Lucy Cavendish welcomes new members to the Fellowship
Dr Astrid Gall publishes in Virus Evolution on recombination in HIV
Following the recent Governing Body meeting on 4 December 2019, Lucy Cavendish College was delighted to announce key appointments to its Fellowship. The new Fellows are strongly committed to the new direction of the College and its exciting plans to change its admissions criteria to include men and women from the standard university age. The new admissions policy reflects a clear commitment to widening participation and will come into effect from October 2021. The new Fellows will further address the College’s academic and skills needs, and pave the way for closer collaborations and stronger networking with specific entities in the University. As well as strengthening the College’s teaching, the Fellows will take up vital committee roles, drive fund-raising initiatives and contribute to the optimisation of the two co-curriculum strands (academic skills and employability). The new cohort also brings with them their strong links with enterprise and social innovation within the eco-system in Cambridge.
Astrid’s paper is titled ‘Pervasive and non-random recombination in near full-length HIV genomes from Uganda’. Recombination is an important feature of HIV evolution, occurring both within and between the major branches of diversity (subtypes). The Ugandan epidemic is primarily composed of two subtypes, A1 and D, that have been co-circulating for 50 years, frequently recombining in dually infected patients. In this paper the team investigate the frequency of recombinants in this population and the location of breakpoints along the genome.
Dr Isobel Maddison publishes in the Cambridge Companion to British Literature of 1930s Lucy Cavendish Fellow and English Director of studies Dr Isobel Maddison published a chapter titled ‘The Popular and the Middlebrow’ in the Cambridge Companion to British Literature of 1930s. This book offers the reader an incisive survey covering the decade’s literature and its status in critical debates. Across the chapters, sustained attention is given to writers of growing scholarly interest, to pivotal authors of the period, such as Auden, Orwell, and Woolf, to the development of key literary forms and themes, and to the relationship between this literature and the decade’s pressing social and political contexts. Through this, the reader will gain new insight into 1930s literary history, and an understanding of many of the critical debates that have marked the study of this unique literary era.
Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger receives the Weeramantry International Justice Award Marie-Claire received the 2020 International Justice Award for her outstanding legal scholarship and teaching, and for her leadership of international foundations, councils and networks including the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), the Climate Law and Governance Initiative with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Biodiversity Law and Governance Initiative with the Convention on Biological Diversity and UN-Environment. The award recognises Prof. Cordonier Segger for her efforts to advance justice, human rights, protection of nature and the interests of future generations.
Dr Neil Stott promoted at Cambridge Judge Business School The Judge Business School recently announced that Dr Neil Stott has been promoted to Faculty (Professor level) in Management Practice, at Cambridge Judge Business School. Neil has also been appointed Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Business Administration, Memorial University of Newfoundland. He will continue to be co-director of the Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation, the Programme Director for the MSt in Social Innovation and is a Fellow and Director of Studies in Management Studies at Lucy Cavendish College. Neil said: “It is amazing to be recognised for my practice, teaching and scholarship in social innovation. I hope to contribute further to Lucy Cavendish’s role in making social change and kindle the social innovation spark in our students.”