) Pour yellow “egg salad” liquid mixture into a large bowl. Add chopped celery, chopped red pepper and anything else you’d like to add, like chopped parsley or chopped white onion, too.

Taken from The Rawtarian’s “Raw Food Favorites.”

Mix everything together with a spoon until nicely coated, like in pictures. Sprinkle with pepper and paprika. Your raw egg salad recipe is now ready to eat! Serve on romaine lettuce wraps for an raw egg salad sandwich experience. How do you like to enjoy this raw egg salad recipe?

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protein rich energy bars Recipe by NAMA Foods These bars are perfect as a post work out treat due to their protein content, but they are also great as a quick on the go breakfast together with a green smoothie in the morning when you are in a rush! Ingredients ½ cup almond 1 cup dates, chopped into small pieces ½ cup hemp seeds ½ cup pumpkin seeds 2 tbsp chia seeds 3 scoops raw vegan protein powder (vanilla flavour or similar) 2 tbsp lúcuma or cacao (optional) 1/3 cup cacao butter, melted ½ tsp vanilla powder 1/4 tsp Himalayan salt Method Food process all ingredients together, except cacao butter, until they are almost a paste but the individual ingredients are still visible. Add the cacao butter and blitz a bit longer to incorporate. Put the mixture in the desired container, preferably lined with cling film, and press to form the desired thickness and make the bars sturdy so they keep their shape once cool. Place the container in the fridge for a couple of hours and then cut into bars, squares or any shape you like! Keep them in the fridge for maximum freshness until you consume them, but they keep well at room temperature as well.

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raw brownie Recipe by The Rawtarian Finally, a raw brownie recipe that tastes like REAL BROWNIES! I am quite surprised and amazed at how the texture of this raw brownie recipe resembles real brownies--especially after this raw brownie recipe is refrigerated for about an hour or even longer. My husband thinks this raw brownie recipe needs chocolate icing, but I disagree. I think it’s perfect on its own! (But it is true, everything is better with raw chocolate icing on it.) You can also use this raw brownie recipe as a pie crust or as very chocolately raw truffles. Ingredients (makes 6 servings) 1 cup pecans (you can use walnuts in a pinch, but pecans are much better!) 1 cup dates 5 tablespoons raw cacao (cocoa) powder 4 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut 2 tablespoons honey or agave nectar 1/4 teaspoon sea salt Place pecans alone in your food processor and process until the pecans become small and crumbly. Add dates to the raw brownie recipe and process again until the mixture sticks together and the dates are well processed. Add the remaining ingredients to this raw brownie recipe and process again until the mixture turns a lovely dark chocolatey brown. Stop processing before it gets too buttery. (There should still be air between the small bits so that you will be able to press them down into your brownie pan.) Dump the mixture into a brownie dish or small cake pan and press down firmly using your clean hands. Refrigerate this raw brownie recipe for a couple of hours. You do not have to refrigerate it, but it is much easier to slice when chilled. By the way, this is actually a raw brownie recipe that keeps its shape! So it can be good for serving to non-raw fooders because the presentation of this raw brownie recipe is good when chilled. Store this raw brownie recipe in the refrigerator if it lasts that long!


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Taken from The Rawtarian’s “Raw Food Favorites.”


raw chocolate icing 1 cup dates

1/4 cup raw cacao (cocoa) powder 1/4 cup coconut oil 3/4 cup water

(or a tiny bit more if needed - try to keep at 3/4 cup or so though)

Directions Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender. If possible, let them sit in there for a few minutes to soften the dates a little bit. Blend all ingredients in your high-speed blender. The ingredients can be a little finicky to blend, so start at a slow speed and increase speed slowly. Keep blending for a very long time to get a velvety consistency. This is one of those recipes that really makes use of the power of a high-speed blender. If you feel that the blades are just spinning but aren’t actually moving all of the icing around, turn the blender off and make an air pocket down the side of the blender with a spatula to expose the blades. Remove the spatula, replace the lid, and start blending slowly again. You’ll know it’s ready if there are no bits of dates and all you can taste is velvety chocolate goodness. This raw chocolate icing is ready to use as soon as you pour it out of the blender. It’s a great raw vegan icing for cakes, brownies and the like! Iced cakes or brownies should be kept in the refrigerator. # 8



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Green detox juice Recipe by Juice Tonic Spring is here and its a good time to detox. This delicious green juice from Londons Juice Tonic will help you do just that! Ingredients A small bunch of spinach 4 leaves of kale Half a large cucumber Handful of parsley Handful of coriander 1 medium apple Half a lemon 1 inch of ginger Handful of dandelion 5 drops of micronized liquid Zeolite

Juice Tonic is an Organic juice bar in Soho, London serving healthy & delicious cold pressed juices, smoothies, tonic teas, exilirs, pharmacy shots, raw desserts and more!

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CONTRIBUTORS Steven Nicolaides

Caroline Ospalla

Heather Gardner

Editor & Founder of Lúcuma

Raw Food Chef

Raw food chef, naturopath & hedgerow herbalist

Steven is the founder and designer of Lúcuma. He has a background in music and design.

I have always had an interest in Vegan and Vegetarian food. And much to my family’s dismay became Vegetarian at 12--- What??? No chicken soup?!?!?! I grew up in Israel where agriculture is incredible and the fruit and veg Is amazing and had exotic fruit and olive trees in the garden. I discovered raw food through my friend and mentor John Bayley of Cashew catering. My work is primarily catering parties. Yoga studios, retreat centres, private dinner parties and Shazzie’s recent raw food experience. I was fortunate enough to help run a vegan workshop in Morocco in January. And regularly run beginners workshops in Sussex, mostly private but also for groups on low incomes. I like to make my services accessible to all and operate a fair trade policy. I have recently launched a raw pizza take away in Sussex which i am very passionate about. I feel very fortunate every day that i get to do what i love!!!! I have also trained as a naturopathic nutritionist and enjoy some unconventional naturopathic techniques- and will talk about them at any given opportunity! I’m all about the cellular awakening!

A lifelong 3rd-generation vegetarian, Heather Gardner is a passionate teacher of plant-based, conscious living. Her mission is to educate people on how to let plants love them back to loveliness. Her extensive knowledge of plant-based living is rooted in her homesteading upbringing on a wild Irish mountainside, where her herbalist mother taught her about herbs, wild foods and plant cuisine. Today, with over 20 years of study and work to her name, Heather is a naturopathic nutritionist, hedgerow herbalist, forager, yoga instructor and natural beauty educator, as well as a raw food chef and teacher. Heather has 10 years experience working in the natural health industry throughout the U.K. & Ireland as an expert in natural remedies and beauty products, decades working as a plant food chef, and has collaborated with some of the world’s leading health pioneers.

Disillusioned with the conventional way of life he desired to unplug from the illusion and gain more freedoms on every level. Spirituality, creating, veganism and mindfulness has been his passion since the turn of the millennium. He is a natural creative able to communicate ideas and concepts through a variety of media. He started New Gaia Designs in 2008 which offers design for eco-friendly/ethical companies. He loves spending time in nature, guitars, drums, chanting, meditating, travelling, flowers and nice scents. My Photography: fizzyimages My Design: Facebook


# 4 8 wildedibleshealingherbs/ Twitter: @TheRawTeacher

Malcolm Horton

Vienda Maria

Juice Tonic


Lifestyle Coach & Writer

Organic cold pressed juice bar

Born in Birmingham, England on 7th April 1949 Malcolm has been a professional artist since leaving school. His art has appeared internationally as posters, prints, cards, jigsaws, plates and many other formats.

Vienda is a lifestyle coach who guides smart, creative professionals and entrepreneurs through strategically using their intuition and inner guidance to make real and lasting changes in their lives, for more freedom, more fun, more ease, more fulfilment and more happiness.

Juice Tonic, a place where you can find useful information on how to achieve perfect health. The tastiest juices you’ve ever had, and the most potent natural supplements on the market today. We can’t wait to see you. We’re in Soho, in the heart of London!

Vienda holds a Bachelor degree in Psychology and her training includes Level 1 Reiki, Diploma in Coaching and Counseling, and completion of several business and marketing courses.

Malcolm was a friend of rock band Black Sabbath and spent four ‘crazy years’ with the band in the early 1970s, touring, at the recording studios and of course mad parties! He received a number of commissions from stars including a mural in the house of John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) and paintings for Alvin Lee (Ten Years After) , Ian Paice (Deep Purple and later Whitesnake), Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath) and George Harrison (The Beatles). In the late seventies he moved to Devon to be closer to the ocean. “Nature and the environment and especially dolphins and whales began to feature heavily in my work. I became interested in whales because they are the largest creatures upon this planet and yet a perfect example of grace and harmony in their environment and dolphins for their wonderful playful spirit”

Facebook Twitter

Her published works include co-authoring Love & Oneness from the Adventures in Manifesting series, and the eBooks; The Gypset Recipe Book; and Build Your Own Business Blog. Vienda works with clients internationally and can most often be found on the coasts of California, Australia or in the UK. Social Media Links: Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest Facebook # 8



Rich Havardi

Elizabeth Montgomery

Founder of Nama foods restaurant & Bliss Bites & Detox

Founder of Nama foods restaurant & the Raw Foods Company

Holistic Nutritional Therapist

Irene started her journey into raw food in her search for better health, more energy and ideal weight. Delighted that she found it, she has since then dedicated her life to help others to embark on the same fulfilling path trying to bring raw food and its benefits to mainstream knowledge showing how exciting raw dishes can be using your creativity and imagination.

Rich Havardi has always had a passion for food and nutrition and is a firm believer in the value of a healthy diet for body, mind and spirit.

Elizabeth has been studying and exploring: nutrition, eastern medicine, astrology and medicine way teachings since her teens while growing up in Seattle, Washington.

In the last few years, he has been bringing more raw foods and superfoods into his diet and has experienced massive benefits to his health since following this path. “My energy levels have dramatically improved, I feel more focused and balanced, my skin feels radiant, I don’t suffer from any digestive problems and can’t remember when I last got sick. By focusing on a path of improving my nutrition, wonderful synchronicities have enriched my life to help me fulfil my dreams.”

She has a background in working in the performance arts and transitioned into the healing arts in the late 1990s. She passionately believes in the healing power of nature and works holistically with her clients to empower them so they may tap into their bodies own innate healing ability. She is fully qualified as a Nutritional Therapist, dance and exercise to music instructor. She has also trained for several years in energy medicine and The Medicine Way healing practices of the indigenous people of the Americas.

Founder of Bliss Bites, a raw chocolate, cakes, nut cheese and kale crisps online business and Bliss Detox, Irene spends her days working in her West London kitchen, producing the healthy raw treats for business Bliss Bites, developing exciting new recipes and making bespoke juices for her detox clients. Irene also runs health related events in the UK and Spain, caters for meetings, dinner parties, conferences and retreats in Europe and runs raw food and chocolate workshops to encourage and inspire more people to embrace the raw lifestyle. Irene believes that raw foods are not only a way to become healthier but also to use your imagination and nurture your spirit. Irene is founder and chef at Nama foods in Notting Hill, London, England. 124

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After 9 months, as the raw food chef at ‘Down to Earth’, a vegetarian cafe in Kensington, he has now opened Nama, a raw food bar situated in Noting Hill, West London. At Nama you can buy artisan raw food dishes, attend workshops and enjoy juice/ food-cleansing programs. Nama also offers bespoke raw catering for events and retreats in addition to providing a delivery service.

She currently lives in London, England where she offers one to one consultations, lectures, magazine articles and international workshops. She is also an environmental activist, dancer, globe trotter, and loves music and taking long hikes in nature. See more about Elizabeth’s works at:

Den Poitras


Dina Gitziou

Writer, Artist and Musician

The Rawtarian - Raw Food Chef

Artist & Raw Food Chef

Den was born and raised in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. “In 1969 I stumbled upon all kinds of interesting information regarding longevity, fasting, physical & spiritual regeneration, ancient matriarchal cultures, and women’s mysteries---one of them being parthenogenesis or miraculous conception and birth. I am probably the most radical male-feminist on the planet”.

Laura-Jane The Rawtarian is a leading creator of simple, satisfying raw food recipes. She is the host of The Raw Food Podcast and the author of The Rawtarian’s “Raw Food Favorites.” She lives in a renovated farmhouse in rural Canada. She shares 100+ free simple, satiating raw food recipes at

I consider my self gifted with the ability to bring the wind of change to my life and the life’s of others around me.

I ended up pursuing music and art and got to meet and play with many talented eccentric musicians. I love re-inventing musical instruments; including turning the 4-string dulcimer into a versatile 20-string electric/acoustic instrument; developing the washtub bass into a very accurate instrument with terrific tone; electrifying the berimbau (a one-string instrument from Brazil that looks like a bow & arrow). My Music: Facebook Parthenogenisis article

Raised in a family of musicians, I studied Sculpture at the University of Athens and Middlesex University in London. In 2006 I had some extraordinary experiences that transformed my life and sped up my awakening. I studied Meditation, Self Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and did extensive research regarding mind body connection and influence. Diet and the use of food as a healing and transformation tool played a big part in my life for the last 7 years. From 2010 until late 2012 I worked on the project ‘’ Open and Closed systems in contemporary Sculpture’’. I am currently writing the Book KIDS HEALTHY LUNCH -BOXES, a recipe book for conscious parents with an intersection twist. (where different fields meet) I mainly work with commissions and my sculptures are in private collections and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Salonica.

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